THE Cornell black students tell their side of the story MILITANT - story page 7 - Published in the interests of the Working People Vol. 33- No. 19 Friday, May 9, 1969 Price 15c Notables urge aid to Jackson soldiers; Gls United spreads to Ft. Bragg see page S .. FIGHT VICTIMIZATION: Queen College students in New York war in Vietnam. In some a reas, thestruggleescalated. At Voorhees hold rally a nd sit-in to demand ha lt to victimiza tion of tudent College, a primarily black campus in Denmark, S.C., National fighters for a relevant education. Acti on was pa rt of nationwide Guardsmen a nd sta te troopers were called up to suppress the campus a nd high school upsurge. New York high schools and "liberated Malcolm X University." Recalling the murder of three colleges are scene of unprecedented protests. Key issues: black black students in Ora ngeburg, S.C. last year, the black students and Puerto Rican control of education, end to complicity with had armed themselves in self-defense. Page 2 THE MILITANT Friday, May 9, 1969 Mailer in Democratic primary THE MILITANT Editor: HARRY RING Business Manager: BEVERLY SCOTT Author without had gotten a call from the Gaines­ Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 873 Broadway, New York, ville Police saying that Monts was N.Y. 10003. Phone 533-6414. Second·dass postage paid at New York, N.Y. in the car. The"Jomo 5" and their Subscription: domestic, $4 a year; foreign, $5.50. By fll'st class mall: domestic a program L•.ett.er•.s and Canada $10.50; all other countries, $15.00. Air printed matter: domestic car were searched without war­ and Canada, $15.00; Latin America, $24.00; Europe, $28.00; Africa, Australia, rants. The five were on their way Asia (including USSR), $33.00. Write for sealed air postage rates. Signed articles New York, N.Y. to Sarasota's New College to par­ by contributors do not necessarily represent The Miliwnt's views. These are ex­ I am a student at Columbia frorn our pressed in editorials. ticipate in a Martin Luther King University and a supporter of memorial. the Boutelle mayoral campaign. After the five were searched, they Vol. 33-No. 19 Friday, May 9, 1969 On Monday, April28, Norman re.·oders were taken to Hernando County's Mailer and Jimmy Breslin, who jail, where their shoes were taken are running in the Democratic The closing news date for this issue was May 2. primary for mayor and president This column is an open forum from them, and were thrown in of the city council, spoke at Co­ for all viewpoints on subjects of jail without any charges being lumbia. I went to hear what the general interest to our readers. preferred. "opposition" had to say; I had Please keep your letters brief. Where A few hours later Charles Ful­ Defamation by Anti-Defamation League expected some kind of serious poli­ necessary they will be abridged. wood's head was shaved by de­ tical discussion, but was sadly Writers' initials will be used, names puties- against his will, of course. disappointed. being withheld unless authorization Hours later, charges were brought is given for use. against the five for "transporting The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith presents itself as a About 300 Columbia students politically nonpartisan opponent of racial, religious and ethnic came to hear the Mailer-Breslin obscene literature and film." The ticket. Mailer's "political" appeal any substantive political ques­ "obscene" film was a Black Panther discrimination in general, and anti-Semitism in particular. It has seemed to rest on his extensive tion in a serious way, which left film about the Oakland Panthers. exposed and documented the activities of various racist and hate four-lettered vocabulary, which the feeling with many kids that he, The "obscene" literature was a few groups. the kids really grooved on. It like other capitalist candidates be­ Jomo Newsletters. Charles Ful­ But now, exploiting its public image as a disinterested opponent made up in a small way for his fore him, was laughing at their wood, James Wright, Mae Edith of hate groups, the ADL has undertaken a dishonest campaign Williams, Joe Frank Lee and I lack of a rational political pro­ political intelligence. against legitimate political opponents of Zionism. As reported in Paula Reimers are now out of jail on $500bond. gram. the April 21 New York Times, Arnold Forster, general counsel Mailer declared that if elected he Each of us faces a possible sen­ for the ADL, charged that "the expansion of Fatah's armed ter­ would amend the city charter to Gl in Vietnam tence of one year in prison and allow "neighborhood rule" - the $500 fine if convicted. rorism against Israel coincides with considerable success in political essence of the MaUer­ wants it told straight After being bonded out of jail, mobilizing extremist support in the United States." Without