APRs IN incx Text Revise APRs IN incx Text Revise quad: apr is incx. please matchl/o & clone pics to bleeds Art Director Color Revise quad: apr is incx. please matchl/o & clone pics to bleeds Art Director Color Revise DOUBLE BOGEY Tom DeLay and Jack As the lobbyist who has ignited what Abramoff at a Houston golfing fund-raiser. might be the biggest government scandal “We would sit and talk about the Bible,” since Watergate, Jack Abramoff says Abramoff. became notorious for tossing around money, much of it from the casinos of his Indian-tribe clients, to influence key lawmakers. Now, as he talks (and talks) to the feds, Washington is waiting to see whom he’ll take down with him. In a series of wide-ranging interviews with DAVID MARGOLICK, Abramoff reveals how he gained a world of power—meetings with President Bush, a close friendship with former House majority leader Tom DeLay, a key role among Patricia Cornwell is a network of top conservative one of the highest-paid female activists—and lost his soul writers in the world. She along the way makes as much as $8 million for each of her chilling crime novels thenfeaturing medical examiner Kay, and Unnatural Exposure, due out this July,is expected to rocket like her previous books tothe top of the best-seller lists. But, as Cornwell reveals to DAVID MARGOLICK her personal life is as dark as her novels:a twisted tale of betray- al, pain, and murder 196Washington’sVANITY FAIR www.vanityfair.com APRIL 2006 InvisibleAPRIL 2006 Manwww.vanityfair.com VANITY FAIR 197 0406VF 0406VF WE-120 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK WE-121 APRs IN 2/21/06 Text Revise APRs IN 2/21/06 see note left Text Revise notes: Art Director Color Revise quad: bottom apr incx. match l/o and place Art Director Color Revise having brushed up against Abramoff, but says sardonically. “You’re really no one in only long enough for him to have “duped” this town unless you haven’t met me.” or “misled” them. And President Bush can Just to cite one typical example, the “I did wrong, but I did barely remember him: for a couple of Ha- head of the Republican National Commit- nukkahs, Abramoff apparently stood on grip- tee, Ken Mehlman, said in an interview, and-grin lines at the White House to be “Abramoff is someone who we don’t know a hell of a lot right too,” says photographed with the president, but almost a lot about. We know what we read in the anybody can do that. paper,” even though, according to docu- Being airbrushed out of a whole com- ments obtained by Va n i t y Fa i r, Mehlman Abramoff. “I was the best thing munity in which he cut so wide a swath for exchanged e-mail with Abramoff, did him the past 10 years, where he helped revolu- political favors (such as blocking Clinton- [the Indians] had going.” tionize lobbying, where he was very nearly administration alumnus Allen Stayman ubiquitous and invincible—it’s enough to from keeping a State Department job), had hurt someone’s feelings. On other matters Sabbath dinner at his house, and offered istrative assistant, took the same position related to his situation he tiptoes, as would to pick up his tab at Signatures. (According with Rove at the White House, where Abra- anyone whose fate—the amount of time to a spokesperson, Mehlman does not re- moff met with Rove at least once. (An eye- he will languish in prison—lies in the hands call the e-mail exchange, “because he was witness also recalls seeing Abramoff y now, Jack of prosecutors and the judge. But for often contacted by political supporters with emerge from a car near the White House Abramoff is known in just about every someone who has fought his whole career suggestions and ideas,” or the Sabbath din- and have what looked like a pre-arranged, home and Grange hall and shopping mall, to be acknowledged and respected and ner.) The newly elected House majority street-corner meeting with Rove; Abramoff every Middlesex village and farm, in Amer- feared, being treated like a nonperson is leader, John Boehner, Republican of Ohio, says he can’t recall that.) Rove dined sev- ica. He’s the Washington lobbyist who simply too much to take. “For a guy who also doesn’t know Abramoff, but Abramoff’s eral times at Signatures and was Abra- bought all those senators and representa- did all these evil things that have been so clients gave him $30,000 over the past few moff’s guest in the owner’s box at the Btives, the man who ripped off all those In- widely reported, it’s pretty amazing, con- years, and ate many meals at Signatures. N.C.A.A. basketball playoffs a few years dian tribes he represented, the butt of all sidering I didn’t know anyone,” Abramoff (For a couple of years, Abramoff’s princi- ago, sitting