PART FOUR Directories and Lists -JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS -THE UNITED STATES1 ACADEMIC COUNCIL FOR THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY (1941). Pres. Salo W. Baron; Sec. Isaac Mendelsohn, 1140 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. C, 27. Purpose: To promote the work of the University and develop cooperation with academic circles in North America. ACHDUT HAAVODAH, see United Labor Zionist Party AGRO-JOINT, see American Jewish Joint Agricultural Corporation AGUDAS ISRAEL OF AMERICA, INC. (1912). Pres. Elijah M. Bloch; Exec. Dir. Michael G. Tress, 1123 Broadway, N. Y. C, 10. Purpose: To help maintain the spiritual life of all Orthodox Jews. Publication: Orthodox Tribune. AGUDAS ISRAEL, NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PIRCHEI (1930). Pres. B. Ulman; Chm. Exec. Bd. Jack Goldstein, 113 W. 42 St., N. Y. C., 18. Purpose: To unite Jewish youth and educate them to their responsibility to the Jewish nation according to the tenets of the Torah. Publication: Our Outlook. AGUDAS ISRAEL WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION (1941). Pres. Mrs. Preil; Sec. Mrs. N. D. Herman, 1123 Broadway, N. Y. C, 10. Purpose: To assist refugee children in Palestine and to help maintain the spiritual life of Orthodox Jews all over the world. AGUDAS ISRAEL WORLD ORGANIZATION (1912). Pres. Jacob Rosenheim; Sec. Mrs. Lipschnitz, 2521 Broadway, N. Y. C. Purpose: International organization of the Jewish people on orthodox principles. Publications: Orthodox Tribune; Jewish Voice. 1 This directory includes all national Jewish organizations in existence for at least one year prior to June 1, 1948 which replied to the editors' questionnaire. The information here given was furnished by the organi- zations themselves and the editors assume no responsibility for the accuracy of the data presented. Nor does inclusion in this list imply approval of the organizations by the editors or publishers.—ED. 549 550 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK AGUDAS ISRAEL YOUTH COUNCIL OF AMERICA (1922). Pres. Michael G. Tress; Exec. Dir. Morris Sherer, 113 W. 42 St., N. Y. C, 18. Purpose: To unite Jewish youth in the spirit of the Torah and in that spirit to solve the problems that confront Jewry. Publications: Orthodox Tribune; Darkeinu. ALEXANDER KOHUT MEMORIAL FOUNDATION (1915). Pres. Alexander Marx; Sec. Shalom Spiegel, 3080 Broadway, N. Y. C, 27. Purpose: To publish works mainly in the field of Jewish grammar, lexicography and archeology. ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE, AMERICAN FRIENDS OF (1946). Pres. Alan M. Stroock; Sec. Haim Toledano, 2061 Broadway, N. Y. C, 23. Purpose: To serve as liaison between the Jews in America and the Alliance Israelite. ALPHA EPSILON PHI WOMEN'S FRATERNITY (1909). Natl. Dean Mrs. Arthur L. Bergmann; Natl. Scribe Mrs. Stanley L. Baach, 185 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 1, 111. Publication: Columns oj Alpha Epsilon Phi. ALPHA EPSILON PI FRATERNITY (1913). Pres. Louis V. Heller; Exec. Sec. George S. Toll, 4 N. 8 St., St. Louis 1, Mo. Publications: Exoteric, a quarterly; Esoteric, a newsletter. ALPHA OMEGA FRATERNITY (1907). Pres. A. A. Albert; Sec. Bernard E. Gruber, 147 W. 42 St., N. Y. C, 18. Purpose: Fraternal; dental. Publication: Scope. ALPHA ZETA OMEGA (1919). Supreme Signare Henry Agin, 9208 Yale St., Cleveland, O. Purpose: Fraternal; pharmacy. Publication: Azoan. AMEIC, see American Eretz Israel Corporation AMERICAN ACADEMY FOR JEWISH RESEARCH (1920; inc. 1929). Pres. Alexander Marx; Corr. Sec. A. S. Halkin, 3080 Broadway, N. Y. C, 27. Purpose: To encourage research by aiding scholars in need and by giving grants for the publication of scholarly works. Publication: Proceedings. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EDUCATION (1939). Pres. Michael A. Stavitsky; Exec. Dir. Israel S. Chipkin, 1776 Broadway, N. Y. C, 19. Purpose: To co-ordinate, guide and service Jewish education through research and information. Publication: Jewish Education News Letter. AMERICAN BETH JACOB COMMITTEE, INC. (1928). Chm. Leo Jung; Exec. Dir. Meier Schenkolewski, 55 W. 42 St., N. Y. C, 18. Purpose: To aid the Beth Jacob Schools, which provide vocational, religious and academic training for Jewish girls in Europe and Pales- tine. JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 551 AMERICAN BIBLICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA SOCIETY, INC. (1939). Pres. George Frankenthaler; Sec. William Mazer, 252 W. 85 St., N. Y. C. Purpose: To spread knowledge and inspire love of the Bible; to collate and publish Torah Shelemah, a biblical encyclopedia. AMERICAN BIROBIDJAN COMMITTEE (AMBIJAN) (1935). Exec. V. P. J. M. Budish; Exec. Sec. A. Jenofsky, 103 Park Ave., N. Y. C, 17. Purpose: To help settle Jewish victims of fascism in Birobidjan, U. S. S. R. Publications: Ambijan Bulletin; Nailebn. AMERICAN COMMITTEE OF JEWISH WRITERS, ARTISTS AND SCIENTISTS, INC. (1941). Pres. B. Z. Goldberg; Chm. Joseph Brainin, 119 W. 57 St., N. Y. C, 19. Purpose: To further Jewish anti-Fascist unity. Publication: Ainikeit; Resistance. AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM, INC. (1942). Pres. Lessing J. Rosen- wald; Exec. Dir. Elmer Berger, 201 E. 57 St., N. Y. C, 22. Purpose: To affirm that Jews can participate fully in the life of their respective countries only by regarding themselves as nationals of those countries and as Jews in religion alone. Publication: Council News. AMERICAN ECONOMIC COMMITTEE FOR PALESTINE (1932). Pres. Sidney Musher; Sec. Edna Preiser, 250 W. 57 St., N. Y. C, 19. Purpose: To help develop the economy of Palestine and provide employ- ment opportunities for immigrants. AMERICAN ERETZ ISRAEL CORPORATION (1944). Pres. Joseph M. Mazer; Exec. Dir. Chaim C. Belilowsky, 130 W. 42 St., N. Y. C, 18. Purpose: To further trade between the United States and Palestine and to assist in economic development of Palestine. