Report No. 2536-CO Listof Projectsfor FILL ExternalFinancing 1 979-1 982 Colombia Public Disclosure Authorized June1,1979 Latin America and the CaribbeanRegional Office FOR OFFICIAL USEONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Docurnent of the World Bank This documenthas a restricteddistribution and may be usedby recipients only in the performanceof their official duties.Its contentsmay not otherwise be disclosedwithout World Rankauthorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Currency Unit: Peso Exchange Rate Effective April 30, 1979 US$1.00 = Col$42.430 Col$1.00 = US$0.02357 Average Exchange Rate (Buying) 1975 1976 1977 1978 US$1.00 = Col$31.202 Col$34.976 Col$36.998 Col$39.323 Col$1.00 = US$0.03205 US$0.02859 US$0.02703 US$0.02543 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONSULTATIVE GROUP FOR COLOMBIA:PROJECT LIST INDEX Table Abbreviations Used Introduction Summary of 1979-1982 Project List, 1 Total Costs and External Financing by Sector External Loans Signed in 1978 2 - 9 List of Projects deleted from 10 Previous Project List 1979 - 1982 Project List: Power 11 Transportation 12 Water Supply and Sewerage 13 Education 14 Nutrition and Health 15 Agriculture 16 Industry and Mining 17 Communications 18 Urban and Regional Development 19 Preinvestment Studies 20 Page Individual Project Descriptions Power 1 Transportation 34 Water Supply and Sewerage 63 Education 75 Nutrition and Health 81 Agriculture 84 Industry and Mining 108 Communicat ions 120 Urban and Regional Development 135 Preinvestment Studies 141 List of Technical Assistance Projects 144 Individual Technical Assistance 145-159 Project Descriptions This document has a restricteddistribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their officialduties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. ABBREVIATIONS USED CAVECINALES Fondo Nacional de Caminos Vecinales CAF Corporaci6n Andina de Fomento CARBOCOL Carbones de Colombia CFP Corporaci6n Financiera Popular CIDA Canadian International Development Agency COLPUERTOS Puertos de Colombia CORELCA Corporacion Electrica de la Costa Atlantica CVC Corporaci6n Aut6noma Regional del Valle del Cauca DAAC Departamento Administrativo de Aeronautica Civil DAINCO Departamento Aditginistrativode Intendencias y Comisarias ECOMINAS Empresa Colombiana de Minas ECONIQUEL Empresa Colombiana de Niquel Ltda. ECOPETROL Empresa Colombiana de Petroleos EDIS Empresa Distrital de Servicios (Bogota) EAAB Empresa de Acueductos y Alcantarillado de Bogota EEEB Empresa de Energia Electrica de Bogota ELECTRIBOL Electrificadora de Bolivar EMCALI Empresas Municipales de Cali EMTB Empresas Municipales de Telefonos de Bucaramanga EPM Empresas Pdblicas de Medellin ETB Empresa de Telefonos de Bogota FAN Fondo Aeron4utico Civil FNC Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Colombia FONADE Fondo Nacional de Proyectos de Desarrollo HIMAT Instituto Colombiano de Hidrologia y Metereologia ICEL Instituto Colombiano de Energia Eldctrica ICFES Instituto Colombiano de Educaci6n Superior ICT Instituto de Credito Territorial IDB Interamerican Development Bank IFI Instituto de Fomento Industrial INCORA Instituto Colombiano de la Reforma Agraria INDERENA Instituto de Desarrollo de los Recursos Naturales Renovables INRAVISION Instituto Nacional de Radio y Televisi6n INSFOPAL Instituto de Fomento Municipal ISA Interconexi6n Electrica S.A. KFW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau MOPT Ministerio de Obras Ptblicas y Transporte NPD National Planning Department/ Departamento Nacional de Planeaci6n SENA Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje TELECOM Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones ZFIC Zona Franca Industrial y Comercial de Cartagena INTRODUCTION 1. This document contains: a list of external loans signed in 1978; a list of projects for 1979 originallyincluded in, but subsequentlydeleted from, the 1977-79 Project List (World Bank Report Number 1591-CO); a list of projects for which the Colombian Governmentwill seek external financing in the years 1979-82 (in the form of summary tables and in detailed project- by-project descriptions);and a list of technical assistanceprojects which refer either to the preparationor support of investmentsincluded in the Project List. 2. Both the investment and technical assistance projects presented here were identified and elaboratedby the Colombian Government, and support its developmentpriorities. While the Government hopes to begin executing all of these projects during the 1979-1982 period, it is quite likely that some scheduleswill change as a result of either cancellationor postponement of projects. Past experience shows that such changes may be substantial, although it is not possible to identify which project shcedules might change. 