for much of the game by Abra- those late-night-TV jokes. He’s the fellow pal liaison with Boehner was Da- moff’s side. Recently, three former asso- responsible for what might be the biggest vid Safavian—a former member ciates of Abramoff’s have told how he government scandal since Watergate, the of “Team Abramoff” and later frequently mentioned his strong ties to man whose sullied example could maybe, head of procurement for the White Rove, and one described being present possibly, help clean up Washington. He’s House Office of Management and when Abramoff took a phone call from the guy who wore that infamous black hat Budget—who has been indicted for Rove’s office. on the day he admitted it all. lyingabout his Abramoff ties.) Abramoff is known everywhere but in Then there’s presidential advis- hen, most important, there’s two buildings, that is: the United States er Karl Rove. He has not spoken President Bush.“I, frank- Capitol and the White House. Sure, he of his relationship with Abramoff, ly, don’t even remember spread around millions of Indian-tribe dol- but the White House insists Rove, having my picture taken lars, to say nothing of golf trips to Scot- too, barely knew him, acknowledg- with the guy,” he has said. land and free meals at Signatures, his own ing only that they met at a politi- But how about those10 fancy restaurant, and luxury-box seats at cal event in the 1990s. “He would or so photographs of him sporting events—American Indians, of all describe him as a casual acquain- with Abramoff, or with Abramoff’s sons, people, paying for Redskins tickets—among tance,” a White House spokesman Tor of Laura Bush with Abramoff’s roughly 270 members of Congress. Sure, a said. But Abramoff was Rove’s spir- daughters, apparently taken during all few senators and representatives admit to itual heir at the College Republi- of those meetings that never took place? cans in the 1980s; both men head- And the time when the president joked ed the group, and the two met from with Abramoff about his weight lifting: has forgotten everything. Who knows.” time to time in connection with it. “What are you benching, buff guy?” How There are other people from Abramoff’s the Washington conservative Republican After George W. Bush took office, about the invitation to the ranch in Craw- moredistantpastwhoalsoneverknewhim, Über-strategist and longtime Abramoff Susan Ralston, Abramoff’s admin- ford, where Abramoff would have joined such as former Republican House Speak- friend] this time, and with [Seattle arch- all of the other big Bush fund-raisers? Abra- er (and rumored 2008 presidential candi- conservative Republican] Rabbi [Daniel] moff didn’t go to that—it fell on the Sab- date) Newt Gingrich, who first never met Lapin. But Newt never met me. [Indicted THE RIGHT PEOPLE bath, which, as an Orthodox Jew, Abramoff Abramoff during the latter’s firebrand days Iran-contra figure and longtime Abra- Left, Abramoff, center, and Grover observes—but how about that speech Bush atop the College Republicans. “Before his moff friend] Ollie North. Newt. Can’t be Norquist with President Ronald Reagan gave to big donors in 2003, when Abramoff picture appeared on TV and in the news- Newt . he never met me. Oh, Newt! in the Oval Office, 1981; above, Abramoff sat only a few feet away, between Republi- papers, Newt wouldn’t have known him if What’s he doing there? Must be a Newt leaves federal court in Washington, can senators George Allen (Virginia) and he fell across him. He hadn’t seen him in look-alike. I have more pictures of him than January 3, 2006, after pleading guilty Orrin Hatch (Utah), and was the only lob- 10 years,” Gingrich’s spokesman, Rick Ty- I have of my wife. Newt again! It’s sick! I to charges of conspiracy, tax evasion, byist on the dais? ler, tells me. That this especially rankles thought he never met me!” and mail fraud. Opposite: top, Abramoff and then House majority leader “He has one of the best memories of Abramoff becomes clear as he rummages After a public evisceration unlike any in Dick Armey outside Armey’s office, any politician I have ever met,” Abramoff through a box of old memorabilia with me. recent history, and facing a decade or more around 1999; bottom, Abramoff wrote of the president in yet another of his “Here’s [former Republican Texas congress- in jail, Jack Abramoff, the 47-year-old father with then House Speaker Newt Gingrich notorious e-mails, which have evolved from man and House majority leader] Dick of five, who spent 10 hyperkinetic, largely on the veranda outside Gingrich’s his principal means of communication to Armey,” he tells me.“Here’s Newt.Newt.
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