click for previous page 1538 Bony Fishes Haemulon chrysargyreum Günther, 1859 Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: Brachygenys chrysargyreus (Günther, 1859 ) / None. FAO names: En - Smallmouth grunt; Fr - Gorette tibouche; Sp - Ronco boquilla. Diagnostic characters: Body oblong, slightly elongate, compressed, its depth 28 to 33% of standard length. Head blunt, its upper profile slightly convex; mouth small; 2 pores and a me- dian groove on chin; gill rakers (total) 30 to 33 on first arch;preopercle serrated in adults.Dor- sal fin with 12 spines and 13 soft rays, anal fin with 3 spines and 9 or 10 (usually 9) soft early juvenile rays; soft portions of dorsal and anal fins scaled nearly to their outer margins. Scales ctenoid (rough to touch) from caudal fin to head; pored lateral-line scales 49 to 51 (usually 50); longitudinal scale rows below lateral line parallel to long axis of body; scales around caudal peduncle 21 or 22 (usually 22). Colour: 6 yellow lateral stripes on silvery background; all median and pelvic fins yellow, pectorals chalky; no black blotch beneath free margin of preopercle; mouth red within. Size: Maximum to about 23 cm total length; com- monly to 15 cm. Habitat, biology,and fisheries: Typicallyinhab- its coral reefs or hard bottom areas to 30 m. Feeds on small crustaceans and plankton. Caught incidentally with traps. Separate statis- tics are not reported for this species. Marketed fresh. Distribution: From central Florida, the Baha- mas, and the southern Gulf of Mexico throughout much of the West Indies and coasts of Central and South America to Brazil. Perciformes: Percoidei: Haemulidae 1539 Haemulon flavolineatum (Desmarest, 1823) HLV Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: None / None. FAO names: En - French grunt; Fr - Gorette jaune; Sp - Ronco amarillo. Diagnostic characters: Body oblong, compressed, its depth 34 to 38% of standard length.Head blunt, its up- per profile slightly convex; 2 pores and a median groove on chin; gill rakers (total) 22 to 24, usually 23, on first arch; preopercle slightly serrated from angle throughout its vertical length in adults.Dorsal fin with 12 spines and 14 or 15 soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 8 soft rays; soft portions of dorsal and anal fins scaled nearly to their outer margins. Scales ctenoid (rough to touch) from caudal fin to head; pored lateral-line scales 47 to 50, usually 48 or 49; scales below lateral line larger than those above, forming oblique longitudinal rows; scales around caudal peduncle 22.Colour: lighter areas on back and sides bright yellow, belly cream to yellow; oblique yellow stripes below lateral line; yellow bronze stripes above lateral line; spinous dor- sal-fin membranes yellow to chalky; pectoral fins chalky; a black blotch present beneath free margin of preopercle; mouth red within. Size: Maximum to about 30 cm total length; commonly to 20 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Found in asso- ciation with a variety of structural habitat types in from the shore to at least 40 m. Feeds on small crustaceans and molluscs. Caught throughout its range with traps and seines. Separate statis- tics are not reported for this species. Marketed fresh. Distribution: From South Carolina, the Baha- mas, and the Gulf of Mexico throughout much of the West Indies and the coasts of Central and South America to Brazil; also in Bermuda. 1540 Bony Fishes Haemulon macrostomum Günther, 1859 HLS Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: None / None. FAO names: En - Spanish grunt; Fr - Gorette caco; Sp - Ronco caco. Diagnostic characters: Body oblong, com- pressed, its depth 37 to 41% of standard length. Head blunt, its upper profile convex just anterior to dorsal fin and more or less straight to tip of snout; mouth large; 2 pores and a me- dian groove on chin;gill rakers (total) 26 to 28 on first arch; preopercle not serrated in adults.Dorsal fin with 12 spines and 15 to 17 (usually 16) soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines early juvenile and 9 soft rays; soft portions of dorsal and anal fins scaled nearly to their outer margins. Scales ctenoid (rough to touch) from caudal fin to head;pored lateral-line scales 50 to 52, usually 51;longitudi- nal scale rows immediately below lateral line oblique; scales around caudal peduncle 22.Colour: back below dorsal-fin base yellow; membranes of spinous portion of dorsal fin and margin of soft portion green- ish yellow; dark midlateral and several dorsolateral stripes present; bases of all other fins dark grey to black except pectoral fins, which are yellow to olive; a black blotch present beneath free margin of preopercle; mouth red within. Size: Maximum to at least 45 cm total length; commonly to 30 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Usually found in clear water near coral reefs or hard bottom to at least 40 m. Unlike many species of grunts, rarely forms schools. Feeds on crustaceans and echinoderms. Caught with traps and hook-and-line. Separate statistics are not re- ported for this species. Marketed mostly fresh. Distribution:From central Florida and the Baha- mas through much of the West Indies to Brazil and along the Caribbean coast from Panama eastward. Possibly