FOR THE SOUWESTERSU WETRHOMECOMING PLANS ARE ANNOUNCED HERE NOV. 16 28th Year Southwestern At Memphis October 30, 1946 Grid contest with ElectionsTorch D ing Society Cumberland U.to "S"CLUB TO Freshmapn Electins Torch Sponsors Is Organized Feature.program Are Postponed Last week after Prof Totten REORGANIZE Backward Dance had "Southwestern will have a home- Freshman elections have been called for all people who were in- coming day this fall, for the first Billy Speros, President postponed until Friday, November "Dream Man" to be terested in debate work to meet time since 1942," announced Jim 1, or Monday, November 4. The closen together with him th following Wade, alumni secretary, at a joint Announces Plans election was originally scheduled people met to form the debate Panhellenic council meeting Mon- day afternoon. The date has been The Southwestern "S" Club, tihe for today, October 30. Thursday afternoon squad: November 16, when the membership of which is compriseed Within the past week, an inde- Beverly Kissling set for Lynx Cats take on Cumberland of the lettermen in various at h- pendent ticket was nominated by Torch, the senior women's honor- Bernard Finkelstein University at Fargason Field in letics, is reorganizing next wee k, petition of one-fifth of the fresh- ary group, is sponsoring a back- Charles Fleet contest of the after being absent from the canm- man class. Nominees are Julian ward dance on Thursday, October Ed Quinn their third grid pus during the years in which at:h- Elliott, president, Tommie Taylor, 31st from five until eight. This Ralph Dubrovner year. letics were de-emphasized here. vice-president, Berta Radford, sec- dance is to raise money for the Ben Mitchell Letters and cards will be sent Once an organization whicch retary-treasurer.. luncheon Torch gives for all women Herzl Shankman to all alumni in Memphis and the boasted such members as Gaylon The regularly nominated candi- with a "B" average at mid-semes- Bill Hayes surrounding area, urging them to Smith, Henry Hammond, Kenn dates from the Red and Black con- ter. Bill Clary attend if at all possible. All the is ventions are Ray Farris Holland, and many others, it ha and Dusty As yet the squad is not complete fraternity and sorority houses will shrunk to two members, who hav Anderson, president, Judson Willi- After a secret ballot in chapel and there is room for more people. be open before and after the game, returned to the campus this yea r ford and Gayden Drew, vice-presi- for the "Dream Man of Torch," a Prof. Totten and the men would and as in the past, a plaque will after serving with the armeed dent, Ann Brown and Betty Mae lucky girl will be chosen to dance like to see more women out for be awarded to the fraternity whose forces during the war. These two Withers, secretary-treasurer. with him. He will draw the lucky debate. The meetings of this team house is decorated best for the ys Because of speakers in chapel number from a hat. During the are held on Friday at Two o'clock occasion. men are Billy Speros and Hay It is planned that the Owen, president and vice-presidennt and the subsequent inability of the dance there will be two no-breaks in Prof. Totten's office, which is fraternities will have lunches in respectively of the club, who arre Red Convention topresent its tick- and three specials. behind the Science Building. their houses with their visiting hard at work trying to bring the et to the freshman class, the Elec- As a special feature of the dance, The squad is using for its ques- alumni. Judging of the houses will tions Commission must name a organization back to its positio new Torch has drawn some couples tion this year: Resolved that la- take place at 1:00 PM, after which of prominence on the campus. Bot h date for election day. This date names. Only those on the list are bor should have a direct share in everyone will adjourn to the foot- Speros and Owen may be remen has not been named, but will be asked to go with these certain boys. the management of industry, ball game. A limit of $10 has been or boys on the list with set on the cost of decoration, the bered by some of the returnin g announced today. Any girls or boys on the list with o veterans, dates already, please emphasis to be placed on originali- as they were well-know n athletes here in the pre-war years dates already, lease tell yourALUMNI GATHER AT ty rather than ornateness. At the present time there arre ALUMNI MEETINGS Torch anerGOTHAM MEETING During the half the Lynx band fourteen lettermen on the campu STO CONTINUE Torch wants everybody to come GOTHAM MEETING will march on the field, in the who are eligible to be initiateI TO CUNLINUE because it really needs the money. familiar red and black uniforms into