28456 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 7, 1978 available to an individual having the status ity of the agency concerned under regula­ subchapter VIII of chapter 53 of this title of a preference eligible under section 2108 tions of the head of that agency, that the governing classification and pay, such read­ (3) (A) if the individual- employee has a hearing impairment, either ing assistants for blind employees and such " (A) is a woman; and permanent or temporary, so severe or dis­ interpreting assistants for deaf employees "(B) has completed, in the aggregate, at abling that the employment of an interpre­ as may be necessary to enable such employees least 5 years of civilian service. ting assistant or assistants for the employee to perform their work.". "(2) Such regulation shall provide, to the is necessary or desirable to enable such em­ (b) (1) The analysis of chapter 31 of title maximum extent practicable, . that no in­ ployee to perform the work of the em­ 5, United States Code, is amended by strn-. dividual shall be excluded from considera­ ployee; and"; lng out the item relating to section 3102 and tion for appointment by reason of the ap­ (2) in subsection (b), by inserting "and inserting in lieu thereof the following: plication of this subsection." interpreting assistant or assistants for a de :i. f "3102. Employment of reading assistants for Page 208, line 13, strike out "(d)" an in­ employee" after "or assistants for a blind blind employees and interpreting sert in lieu thereof " ( e) ". employee", and amending the last sentence assistants for deaf employees.". Page 208, line 26, strike out "(e)" and in­ to read as follows: "A reading assistant or an (2) The caption for section 3102 of title 5, sert in lieu thereof " ( f) ". interpreting assistant, other than the one United States Code, is amended to read as employed or assigned under subsection (d) follows: -Page 209, after line 12, insert the following of this section, may receive pay for services new subsection: performed by the assistant by and from the "§ 3102. Employment of reading assistants INTERPRETING ASSISTANTS FOR DEAF EMPLOYEES blind or deaf employee or a nonprofit orga­ for blind employees and interpret­ nization, without regard to section 209 of ing assistants for deaf em­ SEC. 313. (a) Section 3102 of title 5, United ployees.". States Code, is amended- title 18." (c) Section 410(b) (1) of title 39, United ( 1) by redesignatlng paragraph (4) of (3) in subsection (c), by inserting "or deaf" after "blind"; and States Code, is amended by inserting after subsection (a) as paragraph (5), by strik­ "open meetings)" a comma and "3102 (em­ ing out "and" at the end of paragraph (3), ( 4) by inserting at the end thereof the ployment of reading assistants for blind and inserting .after paragraph (3) the fol­ following new subsection: employees and interpreting assistants for lowing new paragraph ( 4) : " ( d) The head of each agency may also deaf employees) , ". "(4) 'deaf employee' means an individual employ or assign, subject to section 209 of Page 209, line 14, strike out "313." and in­ employed by an agency who establishes, to title 18 and to the provisions of this title sert in lieu thereof "314.". the satisfaction of the appropriate author- governing appointment and chapter 51 and Conform the table of contents accordingly. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS KEEPING AN EYE ON AIRBUS The OECD Understanding prohibits the use very strongly that such extraordinary gov­ of extraordinary sales or financing terms by ernment intervention in a commercial sale any government to secure a sale of aircraft. is both inappropriate and unfair. HON. MARK W. HANNAFORD The tie-in of landing rights with an aircraft At present, the OECD Understanding does OF CALIFORNIA sale ls clearly extraordinary and unfair to not exclude the use of such special induce­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American private aircraft manufacturers. ments, although they run counter to the Consequently, I urge you to take immediate Thursday, September 7, 1978 stated policy of both Franc~ and the United action to persuade the French to rescind States. For this and other reasons, we hope e Mr. HANNAFORD. Mr. Speaker , I these extraordinary terms and allow the to broaden the Understanding such that competition on these particular four planes only market considerations-price, quality have been monitoring with great interest to be decided on the merits of the aircraft. Airbus Industrie negotiations with China and service-will influence the choice of air­ While I am pursuing a legislative solution craft by an airline. Airlines for the purchase of several wide­ to this kind of predatory competition, I hope bodied jet aircraft. This is because I your efforts will secure an expeditious set­ I hope we have your support in our efforts have received information indicating tlement to the problem at hand. Let me know to strengthen the OECD Understanding. that the French Government has taken if I can be of any assistance to you in the Sincerely, the extraordinary step of offering land­ endeavor. W. MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL .