THE MARINER'S MIRROR THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR NAUTICAL RESEARCH IND EX TO VOLUMES 6-6 lq.¡a' - \cil\l' Compiled by ELIZABETH ROLFE, ¡.A., A.L.A GREENWICH 198 I PREFACE 6 Index ls entlrely based on'the 10 Annual Indexes produced ¡g the perlod. Tbeir entrles have. been edited, cunulated sub-divided where necessary to form a single coherent Index, forn of entry follows Dr. R.C' Andersonts Index to Volumes as closely as posslble and the rules are as set out in Vo1. page 22O' aphlcal references have been lndexed only Úhen the text arqicle discusses the work of a particular author at some In doubtful cases, preference has been glven to foreign early works following changes have been made in preparlng thfs Index:- Books Reviewed now form a central section of the Index. I¡ the interests of clarlty the Index of Shipsr Names 1s set in Roman tyPe. Underlining has ¡Len employed to denote volume numbers. 1981 E.M. ROLFE NOTE eounctl of the Soclety gratefully acknowledges generous help the Lily Lanbert McCarthy Foundation ln defraying the costs and dlstrlbuting thls thfrd Cunulative fndex. GENERAL INDEX 1 fishing, 63, 48-9 Ahmuty, Surgeon , 59 , 29O Aicha, Sidi Abdallab ben, 62, 276 Aiguillon, Armand Duc d', 59, 4! et seq -*, ATMONE, A. C. ;#1fi i',,' l The Cruise of the U,S, Sloop Hoxnet ;lÍ;ill'1fi in 1815 , 67, 377-83 Aix, Isle of , M, 268-9 ;i3ne an chor Akrostolion , 56, 327, p1.6 *gi :i;i*'l?'i¿,#i"?l' Minoan paintings, discovery, 65, L4L et seq Akrotiri, hieroglyphs of Ancient Egyptian 99, t50; 64, 125-33,135-7 ^.#,1=, 103 rig' 7 Al6lzzi, Luca di Masa deg1i, 63, 5,6-7 ""l|!"3nip= , é4, ' -tot ' ^lie'' ' Aldabra Islands , 99, AL Jí'L -, P, .!!1 Alderney, loss of HMS Tiper off, 60, *:::;l:':'Y7i'RoYar' ^?n; see RoYal AcademY 287-92 i;il;t, Alderton, Point , 56 , 425 o"it$f,li;u collier's 18th centurv, 61, Alexander I Land, 57, 45,60 5t-61 Alexander Island, fl, 5+ tavaf, 18th Centurv 64' 45-56 Alexandra, Princess of Denmark, ships ' named after , 60, 152 tlliS;'fii''llto, r'=, s36, 338, s4o Alfaques , 56, 45 ili.*áttn, JosePh, 91' 163 Alfonso the Magnanimous, 59, 260 ,262 'Áái'f", the incxease of seamen"'(1704) Algerian corsairs, 60, 187-96; 62, 271- 63. L54 86 T'rancis. 59, 292 et seq Algerine Passes , 57 , 222, 450 lIiI"ár-congress;-1861,^^-: 63, 72 Algerine raid on Baltimore , 56, 298 ;¡ Parliament, quarñ'tine, .64, 63-9 Algiers , 56, 45, 47 ;;;" n?T9d__ of 28t ---iMácadam'aáá*, ctutres (erroneog"lY fa1l , 62, or'McAdam' ) 63' 264-72 A1i, Eu1dj, see Euldj, AIi Adam, Frederick, Q!, 264, 265, 27L A1i, Hyder, 59, 35 et seq ADAM, P., Alicante, 56, 16 An'Attempted Reconstruction of the A11en, llamilton Colclough, 63, 351-8 Marsala Punic ShiP, 63' 35-7 Al1en, Joseph, 57, 781 Adams, Charles Francis, 67, 258-9:. 