S CENTS CANADA'S NEWSPAPER FOR UKRAINIAN STUDENTS World Congress of Free Ukrainians Dissidents and democracy Les highlight Kapusniak World Congress The events of the third World ol their fossilized political posture- Congress of Free Ukrainians are found in the forefront of World (WCFU), recently convened in New War Two hangovers. Consequently, York. 22-26 November will 1978. as long as the member umbrella take their place among last the organizations that the WCFU em- chapters ol the history of Ukrainian braces remain undemocratically emigre institutional behaviour, as structured, and as a result the indicative of the deeply rooted and victims of (actional strife and seemingly irreconcilable political manipulation by the Bandenvtsi. cleavages that burden Ukrainian the WCFU will remain compelled to Nadya Svillychna in New York City with her two community life redirect resources towards main- Admittedly, consolidating sons, Ivan months) and the taining the myth ol Ukrainian unity (6 Yarema (9 years). inward numerous looking Ukrai- at the expense of substantively interest nian emigre groups, which tackling the pressing concerns of more than often appear to be at Ukrainian communities abroad Bread salt with and odds into single one another, a With this spirit General Petro representative structure encom- Gngorenko addressed the par- passing for Svitlychna organized Ukrainians ticipants of the WCFU. and came abroad, is itself a monumental task down heavily on factional bickering Zorjan Hromjak The vast scope of its nature of among the Ukrainian emigre concern, however, can only in pari political groupings. Thoroughly Nadia Svitlychna, the first Ukrainian woman account for the failure ol the WCFU dissatisfied with their behaviour oppositionist political and prisoner to be allowed by the to realize its overriding objective and uncompromising attitude to Soviet government to emigrate Irom Ukraine, arrived in of coordinating vehicle becoming a one another he proposed to the New York November 8. 1978, and has settled with her for concretely dealing with the ' Congress that. two sons in Philedelphia complex problems facing the Ukrai- the new leadership ot the , In a briel slatement during a reception held (or her nian diaspora. WCFU resign their party upon her arrival, Svitlychna professed. 'I wani to Essentially, the WCFU is com allegiances, that only a helieve that in welcoming me to America, you greet part posed of national umbrella politically neutral executive ol Ukraine in me." As she thanked all those people who organizations of various' countries will embody any hope for the had campaigned on her behalf she recalled thai there — by far the two largesl being the future of the WCFU were still many of hei fellow dissidents awaiting Ukrainian Canadian Comrnillee Furthermore, disgusted with emigration, and named Slephania Shabatura, Vilahy (UCC) and Ihe Ukrainian Congress the manner in which the Ukrainian Kalychenko. Ivan Kandyba and Yosyf Terelia as Committee ol America (UCCA) question had been abstracted and examples She further indicated that her brother Ivan Because the WCFU can only be as mystified by the emigre political Svitlychny (one of Ukraine's loremost literary critics effective in implementing its goals leaders, Gngorenko clarified his and a former political prisoner) had released been trom as its constituent membei disapproval to the Congress, prison and was in exile in Altai in the Asian part of the organizations permit it lo be, the stating that, Soviet Union maior constraints limiting Iheellec- We will bring to Ukraine By her own admission. Nadia Svitlychna is not a liveness of the WCFU arc Ihus neither fascism nor com- 'political person' m the sense thai making sociological rooted in the very nature ol the munism I am against both. and political prognoses are not amongst hercapacihes factional si rife that burdens its We will bring to Ukraine However, in light of her highly emotional slate in fmdinq membei organizalions democracy. its inception From in 196. Ihu The General ended his address I STUDENT iVul II 50 I) lor a p WCFU has had to accomodate ah with an additional insight into the intensive powei struggle hetwcon situation at hand, calling lor the the international leadership ot democratization of the WCFU. splinlei groups nf the Organization ol Ukrainian Nationalist (OUN) (WORLD CONGRESS (SVITLYCHNA continued on page ot thr 11) which "Bandenvtsi . com- continued on page 11) posing thr> ciurir-t inrlmii in lenns One down — two to go? How much longer for the Ministry of Multiculturalism Alex Tymofienko few weeks, a lobbying variety ordinatlve functions over policy In the confusion of Prime poyal Mint every intense by a of in federal areas of jurisdiction. Minister Trudeau's recent cabinet modest portion of which manages interest groups that the federal None of Liberals finally to the of these ministries has ever re-organization (in which he made to find its way into the pockets responded Bob "The Mad Hungarian" Andras Canadians every pay day. The fust distinctive problems posed by their amounted to much more than a attempt to throw a few our chief economic czar over casualties of the slowdown appear lack of presence in two burgeoning token least of the early — of to the hungry "dogs" who federal expenditures), the dis- to be those who have the issues 1970s those "bones" for the programs in the appearance of one of the several muscle, those unable to keepjheir urban growth and immigrant had lobbied to first place, ministries of state, which were set muzzles in the sugar-coated trough cultural adjustment Canadian "goodies" (i.e. un- society. ' Recently, Joe "That's Who" up in the early 1970s before spen- of government as the Trudeau and his cabinet were even the likes ding for "the public good" went out organized lobbies such Clark has outflanked as well as well aware that federal policies in in espousing a of style, went largely unnoticed unemployed, the young, of Ronald Reagan urban affairs multiculturalism The decreased ministry, urban the "ethnics").- and fierce brand of conservatism on of the dis- would be looked upon by the notably in his affairs, had since 1970 been trying -The implications several issues, ministry of urban provinces as intrusions into areas Toronto Star, Dec, 30, to busily co-ordinate federal mantling of the proposal (see future ot other held to be exclusively within their - the fledgling policies toward our cities. affairs on the 1977) to abort mul- jurisdiction under the BNA Act. including As 1978 has been designated ministries of -state, including ministries of state — not be Therefore it was only with great affairs, and amateur "The Year of the Scrooge" in the ticulturalism, should urban fitness should be reluctance that the ministries of multiculturalism (See calendar of our Ottawa mandarins, minimized. It sport, and affairs was urban affairs and multiculturalism March- the government has decided to stop remembered that urban STUDENT. Vol. 10. No. 44, (along with fitness and amateur playing Robin Hood with our money created under circumstances April 1978). Since ,the Conser- led the sport in 1976) were set up. make and has begun to slow down the similar to those which To vatives' recent surge in the Gallup proclaim intrusions palatable to printing ot those funny colored federal government to these more polls, Clark has effectively been "multicultural'' in the provinces, they were designated of pieces of paper bearing Her Ma- Canada officially promoted to the position result of of state with merely jesty's portrait which pour out otthe 1971. It was only as a ministries co- Canada's Number One policy- maker (I was tempted tosay "Acting Prime Minister" but Clark has failed to show any acting ability, save, Appeal to release perhaps, as a clown). It may. therefore, not be long before mul- Stephan ticulturalism will meet the same fate Semykivsky as urban affairs. dying Shumuk Some may argue, what difference does it make, anyway, September of this year release Shumuk These efforts, only receive practically no whether or not there is a federal Andre Sakharov, the leading however, have resulted in few medical help from the so-called ot doctors assigned to the camp, bul ministry of state for mul- humar rights activist in Moscow, concrete measures on the part Affairs are also forbidden to receive ticulturalism? As Joe Clark has stated that Danylo Shumuk, a the Department of External which we argued, shouldn't we be concen- Ukrainian political prisoner, was which has been mollified by packages with drugs Soviet em- need, although the camp dispen- trating on getting the money to "the seriously ill with stomach cancer statements from the people" rather than bloating our ' that sary nothing but aspirins up and in danger, of dying in the labor bassy in Ottawa claiming has is dying before our bureaucracy in Ottawa. Perhaps camp where he is currently im- Shumuk is in perfectly good "Shumuk But S10 million spread around to prisoned Sakharov asked that health' eyes. Our attempts to iorce the "the people", for them to sing and pressure on Soviet authorities be A leiter dated September 10. guards to provide Shumuk with evoked dance their way to obscurity, will given to English and French increased in order that they allow however, has recently reached the proper medical help has not go very far. And what about the Canadians But just remember, if Shumuk to leave the Soviet Union west from the Mordovian labor only malevolent cynicism. original reason for having a ministry you should think of getting a real and die m peace camp in which Shumuk is being Shumuk's principled stance and his of state for multiculturalism, which piece of the S52 billion in "goodies" Shumuk has several relatives in held. steadfastness, which they detest was supposed to sensitize govern- the federal government is dishing Canada who are willing to take care "We.
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