Boulos, L., Jallad W. and Lahham, J. 1977. Studies on the Flora of Jordan

Boulos, L., Jallad W. and Lahham, J. 1977. Studies on the Flora of Jordan

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Lahham, J. 1975. A taxnomic study on the family Zohary, M. and Feinbrum, N. 1966-1986. Flora Euphorbiaceae in Jordan. M.Sc. thesis. University Palaestina, 4 vol. The Israel Academy of Sciences of Jordan. and Humanities. المجلة العربية للبيئات الجافة The Arab Journal for Arid Environments 2 )3( 3 )3( 2 * Echinchola colonum )L.(Link References * Hordeum bulbosum L. * Hordeum glaucum Steud. * Hordeum marinum Huds(Fs) Al-Eisawi, D.M. 1982. List of Jordan Vascular Plants. * Hordeum spontaneum C.Koch Mitt. Bot. Muchen, 81: 79-192. * Lolium rigidum Gandin Al-Eisawi, D.M. 1983 a. Studies on the Flora of * Loliolum subulatum )Banks et sol.( Eig Jordan 10. Nine new species to the flora of Jordan. * Lophochloa pumila )Desf.( Bor. Candollea 38:359-364. * Phalaris minor Retz. )Rs( * Phalaris paradoxa L.(Fs) Al-Eisawi, D.M. 1983 b. Studies on the Flora of * Schisums arabicus Nees Jordan 11. On the flora of Wadi Araba (Araba * Setaria viridis )L.( Beauv. valley(. Candollea 38:365-385. * Stipa capensis Thumb * Stipa lagascae Roem. et Schult. Al-Eisawi, D.M. 1986. Studies on the flora of Jordan. * Trisetaria macrochaete )Boiss.(Maire Twelve monocotyledons new to Jordan, with notes * Vulpia unilateralis )L.( Stace)Rs( on some interesting species. Kew Bulletin 41(2): 349-357. Liliidae Al-Eisawi, D.M. and Gury, S.L. 1988. A taxonomic Liliales revision of the genus Tordilium L. )Apiaceae(. Bot. Liliaceae (17 species) Jour. Lin. Soc. 97: 357-403. * Allium ampeloprasum L.)Cs( Al-Esawi, E. 1996. Vegetation of Jordan. Unesco- * Allium hierochuntinum Boiss. Cairo Office. * Allium pallens L. Al-Esawi, D., El-Oqlah, A., Oran, S., Lahham, J. * Allium orientale Boiss. 2000. Jordan country study on biological diversity * Allium schubertii Zucc. * Allium stamineum Boiss.)Rs( (Plant biodiversity and taxonomy) UNDP project * Asphodelus aestivus Brot. no.GF/6105-92-65, GF/6105-92-02 (2991). * Asphedulus fistulosus L. Al-Jundi, M. 1977. The natural plants and their * Bellevalia eigii Feinbr. ecological distribution in Jordan. Ministry of * Gagea commutata C.Koch Agriculture, Amman. pp. 122-127. * Ixiolirion tataricum )Pall.( Herbert. (Os) * Muscari pulchellum Heldr. & Sart. Ambasht, R. S. 1984. A Textbook of Plant Ecology. * Narcissus tazetta L. (Os ;Ts) Upadhyay press. * Ornithogalum lanceolatum Labill (Os) * Ornithogalum narbonense L. Boulos .1977. Studies on the flora of Jordan 5. On the * Tulipa agenensis DC. (Os;Ts) flora of El-Jafr-Bayir Desert.Candollea 32:99-110. * Urginea maritima )L.( Baker Boulos, L. and Al-Eisawi, D.M. 1977. Studies on the flora of Jordan 6. On the flora of Ras En-Naqab. Iridaceae (3 species) Candollea 32)( 111-118. * Gladiolus atroviolaceus Boiss. Boulos, L., Jallad, W. and Lahham, J. 1977. Studies * Gynandris sisyrinchium )L.(Parl. on the flora of Jordan 2. Seven new species to the Iris atrofusca Baker (Os;Ts flora of Jordan. Bot. Not. 128: 368-370. المجلة العربية للبيئات الجافة The Arab Journal for Arid Environments 2 )3( 2 )3( 2 Dipsacaceae (5 species) * Notobasis syriaca )L.( Cass. * Onopordum macrocephalum Eig.)Rs( * Cephalaria syriaca )L.( Schrad * Pallenis spinosa )L.( Cass. * Pterocephalus brevis Coult. * Phagnalon rupestre )L.( DC. * Pterocephalus palverulentus Boiss et Bl. * Pincnomon acarna )L.( Cass. * Scabiosa prophyroneura Blakelock. * Rhagadiolus stellatus )L.