STRAY THOUGHTS ON THE 71ST ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE DAY PAGE-8,9 (ARTICLE) Vol. V, No. 263, 13th Waning of Nattaw 1380 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Friday, 4 January 2019 Message from the President U Win Myint, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on Commemoration of the 71st Independence Day 4th January 2019 Dear Esteemed Citizens, be independence. Only that system ensures On the auspicious occasion of the 71st peace. Therefore, we must aim to build a Anniversary of the Independence Day of the democratic nation.” He also stated that “In Republic of the Union of Myanmar, I would my opinion, we cannot build a Unitary State, like to extend my warmest greetings to all meant only for one major national race. We national races. must build a federal state, specifying the rights Myanmar, which had existed as an inde- of each national race. pendent and sovereign country throughout the After gaining independence, due to the history, was invaded by the British Colonists in divide-and-rule policy practised by the colo- 1824, 1852 and 1885 and lost its independence nists, trust among ethnic brethren became in November 1885. To regain independence, all thinner and suspicion grew stronger, resulting national races together with the sharp-witted Due to the united effort of all the nation- in different kinds of conflicts among national and patriotic leaders, sacrificed their blood als, Myanmar regained its independence and races. As we have inherited negative conse- and sweat with untiring perseverance and emerged as the sovereign state, the Republic quences, peace and stability of the country has diligence, under the guidance of the national of the Union of Myanmar, on 4th January 1948. deteriorated and our country has been lagged hero, the founding father of Tatmadaw, and The architect of Independence General Aung behind other countries. the architect of independence General Aung San claimed that “... only when the country San, who had both courage and fortitude. practises the democratic system, will there > > > SEE PAGE-3 71st Anniversary Independence Day National Objectives 1. All National Ethnic Races to defend and protect with “collective strength” to ensure Non-disin- tegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the Unity of National Ethnic Races and Perpetuation of National Sovereignty. 2. For the emergence of a Democratic Federal Union, to strive towards creating a suitable Constitution st for the State in accordance with democratic stand- ards. 3. To effectively combat and protect against the use of drugs and narcotic substances which can harm and erode the health and character of all citizens. 71 4. To continuously strive with determined effort for Anniversary the balanced and equitable development of all states and regions. 5. To assist from all fronts the Union Government’s efforts for private sector development and the emergence of a fully-developed market economy. 4 JANUARY 2019 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sitagu Sayadaw Dr. Bhaddanta Nannisara delivers sermon to Buddhist devotees at New Year Dhamma Congregation in People’s Park in Yangon. PHOTO: HLA MOE Over 200,000 people attend third day of New Year Dhamma Congregation in Yangon OVER 200,000 people attend- region ministers and Hluttaw to sermons of the Sayadaws youths. Listening to the ser- si Hospital who was providing ed the third day of New Year representatives. makes the mindset of the peo- mons of the Sayadaws instead health care service donation Dhamma congregation organ- The Yangon Region gov- ple become better. They got to of wasting time would lead them said, “Bahosi Hospital is provid- ized by the Yangon Region Gov- ernment has conducted these know what they didn’t know. I’ve onto the path of being good and ing health care service donation ernment at the People’s Park annual three-day New Year been in attendance since the well-mannered.” to the third day of the New Year yesterday. Dhamma congregations start- New Year Dhamma congrega- Daw Khin Myat Htwe from Dhamma congregation with 8 Sitagu Sayadaw Dr. Bhadd- ing from 2016. tions were started and this is Dagon Myothit (North) Town- doctors and over 40 health care anta Nannisara delivered a ser- Eleven sub-committees the third time. Buddhists could ship spoke of her happiness as personnel. Some devotees who mon titled “Bojjhanga Sutta.” comprising of invitation, trans- not be detached from gather- a Myanmar citizen and a Bud- felt dizzy or had hyper-tension Among the congregation were port, security, health etc. were ings such as these sermons. dhist on holding of the event. came for treatment.” Donors Yangon Region Chief Minister formed for the convenience of As we come of age, we should Religious knowledge are in- were also providing free trans- U Phyo Min Thein and wife, the people attending the event. become more engrossed in re- creased from listening to the portation with taxis and mi- Yangon Region Deputy Speak- U Tin Win from Ahlon ligion. I’m glad to see the par- sermons, she said. ni-buses for the devotees.