WACKERBARTHPD Commons& JOSEPH, Tobacconists, ^ tin 4S WAGAZtW F STREFT. Wrfw Orlj^MatJjk. ,^^ ADAM'S ^OF— Points and Landi^s SOUTH AND 'SoTTTHWiSST- For Index lo AdveriiS. ..*« .". x®*?^?^.?^*: ^flfid for GIrcaiafs. noInT)^^- &b CORNELL fl UNIVERSITY kOERS' LIBRARY 37 - - S7 p ,000. Asse 13,908 66. IS--] i>- ^ f^. Jriisks at LOWEST TARIFF HATES. ED. A. PALFREY, President. JFO CHAFFE. Vice-President, THOS. F. WALKER, Secretary. JNO. I. NOBLE, T. LYTT. Li ON, JNO. OHAFFB,' SAMUEL H. BOYD, lilOHARD MILLIKEN, JOSEPH McELEOY, J. I. WAREEN, WM. J. BEHAN, E. T. BtOKNEE, • B. F. ESHLEMAN, SAM'L FRIEDLANDER, WM. C. BLACK, A. A. YATES, GHAS. CHAFFE, JOHN I. A BAMS, L. C. JUEEY, ISAAC SCHEECK, WM. HAETWELL, E. M. WALMSLEY, G. J. LEEDS, • A. H. MAY, A. T. JANIN,. S. H. SNOWDEN, JOS. BOWLING, M. BICKHAM. PD Books : PD Commons ^^^ti^^ 4? I h I <^^^ No. 58 CAEONDELBT ST., -to|- REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING STRICTLY FIRST CLA.SS AND RE- LIABLE COMPANIE- iSTNA Fire Ins'r'nca Company, Hartfort,Conn. - Assets $7,037,000. HARTFORD Fire Ins. Co., Hart- fort, Conn. - - Assets $3,270,000. HOME Fire Ins. Co., N. Y. As'ts 6,104,000. CONTINENTAL Ins. Co., N. Y. Assets, 3,040,000. FRANKLIN Ins. Co., Philadel- phia, - Assets, 3,352,000. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL Life Ins. Co., Springfield, Mass., - - Assets, 6,425,000. OFF-IOE: Cor. Camp St. & Commercial Place Assets, April 30, 1877, $581,423.72. IMs Company continues to take Insurance on THOS. A. ADAMS, President. S. B. NEWMAN, Vice-President. BENRY V. OGDEN, Secretary. TKU8TEES. THOS A. ADAMS, FRED'K CAMERDEN, SAM'L B. NEWMAN, J. L. HARRIS, SAM'LH KENNEDY, JOSEPH W. STONE, JOHN PHELPS, GEORGE MARTIN, ADAM THOMPSON, ALFRED MOULTON, HENRY ABRAHAM, L. C. JUEEY, VICTOR MEYER, EDWARD NALLE, JOSEPH BOWLING, GEO. W. SENTELL, EDW'D J. GAY, A.LEVI, SIMON HERNSHEIM, PAUL E. MORTIMER, SIMON FOECHEIMER, JNO. V. MOORE, JOS. B. WOPLE, W. B. CONGER, R. B. POST, HENRY M. PBESTON, EDWARD PILSBURY, J. J. IRBY, JNO. E. KING, REUBEN G. BUSH. PD Books PD Commons UTUAL Insurance ^ C> 3VX I> A. ]Nr OF HE77 OHLEAITS. IVo. 52 0A.31:JP STFtEET. JAS. I. DAY, President. H. CARPENTER, Secretary. Board of Directors. JNO. G. GAINES, B. BISCOE, E. J. HART, A. BALDWIN, HENRY RENSHAW, CHARLES MACREADY, HUGH WILSON, W, E. SEYMOUR, JESSE S. FLOWER, JAMES I. DAY, J. WEIS, LIONEL C. LEVY, B. W. TAYLOR, EMORY CLAPP, J. C. MORRIS, D. A. CHAFFitAIX, J. L. HARRIS, D. FATJO, L. ALCUS, T. L. AIREY, SCOTT McGEHEE, R, E. CRAIG, GEO. JONAS, SAM'L L. BOYD. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1852- CO. OoE. NATCHEZ & CAMP STS. XTSTT 0B.LI31.XrS. ^. INSURES Fire, Marine & River Risks, At Lowest Rates. -M- J, B, ^VOODS, Pres't. THOS. SEFTOM, Vice-Pres't. CHAS. l.eSASSIEB, Secretary. -tot- DIRECTOKSS: J. B. WOODS, TUOS. SEFTON, JNO. BARKLEY, J. J. GIDIERE, WM. T. HaRDIE, JNO. J. BARR, B. S. HOWARD, E. B. BRIGGS, C. L. CHASE,. E. K. CONVERSE, S, J. KEITH,. A. LEVI. PD Books : : PD Commons m in(1 A&m i«||M\ MjAiflbj s1 OFFICE IVo. 37 0^^3IJF» STREET, mm ^m INSURES AGAINST 'IRE, ARINE AND KlYER KiSKS. I JOBN HENDERSON, President. P. IRWIN, Vice-President. THOS. F. BRAGG, Sec'ty. JAS. PREVOST, Ass't Sec'ty. D3oarcl of Trtistees p. IRWIN, JOHN T. GIBBONS, JOHN HENDEKSON, JAMES A. GIEDNEB,= THOS. KING, WM. HART, THOS. SMITH, EMILE