Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID AFRIKA Regulation Gazette No. 10177 Regulasiekoerant June Vol. 624 23 2017 No. 40930 Junie PART 1 OF 2 ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 40930 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 40930 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 JUNE 2017 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Alle Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Algemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudopgawe ingesluit weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the gazette numbers wat dus weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die Koerant- in the righthand column: nommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: Weekly Index Weeklikse Indeks 40930 Page Gazette BladsyKoerant No. No. No. No. No. No. GOVERNMENT NOTICE GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Department of Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, Departement van 536 Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (15/1976) :Re- 16 40898 536 Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (15/1976) :Re- 16 40898 ceipts of applications for Plant Breeders’ ceipts of applications for Plant Breeders’ Rights Plant Breeders’ Rights ................... Rights Plant Breeders’ Rights ................... 537 Agricultural Product Standards Act 28 40898 537 Agricultural Product Standards Act 28 40898 (119/1990) :Standards and Requirements (119/1990) :Standards and Requirements Regarding Control of the Export of In-Shell Regarding Control of the Export of In- Macadamia Nuts: Amendment.................. Shell Macadamia Nuts: Amendment......... 538 Agricultural Product Standards Act 29 40898 538 Agricultural Product Standards Act 29 40898 (119/1990) :Regulations relating to the (119/1990) :Regulations relating to the grading, packing and marking of pineap- grading, packing and marking of pineap- ples intended for sale in the Republic of ples intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa .............................................. South Africa .............................................. R.552 Agricultural Product Standards Act 11 40899 R.552 Agricultural Product Standards Act 11 40899 (119/1990) :Proposed publication of regu- (119/1990) :Proposed publication of reg- lations regarding assignees: Inspections ulations regarding assignees: Inspections and Fees ................................................... and Fees ................................................... 558 Marine Living Resources Act (18/1998) 4 40906 558 Marine Living Resources Act (18/1998) 4 40906 as amended :Proposed Fees Payable in as amended :Proposed Fees Payable in Respect of Applications and the Issuing of Respect of Applications and the Issuing of Rights, Permits and Licences in the Small- Rights, Permits and Licences in the Small- Scale Fishery Sector ................................ Scale Fishery Sector ................................ 564 Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (15/1976) :Re- 16 40919 564 Plant Breeders’ Rights Act (15/1976) :Re- 16 40919 ceipts of applications for Plant Breeder’s ceipts of applications for Plant Breeder’s Rights Plant Breeders’ Rights ................... Rights Plant Breeders’ Rights ................... Arts and Culture, Department of Kuns en Kultuur, Departement van 565 Heraldiekwet, 1962 (18/1962) :Aansoek 23 40919 565 Heraldiekwet, 1962 (18/1962) :Aansoek 27 40919 om Registrasie van Heraldiese Voor- om Registrasie van Heraldiese Voor- stellings en Besware daarteen Artikels 7, stellings en Besware daarteen Artikels 7, 7A en 7B van die Wet ............................... 7A en 7B van die Wet ............................... Basic Education, Department of Basiese Onderwys, Departement van 539 South African School Act (84/1996) :Ap- 39 40898 539 South African School Act (84/1996) :Ap- 39 40898 proval for the amendments to the regula- proval for the amendments to the regula- tions pertaining to the National Curriculum tions pertaining to the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 to provide for the Statement Grades R-12 to provide for the Listing of French Second Additional Lan- Listing of French Second Additional Lan- guage........................................................ guage........................................................ 540 National Education Policy Act (27/1996) 40 40898 540 National Education Policy Act (27/1996) 40 40898 :Approval of the Amendments to the Na- :Approval of the Amendments to the Na- tional Policy pertaining to the Programme tional Policy pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements of the Na- and Promotion Requirements of the Na- tional Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 tional Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 Economic Development Department Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling Departement 554 Competition Act (89/1998) :Amendment 4 40902 554 Competition Act (89/1998) :Amendment 4 40902 to Regulation 2 of General Notice 216 of to Regulation 2 of General Notice 216 of 2009.......................................................... 2009.......................................................... 555 Competition Act (89/1998) :Invitation for 7 40902 555 Competition Act (89/1998) :Invitation for 7 40902 the Public to Comment on the Amendment the Public to Comment on the Amendment to Regulation 10 (5) of the Competiton to Regulation 10 (5) of the Competiton Commission Rules .................................... Commission Rules .................................... This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 23 JUNIE 2017 No. 40930 3 Page Gazette Page Gazette No. No. No. No. No. No. Environmental Affairs, Department of Omgewingsake, Departement van 541 National Environmental Management: 43 40898 541 National Environmental Management: 43 40898 Biodiversity Act (10/2004) :Declaration Biodiversity Act (10/2004) :Declaration Notice of the Extension of the Harold Por- Notice of the Extension of the Harold Por- ter National Botanical Garden................... ter National Botanical Garden................... 542 World Heritage Convention Act (49/1999) 45 40898 542 World Heritage Convention Act (49/1999) 45 40898 :Declaration of a Management Authority :Declaration of a Management Authority for the Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical for the Richtersveld Cultural and Botanical Landscapes World Heritage Site .............. Landscapes World Heritage Site .............. Health, Department of Gesondheid, Departement van 556 National Health Act, 2003 :Regulations re- 4 40903 556 National Health Act, 2003 :Regulations re- 4 40903 lating to Human Gamete Banks ................ lating to Human Gamete Banks ................ 566 National Health Act (61/2003) :Regula- 31 40919 566 National Health Act (61/2003) :Regula- 31 40919 tions relating to Emergency Care at Mass tions relating to Emergency Care at Mass Gathering Events ...................................... Gathering Events ...................................... 567 Act no. 12 of 2012 :The Guidelines for the 110 40919 567 Act no. 12 of 2012 :The Guidelines for the 110 40919 Licensing of Residential and Day Care Fa- Licensing of Residential and Day Care Fa- cilities ........................................................ cilities ........................................................ Higher Education and Training, Department of Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding, Departement van 543 Continuing Education and Training Act 46 40898 543 Continuing Education and Training Act 46 40898 (16/2006) :Call for comments on the draft (16/2006) :Call for comments on the draft national policy on student support ser- national policy on student support ser- vices for Community Education and Train- vices for Community Education and Train- ing Colleges .............................................. ing Colleges .............................................. Home Affairs, Department of Binnelandse Sake, Departement van 544 Births and Deaths Registration Act 47 40898 544 Births and Deaths Registration Act 47 40898 (51/1992) :Alteration of surnames ............ (51/1992) :Alteration of surnames ............ 545 Births and Deaths Registration Act 63 40898 545 Births and Deaths Registration Act 63 40898 (51/1992) :Alteration of forenames in (51/1992) :Alteration of forenames in terms of section 24 ................................... terms of section 24 ................................... Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Onafhanklike Kommunikasie-owerheid van Suid-Afrika 561 Electronic Communications Act (36/2005) 4 40911 561 Electronic Communications Act (36/2005) 4 40911 :Notice regarding the ICASA’s analysis of :Notice regarding the ICASA’s analysis of the review of pro-competitive conditions the review of pro-competitive conditions imposed on licensees ............................... imposed on licensees ............................... Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling, Departement van 568 Promotion of Access to Information Act 169 40919 568 Promotion of Access to Information Act 169 40919 (2/2000) :Description in terms of section (2/2000) :Description in terms of section 15(1): Council for Medical Schemes ......... 15(1): Council for Medical Schemes ......... Labour, Department of Arbeid, Departement van R.557 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :Correction 4 40905 R.557 Labour Relations
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