I HSI HYDRO-SEARCH, inc. A Tetra Tech Company REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT KINNICKINNIC BUS GARAGE UST AREAS T-1 TIIROUGH T-3 T-4 TIIROUGH T-7, T-9, T-llA AND T-llB l\11LWAUKEE, WISCONSIN August 8, 1996 Prepared for: Milwaukee County Department of Public Works Engineering, Environmental and Energy Services Courthouse Annex, Room #314 907 North 10th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233 Prepared by: Hydro-Search, Inc. Brookfield Lakes Corporate Center XII 175 N. Corporate Drive, Suite 100 Brookfield, Wisconsin 53045 Michael R. Noel, Sr. Vice President . ass ender, Sr. H ydrogeologist Manager of Milwaukee Operations t Manager 175 N. Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53045 Telephone (414) 792-1282 Facsimile (414) 792-1310 REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT KINNICKINNIC BUS GARAGE UST AREAS T-1 THROUGH T-3 T-4 THROUGH T-7, T-9, T-llA AND T-llB MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN August 8, 1996 was prepared by certified hydrogeologists as defined in NR712.02(1) Wis. Adm. Code I, Judy L. Fassbender, hereby certify that I am a Hydrogeologist as that term is defined in s. NR712.03(1) Wis. Adm. Code, and that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the information contained in this document is correct and the document was prepared in compliance with all applicable requirements in chs. NR700 to 726, Wis. Adm. Code. udy L. Fassbender Senior Hydrogeologist HSI HYDRO-SEARCH, inc. A Tetra Tech Company TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1-1 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2-1 2.1 Site History 2-2 2.1.1 UST Area T-1 through T-3 2-2 2.1.2 UST Area T-4 through T-7 and T-9 2-2 2.1.3 UST Area T-llA and T-llB 2-3 3.0 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 3-1 3.1 Regional Conditions 3-1 3.2 Local Conditions 3-1 4.0 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION 4-1 4.1 UST Area T-1 through T-3 4-1 4.2 UST Area T-4 through T-7 and T-9 4-2 4.3 UST Area T-llA and T-llB 4-3 4.4 Field Investigation Procedures 4-4 5.0 RESULTS 5-1 5.1 UST Area T-1 through T-3 5-1 5.1.1 Soil 5-1 5.1.2 Ground Water 5-1 5.2 UST Area T-4 through T-7 and T-9 5-2 5.3 UST Area T-llA and T-llB - Soil 5-3 1 HSI HYDRO-SEARCH, inc. A Tetra Tech Company TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6-1 6.1 UST Area T-1 through T-3 6-1 6.2 UST Area T-4 through T-7 and T-9 6-1 6.3 UST Area T-llA and T-llB 6-2 FIGURES 1-1 Site Location and Local Topography 2-1 Site Layout 2-2 UST Area T-1 through T-3 Borehole/Monitor Well Locations 2-3 UST Area T-4 through T-7 and T-9 Location Map 2-4 UST Area T-llA and T-llB Borehole Locations 5-1 UST Area T-1, T-2 and T-3 Shallow Water Table Elevation (November 15, 1995) TABLES 5-1 Summary of Soil Laboratory Analytical Results for KK Bus Garage (T-1, T-2, and T-3) 5-2 Summary of Ground-Water Laboratory Analytical Results for KK Bus Garage (T-1 through T-3) 5-3 Summary of Soil Laboratory Analytical Results for KK Bus Garage (T-1 lA and T-1 lB) 11 HSI HYDRO-SEARCH, inc. A Tetra Tech Company TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) APPENDICES A. WDNR Soil Boring Log Information Forms (4400-122) and Borehole Abandonment Forms (3300-SB) B. Field PID Data Forms and Calibration Record Form C. Laboratory Results and Chain-of-Custody Form D. Monitor Well Construction Forms (4400-113A) and Monitor Well Development Forms (4400-113B) E. Well Development/Purge Summary Forms and Field Water Quality Sampling and Analysis Forms F. Survey Data ll1 HSI HYDRO-SEARCH, inc. A Tetra Tech Company 1. 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this investigation was to was to evaluate the nature and extent of contamination of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils and ground water remaining following the upgrading of underground storage tanks (USTs) located at the Kinnickinnic Bus Garage (KKBG) at 1710 South Kinnickinnic Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Figure 1-1). The client and property owner is the County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (County). The remedial investigation was performed by Hydro-Search, Inc. (HSI) and overseen for the County by Mr. Robert L. Knighten, managing environmental engineer for the Milwaukee County Department of Public Works (MCDPW). The scope of the investigation was based upon results obtained and reported by Foth and Van Dyke in their 1992 tank upgrade assessment reports to Mr. Robert Knighten of the MCDPW. These reports documented the excavation required to implement the UST upgrades and the removal and disposal of approximately 1,500 gallons of water at the T-4 through T-7 & T-9 UST area. Soil and water