GAUCHE, THOS. GILMOEE, DAVID JACKSON, W. J. CASTELL, J. H. HANNA, F. J. GASQUET. : 3 1924 095 607 135 IHgHMA ii*^-i//ii( 1 OF INSURES IRE, Marine and Kiyer Risks, AT THE LOWEST TARIFF RATES, OFFICE : NO. 35 GAMP STREET, Capital^ $250,000. WM. B. SCHMIDT, President. F. RICKERT, Vlce-Presidenl ALBERT P. NOLL, Secretary. J3oa<i*d of Trtistees A. KIMER BADilE, H. R. GOGREVE, E. FRANK, PHILLIP MYEB, Hy. LOCHTB, F. RICKERT, J. E. RENGSTOKFF, CHAS. WEI8HAAR, J. M. SCHWARTZ, JOS. DREYFUS, E. P. COTTRAUX, JULIUS KEIFFER, R. FROTSCHER, W. B. SCHMIDT, C. H. MILLER, M. FRANK, J. H. RARESHIDE, J. H. KELBER, LOUIS SCHWARZ, FRANK RODEB, E. F. DELBONDIO, H. SCHULZE, X.WEISSENBACH. PD Books . PD Commons SMt Mutual Insurance OFFIOE: - 1} Cajilal, - ° 1,000,000 Mm. INSURES FIRE, RIVER AND MARINE PAUL FOURCHY, President. GEO. W, NOTT, Secpetapy. DIRECTORS. p. MASPEEO, D. A. CHAFPRAIX, S. Z; EEfiP, J. M. ALLEN, P. FOUKCHY, Chas. LA.PITTE, M. W. SMITH, H. BEEBE, J. J. FERNANDEZ, E. TOBY, D. FATJO. People's Insurance Company, NO. W GARONDELET STREET. IRE, ARINE AND -IYER JSKS. \ E. PRAGST, President. JIVIO, WILSON, Vice-President. P. IM. SCHNEIDAU, Secretary. JNO. WILSON, PD Books PD Commons Liverpool & London & Globe 184 aRA-VIt^R STREET. Invested Assets, $27,799,812 OO. General Reserve and Fire Re-in- surance Fund, 5,000,000 00 Surplus above all Fire Liabilities 5,122,024 84 Losses paid in Cash without delay or discount. Stockholders personally liable for all claims against this Company. Local Board of Directors^ DAVID UEQUHART, Chairman. I. F. SCHEODER, GEORGE WIGG, NEWTON BUCKNER, ANDREW FOSTER ELLIOT, Resident Manager. Cor. of CANAL and CAMP STS., Establislied_18 O 5 ^ ^IRE, P^A^IilNE g§ ®IVEIi ^ISKS TAJKEN. AT ggARIFP JULES TUTES. President. A. SCHREIBER, Vice-President. JOHN W. niNCKS, Secretary, DIRECTORS- ERNEST MERILH, H. GALLY, CHAS. LAFITTE, JULES ALDIGE CHAS. E. SCHMIDT, WM. A. BELL, CHAS. J. LEEDS, PIEHKE PONTZ, U. FATJO, JULES TUYES, A. SCHREtBER. THE FIREMEN'S INS. CO., Of NSW OBXiSANe, Office in Tulane Buildings, 33 CAMP ST. Fire, Marine I Eiver Ms takes at Lowest Tariff /. N. MABKS,Fresident. T. PUUDHOMME, Vice-President. R. H. BENN^EIIS, Secretary. DIRECTORS. JACOB ALEXANDER, I. N. MARKS, H. H. BIEEHOST, T. PRUDHOMMB, C. TAYLOR GAUCHE, C. SPORL, A, H. ISAACSON, GEO. WATERS, LEON SERTOLI, JOHN FITZPATRICK, L. B. CAIN, WASH MARKS, CHAS. HEMARD, BERRY RUSSELL, A. P.KIPP, OTTOTHOMAN, E. S. LEVY, L. A. WILTZ. PD Books PD Commons ew iirleans Insurance J^&&OG±SLt±OXl.n No. 102 CANAL STREET. Incorporated August 7tlc{, 1869. Fire, River and Marine, -tot- Aim mwsmr&My -tot- Q. LANAUX, Secretary. M. MUSSON, President. DIRECTORS: A. J. GOMILA, PIERRE LANAXJX, HENKY ABRAHAM, E. M. SCOTT, J B. CAMOES, HKNEY NORMAN, I. K. SMALL, WM. A. BELL, J. PLAISENT, JOHN DYMOND, L. J.WEBSTER, M. MUSSON. 88f 40, 42 & 44 GRA VIER STREET, AND 25, 27. 