• Sincerely, ing rights in Paris to the Chinese if they MARK W. HANNAFORD, purchase the Airbus A300. Such an offer Member of Congress. would violate international agreements ALCOHOL POWERS AUTOS IN between France and the United States WASHINGTON, D.C., BRAZIL and compel us to take Government pre­ August 15, 1978. cautions against similar future anticom­ Hon. MARK w. HANNAFORD, petitive actions on the part of our Euro­ House of Representatives, HON. PAUL FINDLEY pean comoetitors. Washington, D.C. OF ILLINOIS DEAR MARK: Thank you for your letter of When this matter first came to my at­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tention, I wrote to Secretary of the August 1, in which you restated your strong feeling that the French may have violated Thursday, September 7, 1978 Treasury Blumenthal alerting him to the OECD Aircraft Understanding by offer­ the problem it posed. I insert both that ing landing rights to China Airlines in re­ • Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, while we letter as well as his response for the turn for purchasing the A-300 Airbus. were in our home districts during the RECORD: As I mentioned in our phone conversation recess, the Washington Post printed on WASHINGTON, D.C., August 1, 1978. of July 31, we are equally disturbed by the August 30 an account of the growing use Hon. w. MICHAEL BLUMENTHAL, report that the French Government may be of alcohol as a motor fuel in Brazil. Secretary of the Treasury, link!ng landing rights to purchases of the The Brazilians are moving ahead rapidly Washington, D.C. Airbus. As a result, we have inquired about in this petroleum-saving technology. DEAR Ma. SECRETARY: As you know from this. Initial reports from our ~mbassies in­ our telephone conversation of yesterday, I am dicate that although Airbus Industrie may Within 2 years it is planned that gas extremely uoset at the apparent violation of have offered to intercede on behalf of China stations in Brazil will offer only pure the 1975 Aircraft Understanding of the Or­ Airlines for landing rights in Paris, it 'ts not alcohol or as gasohol mixture of 20 per­ ganization for Economic Development and the policy of the French Government to cent alcohol and 80 percent gasoline. Cooperation by the French with regard to offer land!ng rights for such reasons. The If the United States were to make a a pending aircraft sale to China Airlines. French state, moreover, that such an offer similar effort, I am certain, we could The Nationalist Chinese were considering the would be contrary to their policy towards purchase of two Douglas Aircraft DC-lOs Peking. benefit from the widespread use of gaso­ with options for two more. The Airbus A300 We are seeking further information on hol in this country. Gasohol use would was a competitor for this sale. Reportedly this matter from the Republic of China and reduce our need to import foreign oil, the French have offered the Chinese land­ have indicated to them our concern about help our balance of payments, and pro­ ing rights in Paris if they purchase the A300 linking landing rights with Airbus purchases. (a privilege they do not presently enjoy), Should the McDonnell Douglas report be vide a new use for American agricultural and reportedly the Chinese have responded confirmed, we would intend to take up the products. The Brazilian example shows favorably to this offer with-a letter of intent. issue with the French. We share your view what is possible with determined effort. Statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor will be identified by the use of a "bullet" symbol, i.e., • September 7, 1978 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28457 The Post article is well worth noting, and But at the aerospace and technology Brazil on engine modifications and distillery I commend it to my colleagues. Center, a government research facility near improvements that have been developed Text of article follows: here, scientists have undertaken 34 different here. programs to design engines that will run on GAS GUZZLERS BECOMING ALCOHOLICS "Biomass energy just may be the wave of pure alcohol or to convert gasoline engines to the future," said the U.S. oftlcial. "If it is, IN BRAZIL alcohol at minimum cost. Elsewhere, agron­ (By Larry Rohter) the Brazilians are going to have the jump on omists are engaged in genetic research in an the rest of us." SAO PAULO, BRAZIL.-For the last year, hun­ attempt to increase yields of crops that wm dreds of state-owned cars with stickers say­ be distllled into alcohol.
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