the "S" club. These are me n The tickets well cost 35c stag or Southwestern alumni living in that were so well known in the who won letters in track and bas - The second trip to Mississippi couple. New York and its vicinity will days of football before the war. ketball here last year, or in th le by a group from Southwestern will Special Couples attend an alumni dinner meeting It is also planned that a parade few years preceding, during whic h be on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week at the Hotel New York- will be held in the morning, with the club was not active on the this week when Dr. Charles E. Ray Farris-Mary Frances Mc- er. Dr. and Mrs. Diehl, who will the band leading the procession, campus. Speros hopes to initiate Diehl, Prof. John Osman, and Jim Dearman be in New York for the meeting of followed by the members of SABA, these men sometimes next weekk, Wade visit Clarksdale and Green- Tex Kressenberg-Mary Ann Ram- the American Association of Urban and the usual line of cars decorat- and to get things moving by home_ ville to hold dinner meetings with sey Universities, and Professor Osman, ed with streamers, flags and bunt- coming day, which is to be Nov alumni in those areas. Trent Wood-Jane Mann who will be there for the meeting ing. 16. Last week dinners were held in Tommy Hauser-Norma Shelton of the American Association of A Homecoming Queen and .a Although they are organizin g Jackson and McComb at which Dean Bailey-Jean Taylor Evening Colleges, will attend the court of three sponsors will be too late this semester to get a dat e time the former students present Rufus Irby-Alice Scott dinner. Dr. Sam Monk, who will chosen by the "S" club and the on the social calendar, the "S',, were brought up to date on the John Williford-Ann Avery return to Southwestern next se- football team, and will be present- club will have a date next semeste r college and its plans for alumni or- Harry Hawken-Betty Bouton mester as professor of English, ed during the half-time cere- if possible. ganization. Dr. Diehl delivered a John Broderick-Peggy Marshall will also attend. He is now study- monies. The lettermen eligible for initi- talk in which he compared South- Harry Locke-Betty Lee Hancock ing at Princeton. At 6:00 PM a barbecue will be ation are: Fletcher Scott, Frankk western of today with the South- Sam Watson-Beverly Townsend Jim Wade, Alumni Secretary, is held on the campus, and at 8:00 Boswell, Jim Wade, Evin Perdue western Presbyterian University Johnny Bryant-Jane Woodson now sending out invitatiopal letters Willard Armstrong, Don Walton of Clarksville, Tennessee. Dr. John Frank Boswell-Peggy Haile to alumni in New York, Connecti- (Continued on Page 2) Freeman Marr, Bill Haynes, Billyy Davis, who will not make the sec- Dick Bolling-Lucille Hamer cut and New Jersey. -o Brock Davidson, Bill Bryce, Clydee ond trip made -some comments on Bill Douglas-Jane McAtee Professor Osman will stop in Ch McLeod, John Williford, Bill Eg-_ some of the academic innovations Blair Wright-Patty Weaver Chicago on his way to New York rislian Union bert, and Bill Bell. Southwestern has recently under- Bill Sutherland-Ann Brown to investigate the University of Cabinet --- o-- taken. Finally Mr. Osman and Bob Hedden-Sylvia Caldwell Chicago's new program in adult Wade spoke about the general plan Walter Haun-Westy Tate education announced recently by RAIN INTERRUPTS of alumni organinzation which Wharton Jones--Jean Abbott Robert Maynard Hutchins, presi- Beginning Sunday, November 3, FIRST they plan to carry out. Ben Gilliland-Ann Barrier dent. the Christian Union Cabinet is PEP RALLY Those alumni present at both Stanley Trezevant-Mary Howard - inaugurating a series of weekly meetings resolved to have another Emmett Hall-Dot Love vesper services to be held at 5:00 For the first time in five years, LYNX VS BETHEL dinner together at an early date Virgil Bryant-Betty Bynum Webb LYNX VS BETHEL on Sunday evenings in the band the students of Southwestern gath- to carry on th plans laid out by Nimrod Thompson-Betty Whith- house. ered behind the band house Thurs- Wade and Osman. Jefferson Davis, ers The Lynx Cats take on Bethel The first service, led by Caro- day night for an old time pep ral- executive assistant to Gov. Bailey Bill Ingram-Louise Fitzhugh ly. It preceded the first football College, of McKenzie, Tennessee, lyn Cunningham, will feature spe- * of Mississippi, was selected to act Jimmy Cobb-Peggy Gallimore Saturday afternoon at 2:30, on cial music by the vesper game of the season, Southewestern choir, di- as a sort of chairman of the Jack- Evin Purdue-Myrtle Powell Fargason Field, in their second rected by Jane Kilvington.
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