EXHIBIT 1 '" . , OMS No 1545-0047 Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501 (c), 527, or 4947(aXl) of the Internal Revenue Code 2006 (except black lung benefit trust or private foundation) Department of the Treasury Open to Public In,ernal Revenue ServICe ~ The organizatIOn may have to use a copy of this return to salisfy state reporting reqUIrements Inspection A For the 2006 calendar year, or tax year be~!Iln",na 10/01 ,2006, and endina 9/30 ,2007 8 Cllec~ If applicable C 0 Employer Jdent,fic;.t,on Number Please use Address change IRS label ARMENIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE 95-3885801 C. orp"nt Name change o. type 104 N. BELMONT #200 E Telephone number f- See GLENDALE, CA 91206 InItial return speCifIc i- InstrLlC· F Accounting ~ ~ FIna! return tlons nod Cash U Accrual t Amended return Other (soeafy) ~ Application pendrng • Section 501 (cX3) organizations and 4947aa)(1~ nonexempt H and I ;lfe not applrcable to section 527 OfgJImzabot15 charitable trusts must attach a complete Sc edule A H (a) Is thiS a group return for affiliates' 0 Yes [R] No (Form 990 or 990·EZ). H (b) If 'Yes: enter number of afflhates ~ ~ G Web site: N/A H (c) Are all afflhates rncluded' DYes DNO (If 'No: attach a I.st See Instructions) J Organization ty>e (check only cne ~ fXl Sal (e) 3" (rnsen no) n 4947(a)(1) or n 527 H (d) Is thIS a separate r·turn fried by an K Check here ~ U If the organization IS not a 509(a)(3) supporting organization and ItS organization covered by a group rullno" DYes [R] No gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000 A return IS not reqUIred, but If the I Groue ExemDlion Number ~ organization chooses to file a return, be sure to file a complete return M Check ~ ~ If the orgamzabon IS not reqUired L Gross receiPts Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 1Db to fme 12 ~468r007. to attach Schedule B (Form 990, 990·EZ, or 99Q-PF) IPart I I Revenue. Expenses and ChanQes in Net Assets or Fund Balances(See the instructIOns.) 1 Contnbulions, giftS, grants. and similar amounts received a Contnbutlons to donor adVised funds la 445,929. b OJrect public support (not Included on line 1a) lb c Indlre::t public support (not Included on line 1a) lc . d Government contnbulions (grants) (not Included on line 1a) ld .­ ,­ e T~t3lr~~~~ 11~~s(cash $ 445,929. noncash $ ) le 445 929. 2 Program service revenue Including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) 2 3 Membership dues and assessments 3 a 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash Investments 4 UJ Z 5 DIVidends and Interest from securrtles 5 16 898. 6al 6a Gross rents I ·l ~ bLess ;;:ntal expenses 6b .._._, c Net rental Income or (loss) Subtract line 6b from line 6a 6c tf) ~ ) R 7 Other Investment Income (descnbe 7 E (A) Securities (8) Other v Sa Gross amount from sales of assets other E N than Inventory 5 180. Sa u E bLess co!:t or other baSIS and sales expenses Sb C Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) STATEMENT 1 5,180. Sc -. d Net gain or (loss) Combme hne 8c, columns (A) and (8) ad 5 180. 9 SpeCial !'vents and actiVities (attach schedule) If any amount IS from gaming, check here ~D a Gross revenue (not including $ of contnbulions I reported on line 1b) 9al bLess dJrect expenses other than fundraising expenses 9b _. c Net Income or (loss) from special events Subtract line 9b from line 9a 9c lOa Gross sales of Inventory~returns and allowances. \ lOal b Less cost of goods sOI(1 _RECI=I\,r:: _ lOb - - c Gross profit or (loss) from salJs a In £);ubtraciline lOb from line lOa lac 11 Other revenue (from P ~ II, line 103) '1 11 12 Total revenue. Add Itn , ~R. !9. f1l, 'h,I&!.. 9d. , and 11 12 468,007. 13 Program services (fror Ii &..44. column (B»vu~rJ~ 13 223 950, E x ge~ 14 197 974. p 14 Management and ral (frl.J... 'I-N _ E lS Fundralslng (from line -. t. I 15 N UT 5 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) 16 E - s 17 Total eXDenses. Add lines 16 and 44, column CA} 17 421,924. Excess or (defiCit) for the year Subtract line 17 from line 12 lS 46 083. A lS N S 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A» 19 381 683. E s T E Other changes In net assets or fund balances (attach explanation) SEE 20 13 476. T 20 STATEMENT 2 r s 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year Combine lines 18. 