63, Allen, Thomas, &, tA 74 et seq A11en Point , 57, 50 Adams, Clifford, 62, 5 A11in, Joseph , 63, 340 ,342 Adams, HenrY,58,213 Allingham, Wil1iam, 58, 456 Adams, John, 59, 410 et seg Almes, George , 58, 2Oo Adams, Wil1, 56, 137 A1mes, James, 58, 206 Addison, JosePh, 58, 454 Alphabet , Sai 1or ' s , !9, 46O; 60 , 99 , Adelaide, Queen, 57, 54 336-7 Adelaide Island, 57, 44,54,60 Altonaer Museum, Hamburg, 57, 150,154 Adelie Land, 56, 37 A1va, Duke of,56,2t Aden, as a 19th Century port of ca11, Alvaredo , 5? , 2O4, 2lO 62, tSS Alvaredo River, 57, 205-6 Admiralty, Amalfi , 56, 22O 1556-1564 , 56, 3-26 Amazon River, 9!, AZ 1874-1880, 62, 33-46 Ameixoal, Roman mosaic from, 61, 235 fig. 1880-1885, 62, !21-8 8, 238 administratión, 1869-1885, 61, 331-44 American Civil War, 6L, 255-70 choice of steam engine manufacturers, Confederate cruisers , 63, 7l-92 L822-7852, 64, 327-47 American Colonies, new markets opened supply of silver table ware to H.M, in, 57, 163 ships, 57, 22O,446 Ametican Fjshe¡ma¡, 57, 37 Admiralty ¡EftAine, Leningrad, 60, !67 American Navy, 18th century Super-frigates, AdmÍra1ty charts 59, 49-56 1800-1808, St Vincent collection, 64, American oak, shipbuilding, 6,!, tEg 84 Anrerican Presidential desk, 65, 1O8,270 Great 8ri¿ain's, 1846,61, 119 American Steel Barge Company, 65, 351 Admlralty Contingónt ecóoIñis , 57, ZZZ American War of Independence, 56, 2O7; Adrlatic Sea, Venetian control 6T, OO, y, 175,184, 60, 395-405 ; 6t, 226-7 93 fAdvance 62, L69-178; 63, \29 e¿ ses Notes', bg, 434-b et seq British Dockyard administration during. Ady, 86. Z2 61, 2L5-25 *:!:?t"l,ioping, lzth century , 65, 4s Scottish ships lost in, 57, 308 aegean^ships, Bronze Age, 61, SZT-Z pt. Americas, Spanish Lnaritime construction, .-5.& 6, 64, L24,135_7- 16th Century, 58, 195-202 trade, British monopoly, 57,!ZO Amesquita, Don Cailos de, 64, 72 Agadir:--"19an crisis Agreements,,¡¡órxing,, rorr, 56 , 41-3; bi ,-zaz Amherst, Lord, 57, 441 TAin ceátuií. Amirantes Islands, 99, 61 2 GENERAL INDEX Anitauté, 63, 309 ,310 Anti-hogging see hogging Amorites' Iñvasion of Byblos, 56, 381 Antonio, John, 57, 46, 51 Amphibious forces, 62, 64-5 Anvers Island, 57, 56 Amphibious operations, 58, 269-80 Aphlaston, 65, m, 34 American wars, 58, 269-80 Appledore, Devon, 57, 8, 15 Seven Years war, 58, 269-80 Apprentice Register, Bristol, 1532-1658, Amsterdam, merchant shipping conditions 60, ZZ-Z\ 18th-20th Century,65,329 e¿ sé9'. Apprentices, Royal Naval, 63, 311 Amur river f1oti11a, 60, 305 Apprenticeship, maritime, 93, 153-61 Anchor( s ) at Ipswich, 1596-1651, 56, 137-8 ancient Egyptian stone, 65, 737-6L, Arados, ship iconography on coinage, 65, 206-7 55,308-11 ex voto, Temple of Amon, Karnak, 64, Arbuthnot, Marriot, 56, 187-8 1 18- 21 Archaeological and Natural History Soc. Anchorage , 57, 325 of Somerset , V, 3l unusual name, 65, 349 Archaeological GáT1ery, National Maritime Anchor H.ead, 57, 25,33 Museum, 99, S+ 'Ancient and rightful customs', 58, Archaic ships, rowing, 99, g0-g 448-9 Arctic and Antarctic Muse.um and Institute' Ancient Egyptian mn! ships, foreign Leningrad, 60, 166-7 design influences, 64, 99-723 ARGALL, F., Ancient Egyptian sea-going ? 