Strategic Design Research Journal, 6(1): 29-38 January-April 2013 ©2013 by Unisinos – doi: 10.4013/sdrj.2013.61.04 Design used as a resource in the increase in value of goods and cultures: project design and competitive integration in the Estrada Real territory, Brazil (Phase II)1 Design como recurso de valorização de bens e culturas: projeto de competitividade e integração no território da Estrada Real, Brasil. (Fase II) Claudio Germak [email protected] Politecnico di Torino. Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli, 39, 10125, Turin, Piedmont, Italy. Dijon De Moraes [email protected] Minas Gerais State University. Av. Pres. Antonio Carlos, 7545, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Luigi Bistagnino [email protected] Politecnico di Torino. Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli, 39, 10125, Turin, Piedmont, Italy. Paulo Miranda [email protected], [email protected] Politecnico di Torino/ Minas Gerais State University. Castello del Valentino, Viale Mattioli, 39, 10125, Turin, Piedmont, Italy/Av. Pres. Antonio Carlos, 7545, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Abstract Resumo The study presented here aims to demonstrate the advances O estudo aqui apresentado tem como objetivo demonstrar of the in fi eri Project: Design and Competitive Integration in os avanços do projeto Design e Integração Competitiva no the Estrada Real Territory (PER), in the context of material, Território Estrada Real (PER), no contexto material, imaterial immaterial and historical culture, in a route corresponding e historico-cultural, em uma rota que corresponde a oito ci- to eight cities of the Estrada Real (ER) in the region of Minas dades da Estrada Real (ER) na região de Minas Gerais - Brasil. Gerais - Brazil. Through the research partnership between the Através da parceria de pesquisa entre a Escola de Design da Design School of UEMG and Politecnico di Torino, we saw the UEMG e o Politecnico di Torino. Este projeto na segunda fase need, continuing as a second phase of this project, to defi ne busca defi nir ações efetivas, a fi m de articular e melhorar o eff ective actions, throughout the breadth and scope of design, desenvolvimento do território em questão, tendo como base which should be able to articulate and enhance the develop- o aumento do valor da identidade e da cultura local, em bus- ment of the territory in question, having as basis the increase ca do equilíbrio socioeconômico e ambiental. Esta pesquisa in value of the local identity and culture, in pursuit of socio- envolve a participação de alunos e professores de ambas as economic and environmental balance. This research involves universidades, em uma ação de projeto que também inclui the opportune participation of students and teachers from a inserção e distribuição de marketing territorial na Estrada both Athenaeums, in a design action that also includes the in- Real através das localidades piloto seguintes: São Brás do sertion and distribution of territorial marketing in the Estrada Suaçuí, Entre Rios de Minas, Casa Grande , Lagoa Dourada, 1 All content reported in this document, including errors, are of responsibility of its authors. Design used as a resource in the increase in value of goods and cultures Real through the following pilot localities: São Brás do Suaçuí, Resende Costa, Coronel Xavier Chaves, Pratos e Bichinho. As Entre Rios de Minas, Casa Grande, Lagoa Dourada, Resende Cos- ações estão voltadas para o aumento do valor dos produtos ta, Coronel Xavier Chaves, Pratos and Bichinho. Actions aimed at e serviços locais e foram estabelecidas através do reconhe- the increase in value of local products and services have been cimento do potencial territorial e de competências, bem established through the recognition of the territorial potential como através da relação de comunicação entre estes meios and skills, as well as through the communication relationship e o contexto investigado, a fi m de fortalecer e propor novos between these means and the investigated context, in order to sistemas de produção e serviços que respeitem a vocação strengthen and propose new systems of production and ser- regional e estabelecer redes de cooperação criativas e inova- vices that respect the regional vocation and establish creative doras de ênfase sustentável. Nesta segunda fase da pesquisa, and innovative cooperation networks of sustainable emphasis. que mostram os resultados das alternativas de projetos que In this second phase of the research, we show the results of the foram gerados, analisados, melhorados e desenvolvidos pela project alternatives that were generated, analyzed, improved equipe de trabalho ítalo-brasileira (POLITO-UEMG), onde se and developed by the Italian-Brazilian work team (POLITO- identifi cou possíveis problemas do projeto, tais como: