DOCUMENT RESUME ED 412 399 CE 074 959 TITLE Glossarium. Vocational Training. A Comparison of Concepts from 12 Member States of the European Union in 9 Languages. INSTITUTION European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Thessaloniki (Greece). ISBN ISBN-92-827-8326-X PUB DATE 1996-00-00 NOTE 548p. AVAILABLE FROM Bernan Associates, 4611-F Assembly Drive, Lanham, MD 20706-4391; phone: 800-274-4888 (18.50 European Currency Units). PUB TYPE Reference Materials Vocabularies/Classifications (134) Multilingual /Bilingual Materials (171) LANGUAGE Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese EDRS PRICE MF02/PC22 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adult Education; Danish; *Definitions; Dutch; English; Foreign Countries; French; German; *Glossaries; Greek; Italian; *Job Training; Portuguese; Postsecondary Education; Secondary Education; Spanish; *Vocabulary; *Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *European Union ABSTRACT This glossary is designed for users seeking to further understanding in the field of vocational training in the European Union. It was compiled by vocational training experts who were responsible for the contributions from their own countries and collated results. Contributions from individual countries have been written by the experts or compiled from various sources assembled by European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. The body of the glossary consists of 282 numbered main entries. Each main entry is divided into nine parts, one for each of these languages: Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese. The terminological entry consists of term(s) in bold type; description (definition, explanation); and note (in italics). Synonyms and quasi synonyms are provided. Instead of a term, a suggested translation may be given. Bold type in the description is used to indicate cross-references. Where terminological entries from more than one Member State occur in the same language entry, they are marked with the abbreviation (in parentheses) of the appropriate country, unless the terms, descriptions, or notes are identical. Nine indexes are provided, one for each language. A bibliography lists sources and experts who can provide relevant information. (YLB) ******************************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ******************************************************************************** Formacion Profesional M Erhvervsuddannelse c 1 Berufsbildung nETTCINIVEApaTI Kri Karap-nan Vocational Training Formation professionnelle etFormazione professionale Beroepsopleiding Formacao Profissional w w U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Offi of Educational Research and Improvement ED ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) BEST COPY AVAILABLE Acknowledgments: - to Dr. Willi Maslankowskifor contribution of the quotations from Plato and help in collecting their authorized translations; - to CEDEFOP's TranslationService for translations of the introductory part; - to Drs. Diedericke M. OudesluijsM.R. and Drs. Johan Meijer for their technical editing and DTP services; - to Rudolf Schmitt for the coverdesign. Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1996 ISBN 92-827-8326-X © ECSC-EC-EAEC, BrusselsLuxembourg, 1996 Reproduction is authorized, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium Printed on non-chlorine bleached paper pagina, side, Seite, asAi3a, page, pagina, bladzijde Formacion Profesional 1 11 21 23 41 43 83 495 497 531 Erhvervsuddannelse 2 12 21 25 41 43 83 495 501 531 Berufsbildung 3 13 21 27 41 43 83 495 504 531 EnayyeApanKri KaTapTian 4 14 21 29 41 43 83 495 507 531 Vocational Training 5 15 21 31 41 43 83 495 510 531 Formation professionnelle 6 16 21 33 41 43 83 495 514 531 Formazione professionale 7 17 21 35 41 43 83 495 519 531 Beroepsopleiding 8 18 21 37 41 43 83 495 522 531 Formagdo Profissional 9 19 21 39 41 43 83 495 527 531 Glossarium Vocational Training A comparison of concepts from 12 Member States of the European Union in 9 languages elaborated within the framework of a G IIT-CEDEFOP Project Project Coordinator: Brigitte Linshoft-Stiller First edition, Thessaloniki 1996 Published by: CEDEFOPEuropean Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Marinou Antipa 12, G R-57001 Thessaloniki Tel.: 30-31+49 01 11, Fax: 30-31+49 01 02 E-mail: [email protected] The Centre was established by Regulation (EEC) No 337/75 of the Council of the European Communities, last amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 251/95 of 6 February 1995 and Council Regulation (EC) No 354/95 of 20 February 1995. 