Slovenská cesta židovského kultúrneho dedičstva The Slovak Jewish Heritage Route Slovenské centrum židovského kultúrneho dedičstva The Slovak Jewish Heritage Center Contents Bratislava 4 Stupava 8 Malacky 9 Trnava 10 Šamorín 11 Sereď 12 Nitra 13 Komárno 14 Nové Zámky 15 • Research & Documentation Šurany 16 • Education & Consulting Šahy 17 • Exhibitions & Publications Trenčín 18 Banská Štiavnica 19 Jewish Heritage Travel • Zvolen 20 Žilina 21 Liptovský Mikuláš 22 Slovenské centrum židovského kultúrneho dedičstva Košice 24 The Slovak Jewish Heritage Center Spišská Nová Ves 25 Kozia 18 Prešov 26 814 47 Bratislava Spišské Podhradie 27 Slovakia Bardejov 28 e-mail: [email protected] www.slovak-jewish-heritage.org Project management: Maroš Borský Written by: Maroš Borský, The Slovak Jewish Heritage Route is Jana Švantnerová, Eva Krajmerová a project of the Slovak Jewish Heritage Center. Photography: Robert Vrlák, Viera Kamenická, Slovenská cesta židovského kultúrneho Marek Pechman, At Home Gallery, Ján Tarábek, Nadácia Sigillum Oppidi Saag, n.f., Ján Hollý, dedičstva je projekt Slovenského centra ÚZ ŽNO, Alexander Jiroušek, Ružena Kormošová, židovského kultúrneho dedičstva. Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, Maroš Borský and others This catalogue is co-fi nanced by ERDF funds. Design: DuoMedia, s.r.o., Bratislava Tento katalóg je spolufi nancovaný z prostriedkov ERDF. Press: NOVART, s.r.o., Bratislava © Jewish Heritage Foundation – Menorah All rights reserved he Slovak Jewish Heritage Route is a network link- lovenská cesta židovského kultúrneho dedičstva je ing 24 Jewish heritage sites around Slovakia. These inovatívna kultúrna iniciatíva, ktorá združuje naj- T include synagogue buildings, branches of the Muse- Svýznamnejšie pamiatky židovskej kultúry za účelom um of Jewish Culture, and three historic Jewish cemeteries. ich lepšej propagácie a úplnej integrácie do kultúrneho Some of the synagogues are still active houses of worship, a turistického produktu Slovenska. Cesta dnes zahŕňa 24 while others serve today as museums, art galleries or con- pamiatok – aktívne a bývalé synagógy, expozície Múzea cert halls. Only sites that have been adapted for dignifi ed židovskej kultúry a tri židovské cintoríny. Partnerom projek- cultural and educational use, or those that are undergoing tu sa môže stať výlučne pamiatka, ktorá sa dôstojne využíva restoration for such purposes, can be granted the privilege na religiózne, kultúrne alebo vzdelávacie účely, prípadne sa of being included in the Route network. na tento účel obnovuje. The Slovak Jewish Heritage Route is a non-profi t marketing Cesta funguje na princípe partnerstva s vlastníkmi a správ- tool promoting Jewish heritage to the Slovak and interna- cami pamiatok. Pomáha im v marketingu jednotlivých ob- tional public. It is not a tourist guide or itinerary, such as jetkov. Nie je klasickým komerčným produktom cestovnej you often see prepared by tourism boards or private travel kancelárie, ale predstavuje sieť konkrétnych ľudí a charak- agencies. It is, instead, a network of real people and real, in- teristických pamiatok pod jednotným názvom a logom. Sú dividual sites that fi t together under the unifying umbrella označené identifi kačnou tabuľou a tvoria základ projektu of a common name, logo and identifi cation plaque. Slovenskej cesty židovského kultúrneho dedičstva. On an international level, the Slovak Jewish Heritage Route Na medzinárodnej úrovni je Slovenská cesta židovského kul- is associated with the European Route of Jewish Heritage, túrneho dedičstva súčasťou rozsiahleho projektu Európskej which has been declared a Major Cultural Route of the cesty židovského kultúrneho dedičstva, ktorý nesie označe- Council of Europe. nie Veľká kultúrna cesta Rady Európy. 3 Bratislava Synagogue The only remaining synagogue in Bratis- lava is located on Heydukova Street, not far from the historic city center. It was con- structed in 1923-1926, decades after re- strictions on Jewish residence were lifted, enabling Jews to move out of the Juden- gasse district and settle throughout the city. The synagogue exterior has a tower- less, seven-pillared colonnade facing the street. The interior includes a large sanctu- ary in which modern steel-and-concrete construction and contemporary Cubist details are combined with historicist ele- ments, such as the arcade of the women’s gallery, a metal bimah, and the ark. The architecture fulfi lls traditional religious requirements, such as separation of men Posledná bratislavská zachovaná synagóga sa and women and placement of the bimah nachádza neďaleko historického centra mesta in the center, but it also features modern na Heydukovej ulici. Bola postavená v rokoch facilities. The synagogue still serves as an 1923 – 1926 podľa projektov architekta Artu- active