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF JEWS FROM CENTRAL EUROPE, INC. (1941). Pres. Nathan Stein; Exec. V. P. Herman Muller, 1674 Broadway, N. Y. C, 19. Purpose: To aid Central European Jews who immigrate to the United States or require rehabilitation in Europe. AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY, INC. (1925). Pres. Dr. I. S. Wechsler; Dir. Leo W. Schwarz, 9 E. 89 St., N. Y. C, 28. Purpose: To support and develop the University. Publication: News Bulletin on the Hebrew University. AMERICAN HUNGARIAN JEWISH FEDERATION (1944). Co-Pres. Jacob Hoffman and Emanuel Pollak, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. C, 7. Purpose: To aid surviving Jews in Old Hungary. AMERICAN JEWISH CONFERENCE (1943). Exec. Sec. I. L. Kenen, 521 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C, 17. Purpose: To secure rights, status and justice for European Jews in the post-war world and to safeguard and fulfill the rights of the Jewish people with respect to Palestine. Publication: The Bulletin. 552 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). Pres. Joseph M. Proskauer; Exec. V. P. John Slawson, 386 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C-, 16. Purpose: To prevent infraction of the civil and religious rights of Jews in any part of the world; to render assistance and take remedial action where necessary. Publications: Commentary; Committee Reporter. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE, see also Joint Defense Appeal AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (constituted, 1917; re-constituted, 1922; re-org., 1938). Pres. Stephen S. Wise; Exec. Dir. David Petegorsky, 1834 Broadway, N. Y. C, 23. Purpose: To protect the rights of Jews all over the world, protect and extend democratic principles and further the development of the Jewish state in Palestine. Publication: Congress Weekly, Congress Record. AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS, WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). Pres. Justine Wise Polier; Exec. Sec. Esther Einbinder, 1834 Broadway, N. Y. C, 23. Purpose: To achieve the program of the Congress; to render social service. AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS, see also World Jewish Congress AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY (1892) (sponsored by National Jewish Welfare Board), Pres. Lee M. Friedman; Librarian Isidore S. Meyer, 3080 Broadway, N. Y. C, 27. Purpose: To maintain material on the history of the Jews in America. Publication: Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT AGRICULTURAL CORPORATION (1924). Pres. Maurice B. Hexter; Sec. Robert Pilpel, 270 Madison Ave., N. Y. C, 16. Purpose: To assist Jews to engage in agricultural pursuits and to render other constructive aid to Jews in countries of refuge, by financing and supervising projects conducted by separate organizations. AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT AGRICULTURAL CORPORATION, see also Dominican Republic Settlement Association AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE, INC. (1914). Chm. Edward M. M. Warburg; Exec. Vice-Chm. M. A. Leavitt, 270 Madison Ave., N. Y. C, 16. Purpose: To develop programs and distribute funds for the rehabilitation and assistance of Jews overseas. Publication: J. D. C. Digest, J. D. C. Review, J. D. C. Statistical Abstract. AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE YOUTH DIVISION (1934). Chm. S. Harry Galfand; Exec. Sec. Meyer Kunsky, 270 Madison Ave., N. Y. C, 16. Purpose: To provide a program of activity for youth and young adults in connection with the work of the JDC. AMERICAN JEWISH LABOR COUNCIL (1946). Pres. Ben Gold; Sec.-Treas. Max Steinberg, 22 E. 17 St., N. Y. C, 3. Purpose: To combat anti-Semitism and racism, help in the rehabilitation JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 553 of surviving Jewry in Europe, support the efforts of the Jewish people in Palestine to secure independence, equality and statehood. Publication: Action Digest. AMERICAN JEWISH PHYSICIANS COMMITTEE (1921). Pres. Dr. Albert A. Epstein; Sec. David J. Kaliski, 9 E. 89 St., N. Y. C, 28. Purpose: To build and maintain the medical department of the Hebrew University in Palestine. AMERICAN JEWISH YOUTH (SENIORS) (1939). Pres. D. Donald Smith; Sec. Sylvia Abramson, 5229 Jefferson St., Phila. 31, Pa. Purpose: To protect American institutions and the rights of all men. Publications: The Speaker; The Pioneer. AMERICAN ORT FEDERATION (1922). Pres. George Backer; Exec. Vice- Chm. Aaron B. Tart, 212 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C., 10. Purpose: To promote technical trades and agriculture among Jews. Publications: ORT Economic Review; ORT Bulletin. AMERICAN ORT, YOUNG MEN'S AND WOMEN'S DIVISION (1937). Pres. Nat Dechter; Exec. Sec. Belle Halpern, 212 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C, 10. Purpose: To raise funds for ORT and disseminate knowledge of its program.
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