3. The compositionof the List of investment projects and the related List of technicalassistance projects reflects the emphasis which the Colombian Government has accorded to infrastructuredevelopment, particularly electric power and transportation,to social developmentand to the growth of agricul- tural, industrialand mining production., 4. The electric power sector accounts for some US$2.2 billion (38%) out of a total of US$5.9 billion of external project financing included in the List. Taking account of the projects already being executed and assuming that these and others included in the present List were executied on schedule, eleven new generationprojects would be completedand work on another twelve would be started in the period 1979-82. Transmissionand rural electrification would also receive major impetus. 5. Transport infrastructureranks second to electric power in terms of pro- posed committmentsfor external financing; the List contains 24 transportation projects with total external financing requirementsof nearly US$1.2 billion over four years, 20% of the total. Basic objectiveswould be to promote physical integrationbetween regions and markets and to facilitate communications with neighbouringcountries. The several highway projects include some new roads (such as that through the Darien Gap), a rehabilitationprogram for paved roads, a paving program for high density routes and an extensive research program. The railway system would benefit from new investments,navigation on the Magdalena River would be improved, as would the major ports, and urban transportationwould be developed in Bogota and Medellin. The List also includes telecommunicationprojects totaling US$280 million in external financing. - ii - 6. While such projects are seen by the Government as essential in order to provide the basic infrastructureframework for acceleratedeconomic growth, others are designed to raise productivityand to bring immediate improvementsin the living conditions of both rural and urban populations. Prominant among these are the projects to increase agriculturalproductivity and raise rural incomes (23 projects, US$671 million in external financing); those to raise industrial and mining output (11 projects, US$953 million in external financing);those to improve water supply and sanitation facilities (10 projects, US$285 million in external financing);those to develop urban areas (five projects, US$138 million in external financing); and projects in education,nutrition and health (seven projects, US$134 million in external financing). 7. Table 1, which follows, provides a summary of the basic information on total investment costs and external financingby sector for the period 1979-82. TABLE 1 1979 - 1982 Project List, Summary of Total Costs and External Financing Requested by Sector (in US$ million) 1979 1980 1981 1982 Total Total External Total External Total External Total External Total External Sector Cost Financing Cost Financing Cost Financing Cost Financing Cost (X Financing -7) I. Power 1624.7 899.3 2564.0 780.4 1385.3 341.0 3.0 221.5 5577.0 (40.0) 2242.2 (37.9) II. Transportation 525.4 275.9 390.6 264.8 1650.9 522.8 166.6 108.3 2733.5 (19.7) 1171.8 (19.8) III. Water Supply and 295.0 156.7 24.2 18.8 267.0 109.0 - - 586.2 ( 4.2) 284.5 ( 4.8) Sewerage IV. Education 38.5 29.2 156.8 67.6 - - _ _ 195.3 ( 1.4) 96.8 ( 1.6) V. Nutrition and Health - - - - 71,8 37.7 - - 71.8 ( 0.5) 37.7 ( 0.6) VI. Agriculture and Rural 521.4 159.1 622.7 290.5 112.0 55.0 339.5 165.9 1595.6 (11.5) 670.5 (11.4) Development VII. Industry and Mining 518.0 310.0 627.9 230.0 1070.0 240.0 90.0 173.0 2305.9 (16.6) 953.0 (16.1) VIII. Communications 87.8 47.3 205.7 118.1 200.0 114.8 - - 493.5 ( 3.6) 280.2 ( 4.8) IX. Urban and Regional 34.9 13.2 160.0 80.0 90O0 45.0 - - 284.9 ( 2.0) 138.2 ( 2.3) Development X. Preinvestment Studies 33.0 20.0 - - - - 40.0 20.0 73.0 ( 0.5) 40.0 ( 0.7) T 0 T A L 3678.7 1910.7 4751.9 1850.2 4847.0 1465,3 639.1 688.7 13,916.7 (100.0) 5914.9 (100.0) TABLE 2 Consultative Group For Colombia External Loans Signed in 1978 (in US$ million) External Financing by Category External Financing by Source External External A. PROJECTS Financing 7. Source Financing % I. Power 393.14 50.7 Washington based agencies II. Transportation 64.12 8.3 1. World Bank 390.6 50.3 III. Water Supply 13.80 1.8 2. IDB 71.7 9.2 IV. Education - - Sub-Total 462.3 59.5 V. Nutrition and Health 22,11 2.8 Bilateral Agreements VI. Agriculture - - 1. Holland 5.67 0.7 VII. Industry 122.40 15.8 2. German Federal Republic 5.58 0.7 VIII. Communications 33.36 4.3 3. France 2.85 0.4 IX. Urban and Regional 4. Belgium 0.76 0.1 Development 30.47 3.9 Sub-Total 14.86 1.9 X. Preinvestment 1.70 0.2 Suppliers and Banks B. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT 95.31 12.2 1. German Federal Republic 85.42 11.0 2. England 76.47 9.9 TOTAL 776.41 100.0 3. France 50.37 6.5 4. USA 49.73 6.4 5. Sweden 14.08 1,8 6. Japan 7.72 1.0 7. Panama 7.40 1.0 8. Holland 6.28 0.8 9.
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