5 IIAATQN 'OvOttato;, (1)a 0v, OpOOTTI; 1/1)TTI, Tin; vSci4E-cat otos/crs-i TO npaytta... (KearRog 428e) AEI SE aEi navto; irpt do reparnta aim!, itilklov Sta Vrywv ij ToZvotta itovov cruvomiokoyfrOat xavi; k67ov. (Eoparric 218c) Ei SE ng Opo; Opta0Ei; Oyaq &a 13paxolv OavEiti, 'rano itaktata eyKatptoitatov -yvorc ay. (TLRaLog 51d) Platon: "La exactitud del nombre es...aquella que nos manifieste cual es la cosa" (Cratilo 428e. Traduccion: J.Calonge Ruiz, E.Acosta Mendez, F.J.Olivieri, J.L.Calvo). "Respecto detodo,siempreesnecesario ponerse de acuerdoacercadelobjeto mismo graciasalasdefiniciones,envezdeatenersealnombresolo,sinsu definicion"(Sofista218c.Traduccion:M.I.Santacruz,A.VallejoCampos, N.L.Cordero)."Lo mas oportunoserfaquesurgiera una definicidnrelevantede pocas palabras" (Timeo 51d. Traduccion: M.A.Duran, F.Lisi). Platon:"...et Navns Rigtighedbestaar deri,atdet angiver vedkommende Tings Natur"(Kratylos428e.OversmttelsevedPerKrarup)."Mendeteraltid Onskeligere, hvad det saa end drejersig om,at naatilen Bestemmelse of Sagen selv gennem en Forklaring end blotat enes om Navnet paa den uden atforklare den" (Sofisten 218c. Oversxttelse ved Per Krarup). "Hvis det viste sig,atvi kunde foretageenrigtigDistinktion i faaOrd,vildedetvwredetmest betimelige" (Timaios 51d. Oversxttelse ved Povl Johs. Jensen). Platon:"DieRichtigkeitdesWortes bestehtdarin,dasWesenderSache kundzugeben" (Kratylos 428e). "Esistaber unbedingt besser, worum essich auch handeln mag, jedesmal iiber die Sache selbst auf dem Weg der Begriffsbestimmung zuvollemEinverstandnisgelangtzuseinalsfiberdenbloBen Namen ohne Begriffsbestimmung"(Sophistes218c). Und "wenn sichuns abereine Begriffsbestimmungbietensollte,diemitwenigen WorteneinengroBenInhalt umspannt, so ware das hochst erwiinscht" (Timaios 51d). (Ubersetzungen von Otto Ape lt) In.ciuov: Etna Re óti oQ96-rita TOU ova[tatog avaL avz71 nou wavegcovet, nOnci va etvaL TO ngety[ta (-qv ouota TOU nOtwatoc) (K9arao5 428e). To acooTO, oRcog, etyat va ouRcpcovoURe navtote yLa au-r6 TOUT° TO nQdcyl.ta urn paal enixeivriltdutwv naQ6. yta TO Ovolia ii3Ovo xcoq,Cc enixeLOKata (Eowiarng 218c). ea 'limy nokU olp.avixO va 8tva[te xecnoLopauLx6 oQic[to xolaittonoubvtag ktya Ovo kayLa (T(limo; 51d). (Me-rawOoetc: AQ. I.11. NixokoUtyrig) Plato: "Correctness of a name...is the quality of showing the nature of the thing named" (Cratylus 428e. Translated by H.N.Fowler). "But`tis always and inallcases more necessaryto come to an understanding about fact byargumentationrather than about a bare name withoutit" (The Sophist 218c. Translated by A.E.Taylor). "If,however,itwere possibletodisclosebriefly some main determing principle, that would best serve our purpose" (Timaeus 51d. Translated by The Rev. R.G.Bury, Litt.D.). V Platon: "La justesse d'un nom...consisteafairevoirlanature dela chose" (Cratyle 428e. Traduit par Louis Meridier). "Or ce quis'impose,toujourset dans touterecherche,c'estplutotdes'entendresurlachose meme aumoyen des raisonsquiladefinissentquedes'entendresurlenomseulementsansse preoccuper dune definition" (Le Sophiste 218c. Traduit par Auguste Dies). "Mais, sinous pouvions en peu de mots, donner une decisionnetteet evidemment de grande consequence,voilaquiseraitleplusappoprie" (Timee51d.Traduitpar AlbertRivaud). Platone:"...lacorrettezza del nome consistenelmostrare qualesial'oggetto" (Cratilo 428e. Tradotto da Maria Luisa Gatti). "Bisogna, invece, su ogni argomento, mettersid'accordosulla cosa stessa con dellespiegazioni,piuttosto thesul nome soltanto senza spiegazione" (Sofista 218c. Tradotto da Claudio Mazzarelli). "Ma sesi riuscisseatrovareinbreviparoleunagrandistinzionebendefinita,questa sarebbe la cosa piu opportuna" (Timeo 51d. Tradotto da Giovanni Reale). Plato: "De juistheid van een naam bestaat hierin: dat zij ons zal aantonen wat de eigenschappen vanhet genoemde dingzijn"(Cratylus 428e). "Welnu, om'teven waar men het over heeft,altijdishet nodig het eens te worden over de zaak zelf, door haarteverklaren,lieverdanerzichtoetebeperkeneenzelfde naamte gebruiken zonder er eenverklaring vantegeven" (De Sofist218c). "Konden we echter eenbelangrijkebegrenzing,dieveeldefinieertinweinig woorden,inhet zicht krijgen, dan zou dat bier bijzonder goed van pas komen" (Timaeus 51d). (Vertalingen door Drs. Xaveer de Win) Platao: "A correccao do nome consiste em revelar e essencia da coisa designada" (Cratilo 428e. Traduzido
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