Transport drogowy i szynowy The Analysis of Threats Arising from the Relations of Dangerous Cargoes and the Rail-Road Infrastructure Illustrated by the Case of Selected Regions of Poland Analizy zagrożeń wynikających z przewozów ładunków niebezpiecznych w infrastrukturze drogowo-kolejowej na przykładzie wybranych regionów Polski Marek Jaśkiewicz Zbigniew Matuszak Agnieszka Michaluk dr hab. inż. dr hab. inż. mgr inż. Kielce University of Technology, Maritime University of Szczecin, Maritime University of Szczecin, Department of Vehicles and Faculty of Marine Engineering Faculty of Marine Engineering Transport [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Józef Stokłosa Karol Zielonka dr inż. mgr inż. High School of Economics and Automotive Industry Institute Innovation in Lublin (PIMOT) [email protected] [email protected] Abstract: On the example of south-eastern region of Poland (Zamość district), the study characterized the transportation of dangerous cargos via rail-road infrastructure in this area. It presented a general road and rail infrastructure in this region. In selected period of time, it shows the amount of transported dangerous cargos. Moreover, it characterized type of transported loads and directions (relations) of these cargos. It presents the amount of cargos transported via road and rail means of transport. It indicated places of transshipment / unloading of dangerous goods, such workplaces as in the Zamość district with accumulated goods. Keywords: Dangerous cargos; Truck transport; Railway transport; Road infrastructure; Railway infrastructure. Streszczenie: Na przykład w południowo-wschodniego regionu Polski (powiat zamojski), przeanalizowano transport ładunków niebez- piecznych za pośrednictwem infrastruktury kolejowo-drogowego. Przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę infrastruktury drogowej i kolejo- wej w tym regionie. W wybranym okresie pokazano ilość przewożonych ładunków niebezpiecznych. Uwzględniono rodzaj przewożonych ładunków i kierunków przewozowych. Przedstawiono ilość ładunków transportowanych przez drogowe i kolejowe środki transportu. Wska- zano miejsca przeładunku / rozładunku towarów niebezpiecznych, w wybranych miejscach w powiecie zamojskim. Słowa kluczowe: Ładunki niebezpieczne; Transport ciężarowy; Transport kolejowy; Infrastruktura drogowa; Infrastruktura kolejowa. Transport of dangerous cargos via gulations for the international railway ment. The carriage of dangerous car- land means of transport requires a transport of dangerous goods as An- gos in large quantities via land means very specifi c and detailed knowledge nex 2 to the regulations concerning of transport poses a potential threat to from participants of transport in order the carriage of dangerous goods to both people, road users, animals and to realize the transport of materials the Agreement on International Go- the environment. Humans employ- in safe manner without endangering ods Transport by Rail (SMGS). It should ed in the production, storage, trans- the environment, animals and pe- be also remembered about the CIM/ portation or distribution are exposed ople. Each dangerous cargo has indi- COTIF agreement concerning the in- to the harmful eff ects of chemicals. vidual properties [3]. Participants of ternational carriage of goods by rail. A Transportation of dangerous cargos dangerous cargos transport via road person, who undertakes to transport is determined by the provisions and means of transport are bound by the dangerous cargos, should not only restrictions and it is subject to speci- European agreement concerning the know the regulations for the transpor- fi c restrictions that limit their release transport of dangerous loads called tation of these goods, but above all to to the transport, packaging, marking ADR ( Accord Dangereuses Route ). On follow them and apply them properly along with requirements for the quali- the other hand, carriers of the railway in practice in order to prevent hazards fi cations of the carrier, selection of the transport use the RID provisions- re- against life, health and the environ- appropriate means of transport or the 20 przegląd komunikacyjny 1 / 2017 Transport drogowy i szynowy realization of transport in order to en- in conditions when the carriage is of carriage of dangerous goods by rail sure the adequate level of security for directed by aspects of the coun- between Member States of the COTIF people and the environment. The car- try’s defense and the public order; Convention [3]. riage of dangerous loads is subject to - realization or supervision of the United Nations Committee of the special provisions concerning the transportation by certain emer- Experts grouped the dangerous go- admission of goods for transport, its gency services, which are aimed ods