North Area Committee 4th February 2010 Application 09/02484/FUL & 09/02485/CAC Numbers: Decision Due by: 3rd March 2010 Proposal: 09/02484/FUL -Retention and refurbishment of facade to 123-125 Walton Street along with erection of 3-storey rear extension plus basement. Erection of 3-storey building including basement and part roof storey to replace 126-127 Walton Street and 32-32a Little Clarendon Street. Provision of 36 Student rooms and shared facilities across the upper floors. Provision of 3 new shop fronts to 123-125 Walton Street and provision of replacement retail units on ground floor to 126-127 Walton Street and 32-32a Little Clarendon Street. 09/02485/CAC-Demolition of 126-127 Walton Street and 32- 32a Little Clarendon Street. Part Demolition to the rear of 123-125 Walton Street. Site Address: 123 To 127 Walton Street And 32 And 32A Little Clarendon Street. (Appendix 1) Ward: North Ward Agent: Kemp And Kemp Property Applicant: Shirehall Properties Ltd Consultants Recommendation: i) North Area Committee are recommended to refuse both the applications for Planning Permission and Conservation Area Consent, for the following reasons: 09/02485/CAC. 1. 123 -125 and 127 Walton Street ,on a prominent corner site, serve as a reminder of the development of this suburb and through their qualities of age, form, style, materials and detailing individually and as a part of a group make a positive contribution to the special interest of the conservation area. Their loss would adversely affect the character and appearance of the conservation area contrary to national advice, and guidance in PPG15 . 2. Taking into account the contribution these buildings make to the character and appearance of the conservation area and having regard to the condition of the building and the merits of alternative proposals for the site the Council REPORT considers that demolition is not justified and the proposal is contrary to National advice and guidance in PPG15. 09/02484/FUL 1. The proposed building would result in the loss of existing buildings that contribute to the character and appearance of the conservation area and because of its scale, height , form, external appearance and use of materials and relationship to nearby properties would harm the character and appearance of the conservation area. As such the proposal would be contrary to policies CP1, CP7, CP8 and HE7 Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016. 2. The development proposes the loss of residential accommodation which would be contrary to Policy HS10 of the adopted Oxford Local Plan 2001- 2016. Main Local Plan Policies: Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 CP1 - Development Proposals CP2 - Planning Obligations CP3 - Limiting the Need to Travel CP5 - Mixed-Use Developments CP6 - Efficient Use of Land & Density CP7 - Urban Design CP8 - Design Develpmt to Relate to its Context CP9 - Creating Successful New Places CP10 - Siting Develpmnt to Meet Functionl Needs CP11 - Landscape Design CP12 - Designing out Crime CP13 - Accessibility CP15 - Energy Efficiency TR3 - Car Parking Standards TR4 - Pedestrian & Cycle Facilities NE10 - Sustainable Drainage NE14 - Water and Sewerage Infrastructure NE15 - Loss of Trees and Hedgerows HE2 - Archaeology HE7 - Conservation Areas HS14 - Speculative Student Accommodation HS19 - Privacy & Amenity HS20 - Local Residential Environment RC6 - Street Specific Controls RC13 - Shop Fronts Core Strategy – Proposed Changes CSP18 - Infrastructure & Developer contributions REPORT CSP14 - Supporting access to new development CSP32 - Retail CSP19 - Urban design townscape char & hist env CSP20 - Community safety CSP10 - Energy & natural resources CSP24 - Mix of housing CSP26 - Student accommodation Other Material Considerations: This application is in or affecting the Central Conservation Area. Planning Policy Guidance Note 15: Planning and the Historic Environment Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development Relevant Site History: 123 Walton Street. 50/01024/A_H-Alterations (Approved). 70/23002/A_H-Change of use from poodle parlour to coffee house (Approved) 72/25342/A_H-New shop front (Approved) 124 Walton Street. 63/14103/A_H-Alterations (Approved) 64/14931/A_H-Change of use of 1st and 2nd floors from residential to offices (Refused). 68/20325/A_H-Alterations to existing shop front (Refused) 74/00560/A_H-Change of use of ground floor from opticians to restaurant and alterations on first floor to provide cloakroom and kitchen (Refused) 74/00578/A_H-Change of use from opticians on the ground floor to retail use (Approved). 74/01159/A_H-Alterations to existing shop front (Approved) 83/00439/NFH-Change of use of ground floor and basement from retail shop to restaurant including new shop front. New stairs to rear basement and single storey and external flue. (Approved). 