65, 138 et Sailing Barges of the Fa1 Estuary, 64, seg, 158-9, 201-8 163-8 Ancj.ent Egyptian ships, 63, 96 ARGALL, F,, and BIRD, R. , Ancient Greek and Roman craft, lead Falmouth Pilot Cutters, 1850-195O, 6'!, sheathing, 64, 739-42 9-72 Ancien.t Greek triremes, 62, 357-69 Argentine soldiers, used in Chilean Navy, Ancient maritime 1aw, 62, 81-91 1818-1823, 63, 119 Ancient Mediterranean boat designs, 59, Argy11, gth Earl, 5?, \7 373-84;9q,218 Argy11, Marquis of, 57, 386 Rowing, 59, 96-9 Armada de1 Ocean, 57, 241 Ancient oar classification, 65, 181 Armada, Spanish, 64, 257-262, 285, JI T Ancient Roman yact¡t, 58, 443-6 and Elizabethan bureaucracy, 60, 1 19- Ancient shipbuilding techniques, 62, 159- 32 68 archaeology and, 59, 372 Ancient ships English and Spanish ships, 63, 359-64, accuracy of representations of, 62, 365-7 231-3 Gorgas' observations on, 59 179-85 rowing, 59, 96-9 guns, 61, 353-4,355-71; 9!, 84,287 Ancient triremes, 65, 53-63 wrecks , 62, 267 Anderson, Andlew, & Co., 56, 156 Armament Anderson, Pilot , fl, 23 74-gun ships, 63, 346-7 ANDERSON, R.C,, Mediterranean war galleys v!,RO 257-80 The Thirty Years' War in the Mediter- Armoured cruiser, first, 64, 25 ranean , 56, 47-57; Armoured cruisers, British, 64, 23-34 The Lee Liñé at Trafalgar, 57, 157-61; Armoured ships, 1859-66, 63, 279 -84 The Sicilian War of 1674-7678,57, Armstrong, PhiIip, 58, 213 249-65 Armstrong, Wi11iam,. 65, 219 Anderson, R.C., ObituarY, 62' 307-8 ARNELL, J.C. Andros, Edmund, 56, 201 The Superintendent of Trade and Fish- Anglo-Chinese trade, 1860-1962, 64, 368- eriés for Nova Scotia and the Armed 72 Vessels union and Huntet. Part I - Anglo-French relations , 1940, 9P' 169-75 The Problems associated with Trade and Anglo-Saxon voyages , 58", ZZS fishing after the American Revolution, Angozha,-añóúor-strrTñó, 59, 462, 60, 215 56, 395-409. Anfhow, 65, :-47-51, 152 Arnolcl's Marine Chronometer No.13, 57,223 et seq Arran, 3rd Earl of (James Harnilton)-56, 5 Ann, Cape , 56 , 425 Arrow, Fred, 57, 132 Annis, p.G.W., appointment as Hon Secre- Arrowsmith, Aaron, Map of the world on a tary of the S.N.R., 63, opposite 302 cl-obu.7ar Pro jection, 57 , 43 Anse 1a Barque, GuadelouPe, 6L, 173'9 A:r:rumbada, 59, 267 et seq Antarótic in Biscoe's voyages, 57, 45,60 Art and the seafaret, 56, 167 Antarctic Petrel , 57, 6t AÍtemo, 99, 34 Antarctic Pi7ot, 57, 49, 54 Arthur, John, 57, 26 Antarct j.c skua, 57, 61 Arthur, Lieutenant W., 62, 54 Antefoker monument, associated anchors, Artlficers, dockyard, 62, S3Z et seq 65, 151-61 Aruba, 56, 98 Anthoniszoon , Cornelius , 99, 227 ,230 Ascension Island, 93_, ttZ,tL9,723; 63, Antigua, D'Estaing steers for, 1778, 6L, 389 1 55-6 1 Ashcombe, V, ZA GENERAL INDEX 3 Bajun 'triber, 56, 328-9,331,334 ,336-7 Baker, Captain, 56, 80 Baker, Christopher, 56, 16; 64, 190 Baker, Clement, 56, 139 Baker, Matthew, 5Z', fO Baker's Ru1e, 56, 24 ull;i,:z::i:'.' Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, 58, 195 et seg lillff n-*au'ff Balchen, John, 56, 77; 63, 187-9 o'izi':2i.::, Baldoon Sands, '!tligtown Bay, Scotland, *g, i:l wreck of coasting schooner 9!-, ZOS Bale, Stephen, 63, 159 EEn Balingers 57, 39 iii :iiz'r".-*',ái¿,22'";',e', " " n , coÍoñ61 2ol "' English, 14th Century, 63, 109-14 rtiit", , ' - ^ ;il;;;L veneto' coronelli-56 ' 60' t44' Ballantyne, C.C.
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