19, and 20 21 441,242. BAA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act NotIce, see the separate Instructtons. TEEA01()C}l 01122107 Form 990 (2006) ~ 2006 ARMENIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE, 95-3885801 Pa e 2 Statement of Functional Exp-enses All organrzahons must complete column (A) Columns (B), (C), and (D) are ~:':"":'':'':'''--J required for sechon 501 (c)(3) and (4) organrzatlOns and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt cnantable trusts but oplJonal for others Do not include amounts reported on Ime (A) Total (B) Program (C) Management (D) Fundralsmg 6b, Bb 9b, 'Db, or '6 of Part I services and general 22 a Grants paid from donor advised funds (attach sch) i (cash $ i non·cash $ ) : If this amount Includes foreign grants, check here ~D 22a ­ 22 b Other grants and allocations (att sch) , (cash $ , , non·cash $ ) , If this amount Includes foreign grants, check here ~D I 22b 23 Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) 23 , 24 Benefits paid to or for members '. (attach schedule) 24 25 a Compensation of current off~cers, directors, key emPlo~ees, etc listed In Part V·A (attach sch 25a 149,880. O. 149,880. O. b Compensalion of former officers, directors. key employees. etc listed In Part v·a (attach sch) 25b O. O. O. O. c CompensaiJon and ather distributions, not Included above, to dlsqualifted persons (as defined under sechon 4958(f)(1» and persons desCribed In section 4958(cX3XB) (attach schedule) 25c O. O. O. O. 26 Salanes and wages of employees not Included on lines 25a, b, and c 26 27 Pension plan contnbutlons not Included on lines 25a, b, and c 27 28 Employee benefits not Included on lines 25a ·27 28 29 Payroll taxes 12,852. 12,852. ~r-'-' 30 ProfeSSional fundralslng fees 30 -- 31 Accounting fees 31 6,890. 6,890.1 32 Legal fees 32 33 Supplies 33 34 Telephone 34 4,407. 4,407. 3S Postage and shlppmg 3S 2,525. 2,525. 36 Occupancy 36 37 EqUipment rental and maintenance 37 38 Prmtlng and publications 38 4 82l. 4,82l. -- 39 Travel 39 17 947. 17 947. 40 Conferences, conventIOns, and meetings. 40 41 Interest 41 I 42 DepreCiation, deple\lcn, etc (attach schedule) 42 43 Other expenses not covered above (Itemize) a~~E_ ~l:.AJ~@~l-? _______ 43a 222 602. 194 250. 28,352. b ------------------- 43b c ------------------- 43c d ------------------ 43d e ------------------- 43e f ------------------- 43f 9 ______ ------------­ 430 44 Total functIOnal expenses Add lines 22a tlIro~~~ 43g (or~lzatlons completlnf col~)mns (BY· D); carly e totals to lines 1 . 15 44 421 924. 223 950. 197 974. O. JOint Costs. Check ~D If you are follOWing SOP 98·2 Are any jOint costs from a combmed educallonal campaign and fundralslng SoliCItation reported In (B) Program servJces? ~D Yes [g] No If 'Yes,' enter (i) the aggregate amount of these JOlnl costs $ . (ii) the amount allocated to Program services $ ,(iii) the amount allocated to Management and general $ , and (iv) the amount allocated to Fundra/slng $ BAA TEEA01C2l. 01123/07 Form 990 (2006) \ Form 990 (2006) ARMENIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE 95-3885801 Page 3 IPart III IStatement of Program Service Accomplishments Form 990 IS available for pubhc Inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of Information about a parlicular organlzalion How the public perceives an organization In such cases may be determined by the Information presented on ItS return Therefore please make sure the return IS complete and accurate and fully describes, In Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments ' What IS the organization's primary exempt purpose' .. Program Service Expenses All organizations must describe their exempt purpose ach;evemeniS II"'aclear and conCise manner State the~num6erof (Re(~)'~~d~~~~~~~~(~~rd clients served, gubllcalions Issued, etc DISCUSS achievements that are not measurable (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) organ.) 4947(~J(1) trusts but Izallons and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of arants ana anocatlons 10 others opbonal for others) a_~~~_~UB~~1~~Ng_~ABQ~E1 . ----------------------------------------------------~. (Grants and allocalions $ ) If thl~ amount Includes forelon grants, check here .. I I 223 950. b - - --- - - .- -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - --- - --- -- - - --- --- -- --- -~ (Grants and allocaltons $ ) If thiS amount Includes foreign grants, check here .. I 1 c Grants and allocations $ If th,s amount Includes forel n rants, check here d ~ _ Grants and allocations $ If thiS amount Includes forel n rants, check here e Other program services (Grants and allocations $ If thiS amount Includes forel n rants, check here f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (8), Program services) 223,950. BAA Form 990 (2006) lEEA0103L 01118107 Form 990 (2006) ARMENIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE 95-3885801 Page 4 IPart IV I Balance Sheets (See the instructIons.) Note: Where reqUIred. attached schedules and amounts wlthm the descnpllon (A) (B) column should be for end-of·year amounts only Beglnmng of year End of year 45 Cash - non'lI1terest-bearmg 20,059.
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