infor- UEMG), in which we prospect possible project issues, such as: mações em redes, artesanato sustentável, a natureza local, information networks, sustainable handicrafts, local nature, ty- tipografi a com ícones regionais, mapeamento de eventos pography with regional icons, mapping of local cultural events, culturais locais, merchandising de produtos para hotéis e merchandising products for hotels and restaurants, local mu- restaurantes, música local e melodias (ER Net, Eco-arte Zoo, sic and melodies (ER Net, Eco-art Zoo, Zoom in on Nature, (Re) Zoom em Natureza, (Re) Escrever, Calendário , Info-ferramen- Write, Calendar, Info-tools for food and table, Book of Musical tas para alimentos e de mesa, livro de tradições musicais). Traditions). We emphasize that all concepts to be developed Ressaltamos que todos os conceitos a serem desenvolvidos focus on the interface “territory, sustainability and design” and têm foco na interface “território, sustentabilidade e design” seek to contribute, in an original and innovative way, with the e procuram contribuir, de uma forma original e inovadora, many actions inherent to the Estrada Real territory. com as muitas ações inerentes ao território da Estrada Real. Key words: design and local increase in value, territorial culture, Palavras-chave: design, cultura territorial, meta-projeto, eco- meta-project and eco-museum, sustainable development. museu, sustentabilidade. Introduction gion, and the information of where to find all this richness. At the end, we present the project proposals of inter- The present article has the purpose of presenting vention, destined to the increase in value of the culture the deepened results of the research work applied to the and identity inherent to the territory, considering a deter- Project: Design and Competitive Integration in the Estrada mined route as an “experimental laboratory” and the local Real Territory (PER), from the application of Meta-project identity as a model of projectable reference. tools. The richness derived from the material, immaterial and historical culture of the territory conventionally called Competitive integration Estrada Real, has demonstrated a growing potential of in the estrada real territory local development. The PER has verified, through its re- searches and analysis, the way this territory has gained The importance of the paths that integrate the Estra- visibility does not contemplate all this richness, either be- da Real has motivated the appearance of villages and cities cause of the investors or because of the local community throughout them. With time appeared chapels, ranches, itself. This way, the PER – partnership among Escola de De- sales places, offices, houses of pau-a-pique2, where the so- sign da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (Design cial actors have articulated themselves and become part School of Minas Gerais State University), Politecnico di To- of a vast and rich political, cultural, economical and social rino, and Centro Minas Design (Minas Design Center)– has history. With more than 1.600km (994.2 miles) of history, worked in proposals, which through design should be able the Estrada Real, comprehends different local cultures, to articulate and enhance the development of the region, more intensely in the Brazilian Colonial Period, allowing based on the increase in value of the territory’s identity the construction not only of routes and paths, but also of and on the pillars of sustainability – society, economy, en- a singular history of this territory and the actors involved vironment and culture. in it: bandeirantes3, tropeiros (muleteers), military officials The goal of this work of research applied to the design and many travelers and peddlers who have found, in their project is to increase the value of the territory through its ways, the material and cultural transportability through- own resources, either tangible or intangible. Here stand out products, gold and diamonds. out not only the natural patrimony, the variety of raw- The Estrada Real Territory is a Geo-touristic complex material and productive processes, but also the historical formed throughout the systemic relationship of its paths: value and the sociocultural diversity of the investigated re- the Old Path (Caminho Velho), the Path of Sabarabuçu 2 A type of house that is constructed with wood, bamboo, liana and mud. 3 Members of the 16th–18th century South American slave and richness-hunting expeditions called Bandeiras. Strategic Design Research Journal, volume 6, number 1, January-April 2013 30 Claudio Germak, Dijon De Moraes, Luigi Bistagnino and Paulo Miranda (Caminho do Sabarabuçu), the New Path (Caminho Novo) currency to the local communities, being identified, there- and the Path of Diamonds
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