20, 31 & 88 PETERS STREET, Wholesale Dealers in . Fancy and Staple @' BOilBIEi! PROVISIOETS, ETC. Agents for the sale of many of the favorite brands of Flonr, TolDacco and Cigars ! strangers visiting the city ^re invited to call and examine our stocks of COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, and other Staple and Fancy Goods, which will be found at all times complete, with such articles as our own and other markets afford. OUR MOTTO—Large Sales, Small Profits, and Quick Returns. Having very greatly enlarged our fine, commodious Stores, and thereby increased our facilities for properly meeting all demands upon our rapidly increasing business,we are prepared to respond to the demands of our old cus- tomers, and as many new ones as may favor us with orders, and respectfully invitethe attention of the entire trade of the South and West. FLASH, LEWIS & CO. PD Books V PD Commons ADAM'S I ill El -OF- W« ^ ON RIYERS AND BAYOUS IN THE STATES OF ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, FLORIDA, GEORGIA INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, IOWA, LOUISIANA, MINNESOTA, MISSISSIPPI, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA, OHIO, TENNESSEE, TEXAS AND .. WISCONSIN, By LOUIS A.^,ADAM, JIVER CLERK OF THE FACTORS' AND TRADERS' INSURANCE CO. FIVE DOLLABS FEB COPT. NEW ORLEANS. + 61 Carpp Street. W. L. MURRAY., Publisher , Ho. y 1877. , . , I , /\ t/y^^P [Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, by LOUIS A. ADAM, in the ofiice of the Lihrarian of COngtess, at Washington, D. 0.] PD Books — PD Commons REVISED REGISTER —OF Points and Landings. AARON LANDING.—Tallahatchie river, not above Cassidy's Bayon. ABBEVILLE, La.—20 mileS from New Iberia. ABBEVILLE, Miss.—Tallahatchie river, above Belmont. ABERDEEN, Miss.—Tombigbee river, above ' Columbus, not above Cotton Gia Port. ABERDEEN, 0. —Ohio river, 694 mileis above its mouth, above Cincinnati. ABERDEEN, Arlc. —White river, 125 miles from its raouth, below the junction of Black river, ABERCROMBIE, ArTc.—Mississippi river, above Greenville, not above Memphis. ABEY'S (Dr.) LANDING.— Ouachita river, not above Trenton. ABEYDOS.—Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City. ABNEY'S LANDING, La.—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above Shreveport. ABNEY'S.—Red river, above Shreveport and not above foot of Raft. AOHARD'S LANDING, ^rft.—Arkansas river, 207 miles above Na- poleon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little Rock. ACKER'S LANDING, Ala.—Tombigbee river, not above Demopolis. ACKER'S WOODYARD, ^k.—Alabama river, not above Selma. ACKLAND'S LANDING, ia.—Black river, not above Harrisonburg- REVISED REGISTER OF POINTS AND LANDINGS ACKLEN'S (Col.) or ANGOLA LANDING, ia.—Mississippi river, 204 miles above New Orleans, above Bayou Sara, not above Grand Gulf. ADAMS' TERKY, Tea;.—Trinity river, above Smithville, not above Magnolia Lauding. ADAMS' LANDING, 47a.—Tombigbee river, not above Demopolis. ADAMS' BLUFF, Arh.—Whhe river, 105 miles above its mouth, bolow the junction of Black river. ADAMS' LANDING, Ark.—Arkansas river, 272 miles above Napo. leon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little Eock. ADAM LANDING, Miss.—Above Grand Gulf, not above Greenville ADAMS.—Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City. ADAMS.—Red river, above Fulton, not above Lanesport. ^ ADDISON, Ohio.—Ohio river, 742 miles above its mouth, above Cincinnati. ADDLE (Mrs. S.)—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above Shreve- port. ADGER, J. E , or MOLTRIES.—Red river, above Shreveport, not above foot of Raft. ADKINS, WIDOW (New Hope).—Red river, above Grand Ecore Dot above Shreveport.
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