DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 413 NR 27 Chapter NR 27 ENDANGERED AND THREATENED SPECIES NR 27.01 Definitions NR 27.06 Permits for endangered and NR 27.02 Scope and applicability threatened species NR 27.03 Department list NR 27.06 Exceptions to permit require- j NR 27.04R ion of Wisconsin endan- ments gered and threatened species lists Note: Chapter NR 27 as it existed on September 30, 1979 was repealed and a new chapter NR 27 was created effective October 1, 1979. NR 27.01 Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) "Department" means the Wisconsin department of natural resources. (2) "Department list" means the U.S. list of endangered and threatened foreign and native species; and the Wisconsin list of endan- gered and threatened species. (3) "ENS" means the Office of Endangered and Nongame Species, De- partment of Natural Resources, Box 7921, Madison, W1 53707. (4) "Take" means shooting, shooting at, pursuing, hunting, catching or killing any wild animal; or the cutting, rooting up, severing, injuring, destroying, removing, or carrying away any wild plant. History: Or. Register, September, 1979, No. 285, A 10-1-79. NR 27.02 Scope and applicability. This chapter contains rules necessary to implement s. 29.415, Stats., and operate in conjunction with that stat- ute to govern the taking, transportation, possession, processing or sale of any wild animal or wild plant specified by the department's lists of en- dangered and threatened wild animals and wild plants. History: Cr. Register, September, 1979, No. 285, eff. 10-1-79. NR 27.03 Department list. (1) U.S. foreign and native endangered and threatened species list. Vertebrate Species population where endangered or common name Scientific name Historic range threatened status (a) MAMMALS 1. Anna Bubalus anoo Indonesia Entire E depressieornis 2. Anoa Bubalus ama yuarfesi do do E 3. Anteater, scaly Manis femmincki Africa do E 4. Antelope, bontebok Damaliscus doreas South Africa do E dorm 6. Antelope, giant sable Hfppotragus vtiger Angola do E cartani 6. Antelope, Mongolian Saiga fafarica Mongolia do E saiga mongOJ4:a 7. Argali om ammon hodgsoni China (Tibet) do E 8. Armadillo, giant Priodonles maximus Venezuela and do E (^giganleus) Guyana to Argentina 9. Armadillo, pink fairy Chlamyphorus Argentina do B truwalus Register, January, 1989, No. 397 414 WISCONSIN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE NR 27 Vertebrate Species population where endangered or Common name Scientific name Historic range threatened Status 10. Ass, African wild Equus afrfeanus Somalia, Sudan, do E ( = asinus) Ethiopia 11, Ass, Asian wild Equus hemionus Southwestern and do E Central Asia 12. Avahis Arahi spp. (all Malagasy Republic do E species) (=Madagascar) 13. Aye-Aye Daubentanin Malagasy Republic do E { madagascariensis (=Madagascar) 14. Babiroussa Babyrousa babyrussa Indonesia do E 16. Bandicoot, barred Perameles Australia do E bougaftWile 16. Bandicoot, desert Perameles eremiaua do do E 17. Bandicoot, lesser Afacrotis leucura do do E rabbit 18. Bandicoot, pig- Chaeropusecaudatus do do E footed 19. Bandicoot, rabbit Afacrotis lagotis do do E 29. Banteng Bosjatanicus Southeast Asia do E (= banieng) 2I. Bat, gray Myolis grisescens Central and do: E Southeast U.S.A. 22. Bat, Hawaiian hoary Lasiurus cinereus U.S.A. (Hawaii) do E semolus 23. Bat, Indiana Afyolis sodaiis East and Midwestern do E U.S.A. 24. Bat, Ozark