at the Flower Gardens Band, northwest Gulf of Mexico, and Mesoamerica. Perciformes: Percoidei: Haemulidae 1541 Haemulon melanurum (Linnaeus, 1758) HLH Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: None / None. FAO names: En - Cottonwick grunt (AFS: Cottonwick); Fr - Gorette mèche; Sp - Ronco mapurite. Diagnostic characters: Body oblong, com- pressed, its depth 34 to 37% of standard length. Head blunt, its upper profile slightly convex; 2 pores and a median groove on chin; gill rakers (total) 21 to 23, usually 22 on first arch; preopercle serrated along most of its ver- tical length in adults. Dorsal fin with 12 early juvenile spines and 15 to 17 (usually 16) soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 8 soft rays; soft portions of dorsal and anal fins scaled nearly to their outer margins. Scales ctenoid (rough to touch) from caudal fin to head; pored lateral-line scales 49 to 51; longitudinal scale rows below lateral line slightly oblique; scales around caudal peduncle 23 to 25, usually 23. Colour: body white to silver with yellow or black longitudinal stripes, belly white; back below dorsal fin, up- per half of caudal peduncle and caudal fin black; dorsal-fin membranes chalky; soft portions of dorsal and anal fins dusky grey to black; pelvic and pectoral fins chalky.A black blotch often present beneath free margin of preopercle; mouth pale red within. Size: Maximum to about 35 cm total length; com- monly to 25 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Found in clear water on coral reefs or hard bottom to at least 40 m. Feeds on crustaceans and echinoderms. Caught with traps and hook-and-line. Separate statistics are not reported for this species. Mar- keted mostly fresh. Distribution: From the Gulf of Mexico, east Florida, and the Bahamas southward throughout much of the area to Brazil; also in Bermuda. 1542 Bony Fishes Haemulon parra (Desmarest, 1823) HLP Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: None / Haemulon bonariense Cuvier, 1829; Haemulon steindachneri (Jordan and Gilbert, 1882). FAO names: En - Sailor’s choice; Fr - Gorette marchand; Sp - Ronco plateado. Diagnostic characters: Body oblong, com- pressed, its depth 36 to 39% of standard length. Head blunt, its upper profile moderately con- vex; 2 pores and a median groove on chin; gill rakers (total) 21 to 24, usually 22 or 23; preopercle not serrated in adults. Dorsal fin with 12 spines and 16 to 18 (usually 17 or 18) early juvenile soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 8 soft rays; soft portions of dorsal and anal fins scaled nearly to their outer margins. Scales ctenoid (rough to touch) from caudal fin to head; pored lateral line scales 51 or 52 (usually 52); scale rows immediately below lateral line oblique; scales around caudal peduncle 21 or 22 (usually 22); pectoral fins scaled. Colour: pale body with brown to grey spots forming discontinuous stripes, often oblique, along scale rows;dorsal, caudal, anal, and pelvic fins chalky;a black blotch usually present beneath free margin of preopercle; mouth red within; outer margin of eyes often yel- low. Size: Maximum to about 40 cm total length; commonly to 30 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Occurs from the shore to outer reefs (to about 40 m) in associ- ation with a variety of structural habitats. Feeds on crustaceans and other invertebrates. Caught throughout its range with traps, seines, and hook-and-line. Separate statistics are not re- ported for this species. Marketed mostly fresh. Distribution: East-central Florida and the Baha- mas, southward throughout much of the area to Brazil Perciformes: Percoidei: Haemulidae 1543 Haemulon plumierii (Lacepède, 1802) HLI Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: None / None. FAO names: En - White grunt; Fr - Gorette blanche; Sp - Ronco margariteno. Diagnostic characters: Body oblong, com- pressed, its depth 37 to 39% of standard length. Head blunt, its upper profile moderately convex to a point above upper angle of gill cover and more or less straight to tip of snout; 2 pores and a median groove on chin; gill rakers (total) 21 to 27 (usually 25) on first arch; preopercle slightly serrated in adults. Dorsal fin with 12 spines and 15 to 17 (usually 16) soft rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 8 or 9 (usually 9) soft rays; soft portions of dorsal early juvenile and anal fins scaled nearly to their outer margins. Scales ctenoid (rough to touch) from caudal fin to head; pored lateral-line scales 48 to 51 (usually 50 to 51); scales above lateral line larger than those below; longitudinal scale rows immediately below lateral line oblique;scales around caudal peduncle 22.Colour: body silver white, head bronze to yellow above, underside of head and belly white;dark blue and yellow stripes on head and anterior portion of body;margin of each scale bronze; often a broad green-grey shade behind the pectoral fin and below the lateral line; mem- branes of spinous dorsal fin chalky to yellow-white; soft dorsal, caudal, and anal fins brown-grey; pelvic fins chalky; pectoral fins chalky to light yellow; a black blotch often present beneath free margin of preopercle; mouth bright red within.
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