July 25, 1983 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20669 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS U.S.S. GUAM LEADS EXCITING At this time, Mr. Speaker, I request The task force arrived on-station off the LIFE that the article "With the Bulls in coast of Lebanon on June 12. This was Beirut," be inserted in the RECORD. known as MODLOC for "modified location" Thank you. and it will long be remembered by the men HON. ANTONIO BORJA WON PAT of the 32nd Marine Amphibious Unit and OF GUAM [From the Wings of Gold Magazine, Amphibious Squadron FOUR. As the Israe­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Summer 19831 lis tightened their stranglehold on the PLO, WITH THE BULLS IN BEIRUT Monday, July 25, 1983 preparations continued for the anticipated <By Maj. Mel W. DeMars, USMCR) evacuation of American citizens from • Mr. WON PAT. Mr. Speaker, it is no We sailed aboard USS Guam <LPH-9) Beirut. The planners planned, the maintain­ secret that I am deeply proud of my from Morehead City, North Carolina on ers maintained, the sailors kept the ships in island, Guam, and our people and May 25, 1982, looking forward to some rigor­ fighting trim and the ground forces readied their accomplishments. This pride ous amphibious training exercises in Portu­ their minds and bodies for any eventuality. comes naturally and extends to all gal, Italy, Turkey and Somalia. Also on our It was a waiting game but there was no let­ things associated with our territory, schedue were port visits at Lisbon, Palma, up in readiness. Naples, Mombasa and Cannes. Everyone an­ In late June, the evacuation finally took including the actions of the U.S.S. ticipated a rewarding cruise with lots of place, not from Beirut where the fighting Guam <LPH-9), a helicopter landing good flight time experience in an unfamiliar was still raging, but from the port of Jun­ ship which recently saw extensive but interesting environment. iyal, six miles to the north. service off the coast of Lebanon. The Bulls of Marine Medium Helicopter The squadron had already transferred by I was very pleased to read in the Squadron 261 with twelve CH-46E's com­ helo on June 16 to the two line companies summer 1983, issue of Wings of Gold manded by Lieutenant Colonel Grady Geske embarked on Guam to Nashville and Her­ were designated the base squadron for · the mitage. Eight days later these ships sailed magazine, a lengthy and well-written 32nd Marine Amphibious Unit under then article about the exploits of the U.S.S. Colonel, now Brigadier General James to within two miles of Juniyal to conduct a Guam last year in a very troubled part Mead. Joining the Bulls were detachments waterborne evacuation of Americans. Two of the world. of four AH-1T Cobras from HMA-269, two landing craft transported 581 U.S. and for­ The article was written by Maj. Mel . Hueys from HML-167 and four CH-53D's eign nationals from Juniyal to Hermitage from HMH-362. The composite squadron and Nashville. The Marines of the amphibi­ W. DeMars <USMCR>. who flew heli­ ous unit, meanwhile, were poised to deal copters from the ship. No relation to was formed just ninety days prior to our sailing date. with any trouble which might present itself Adm. Bruce De Mars, who until last Colonel Mead, an aviator himself, was a and the squadron was similarly disposed, month was Commander of the Naval firm believer in the effectiveness of night ready for an airborne response. The oper­ Forces in Guam, Major DeMars is, ob­ amphibious assualt operations and was de­ ation came off without a hitch and the evac­ viously, a man who loves the military termined that the helicopter crews assigned uees were delivered to Larnaca, Cyprus the very much and is a credit to this to him would be proficient in landing the next day. Nation, his service, and to the U.S.S. ground combat element <2nd Battalion, The evacuation completed, most assumed Guam. Eighth Marines) on any shore designated. we would resume our schedule of exercises Before I place the major's article in To this end, training was planned with and port visits. Curiously, we remained in heavy emphasis on night operations. MODLOC. The American Embassy staff the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, I want to We arrived at Rota, Spain on the 6th of and countless other Americans were still in note my great pleasure in reading his June and were greeted with the news of the Beirut. Evacuation plans were once again comments. We on Guam are always Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon. In less begun in earnest with the focus on the U.S. watching the latest developments of than 24 hours, the ships of Amphibious Embassy in the north end of Beirut. Intelli­ the U .S.S. Guam with considerable in­ Squadron Four had sortied from Rota and gence flowed in on various factions and par­ terest. Any vessel which bears the were headed toward a location off the coast ties of Palestinians who controlled West name of our territory is expected by of Lebanon. Speculation ran high that our Beirut. During this period, two civilians ar­ my people to carry on our tradition of mission would involve the evacuation of rived aboard the Guam to brief us on Beirut Americans from Beirut. in general and the U.S. Embassy in particu­ unquestioned service to this Nation The task force steamed at 20 knots on the Guam lar. and the U.S.S. carries out this most direct route to Lebanon. Along the Though their official capacity was a bit goal with honor and dignity. way, the CH-53's were dispatched to Sigon­ hazy, their information was detailed and of For those Members who have not ella, Sicily and to Souda Bay, Crete on logis­ inestimable value. The tangled web of Pales­ been fortunate to read "Wings of tic flights. Since all helo assets would be tinian organizations all vying for control Gold", I heartily recommend this ex­ needed for evacuation flights if the necessi­ ty arose, there was some concern over send­ were explained in detail by the two men. cellent publication. The magazine is ing ·the big cargo-capable 53's off on long One of the briefers could have easily been published by Vice Adm. M. W. Cagle hauls where mechanical difficulties could cast in a spy movie. He was guarded about <USN Ret.> for the Association of develop which would keep them on the his past, possessed a vast knowledge of for­ Naval Aviation, Inc., located in Falls ground for repairs or parts and force them eign arms, and had an incredible recall of Church, Va. As opposed to some other to play catch-up with the task force. But detail. He had spent time with many of the shortfalls in supplies, including ammuni­ Palestinian groups and provided us with military-minded counterparts, "Wings useful information on their activities and of Gold" brings to its readers thrilling tion, decided the question. It was a matter of risk versus immediate need. modes of operation. accounts of bravery and devotion to There was an air of excitement as cargo Then one day, as mysteriously as they had duty in a manner which is easy to read was onloaded at the pick-up points. Termi­ appeared, the two men were gone. and informative. I have long enjoyed nal officials and cargo handlers knew that In addition to the evacuation alert, the the publication and am confident that something was up and flight personnel were squadron picked up another standby mis­ others will share my enthusiasm once bombarded with questions. But the crews sion on June 22. There was a requirement to they have begun reading it. had no answers. They knew only that they transport the principals of shuttle diploma­ Following the article is a short biog­ were headed east and were in a hurry to get cy between Cyprus, Tel Aviv and Beirut. wherever they were going. Nine days of alert passed before the first of raphy of Major DeMars. I certainly Meanwhile, those remaining aboard these missions was flown. Two Hueys, our thank him for sharing his experiences Guam prepared themselves for any contin­ only VHF equipped aircraft, and two CH- with us. He is, obviously, a man of gency. Flight operations were highlighted 46's composed the special transport pack­ high professional standards as well as by night exercises as well as ordnance and age. Time and time again, flights were laid an excellent writer. aerial gunner training. on <invariably at 0100), briefed, and aircraft e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 20670 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 25, 1983 manned only to be can.:!elled or left on five then ride the ship to Naples. We were to ready for immediate missions. The oper­ minute standby. perform our shuttle missions from Inde­ ation proved particularly frustrating to All these frustrations were forgotten, pendence and then brief the SH-3 crews on Cobra crews who, due to political sensitivity however, we.h our first mission which took Forrestal who were scheduled to relieve us and the aggressive nature of their mission, place on the first of July. We were to on July 31. Little did we know that we were not utilized in Beirut. Their ordeal was launch from 40 miles off the shore, navigate would remain on station bouncing back and perhaps the hardest-standing alert con­ to Juniyal, make a passenger pick-up, return forth betwen Indy and Forrestal before stantly for a period of 17 days without being to Guam for fuel, and go on to Tel Aviv.
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