having Breslin campaign. Under "neigh­ the five returned to Gainesville. the honesty to say so directly, the ADL falsely presents anti­ The next day, an editorial appear­ borhood rule" any group of peo­ Vietnam Zionism as identical with anti-Semitism. ple, no matter how small, could am writing this letter to find ed in a local newspaper calling Among the groups smeared ("exposed" to use ADL language) for the arrest of Charles Fulwood declare themselves a "neighbor­ out a little bit about your paper, by the ADL was the Socialist Workers Party, which has had a hood" and then proceed to set up for "inciting to violence." Later on, The Militant. I am a young indi­ long, public record of opposition to anti-Semitism- as well as an I was an ~sted for "resisting arrest their own sanitation service, po­ vidual in the armed forces. I hear lice force, fire department and with violence" after being falsely equally long and equally public record of political opposition all this stuff about the United to Zionism and support to the Arab revolution. transportation network. States being such a great country, accused of "petty larceny." I was brutalized by seven cops and ta­ Each "neighborhood" would set but they have yet to prove it The ADL's officially stated concern in exposing anti-Semitism­ ken to jail and placed on $525 up its own rules, and if "anyone to me. i.e., prejudice and discrimination against Jewish people-is a bond. didn't like the rules of the neigh­ If you have any other books, worthy one. Repression is continuing in borhood he was living in, he magazines, etc., that you print, But the ADL tramples on the facts and oversteps its own bounds could move." There would be a Gainesville, but is building a would you please send me a list. when it falsely equates political opposition to Zionism and the left-wing neighborhood and a movement. Thank you. Janice Harvey Israeli state with anti-Semitism-without even the decency to discuss right-wing neighborhood, a rich GI neighborhood, and a poor neigh­ Minister of Culture, Jomo Zionism politically. borhood, all operating auto­ In contradistinction, the anti-Zionism of the Socialist Workers nomously. Florida black militants New Zealand army Party, and of this publication, has been politically motivated. It When asked if this plan would has proceeded from the needs and interests of the Arab and Jewish allow discrimination and preju­ framed up again also racist masses, the struggle against imperialism and for socialism. dice, Mailer said, "Yes, it proba­ Zionism's goal, the creation of an exclusively Jewish national bly would. I don't care if people Gainesville, Fla. Toronto, Ont. have their prejudices and racism, Jomo, a militant organization Here is an interestingpiecefrom state in Palestine, meant the forcible political and physical dis­ as long as they're willing to pay for black liberation, has faced Te-Hokioi: "Of the New Zealand possession of the Arab majority of that country. Israel today for the privilege. There would be repeated police and court harass­ army, it is estimated that over relies for its existence upon the military, political, and financial a tax on prejudice." ment in Gainesville. Recently, bro­ half is Maori. Of the New Zea­ support of American imperialism. As such, Israel stands as a key­ Mailer admitted that "with this ther Charles Monts, Minister of land forces in Vietnam, it is es­ stone in counterrevolutionary opposition to the Arab masses of the plan, there would be a lot more Interior for the Gainesville Jomo, timated that about two-thirds are Middle East. Maori. Of the New Zealand forces conflict than now, but it would did not show up for his trial. Those who have scoffed at the idea of an Arab revolution, be more authentic." in Vietnam fighting in the battle Monts was out of jail on $8,500 those who could see only kings and dictators, now have their At one point Mailer said, "One bond. Monts was framed on a zone it is estimated that about answer in the Al Fatah and other revolutionary guerrilla orga­ advantage of this system is that number of charges for which he seven-eighths are Maori." it would be a direct and frontal probably would have gotten up Does this pattern sound fami­ nizations. The political differentiations in the Arab world are be­ attack on the power of the unions, to life in prison. liar? Remember that Maoris con­ coming manifest. who keep tying up the city." A few days after the dis­ stitute about the same percentage The Palestinian Arabs have launched a revolutionary struggle Mailer's whole appeal was to appearance of Monts, Charles of the population as do black against the state of Israel, similar to revolutionary guerrilla the well-justified cynicism many Fulwood, state Minister of Infor­ Americans; i.e., nearly 10 percent.
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