

- -- If m'dt: l (3) (air~u~rn~m ucam) 0 Cagtr or otrttrrmr raom PI0 - 1 fu der.1op rbe caprciclea of &. Atrbubu District Council md it supporting 7 ~y8craat local, ra#ional and national institutions to sffactively invulva the blrcrice'r populrciun In thm planning, mlugaaent, Fmplrmntation md rvrlust!un ot m Lntrgrrcrd rural drvrlopnt program diractrd towards rehlrvlag the diatri ct'r grovth, amployat md rquitq objrctlvrr. I, 1 -- w rtr lab - 4u.1 at P um (~TAVV/~J~1 Dirxrict Planing and Rural Davalopment Projact Project 6414073 PRO Tabla of Contantr 1. Priority and Relevanca 1 - Problems of Bringing Davalopmmtal changa to Rural Charm 4. - Tha New Local Covemaant Set-up 6 - Initial Steps Towards Project Davalopmtat 9 2. Project' Description 13 - Davelopiag a Planning Capacity 16 - Increasing Agriculturrl Production 21 - Introducing Alternative Income-Canerating hctivitias - .Economic and Social Infra6tructure Davalopmmt 27 - lon-Formal Education and Local Orgmizatioml Development 30 - Infornution System Developamnt 32 - DIPEtXJD and the Rural Devalopmont R~IOUIC~Support System 37 3. AID and Other R.lavant Experience 38 - Procars Approach to Project Davalo~aat 38 - Dweloping tha Plmnfng, fPlplsmmttatfon and Evaluation Capacity of Local Inrtitutions 40 7. PLarnci.1 Plan - Dumicct Devalopment and Exparhentation Pund 8- anpzamlultation PS 9. .Rojact Davalopmmat Schedule Attachment Orm: Rrliminarg Logical Frzmrvork Atcachmnt Two: Rojact Natworking Attachmnt Three: Rofile of Atebubu District Attachment Four: Rsliminarg Ecoaomic Analysis Attachment Five: Apptovad PID Atta- Six: COG Contribution to Phase I Diatrict Pl~aningad Rut.1 Ihveloputt Project PEP for Project dt641-11-190-0073 1. Rriotitp and Relavanca OP.IP! ew The purpose of this project is to dmlop the capacities of the Atebubu District Council and its supporting system of local, regional and rational institutions to effectivaly involve tha district's population in the planning, mmogemarrt, implaneatation and evalwtion of an integrated nual davelopmurt program diractad toward; achieving the district's growth, employment md equity objactives, This will be accomplishad through a process of project design and implementation which builds upon tha &sting produp tion and social systems within the district, Based on tha trPowledga gained from an ongoing dialogue with tha local population, the projact will identify, develop and teat the effectivenesr of idua which will help improve tha social and economic well-being of people living in Atabubu District, and which may ba repliable in other parts of rural Cham. Bg imlving tha district's population in 'the planning md implementation procasrer, the project seska to bring about tht babvioral changes and resource comPitwnts required to muimiza benefits md to make the davelopmrot effort self-~ustaining, The project supp~rtsthrecent -- changes in the Cove-t of Ghana's (COG) rural develo~mentstrategy and the inrtitutio~l arrqemntr In support of tht stratrgy. The guidelines to the new uatiorul devalopment plan (1975-79) highlights the wed for promo, that raise the rtandard of li- of the rural poor. The rural poor are generally defined ar mall fanuerr.cultivating on 10 acres or lerr, and the aon-farm poor of Prhich a large herare der and unemplyed middle rchool lunrs. It is argued in the new dmlopmurt plan that a strategy of raising employment opportunities, real per capita incomes and the quality of life in nu61 area8 will reduce 'the drift of ths rural populatiou to urban centers and will strengthen the interlinkages between the rural aad urban sectors, These processes are now recognized as important preconditions for the attainment of national developmrnt objectives. Tc implement this strategy, the GOG has recently made change8 in its local govement system. Because of dissatisfaction with past gwerxmat performance (national and local) in the rural area8 combined with the recognition of the need to bring devalopmgat decisionmaking closer to the local population, the gwemnt hru adopted a program to decentralize and streamline its administrative machine-7. The prima- innovation in the new local govermmnt system has been the creation of district- councils. Supported by a system of local couucils and dwelopmurt cosritteer and by finan- cial and technical support from regional .ad national yencier, the dirtrict councfls have the rerpoasibility for pl- and Implementing a comprehensive dmlopmnt pmgro~that brinlr the rural population into the growth process. By gradually devolving ptmr .ad rasourcas (i.e. initially sola rating authority in the district d latrr control war central govanmat funding) to diatrict councils, it is anticipatad that: they will davelop tha capacity to initiata davalopmant activitias tailored to the specific naeds and potantlala of axeas