samples collected at the time of UST upgrade indicated contamination was present at levels requiring further investigation. HSI evaluated the current petroleum compound concentrations and the horizontal and vertical extent of petroleum impacted soils and ground-water at three distinct UST areas in October and November of 1995. Soil borehole and monitor well installation along with UST excavation sump sampling were used in the investigation. Borehole installation included field screening of soils with a PID and obtaining soil samples from the borehole for submission to a state­ certified analytical laboratory for analyses. Similarly, ground-water samples were obtained from monitor wells and one UST sump for laboratory submission. Soil and ground-water samples were analyzed for diesel range organics (DROs), petroleum volatile organic compounds (PVOCs), 1,2 DCA, and VOCs as applicable. One soil sample was analyzed for natural biodegradation parameters. None of the soil samples collected contained PVOC or DRO concentrations in excess of the NR720 Residual Contaminant Levels. At the UST area where ground-water monitor wells were installed and ground-water samples collected, no PVOC concentrations above NR140 Preventive Action Limits were detected. Three VOCs were detected at levels above the PAL, but these compounds are believed to be connected with laboratory procedures and not with the petroleum product stored in the USTs (diesel fuel). DRO was detected in the three monitor wells at levels ranging from 565 - 6,980 µgl £. Hydro-Search recommends that natural biodegradation be used to remediate any remaining soil and ground-water contamination at the site. The three site monitor wells should be sampled quarterly for VOCs and DRO for one year. ,If the results indicate sufficiently decreasing levels of contamination in ground water, site closure may be requested unconditionally or conditionally with a deed restriction or incorporating the pending WDNR natural attenuation rules. 1-1 HSI HYDRO-SEARCH, inc. A Tetra Tech Company 2.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the nature and extent of potential soil and ground-water contamination from petroleum hydrocarbons resulting from operations associated with the three UST areas located at the Milwaukee County Transit - Kinnickinnic Bus Garage (KKBG) at 1710 South Kinnickinnic Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Figure 2-1). The client and property owner is the County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (County). The remedial investigation was performed by Hydro-Search, Inc. (HSI) and overseen for the County by Mr. Robert L. Knighten , a civil engineer for the Milwaukee County Department of Public Works (MCDPW). I The scope of the investigation was based upon results obtained and reported by Foth and Van Dyke in their UST compliance upgrade on each UST area. These compliance upgrade reports were included in the Hydro-Search Work Plans for each UST area · (previously submitted; October 2, 1995) and are not reproduced here. UST area T-1 through T-3 consists of three 15 ,000-gallon tanks used to store diesel fuel. UST Area T-4 through T-7 and T-9 consist of one 1,000-gallon engine oil, 2,000-gallon waste oil, 4,000-gallon unleaded gasoline, and two 550-gallon transmission oil and antifreeze tanks, respectively. UST Area T-llA and T-1 lB consist of two 12 ,000-gallon tanks and are also used to store diesel fuel. All of the USTs are constructed of fiberglass and have been in service for approximately 11 years. Each of the UST areas will be described separately in this report. 2-1 HII HYDRO-SEARCH, inc. A Tetra Tech Company 2.1 Site History 2.1.1 UST Area T-1 through T-3 The County owns and operates the KKBG in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which is used to service County owned mass transit vehicles. A compliance upgrade of the three USTs (Figure 2-2) was performed by Midwest Petroleum Service, Inc. in September 1991. The depth of the excavation was 4 feet below ground surface (bgs). One soil sample was collected from each end of the compliance upgrade excavation and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range organics (TPH-DRO). TPH-DRO concentrations in the two samples ranged from 1950 parts per million (ppm) in Tl-PP to 3450 ppm in T2-PP, both of which exceed the WDNR action limits. 2.1.2 UST Area T-4 through T-7 and T-9 In October 1991, Midwest Petroleum Service, Inc. performed a compliance upgrade on all five USTs. Observation of the excavation for the compliance upgrade procedures revealed no petroleum odors, however, soil staining was observed in the southern end of the excavation.
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