1 1 STATE OF NEW JERSEY COUNTY OF HUDSON 2 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH BERGEN 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 4 In Re: PUBLIC SCOPING HEARING FOR THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL 5 GREEN ACRES DIVERSION PRE- APPLICATION FOR NORTH BERGEN PRE- K PROGRAM AND NORTH 6 BERGEN EMS SOUTH BUILDING 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x 8 August 11, 2020 6 : 05 p . m . 9 10 PROJECT TEAM 11 MODERATOR: 12 BERNADETTE P . McPHERSON, ESQ. , Millennium Strategies 13 DIVERSION PROJECT TEAM 14 DAVE DRUMELER, Deputy County Administrator 15 County of Hudson 16 SUSAN McCURRIE, ESQ. , Counsel to Hudson County 17 WANDA MONAGHAN, ESQ. , Counsel to Hudson County 18 CHRISTOPHER PIANESE, Township Administrator Township of North Bergen 19 GEORGE SOLTER, Superintendent of North Bergen 20 Board of Education 21 STEVEN SOMICK, Administrator, North Bergen Board of Education 22 GRACE LYNCH and REBECCA USS, Architects for the North 23 Bergen Board of Education 24 25 Reported by: CELESTE A . GALBO, CCR, RPR, RMR Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 2 1 INDEX 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS: PAGE 3 ROBERT DOWD, 1459 77th Street, North Bergen, 4 New Jersey 07047 18 5 JOHN BENDER, 1537- 38th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 20 6 LAUREN CABRERA, 8819 First Avenue, North Bergen, 7 New Jersey 07047 22 8 MAYOR NICHOLAS SACCO, 9060 Palisade Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 23 9 ANTHONY VAINIERI, 7808 Fifth Avenue, North 10 Bergen, New Jersey 07047 25 11 STEVEN ZBAIDA, 7855 Boulevard East, Apartment 12L , North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 28 12 JANET GLASS, 8700 Boulevard East, North Bergen, 13 New Jersey 07047 29 14 THOMAS STAMPE, 1006 85th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 31 15 KRISTINA BRACERO, 9037 New York Avenue, North 16 Bergen, New Jersey 07047 32 17 ROGER QUESADA, 233 79th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 33 18 TIFFANY TODD, 2039 Kennedy Boulevard, North 19 Bergen, New Jersey 07047 36 20 MAUREEN FOYLE, 7002 Kennedy Boulevard East, # 26B , Guttenberg, New Jersey 07093 38 21 DAVID CASE, 479 Liberty Avenue, Jersey City, 22 New Jersey 07307 40 23 ESTER ORTEGA, 8306 Fifth Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 43 24 NICK SACCO, 327 73rd Street, North Bergen, New 25 Jersey 07047 45 Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 3 1 INDEX 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS: PAGE 3 MARTHA TORRES, 1410 79th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 46 4 REANN BENDER, 1537 38th Street, North Bergen, 5 New Jersey 07047 47 6 FRANKLIN FABRE, 9128 Durham Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 49 7 KRISTIN RUUD- DIAZ, 603 81st Street, North Bergen, 8 New Jersey 07047 52 9 LINDA WALDEN, 7855 Boulevard East, Apartment 15I , North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 54 10 EMIL FUDA, 524 72nd Street, North Bergen, New 11 Jersey 07047 56 12 SYLVIA CORTINA, 441 76th Street, Apartment A 5 , North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 57 13 ROBERT WALDEN, 7855 Boulevard East, North Bergen, 14 New Jersey 58 15 JOSEPH LOMBARDI, 1451 44th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 61 16 SHAREEN SHIBLI, 7714 Broadway, North Bergen, New 17 Jersey 07047 62 18 JOSE LARA, 1452 48th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 63 19 OZGUR AKKAS, 8800 Boulevard East, North Bergen, 20 New Jersey 07047 65 21 JODI JAMIESON, 8600 Boulevard East, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 69 22 DANIEL PEREZ, 5210 Cottage Avenue, North Bergen, 23 New Jersey 07047 70 24 MARIA HIDALGO 301 79th Street, Apartment C 2 , North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 72 25 Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 4 1 INDEX 2 PUBLIC SPEAKERS: PAGE 3 LARRY WAINSTEIN 7414 Fourth Avenue, North Bergen, 4 New Jersey 07047 74 5 AMANDA CABRERA, 8819 First Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 77 6 INAYA JAAFAR, 1433 70th Street, North Bergen, 7 New Jersey 07047 78 8 KARLA MILLER, 7512 Park Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 80 9 DAWN GELPI, 5826 Meadowview Avenue, North Bergen, 10 New Jersey 07047 81 11 ANDREA LUGO, 407 79th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 82 12 MARK STEVENS, Braddock Park, North Bergen, New 13 Jersey 07047 83 14 IMANE DOUKALI, 810 89th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 85 15 TONY ANZIVINO, 405 79th Street, North Bergen, 16 New Jersey 07047 86 17 DENNIS VASQUEZ, 7507 Third Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 87 18 GERALD LANGE, 8306 Fifth Avenue, North Bergen, 19 New Jersey 07047 89 20 RAVENISH VARMA, 3808 Liberty Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 92 21 BRIDGET LUPIA, 34 Woodcliff Avenue, North Bergen, 22 New Jersey 07047 94 23 ASMAA LOPEZ, 1443 B 68th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 95 24 25 Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 5 1 INDEX 2 PUBLIC SPEAKERS: PAGE 3 LARA RINALDI, 60 Genoble Road, Montville, New 4 Jersey 07045 97 5 ANDRIANA MEDENA, 1451 76th Street, North Bergen, 6 New Jersey 07047 98 7 FRANK PIAZZA, JR. , 9060 Palisade Avenue, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 99 8 GIULA ESPOSITO, 8315 Grand Avenue, North Bergen, 9 New Jersey 07047 101 10 VERONICA OLANIEL, 7113 Jackson Street, Apartment 3 , North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 102 11 CARMEN BORELL, 407 79th Street, North Bergen, New 12 Jersey 07047 103 13 JULIA MINERA, 407 79th Street, North Bergen, New Jersey 07047 103 14 FRAN AUN, 34 Woodcliff Avenue, North Bergen, New 15 Jersey 07047 105 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 6 1 MS. McPHERSON: Thank you for your 2 patience everyone. If you' ll just give us a few 3 minutes while we' re admitting those that called in 4 and on Zoom into the meeting. 5 Welcome, everyone, to this Public 6 Scoping Hearing for the North Bergen Pre- K Program 7 and North Bergen EMS South Diversion. 8 Before we begin tonight' s presentation, 9 which will be in both English and Spanish, I ' d like 10 to acknowledge the members of the project team: Dave 11 Drumeler, Deputy County Administrator, Chris Pianese, 12 North Bergen Township Administrator, Board of 13 Education Superintendent George Solter, Board of 14 Education Administrator Steve Somick, Susan McCurrie, 15 Hudson County Law Department, Wanda Monaghan, counsel 16 to Hudson County, and Grace Lynch, the Board of 17 Education Architect. 18 I ' m Bernadette McPherson of Millennium 19 Strategies and I ' ll be serving as moderator here this 20 evening. 21 Tonight' s presentation material have 22 been posted on North Bergen' s website at 23 www. northbergen. org and on the Hudson County website 24 at www. hudsoncountynj. org. Printed copies will also 25 be available at the township library and the Township Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 7 1 Clerk' s office. 2 Please be aware that all members of the 3 public will be muted during the presentation. When 4 the presentation is over, the public comment period 5 will begin and end no later than 9 p . m . tonight. If 6 you wish to speak during the public comment period, 7 please use the raise your hand feature on Zoom or 8 press star 9 on your telephone. When called upon, 9 you' ll be unmuted and must state and spell your name 10 and address for the record before providing your 11 comment. North Bergen residents will be given the 12 opportunity to speak first. All participants are 13 advised that this meeting is being recorded and will 14 be a public record subject to the Open Public Records 15 Act. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes 16 and please remember that additional comments will be 17 accepted by August 25, 2020. Now, let' s begin the 18 presentation. 19 ( Spanish translation. ) 20 THE NARRATOR: Public scoping here for 21 the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 22 Green Acres Diversion Pre- Application for North 23 Bergen Pre- K Program and North Bergen E MS South 24 Building, August 11, 2020. 25 ( Spanish translation. ) Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 8 1 THE NARRATOR: More than 20 years ago 2 the New Jersey Department of Environmental 3 Protection, NJDEP, awarded Green Acres funding to 4 Braddock Park and the 43rd Street Park. An 5 application for a major disposal or diversion of 6 parkland is necessary now because the placement of 7 the North Bergen Pre- K Program Temporary Classroom 8 Units, T C Us, at Braddock Park in 2001 and the EMS 9 South Building at 1814 43rd Street in 1999 should 10 have approved by the NJDEP prior to use. This public 11 scoping hearing is just one of the steps for final 12 approval as shown in the chart on the right. 13 ( Spanish translation. ) 14 THE NARRATOR: Frequently Asked 15 Questions About Diversion. 16 Why permanent diversion now? 17 For more than a decade, Hudson County, 18 North Bergen Township, and the North Bergen Board of 19 Education have made extensive efforts to find an 20 alternate location for North Bergen' s Pre- K Program, 21 to remove it from Braddock Park, and comply with both 22 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and 23 New Jersey Department of Education regulations 24 without success. NJDEP regulations permit permanent 25 diversions in limited circumstances like this one. Celeste A. Galbo, CCR, RPR, RMR - - - [email protected] 9 1 Approval would provide a fair and reasonable 2 resolution that will make lawful the use of the 3 Braddock Park site and the 43rd Street EMS South 4 Building. 5 Should more property be diverted at 6 Braddock Park? 7 Some public comments suggest a greater 8 area of the Braddock Park site should be permanently 9 diverted as part of this application, such as the 10 access driveway and parking lot next to the pre- K 11 trailers.
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