big-eared Plecolus lownsendii U.S.A. (MO, OK, do E tingens AR) 2b. Bat, Virginia big- Plecatus townsendii U.S.A. (KY, WV, do E eared riginianus VA) 26. Bear, brown Ursus arctos China (Tibet) do E pruinosus 27. Bear, brown Urstrs WIN WNS Palearctic Italy E 28. Bear, brown or Ursus arclos Canada, Western U.S.A.48 T grizzly horribitis U.S.A. conterminous States T 29. Bear, Mexican Ursus Grew nelson Mexico Entire E grizzly 30. Beaver Castor fiber birulai Mongolia do E 31. Bison, wood Bison bison Canada, Northwest Canada E othabascae U.S.A. 32. Bobcat Felis rufus escuinape Central Mexico Entire E 33. Camel, Bactrian CameIus ferus Mongolia, China do E (=bactrianus) 34. Cat, Andean Fells jacobita Chile, Peru, Bolivia, do E Argentina 35. Cat, black-footed Felis nigripes Southern Africa do E 36, Cat, Oat-headed Felis planiceps Malaysia do E 37. Cat, Iriomote Felis (=Yayailurus) Japan (Iriomote do E iriomotensis Island, Ryukyu Island) 38. Cat, leopard Felis bengalensis Eastern Asia do E bengaleimis 39. Cat, marbled Felis marmorato Nepal, Aalaysia, do E Burma, Indonesia 40. Cat, Temminck's Felis temmincki China (Tibet), do E Malaysia, Indonesia (Sumatra) 41. Cat, tiger Felis 0grina Costa Rica to do E Northern South America 42. Chamois, Apennine Rupicapra rupicapra Italy do E ornata 43. Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus Africa to India do E 44. Chimpanzee Pan lrogtodytes West and Central do T Afria 45. Chimpanzee, pigmy Pan paniseus Zaire do T Register, January, 1989, No. 397 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 415 NR 27 Vertebrate Species population where endangered or Common name Scientific name Historic range threatened Status 46. Chinchilla Chinchilla Bolivia do E 6revicaudata boliviana 47. Civet, Malabar Virerra megaspila India do E large-spotted cirtttina 48. Colobus, black Colobus satauas Equatorial Guinea, do E People's Republic or Congo, Cameroon, Gabon 49. Colobus, Tana River Colobus badius Kenya do E red rufom itratus 50. Colobus, Zanzibar Colobus kirkii Tanzania do E red 51. Cougar, eastern Felis eoncolor couguar Eastern North do E America 52. Deer, Bactrian Cerm elaphus U.S.S.R., do E bactrianus Afghanistan 53. Deer, Bawean Axis porcinus kuhli Indonesia do E 54. Deer, Barbary Cerms elaphus morocco, Tunisia, do E barbarus Algeria 55. Deer, Cedros Island Odocoiieus hemionus Mexico, (Cedros do E mule cedronsensis Island) 56. Deer, Columbian Odocoileus U.S.A. (WA, OR) do E white-tailed virginianus leacurus 57. Deer, Corsican red Cetms elaphus Corsica, Sardinia do E corsicanus 68. Deer, Eld's brow- Cerms eldi India to Southeast do E antlered Asia 59. Deer, hog Axis (=Cerms) Thailand, Indochina do E porctnus annamitkus 60. Deer, key Odocoileus U.S.A. (southern EL) do E virginianus clavium 61. Deer, marsh Blastoeertes Argentina, Uruguay, do E dichotomus Paraguay, Brazil 62. Deer, McNeill's Cervus elaphus China (Sinkiang, do E macneilri Tibet 63. Deer, musk Moschus mochiferus South-central Asia do E moschiferus 64. Deer, pampas Ozotocerosbezoarticus Brazil, Argentina, do E Uruguay, Paraguay 65, Deer, Persian fallow Dama daana Iraq, Iran do E mesopotam ica 66. Deer, Philippine Axis calamionensis Philippines do E (Calamian Islands) 67. Deer, swamp Cerms durauceli India, Nepal do E 68. Deer, Yarkand Cervus elaphus China (Sinkiang) do E yarkandensis 69. Dibbler AnWhinusopicalis Australia do E 70. Dog, Asiatic wild GUM alpiatus U.S.S.R., Korea, do