into classes according to the type packaging, marking, classifi cation and at saving lives or human health, of created dominant risk. Typically, requirements for means of transport, dealing with consequences of di- each dangerous material is characte- as well as realization of the transport sasters, natural disaster or other rized by two or even three diff erent process due to the need to ensure the cases specifi ed in the agreement. threats of diff erent concentrations. safety of both people and the environ- In Poland, the transportation of dan- At the beginning, this division was ment. gerous cargos via railway transport is dependent on decreasing intensity The fundamental act regulating the based on the provisions of the Trans- and impact range of the material on transportation of dangerous materials port Law Act of 15 November 1984 . the environment as a result of hazards in the road transport in the European Conditions concerning the adequate occurring during the transportation. agreement concerning the Internatio- transport of materials by rail were de- These included among others risk of nal Carriage of Dangerous Goods by scribed in the Ordinance of the Minister fi re, explosion, as well as oxidizing, to- Road (ADR), which since the signing of Communications of 6 October 1987 xic or corrosive action. In accordance of 30 September 1957 in Geneva has about the list of dangerous times exclu- with this division, classes were divided been regularly amended. Poland ac- ded from the carriage by rail , as well as into subclasses of dangerous mate- ceded to the ADR agreement on 6 special conditions for carriage of dan- rials. Along with the development of June 1975 [3]. Provisions concerning gerous goods allowed to be carried. land transport, subclasses have been the carriage of dangerous cargos are On the basis of this Ordinance, the transformed into classes (with the applied to all transport participants provisions of the Regulations for the exception of subclasses belonging to from the sender and recipient to other International Carriage of Dangerous Go- the 1st class) and created 13 classes persons participating in this process. ods by Rail (RID) have been introduced. of dangerous materials [2, 7, 9]. Due It is prohibited to transport hazardous RID provisions are the legal basis both to the fact that hazardous materials materials, which are determined in the for transport in domestic and interna- often characterize by more than one ADR agreement as cargos not appro- tional communication. The provisions risk, their division is made on the basis ved for the international carriage. Only of the RID form an Annex I relating to of the dominant risk. Such a classifi ca- the carriage of dangerous loads under the uniform rules on the Agreement tion of dangerous goods is designed the terms determined in the agre- for the International Carriage of Go- to enable a precise choice of the con- ement is possible. There can be some ods by Rail (CIM), forming an Annex ditions of carriage in order to guaran- derogations from the ADR agreement B to the Convention concerning the tee a certain level of transport safety. that allow the transport of dangerous International Carriage by Rail (COTIF). cargos. These derogations include [1]: During the carriage of dangerous go- Road structure and railway - vehicles at the disposal of the ods by rail transport, provisions and structure of the Zamość district Armed Forces of the Republic of internal instructions laid down by the Poland – under the terms and Polish State Railways are also used. Zamość district is located in the so- conditions of separate provisions, RID regulations concerns conditions uthern part of Lublin Voivodeship (Fig. 1) and covers 15 gminas (including 3 urban gminas) with the area of 872.27 km 2. It includes such geographical areas and the Lublin Upland (Zamojski 1. Zamość district [12] 2. Metallurgical Broad-Gauge Line (in Polish LHS) [13] 21 1 / 2017 przegląd komunikacyjny Transport drogowy i szynowy Padół, Dział Grabowiecki, Zachodnio- Tab. 1. Transport and engineering structures in the area of Zamość district [according 11] wołyńska Upland (Grzędy Sokalskie) Bridges Viaducts Footbridges Tunnels Culverts Total and Roztocze (Western and Central). Zamość pieces 26 2 5 0 36 69 Through the Zamość district, dangero- region Length [m] 472,7 158,64 48,73 0 584,12 1264,19 us goods are transported by road and Surface [m2] 5855,71 1937,09 124,62 0 1373,61 9291,03 rail. Road Transport of hazardous go- ods is based on the provisions of the The aim of this overpass is to pass 1520 mm known as the Metallur- ADR, while the rail transport under the the normal gauge track No. 72 wi- gical Broad-Gauge Line (MBGL - in provisions of the SMGS and RID. Each
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