5/12/14 11:52 AM 11:52 5/12/14 1 TACA8450_TSMap_2014_Cover.indd www.officeofroadsafety.wa.gov.au www.westernaustralia.com Australia Western www.vicroads.vic.gov.au www.visitmelbourne.com Victoria www.transport.tas.gov.au www.discovertasmania.com.au Tasmania Q8 .............. INDI W OONDI G 13 N ............ K OL RF O N W E N H6 ............................ ARA UL Y R8 ..................... S NNE I LEN G 6 C ........................ N A M W E N H5 .................... UENDUMU Y “This map is not for navigational purposes and is for general use only.” use general for is and purposes navigational for not is map “This www.transport.sa.gov.au www.southaustralia.com Australia South 1 A ................... O B M A LEND G Q10 ................. TLE AS C W E N P10 ........................... OUNG Y Email: [email protected] Web: www.cartodraft.com.au Web: [email protected] Email: 7 B ................... H G R U B LEN G J3 ...... RS TE A W TLE AS C W E N 9 C ................................. 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LTON RA E G A OOM NAR Q11 ................... 13 N ..................... D AR WYNY Main Railway Lines Railway Main Conservation Parks & Reserves & Parks Conservation 266 222 Ross www.tams.act.gov.au www.visitcanberra.com.au Territory Capital Australian 3 N ............... N W GETO R EO G 11 L ................ TE R COO NARA 2 G ..................... M HA WYND Distance in kilometres in Distance National Parks & Reserves & Parks National 203 have changed since the date of publication November 2014. November publication of date the since changed have 13 N ........... N W O T GE R EO G R9 ....... S D A HE A UCC B M NA 8 C ............................. IN B WU SOUTHERN Other Roads & Tracks & Roads Other Airports & Aerodromes & Airports 200 www.atsb.gov.au www.australia.com National 11 M ...................... EELONG G R7 ....................... R OU B M NA K8 ...................... RA WOOME 176 authors cannot accept any responsibility for any details that may may that details any for responsibility any accept cannot authors SAVAGE RIVER NAT PK NAT RIVER SAVAGE R7 ......................... AH YND GA 5 N ................ RRA U AB UTT M 12 N ............... GGI HA WONT Highways & Major Roads Major & Highways Aboriginal Communities Aboriginal brochure and all details were correct at the time of printing. The The printing. of time the at correct were details all and brochure For more information on road safety and things you can see while in Australia visit the following Internet sites. Internet following the visit Australia in while see can you things and safety road on information more For 10 L .......................... R LE GAW Q9 .......... K OO BR ELL SW U M Q10 ........... WOLLONGONG MAP SYMBOLS MAP Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this this of accuracy the ensure to made been has effort Every B6 . JUNCTION COYNE GAS R8 ........... 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E P O H UC A W MARINE PARK MARINE M31 on section Tips Useful the out Check www.australia.com BATEMANS 17 877 1412 Adelaide Sydney P9 .............................. O BB U D 8 C ......................... RAWA O M R8 ......................... K IC ARW W B1 B8 ....................... ARA ONG D 9 C ............................ RA OO M 12 M ........ OOL B M A N ARR W B23 43 2132 3434 Perth Melbourne Alert website: website: Alert www.emergencyalert.gov.au 6 G ............... R RIVE R E K OC D Q7 ........................... OONIE M P9 ........................... EN ARR W A1 A41 More information on the service is available on the Emergency Emergency the on available is service the on information More A79 MARINE PARK MARINE 13 N ................ T R O P EVON D 7 L ......................... BA OOM M 12 N .................. GUL ARRA W B400 10 454 731 Adelaide Melbourne JERVIS BAY JERVIS 3 E ................................ Y RB E D R6 ............................. ONTO M F7 ......... 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U R LU U 7 402 648 Melbourne Canberra M1 PORT STEPHENS- PORT services in Australia may issue an emergency warning to to warning emergency an issue may Australia in services 7 N ............... A MULL A UNN C 9 M ..................... ENINDEE M P3 ................................. ULLY T In the event of a disaster, such as a bushfire, emergency emergency bushfire, a as such disaster, a of event the In 21 1065 1715 Brisbane Cairns 7 C .................................... UE C H1 ........... ND A L IS ELVILLE M R8 ................. S D A HE EED TW A15 Narromine P4 ......................... OYDON CR 11 N ................ NE R OU B EL M P4 .................... VILLE S N W O T Tottenham police attendance call 131 444. 131 call attendance police A32 21 1039 1674 Melbourne Brisbane P10 ........................... WRA O C 7 C .............. HARRA T KA EE M H3 .................. S ING PR S P O T B56 A32 PKS services. From mobile phones use 112. For non-emergency non-emergency For 112. use phones mobile From services. A6 ....................... Y A B L RA O C H2 ................... KA N ARA T MA Q8 ................ BA OOM W OO T NAT 12 600 966 Sydney Brisbane A87 P9 ................... LE B M A OON C R7 ............. H OUG R O B Y MAR 6 C ....................... ICE R P OM T In an emergency call 000 for police, ambulance and fire fire and ambulance police, for 000 call emergency an In A32 172 A39 Q9 ........ N ABARABRA OON C 8 L ............................ EE MARR J5 ................................ EE TR I T B71 NAT PK NAT 6 275 443 Uluru Springs Alice MARINE PARK MARINE DARLING P11 .........................
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