E (=Dhole) China, India, Southeast Asia 71. Drill Papio leucaphaeus Equatoria West do E Africa 72, Dugong Dugong dugen East Africa to do E southern Japan including U.S.A. (Trust Territories) 73. Duiker, Jentink's Cephalophuspentinki Sierra Leone, do E Liberia, Ivory Coast 74. Eland, Western giant Taurotragus Senegal to Ivory do E derbionus Arbianus Coast 76. Elephant, African Loxodonta africana Africa do T Register, January, 1989, No. 397 416 WISCONSIN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE NR 27 Vertebrate Species population where endangered or Common name Scientific name Historic range threatened Status 76. Elephant, Asian Elephas maximus South-central and do E Southeast Asia 77. Ferret, black-footed Afustela nigripes Western U.S.A., do E Western Canada 78. Forester, Tasmanian Afacropus gigarteus- Australia do E (kangaroo) losmaniensis (Tasmania) 79. Fox, Northern swift Vulpes relox hebes U.S.A. (northern Canada E plains), Canada 80. Fox, San Joaquin kit Vulpes mocrolfs U.S.A. (California) Entire E mutica 81. Fox, Sim€en Canis (= Sim ia) Ethiopia do E simensis 82. Gazelle, Clark's Ammodorcas elarkei Somalia, Ethiopia do E (= Dibatag) 83.Gazelle, Cuvier's Gazella cuvieri Morocco, Tunisia do E 84. Gazelle, Mhorr Gazella dama mhorr Morocco do E 85. Gazelle, Moroccan Gazelles dorcas Morocco, Algeria do E (=Dorm) massoesyla 86. Gazelle, Rio de Ora Gazella dama lozanoi Spanish Sahara do E Dama 87. Gazelle, Arabian Gazella gaudia Arabian Peninsula do E including Israel 88. Gazelle, Sand Gazella subgulterosa Jordan, Arabian do E marica Peninsula 89. Gazelle, Saudi Gazella doreas Israel, Iraq, Jordan, do E Arabian mudiya Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait 90. Gazelle, Pe€zeln's Gazella dorcos Somalia do E pelzelni 91. Gazelle, slender- Gazella €eptoceros Sudan, Egypt, do E horned (=Rhim) Algeria, Libya 92. Gelada (baboon) Theropilhetus gelada Northern Ethiopia do T 93. Gibbons Hylobates spp. China, India, do E (including southeastern Asia Nomoscus) 94. Goral NenrarhaednS garal East Asia do E 95. Gorilla Gorilla gorilla Central and Western do E Africa 96. Hare, hispid Coprologus hispidus India, Nepal, Bhutan do E 97. Hartebeest, Swayne's Alcelaphus Ethiopia, Somalia do E Mselaphus sway"i 98. Hartebeest, Tora Alcelaphus Ethiopia, Sudan, do E buselaphus torn Egypt 99. Hog, pigmy Sus solranius India, Nepal, do E Bhutan, Sikkim 100. Horse, Prmewalski's Eguus przeuwlskii Mongolia do E 101. Huemul, North Hrppocamelus Ecuador, Peru, do E Andean antisiensis Chile, Bolivia, Argentina 102, Huemul, South Hippocamelus Chile, Argentina do E Andean Wulcus 103. Hyena, Barbary Hyaena hyaena Morocco do E barbara 104. Hyena, brown Hyaena brunnea Southern Africa do E 105. Ibex, Pyrenean Capra pyrenaka Spain do E pyrenatea 106. Ibex, Walia Capra wolie Ethiopia do E 107. Impala, black-faced Aepyceros indnmpus Southwest Africa, do E petersi Nambia, Angola 108. Indris Indri spp. (all Malagasy Republic do E species) (=Madagascar), Comoro Island 109. Jaguar Panthera onea U.S.A. (TX, NM, Mexico southward E AZ), Central and South America 110, Jaguarundi cacomith F'elis U,S.A. (TX), Mexico Entire E yagouaroundi Register, January, 1989, No. 397 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 417 NB 27 Vertebrate Species population where endangered or Common name Scientific name Historic range threatened Status 111.
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