May 10, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 6 7859 Deborah’s dedication and service to the leonic French forces at the Battle of Puebla in leader who earned the nickname ‘‘The community and her peers has proven her abil- 1862, but also the commemoration of the Motivator.’’ ity to excel among the leaders at West Point. friendship and goodwill that exists between the Ricky’s dedication to protecting freedom and I have no doubt that Deborah will take the les- United States and Mexico to this day. winning peace around the world was dem- sons of her student leadership with her to Following the Mexican War of Independ- onstrated in his unconditional devotion to duty. West Point. ence, Mexico found itself heavily indebted to He was serving on his third tour of duty in Iraq Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Spain, France, and England. England and when he was killed. Despite the dangers and in congratulating Deborah J. Almy on her ap- Spain quickly settled their debts, but Napoleon sacrifice that Ricky faced in Iraq, he had in- pointment to the United States Military Acad- saw this as an opportunity to expand his em- formed his family that he planned to re-enlist emy at West Point. Our service academies pire and reclaim a portion of the New WorId. with the Marines in the fall. offer the finest military training and education France invaded Mexico in Veracruz, but was Ricky’s family is also to be commended for available anywhere in the world. I am sure stopped from gaining passage to the Nations urging other young men and women to take that Deborah will do very well during her ca- seed of government in Mexico City by General heart in the life of Corporal Waller who lived reer at West Point and I ask my colleagues to Ignacio Seguin Zaragoza and his small militia. ‘‘for God, family and country, with love for all join me in wishing her well as she begins her Napoleon; however, would not be deterred. He and with no regrets.’’ service to the nation. sent 30,000 more troops and began a three The American people know the sacrifices Ricky, like many other soldiers, made to his f month siege of Puebla, who finally surren- dered and eventually took Mexico City. Napo- country and his memory will not be in vain. I RECOGNIZING KRISTIN VENZIAN leon appointed his cousin Ferdinand Maxi- am proud to honor Corporal Waller’s service milian of Austria as Emperor of Mexico. He to the State of Texas and to the United States HON. SAM GRAVES was in power from 1864 until 1867 when the of America. He will not be forgotten. OF MISSOURI United States was able to provide assistance f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Mexico after the conclusion of the Civil War TRIBUTE TO PASTOR DAVID L. and helped Mexico expel the French. Shortly Wednesday, May 10, 2006 EVERSON, SR. after the French expulsion Maximilian was ex- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly rise to ecuted in Mexico. recognize Kristin Venzian of Parkville, Mis- Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Battle of HON. RON PAUL OF TEXAS souri. Kristin will be honored with the Billy Pueblo in 1862 where General Ignacio Seguin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mitchell Award and Second Lieutenant Bars Zaragoza and his small militia valiantly pre- as a member of the Platte Valley Civil Air Pa- vented the invasion of Mexico. This brave Wednesday, May 10, 2006 trol. As a member of the Civil Air Patrol, she group of 4,500 men was able to prevent 6,500 Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to has been moving swiftly through the ranks and French soldiers from marching on to Mexico pay tribute to my constituent, Pastor David L. is a member of the first string color guard, par- City. Everson, Sr. A pastor for over 26 years, David ticipating in various local events as a member Mexico, and more recently, the United Everson has spent the last seven years serv- of the team that won the Missouri State Color States both celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It rep- ing at the First Union Baptist Church in Gal- Guard Championship this year. resents a victory for the Mexican people and veston, Texas. During his time in Galveston, Kristin is a very active member of her the beginning of a wonderful diplomatic rela- Pastor Everson has worked tirelessly to help school and the community. She received the tionship between the United States and Mex- his congregation, and all residents of Gal- President’s Volunteer Service Award in 2005 ico that is not simply intertwined geographi- veston. Pastor Everson’s efforts have im- and founded Kids Celebrate Soldiers, a foun- cally but also culturally. proved the lives of many Texans. dation that sends thank you cards from chil- As a Texan I have an added respect for For example, Pastor Everson has been dren around the United States to American General Ignacio Sequin Zaragoza. He was given an identification badge by the University soldiers overseas. In school she is a member born near the town of Goliad, Texas on March of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), one of of the National Honor Society, the South Bou- 24, 1829. A ten foot stature honoring General Texas’s most respected hospitals, so he may levard Singers, French Club, Teenage Repub- Zaragoza was dedicated in Goliad, Texas as visit with, extend compassion to, and pray with lican Club, and a Captain on the Girls Cross a gift from the Governor of Puebla, Mexico. and for people receiving treatment at UTMB Country squad. f and their families. Pastor Everson has also After graduating from Park Hill South High been given a badge by the Galveston Police School, Kristin hopes to enter the Air Force IN MEMORY OF CORPORAL Department in recognition of his work against Academy and pursue a degree in Aeronautical RICHARD PRICE WALLER drug abuse. Engineering with a specialty in engines. For Education is an area of particular concern to many years she remains focused on becoming HON. KAY GRANGER Pastor Everson. In order to ensure his neigh- a pilot and serving in the Air Force throughout OF TEXAS bors have access to adult education services, her career. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pastor Everson initiated the First Union Baptist Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Church Community Center. Pastor Everson Wednesday, May 10, 2006 recognizing Kristin Venzian, an outstanding also regularly meets with local school board student from Parkville, Missouri. Her commit- Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to members and networks with other ministers to ment to the community and desire to serve honor the courage of a young hero from my ensure all the children in Galveston receive a her country should be commended. I would district. On April 7, 2006, the Department of quality education. Pastor Everson is always like to express my gratitude to her for her Defense declared that Corporal Richard Price willing to mentor any young person in his con- achievements and I am honored to represent Waller (United States Marines, Company C, gregation, and he regularly visits local schools her in the United States Congress. 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine to provide support for the young people of f Division) was killed in the line of duty while Galveston. conducting combat operations against enemy Pastor Everson is always available to coun- TRIBUTE TO CINCO DE MAYO forces in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq. sel and assist any members of his congrega- Corporal Waller, who was known as ‘‘Ricky’’ tion with any problems they are having, or with HON. GENE GREEN by family and friends, had dreamed since he any projects on which they are working. Even OF TEXAS was a young boy of following in the footsteps with his busy schedule, Pastor Everson still IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of a number of relatives who have served in makes time to brighten the lives of his con- the U.S. military over the last nine decades. gregation. For example, in order to ensure Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Soon after graduating from Fort Worth’s West- senior citizens who are members of his con- Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, ern Hills High School in 2002, Ricky realized gregation continue to enjoy a fulfilling social I rise today in honor of Cinco de Mayo. Cinco his ambition and joined the Marines. After boot life, Pastor Everson takes them out for lunch de Mayo is not only a celebration of the vic- camp, Ricky was assigned to Company C and dinner, paying for their meals out of his tory of a small Mexican militia over the Napo- where he excelled and became a platoon own pocket. 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