within &air districts. Tha current rural davalopnun!: strategy of tha COG is cmistent with the naeds identified in USAID's Ghana ~uricul&ral Sector Assessment and with AID'S broad policy objactives. Indaad USAID has systematically designed a series of intar-related projects (e.g. in agriculture, health and family plahniug, management training, non-formal education and intermediate technoiogy) to support the COCts desira to help the rural poor. Morewer, + will be seec below in the Project Description, the GOG's mova towards decentralization- (in particular, investing resporrsibilify in the Disnict Councils for cwpraheruive development plaaning.md impla- mantation) provides a uniqua opportunity for USAID to asrist COG to intagrate the inputs AU~knowledge gainad from thrra projacts with Gharulau resources and haow how h support of tha dmlopmant of a specific geographic area--the Atebubu Dirtrict. Tha lasronr from this experimental project will halp USAID .od thr COG to determine the development approach, tha tppas (and dhatiopr) of activities AU~level of rarources requirrd to bring drvalo-t.1 change to rsal Ghana. Problem of Brinniau Drvelomentrl Channr to Rural Ghana Theta are savrral intrr-relatrd probla~ufactng the auccrrrful implamentatioa of tha COG'S now rural davrlopment rtratrgy for which this projrct dl1 rrrk aolutiona, First, part gave-t offortr have coacrntrated on the provision of aocial amnitlea and on the initla#.oer of hraPily-subridizrd, capital intenaivo rchenus to Lmprow aggregate agticultural production (rag. state farm, block fama, farm settlements) that have benefited and imlved only a mull portion of thr farm population. These prograrnr have created high upectatiom among the rural population about *&at the govern- ment should do for than. With this new strategy, the government wish.; to break this growing dependrncy relatiunship and to drvelop thr capabilities of local people to solve their om problems, Loal and ~trtionalofficials recogniza that the strzting point is to find ways to raise the incomes and production of large nders of rural Fnhabitants, Howwar, thara is little experiancr on the mathods for accomplishing this. The procers for increasing agricultural production is espr- cially complicated bacaurr farming systaua, rven within a distzict, vary conaiderablp, FaTming ayst- differ not only bocatue of 'the natural and phyaical erroirolrmant but also brcaurr at traditions and customs that rrgulate the uae, distribution and conrrroation of agricultural resources. Very littlr is known in Ghana about mull farm ay?tans--thr rrasoar for axistin# practfcer, mll funrr parcaptions of the risk of adopting new practices and tha precwdi- tiom, necasaary fir encouraging farmrrs to nuke tha b~hroloral changes' oicassuy to imprwa tbair production and incanas. Th. activitier (and aequanca of activities) for encouraging thaaa chmgu mrrt be tailored to the rpacific neada, conrtr.inta and potentials of local araar--idantifiad ia large patt through conti- nual commmication with mall farplars in aach area. From this dialoyi, the cmapoucnt parts of au integrated system for iacrusiq production can ba identified; this tppe of planning and the impla- mentation of the system can 0017 be dona on a decautralited basis within a specific geographic area. ...&.other problem is to develop local self-help capabilitirs in support of the dsvalopmaut of economic and social infrastnrctura as well as for carrplng out income-generating activities. There is a . strong history of self-help endeavors in many parts of rural Ghana, but there haa been little success ia davaloplng viable local organi- zations which have the financial and technical capabilities to contribdte to davelopmant. Tharr is a naad to exparbent with new approrches to local orgaaimatioual development, particularly in those areas where there are high disparities in land holdings and income, A major purpose of this project is to creata a gruup action capabilitp so as to reduce those dirparitier. The flow of labor from the rural uur to urborr cautars is a major problem area. M.uay young Ghanaians, aduc8t.d in the nu81 ueo, have expectatio~of urban Job#, ralariaa and lifa-awl-. Thq migrate to urban centers and -st a conaiderablr 1-h af tima in unampl~mtto tranrlatr thaas axpactations into reali.fp. Opporhlnitirr for mral employmrrrt are limited dur to thr mull nmb& ?f [email protected] firma, tha lack of activity and arrrrLcrr Lo markat towns, and the -11 number of agricultural prop- arrvbg the fum codty. In addition to creating rural smploy- nrrnt opportunities, thrra is a nred to dirrctly link training prlogr.sa for rural youth vFth thesr opportunitira--a linluga uhich ha8 bean quite waak in past Ghanaim ma1 educational programs. lhy of

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