87/01030/VH-Change of use of ground floor & basement to restaurant without compliance with condition 3(a) & (b) of NFH/439/83 (restricting the use to the proprietor Mr F. Lee while in residence & to revert to retail use otherwise. (Approved). 90/00399/NFH-Single Storey rear extension (Approved). 125 Walton Street. 60/08949/A_H-Change of use of 1st and 2nd floor from residential to a showroom and offices (Approved). 61/10384/A_H -New shop front (Approved). 126 Walton Street. No planning history records available. 127 Walton Street. 60/09300/A_H-Extension to lavatory at the rear. (Approved) 60/09136/A_H-Change of use from shop and showrooms to launderette to offices REPORT with storage accommodation. (Approved) 78/00392/A_H-Change of use from launderette to restaurant. (Approved) 78/00926/A_H-Change of use of ground floor from launderette to retail shop (Approved). 82/00726/NFH-New shop window fronting Little Clarendon Street (Approved) 32 Little Clarendon Street. 58/06604/A_H- Demolition and rebuilding to provide three shops and form flats over (28-32 Walton Street) (Approved). 69/20809/A_H-Demolition of 4 shops and erection of new building including 3 shops, 2 floors of office accommodation and 4 flats (28-32 Walton Street) (Approved). Representations Received: Thirty–two letters of representation have been received from the occupiers of the following addresses: 6 Linton Road; 8 (x2), 12, 14, 32 and 45 Richmond Road; Wynniatts Cottage, Worcester; 4, 5, 6 & 7 Walton Crescent; 17 Chalfont Road; 11 St Bernard’s Road; 12 Bath Street; Worcester College; 7 Montague Road; 27 Little Clarendon Street; 22 & 33 Walton Street; 93 Kingston Road; 28 Walton Lane; 27 Hart Street; 298 Westbourne Park, London; 50 Bowstoke Road, Birmingham; 31 Little Clarendon Street; 98 Marks Road, Romford, Essex; 63 Observatory Street; 3 Walton Manor Court, Adelaide Street; 34, 57 and 63 Plantation Road; 66 Blythe Vale, London; Raising the following comments, objections and concerns: • Object to the demolition of this mellow and characterful building, which is integral part of this historic area. Façade should be retained • Insufficient regard given to the historical and aesthetic quality of the area/ Application fails to address the possibilities of the site • Council should have a policy of discouraging University encroachments in this area. • Corner site has been deliberately allowed to crumble for many years presumably with future development of the site in mind. Building has been left empty since 1987. A mere fraction of the total redevelopment costs would restore the existing buildings/refurbishment would be more in keeping with the ambience of the area. • Design of new building is poor and heavy. • Overdevelopment and density which is compatible with the scale of Walton Street. • Concerns about noise, pollution and continuity of access during demolition and rebuilding operations. • Concern regarding increase in number of residents on the site, increase in traffic and demand for parking permits. • Additional 36 student rooms is totally unacceptable-the area is already overpopulated with students. Concern that the accommodation is not provided or maintained by a particular college. • Bringing corner plot back to use is welcomed, however feel that the proposed new building is not in keeping with it neighbours. • Support for the application in principle, however raise concern about the REPORT potential continuous blocking of restricted parking spaces in Little Clarendon Street by contractors, suppliers and other vehicles involved in the work of redevelopment. • No objection to the conversion that has been proposed providing it doesn’t change the character of Jericho. • No objections raised but concern expressed regarding the proposed access way through to the existing yard where the occupiers of 31 Little Clarendon Street have an allocated parking space immediately to the rear and also to the proposed parking bays. Further details on the gates and number of parking bays are requested. Statutory, Internal and other Consultees: Oxfordshire County Council- comment that the development if implemented would impact upon County Services and Infrastructure. The County Council will accordingly wish to secure a legal agreement for appropriate financial contributions towards measures to mitigate the effects of this development before any planning permission is granted. The contributions required are as follows: • £ 1,260 towards Oxford City’s library infrastructure and bookstock. • £100 for the purposes of administration and monitoring Fire and Rescue ask that adequate provision be made for fire hydrants although the exact numbers and locations cannot be given until detailed plans showing the highway and the water main size and layout are provided.
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