This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. https://books.google.com §§§ §9 #y 30 THIRTIETH Rºſſ EDITION.—ENLARGED. ºf A . A n e w a N D co at tº L. E. T. E. Hº Y MIN A N }} } {} N ý B {} {} {{. ro R. S A B B A T H S G H 0 0 H, S. B. r WILLIAM B. B R A D BURY, arraoa or *rum saawº,” “run uusilan," "sixdino stan,” “sannaru somool cuoin,” sº. C IN C IN N AT I: MOORE, WIL STA C H & B A LDWIN, 25 west Fou R T H st R E ET, 1864 Enturad according to Act of Congn«, In the year 185U, lnd sgain In 1s82, 07 fi WILLIAM B. BRADBURY, In ths Clerk's Offloe of the District Court for the District of New Jersey. с. PREFACE NEXT to a good Superintendent, that which tends not in any peculiar tense children's tones, and the more than any thing else to make a Sunday School children should not be limited tn them. popular, is, doubtless, GOOD SIMCIKS. And this should The popular tunes for children should be as simple generally ho characterized by sprightlmesg and cheer- as their own thoughts, — sprightly as their own die- ftili IOP-S, tempered with gentleness. " Animated, but positions. Lambs require plenty of skipping room. not hoisterous; gentle, but not dull or tame," are direc They thrive best in the green fields. Let the chil tions that will apply to most of the compositions in dren's songa, then, bo such as they can understand, this hook.* appreciate and enjoy ; such as they will love to sing We do not believe in the stiff, old-fashioned way hoth in the Sabhath School and at their homes. These many have of keeping the children einging nothing will ever be to them a source of delight, and will ren but Old Hundred, Dundee, Mear, St Martina, and der the school doubly attractive. euch like. Good old tunes these, DO one will deny, We believe in making .the children so happy on and should ho sung from time to timo, but they are Sabhath day, by the uso of all proper means, that they shall look forward to it through tho week as " a de t It affords TB great pleasure to bs able to refer to one of light" It is the Lerd's day; a sacred day, a happy Ibe largest and most prosperous Sunday Schools in the United day. Psalm cxviii. 24. ftates, the LEE AVENUE SCHDXT SCHOOL In Brooklyn, N. T., ta an Illustration of the power of music us an agent for good This hook has been prepared at the urgent request of ta the Bandar School. Its Importance Is ben fully MoognUed a large hody of Sunday School teachers, superintend tDd appreciated. ents, and others, inter sted in the Sunday School caost. HARVARD COLLEGt LIBRARY т P BE FA OE. Singing is now so important an element of the Sun While we would not confine Sabbath Schools to the day School that it has seemed desirable that a moro old church mibi'-oxclusivbly, we certainly would noti extensive and complete collection, hoth of hymne and on the other hand, encourage the uso of melodies that tunes, than has heretofore appeared, should ho pre are associated with words and sentiments low and pared; and as the author's resources are somewhat degrading. These can not be redeemed, and had bet «tensivo, lie believes he has succeeded in preparing ter be let alone. Tho power of association in the each a hook аз will meet the wishes, not only of the human mind, especially in connection with music, is so gentlemen at whose kind solicitation he first under great that tho popular tune will always suggest the took the work, but also of all interested in the Sunday words with which it was first learned. If it be said School. To the gentlemen referred to, lie would ex that a sufficient number of striking melodies, adapted press his obligations for valuable aid, suggestions and to children's ahilities, cnn not otherwise be made contributions, hoth of hymns and nnraic. available, we, in reply, would ventare the assertion, While most of tho good, popular Sunday School hased upon our former success in this department, melodies of tiio present day are here inserted, many that there are in this book more than fifty tunes, never of them, liowover, newly arranged and harmonized, a before published, which, so soon as they aro learned, targe number of now pieces has been composed ex will become as popular as most of that objectionable pressly for this work, which, it is believed, will prove class to which reference has been made; and these equally as interesting, instructive, and varied as