Jewish house of worship. A commu- ra Szalatnaia-Slatinského. Synagóga sa v ulič- nity memorial exhibition is being prepared nom fronte prezentuje monumentálnym stĺ- for installation in the women‘s gallery. poradím pozostávajúcim zo siedmich pilierov. V interiéri sa snúbi novátorská železobetónová konštrukcia a dobové kubistické detaily s his- Visitor Information Informácie pre návštevníkov torizujúcimi prvkami. Architektonické riešenie synagógy rešpektuje požiadavky ortodoxného Location / Lokalita: judaizmu, ako oddelené sedenie mužov a žien, Heydukova 11-13, Bratislava či bima situovaná v centre hlavnej modlitebne. GPS: 48°8'49.00"N, 17°6'43.50"E Synagóga dodnes slúži svojmu pôvodnému účelu. V súčasnosti sa pripravuje stála výstava Mailing address / Poštová adresa: venovaná dejinám obce, ktorá bude inštalova- Židovská náboženská obec Bratislava ná v priestoroch ženskej galérie v roku 2011. Kozia 18 814 47 Bratislava Contact details / Kontaktné údaje: Bratislava Tel.: +421-2-5441 6949 E-mail: [email protected] Bratislava was for centuries an important center of Jewish school), and at the same time his opponents in the commu- life. Jewish presence in the medieval city was regulated by nity opened a modern Jewish primary school. Later, there the municipal charter granted by King Andrew III Arpád, in were two Jewish communities in Bratislava, one Orthodox 1291. One section of the document stipulated that the Jews and one Neolog, each with its own large synagogue. Most had the right to reside within the city walls, elect their own Bratislava Jews were killed in the Holocaust, but it was after mayor, and pay taxes directly to the King. Later, the Jews World War II that most of the Jewish built heritage in the city were expelled from the city on several occasions, the last was destroyed. The Orthodox synagogue was demolished in time in 1526. In 1599, they returned to Bratislava, but not 1961, and the rest of the Judengasse, along with the Neolog to the town proper. Invited by Count Pálff y, they settled in synagogue, was razed in 1967, when the New Bridge was a narrow zone between the castle hill and the city fortifi ca- constructed. The political changes after the fall of Commu- tions. The so-called Judengasse, a part of the area controlled nism in 1989 brought a renaissance of Jewish life to Brati- by the Castle, remained the only place Jews were allowed slava. Today there is an active Jewish community, which to live until 1840. In the fi rst half of the nineteenth century, maintains a full range of religious, cultural, educational, and Bratislava became an important center of Jewish learning. social activities. In 1996, a Holocaust memorial was erected The Chatam Sofer established a famous yeshiva (rabbinical on the site of the demolished Neolog synagogue. 4 Bratislava Museum of Jewish Culture Located in the Zsigray Mansion, a surviv- ing house of Bratislava’s former Judengasse (Jewish Street), the Museum of Jewish Cul- ture is the only reminder of the historic Jewish neighborhood razed in the 1960s, when the New Bridge was constructed. The eighteenth-century Baroque mansion was rebuilt in the nineteenth century and since 1993 has been the seat of the Muse- um’s permanent exhibition. The renewed exhibition was reopened in May 2009. The highlights of the museum collection are two valuable Chevra Kadisha jugs from the western Slovak town of Senica. Dat- ing from 1734 and 1776, they belonged to the burial brotherhood that in a traditional Múzeum židovskej kultúry sa nachádza v zacho- Jewish community provided funerals to vanom objekte niekdajšej Židovskej ulice v Bra- community members and assisted the tislave, ktorú zbúrali v šesťdesiatych rokoch 20. bereaved. These two unique pieces, which storočia pri výstavbe Nového mosta. Baroková depict scenes from Jewish burials and oth- kúria z 18. storočia bola prestavaná v 19. sto- er activities of the brotherhood, were in ročí a od roku 1993 v nej po rekonštrukcii sídli 1999 reproduced on a joint Slovak-Israeli stála expozícia Múzea. Obnovená expozícia bola postage stamp. otvorená v máji 2009. Medzi najvýznamnejšie exponáty Múzea patria dva vzácne krčahy zo Se- Visitor Information nice. Pochádzajú z rokov 1734 a 1776 a boli ma- Informácie pre návštevníkov jetkom židovského pohrebného bratstva Chevra Kadiša, ktoré v tradičnej židovskej obci zabezpe- Location / Lokalita: čovalo dôstojný pohreb členov komunity a sta- Židovská 17, Bratislava ralo sa o pozostalých. Na krčahoch sú zobrazené GPS: 48°8'38.50"N, 17°6'12.50"E výjavy z činnosti bratstva. Tieto vzácne artefak- ty sa stali v roku 1999 námetom pre spoločnú Mailing address / Poštová adresa: slovensko-izraelskú známkovú edíciu. SNM – Múzeum židovskej kultúry Židovská 17 811 01 Bratislava Contact details
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