—Zaw er U Lin Naing Myint, Yangon Township said “Listening ticipation of youngsters and Dr. Hla Htwe from Baho- Gyi, Min Thit (MNA) Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker receives Egyptian Ambassador receives Singapore Ambassador PYIDAUNGSU Hluttaw Depu- gaporean ambassador donated ty Speaker U Tun Tun Hein re- books and documents on Sin- ceived Singapore Ambassador gapore and multimedia support Ms. Vanessa Chan at the Pyithu materials for the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Building in Nay Pyi Taw Hluttaw library to U Tun Tun yesterday afternoon. Hein. During the meeting matters The meeting was attended relating to increasing coopera- by Director General U Kyaw tion and relations between the Soe, Deputy Director General U parliaments and peoples of the Zaw Hein and officials of the Py- two countries were discussed. idaungsu Hluttaw Office. – MNA After the meeting the Sin- (Translated by Zaw Min) Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat meets with Egyptian Ambassador Mr, Khaled Mohamed Abdelrahman Abdelsalam at Pyithu Hluttaw Building in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA PYITHU Hluttaw Speaker U T Hluttaw Building, Nay Pyi Taw Also present at the meeting Khun Myat received Bangkok yesterday morning. were Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy based Egyptian Ambassador During the meeting mat- Speaker U Tun Tun Hein and Mr. Khaled Mohamed Abdel- ters relating to increasing bi- officials from the Pyithu Hlut- Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein meets with rahman Abdelsalam at the Py- lateral relations were discussed taw Office.—MNA Singapore Ambassador Ms. Vanessa Chan at Pyidaungsu Hluttaw ithu Hluttaw guest hall, Pyithu and views exchanged. (Translated by Zaw Min) Building in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA 4 JANUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 “Let us strive collectively to create such a nation as was envisaged by the architects of our independence: a nation practicing pure principles that guarantee justice and freedom, and equal rights that enable all our people to live in peace.” (Excerpt from the speech by State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at the nd st Phan Khon game, a Myanmar traditional game. 2 Anniversary of the Government on 1 April, 2018.) PHOTO: KYI MYO THET Message from the President U Win Myint, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on Commemoration of the 71st Independence Day 4th January 2019 FROM PAGE-1 reconciliation and peace. The third 21st Thus, I would like to urge all the Federal Union Century Panglong Conference has suc- national people to work in unity for the • To effectively prohibit the drug abus- Taking lessons from those negative cessfully been convened and agreements realization of the following five national es that can harm the health and experiences in history, all the national on democratic practices and federal prin- objectives of the 71st Anniversary of the morality of the nationals citizens must strive for non-disintegra- ciples have been reached. A peaceful and Independence Day, with commitment to • To ensure the well-balanced devel- tion of the Union, non-disintegration of prosperous democratic federal union will build a democratic federal union where- opment of states and regions the national unity and perpetuation of surely be built through mutual trust and by all national people can enjoy justice, • To support the government’s en- sovereignty with the collaborative ef- cooperation and by strengthening the na- freedom, equal rights and self-determi- deavour for the development of the fort of all the national brethren, so that tional unity and national reconciliation. nation. proper market-oriented economic our country would eternally stand as a The main ingredient required for the system and the development of the proud, peaceful and prosperous Union success of peace process and building • To protect our nation with the ‘united private sector in the world. a democratic federal union is trust. All effort’ for the non-disintegration of I would like to urge all the national Now is the time when all the national the national brethren must cooperate in the Union, non-disintegration of the people to strive with good will for the citizens are trying to build a Democratic finding solutions, having complete trust national unity and perpetuation of building of a democratic federal union; Federal Union envisioned by General among them. With the everlasting soli- sovereignty for peace, prosperity and modernization Aung San, the architect of independence darity of all the national races, we must • To strive for the emergence of a of the union; and for everyone to enjoy and other patriotic leaders, under the strive together for the emergence of a constitution that is suitable for the the fruits of Democracy regardless of the leadership of the government.
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