( Gaertn. * Scabiosa palaestina L. * Rhaponticum pusillum )Labill.( Boiss. * Scolymus maculatus L. Asterales * Scorzonera papposa DC. (Os ;Cs) * Scorzonera subintegra )Boiss.( Thiebalut)Rs( Asteraceae(Compositae) ( 57 species) * Senecio vernalis Wald. et Kit. * Silybum marianum )L.( Gaertn * Achillea biebersteinii Afan. * Sonchus oleraceus L. * Achillea falcata L. * Taraxacum cyprium H. Lindb. * Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Sch. Bip(Fs;Ms) * Tolpis vrigata )Desf.( * Achillea santolina L.)Ms( * Tragopogon coelesyriacus Boiss. * Anthemis palaestina Reut. * Urospermum picroides (L.) F.W. Schmidt * Artemisia herba-alba Asso * Varthemia iphionoides Boiss. et Bl. * Aster subulatus Michx. * Xanthium spinosum L. * Calendula arvensis L. (Os) * Xanthium strumarium L. * Calendula tripterocarpa Rupr. * Carduus australis L.fil. Liliopsida(monocots) * Carlina hispanica Lam. * Carthamus tenuis )Boiss, et Bl.( Bornm. Arecidae * Centaurea hyalolepis Boisss.)Cs( * Centaurea iberica Spereng. Arales * Centaurea rigida Banks et sol. * Chardinia orientalis (L.)O.Kuntze.(Rs) Araceae (1 species) * Chondrilla juncea L. * Biarum pyrami )Scott( Engler)Cs( * Cichorium pumilum Jacq.)Cs( * Cnicus benedictus L)Rs;Ms( Commelinidae * Conyza canadensis )L.( Cornquist Cyperales * Conyza bonariensis )L.( Cornquist * Crepis aspera L. Cyperaceae (1 species) * Crepis sancta )L.(Bornm.subsp sancta * Cynara syriaca Boiss. * Carex pachstylis J.Gay * Filago contracta )Boiss.(Chrtek et Holub * Filago inexpectata Wagenitz. (Rs) Poaceae(Gramineae) (27 species) * Filago palaestina )Boiss.(Chrtek et Holub * Aegilops biuncialis Vis. * Filago pyramidata L. * Aegilops crassa Boiss.)Rs( * Geropogon hybridus )L.(Sch.Bip. * Avena barbata Pott ex Link * Gundelia tournefortii L.)Cs()Cs( * Avena sterilis L.(Fs) * Hedypnois rhagadioloides (L.)F.W.Schmidt * Bromus lanceolatus Roth )Rs( * Inula graveolens )L.( Desf. * Bromus japonicus Thunb.)Rs( * Koelpinia linearis Pall. * Bromus tectorum L. * Lactuca orientalis )Bois.(Boiss. * Catopodium rigidum )L.( C.E.Hubbard * Lactuca saligna L. * Cyndon dactylon )L.(Pers. * Lactuca serriole L. * Cynosurus callitrichus W. Barbey * Leontodon laciniatus (Bert.)Widder. * Dacytalis glomerata L. المجلة العربية للبيئات الجافة The Arab Journal for Arid Environments 2 )3( 11 )3( 2 * Ferula biverticillata Lag. * Moluccella laevis L. * Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)Cs( * Salvia ceratophylla L. * Lagoecia cuminoides L. * Salvia dominica L.)Cs( * Malabalia secacul )Banks et sol.( Boiss * Salvia palaestina Benth. * Pimpinella cretica Poir. * Salvia spinosa L. * Smyrniopsis cachroides Boiss. * Salvia syriaca L. * Tordylium aegyptiacum )L.( Lam. * Teucrium polium L. * Torilis lepotophylla (L.) Reichb.fil. * Ziziphora tenuior L. Asteridae Plantaginales Solanales Plantaginaceae (5 species) Solanaceae (2species) * Plantago coronopus L. * Plantago indica L. * Hyoscyamus reticulatus L.)Ms( * Plantago lanceolatus L. * Solanum luteum Mill. * Plantago major L. Convolvulaceae (5 species) * Plantago notata L. * Convolvulus althaeoides L. Scrophulariales * Convolvulus arvensis L. * Convolvulus betonicifolius Mill. Scrophulariaceae (9 species) * Convolvulus dorycnium L. * Kickxia aegypitaca )L.(Nabelek. * Convolvulus stachydifolius Choisy * Kickxia lanigera )Desf.( Hand-Mazz Cuscutaceae(1 species) * Linaria simplex Desf.)Rs( * Cuscuta epilinum Weihe * Parentucelia faviflora)

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