The A z A G a z e t t e The Azteca America Monthly Newsletter for Clients, Friends and A s s o c i a t e s M a y 2 0 0 5 • N u m b e r 3 1 • Ye a r 3 We are the second largest Spanish- Events & • Upfront Programming • Jorge Jaidar p . 3 language television producer in the F e a t u r e s • Upfront Sales • Carlos de la Garza p.4 world. Our technological platform allows us to produce, fast and effi- ciently, what audiences want and in The Time is Now! the format that advertiser’s need. At Azteca America, we are all excit- We are the only Hispanic television ed about our third national upfro n t network that can take pride in p resentation, taking place this May being fully vertically integrated, 16 at the American Museum of and we will show you how every- Natural History in New York. As body can take advantage of that. always we have thrilling news to tell you as you become part of our suc- We have a very large group of tal- ented people across the borders that cess. The theme for this year’s event back with even more persistence. a re producing a total of 9,000 hours is: “The Time is Now”. T h e re was never any doubt that we of Spanish language pro g r a m m i n g had a great product, the key was e v e r y year, including over 1,000 And why is it? Because now we are building out our footprint so that hours of exclusive programming for a true network, with over 70% potential viewers hungry for Azteca Azteca America. Nielsen coverage, The Time is p rogramming would be satisfied Now to produce more live and and able to see our pro d u c t . exclusive programming. The Time All the people that work at AzA are is Now to get your best advertising In our first upfront, in 2003, we grateful to you: our clients, our value from your network buy. The came to you with a 30% Nielsen audience, our affiliates and all of Time is Now for all of us to focus coverage. By May 2004, we our supporters, for without you on the future. And finally, it’s Time o ff e red 50%. To d a y, with aff i l i a t e s Azteca America would only be a for you to witness our commitment in 39 markets and cable coverage beautiful dream, a dream of break- to make it all happen. in more than 30 of them plus ing abso-lute market dominance to national satellite coverage –and bring a third voice to the Hispanic Thanks to an enthusiastic, at times the top 20 markets with local television industry. Thanks to you, an overly passionate team, and a satellite- we are able to pre s e n t we have become a truly Hispanic t ruly exceptional group of aff i l i a t e s , our new footprint with a 70% voice that resounds, Nationwide, in we have laid the foundation for the Nielsen coverage. the beautiful sound of our Mother- l o n g - t e r m growth that we have tongue. committed ourselves to. 70% Nielsen coverage is easier said than done, especially if you are G r a c i a s ! Yes, building out a network has building a network from scratch and meant knocking on a lot of doors and d o n ’t have a few billion dollars to Luis J. Echarte finding the right people and coming t h row aro u n d . P resident and CEO Station Spotlight: Our Network 2 Azteca America With First, Second, Fourth and Sixth-Seeded Teams in Playoffs 5 Names & Faces: Sales Team 5 Sales Update 6 AzA Coverage / Contacts 8 w w w . a z t e c a a m e r i c a . c o m 1 A z A G a z e t t e T h e A z t e c a A m e r i c a N e w s l e t t e r kets were measured by Nielsen as Then starting in December came the Station representing about 50% coverage Comcast agreements. First it was back then, with a heavy penalty for Miami, Dallas, Albuquerque and Spotlight: lacking cable coverage in some key Fresno. By March, Comcast added markets. Denver and Colorado Springs, and Our Network then Dallas and Austin in April. Also Since then, our affiliates have been in April we announced a network At first glance, our network hasn’t quite busy signing new cable carr i a g e a g r eement with Echostar’s Dish changed too much since last year’s a g reements. In June, Una Vez Más Latino service. As of this month upfront. In May of last year, we announced agreements with Cox Chicago is also carried on Comcast. announced five new stations to a Cable in San Diego, Tucson and total of 38 markets that represented Phoenix, while TVC signed DirecTV for In all, 19 agreements in 12 months 77% coverage. Today we can talk Chicago. Fresno and Orlando contin- or an average of over 3 new agree- about 39 stations that have a similar ued with DirecTV coverage and New ments every two months were over-the-air clearance. York announced Time Wa r ner cover- signed. The results make us bona age in August. By September, fide member of the Network Club, However, when we look further we Bakersfield was on DirecTV and with Nielsen coverage of over 70%. see some big changes. Our 38 mar- M o n t e rey was on Charter Cable. Coverage:77% F re s n o - V i s a l i a KMSG Ya k i m a - P a s c o e - R i c h l a n d R e n o B o i s e Las Ve g a s Salt Lake City D e n v e r KAZW K A Z R KCBB K H D F KSVN KZCO O m a h a KAZO San Francisco-Sacramento C o l o r a d o New Yo r k K T N C KZCS WNYN C h i c a g o WOCK B a k e r s f i e l d KPMC H a rt f o rd - New Haven, CT WHCT M o n t e re y - S a l i n a s C h a t t a n o o g a KMCE WD G A Santa Barbara K B D F C h a r l e s t o n WA Z S Los Angeles O r l a n d o KAZA W 2 1 A U A l b u q u e rq u e Palm Springs KQDF P h o e n i x Wi c h i t a West Palm Beach K YAV WWHB KPDF D a l l a s KSMI San Antonio KODF San Diego K T D F M i a m i KZDF Tu c s o n H o u s t o n Oklahoma City W P M F K U D F A u s t i n KAZH KOHC K A D F Ta m p a Ft. Myers Corpus Christi WXAX WTPH Vi c t o r i a KYDF K B G S M c A l l e n K 6 4 F M * Note: KTNC-TV 42 covers the San Francisco and Sacramento DMA´s / Source: Nielsen Universe Estimates, 2005, Hispanic households. w w w . a z t e c a a m e r i c a . c o m 2 A z A G a z e t t e T h e A z t e c a A m e r i c a N e w s l e t t e r Building on our leading position Mexican national team, while Upfront with La Academia, we look forw a rd Stoichkov will be with his historic to producing later this year L a D ream Team Barcelona squad. Also Programming A c a d e m i a U S A . We’ll do simultane- this summer we have an exciting ous casting in four cities thro u g h o u t music event in Dodger Stadium fea- Jorge Jaidar the country, where we expect thou- turing Alicia Vi l l a real, Kumbia Kings, sands of participants. From there we Pablo Montero, Rogelio Mart í n e z The Time is Now for Azteca will select 16 contestants, and the and the fourth Generation of L a America: we are now a full-cover- rest is ... Academic. Academia in its US debut. age network with growing num- bers every week. Our Time is Now Despite the phenomenal success we for more live programming because have had this year with sports, re a l i t i e s live is excitement. and Ve n t a n e a n d o, our bread and but- ter product is and will continue to be Live sports: With four teams in the novelas. We have unmatched pro d u c- current season playoffs -- including tion experience and will continue this the first, second and fourth-ranked upcoming season with Los Sánchez, a teams-, we are certain to have f resh comic take on the novela with superior soccer coverage this Luis Felipe To v a r, Martha Cristiana and month.
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