the have been composed expressly for THE SU.N ил v ScHOOb- old. These are generally of a popular character ; tho melodies, it iя believed, will ho found to be fresh and TO TEACHERS OP SINGrNQ AND CHORISTERS. attractive, while the harmonies are natural and easy. We urge upon all teachers and leaders of singing "Any thing will do for the Sabhath School," is a to interest themselves in the Sunday School. [The motto that luis been too long recognized and acted chorister who is most successful in sustaining a good upon ; and, in keeping with this, " any thing that tho choir in the church is, we have observed, often in the children would sing" has been given them, as suitable, Sunday School singing with the children.] Especially without the slightest regard to its adapteduess, con do wo urge such leaders to do their utmost to break struction, or associations. up the slow, heavy, drawling hahit of einging, which → iy 1 R E. F. A. C. E. prevails to a great extent. In many places these “p to the time; then let the leader sing one strain, or habits have become so confirmed that the starting line only, requiring all the school to sing it after him. of a well-known tune is the signal for a sleepy, Then the next, and soon, until the tune has thus been drawling, tiresome, kind of singing that seems to us sung through. In this way it will be learned correctly. worse than no singing at all. If this habit can not In less than five minutes such a simple melody as otherwise be broken up, we would suggest that the “The Love of Jesus,” page 10, will be learned so as tunes that have been sung in this way, be dropped for to be generally sung by the school; and even the a while, and new ones substituted, until better habits learning of such a one as “A Home beyond the Tide,” shall have been formed. page 98, will occupy an almost incredible short space of time—while the children will be kept continually HOW TO LEARN THE NEW TUNES. interested. No employment in which we have ever Now that music is being taught so generally in the engaged has proved of more interest to us, or yielded day schools of our country, a goodly number of youth more direct returns of happiness than the hours thus will be found, especially among the older pupils and spent, in teaching the young to sing their “Hosannas younger teachers of our Sunday Schools, who can read to the Son of David.” This was our first work in the plain, simple music. Notwithstanding this advantage, musical profession, and we ask no higher honor than however, the majority of those who sing these tunes that it shall be our last. will be such as will learn them by rote or ear. It is, That “ORIOLA” may contribute greatly to aid in this therefore, very important that they be first sung cor good work—to endear the Sunday School to every rectly and carefully by the leader or teacher. scholar, and to encourage, cheer, and strengthen every Let the leader of the singing, together with as many faithful superintendent and teacher-is the sincere teachers and scholars as can read music, sing the tune wish of through alone, once or twice,—being careful to sing it THE AUTHOR, - 6) R § {} {, A. ------- º THE LILIES OF THE FIELD. S. M. (Now.) es 1. The ... lil - ies of the field. That quick - ly fade a - way, May 2. Just like an ear - ly rose, I've seen an in - fant bloom; But ºr * well to us a les - son yield; For we are frail as they. death, per-haps, be - fore it blows, Will lay it in the tomb. #EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH 3. Then let us think on death, 4. To God, who made us all, Though we are young and §: Oh, let us humbly cry; For God, who gave our life and breath, And then, whenever death may call, Can take them both away. We'll be prepared to die. TRIBUTE OF PRAISE. 7t & es. (New., 1. We bringno glittering trea-enrea, No gems from earth's deep mine; come, with simple sSfe^HH -f>- ж m — i— • *- measures, To chant thy love di-vine. 0 Lord, thy fa-vore ehar - ing, Our voice of thanks we raise ; Father, ас - cept our offer - ing, Our song of grateful praise, Our song of grateful praise. TrOmU ef /Vaiw. The dearest fpfl of heaven, 8. Saviour, bestow thy blessing ; LOVC'S written word of truth, Oh, leach us how to pray ; To us is earlv given, That each, thy fear possessing, To guide our steps in youth.
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