narsd.~. Apri118. 1985 Chaitra 28, 1907 ,Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Sessioo (Eighth Lok Sabba) I--- (VoL IV ",,,,,,In.. No... 21 .03tJ) LOI( SABIIA SECRFTAIlUT NBWDDm Prb I lb. 4.00 {Original English proceedings included in English Version and OrigInal d Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Version will be treated as authoritative and not the translation th.. eof] CONTE NTS Eighth Series, Vol. IV, Second Session 1985/ }907 (Saka) No. 26, Thursday, April, 18, 1985/Chaitra 28,1907 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions' *Starred Questions Nos. 486 to 489, 491 to 494 and 496 1-26 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Queltlons Nos. 490, 495 and 497 to SOb 27-38 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3463 to 3627. and 3629 to 3656 39-211 Papers laid on the Table 213-216 Elections to Committees 217-218 (i) Court of the Aligach Muslim University 217 (ii) Governing Body of the Indian Council of Medical Research 217-213 (iii) National Shipping Board 218 Matters under rule 377- 219-225 (i) Need to provide fundi for Talcher Super Thermal Plant and I. B. Valley Thermal Project of Orissa 219-220 Shri Sriballav Panigrabi (Ii) Demand for instructin& the ODA to annual its Resolution passed earlier requiring the DeM to shift (he Mills from non-conforming area. 220-221 Shri Lalit Maken (iii) Need to clear the Blsalpur Irrigation and Water Supply Scheme uumedlate1y to provide drinking water and irrigation facities in Deolt Tebsil (Rajasthan) 221 Shri Banwari Lsi Bairwa (iv) Need for setting up a Television Transmission Tower at Lakhimpur Kheri in Uttar Prade.h 222 Shrimati Usha Verma * The Sign t marked above the name of .. Member indicates that the question 'Was actually asked on the floor or the House by tbat Member. II ) COLUMNS (v) Need to help West Bengal Government 10 thAt measures (or relieving drinking water scarcity in Midnapore and other adjoining districts could be taken up urgently. 222 Shl'imati Geeta Mukberjee (vi) Shortage of electricity in Rajasthan and need to run the two UllIts of tbe AtomiC PJwer Plant at K,")td properly as also supply power from Sinarauli Thermal Power Plant. 223 Shri Vinlhi Chander Jain (vii) Need to provide a :220 KY power tIDe from Ramagundam Thermal Power Project of NTPC to Warangal dIstrict of Andhra Pradesh 224 Shri C. Janga Reddy (viii) Necd to increase the amount of housebuildinc loan for the houseless poor 225 Shri p. Peochallish (ix) Need to ["ctain the former limit of financial assistance of Rs. 5,000 which was being given to the poor Harijans for improving their health and social and economic conditioos. 225-226 Shri Mahabir Prasad Domands for Grants (General), 1985-86-Contd. (i) Ministry of Irrigation and Power-Contd. Shri B. Shankarand 226-253 (.i) Mini&try of Industry and Company AffailS Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao 25_ Shri Banwari Lal Purohit :!63-266 Prof. K. V. Thomas 266-269 Shri Nirmal Khattri :269-271 Shri Ajoy Biswas 271-275 Shri R. Jeevaratbinam 275-278 Shr; R. Prabhu 278 -283 Sbri A. Charles 283-287 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 287-291 Shri R. Annanambi 29J-2~4 Sbri Uma Kaat Mighra 294-296 Shri Girdhari La) Vyas 296-299 ( iii) COLUMNS Shri Ram Singh Yadav 299-303 Shri K. V. Shankarugowda 305-311 Shri Mool Chand Dag. 311-316 Sbri Kammodi Lal Jatav 316-317 Sbri Harish Rawat 317 -320 Sbri K. P. Unnikrishnan 320-326 Sbri Jagdish Awasthi 326-329 Shri N. Dennis 329-331 Sbri Naresh Chandra Chaturvedi 331-333 Shri Vishnu Modi 333-335 Shri Sanat Kumar MandaI 335-337 Sbri Ram Prakash 337-319 Dr. p. Vallal Peruman 339-342 Shri Priya Ranjan Das Munshi ~42 Statement re-Communal Riots in Ahmedabad 303 Shri S. B. Chavao Discussion re Interference in India's Internal Arf.in by U .. S. Congress's Human Rights Caucus which held briefial in U S. C(Jngress Annexe on the so-called Human Riehts Issue in PUDjab Shri SaifuddiD Chowdhury 34"'-348 Prof. K. K. Tewary 348-361 Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 361-363 Shri K. P. Unnikrishnan 363-366 Sbri G. G. Swell 366-375 Shri Narayan Choubey 375-379 Shri Zainul Basher 379-385 Sbri V. S. Krishna Iyar 385-387 Sbri Piyus Tiraky 387-;388 Shri Kolandaiyelu 389-390 Shri Amar Roypradhan 390-392 Shri Khursheed Alam Kba D 392-400 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA tbe fortification of salt witb bOlb iron aod iodine bas been developed by the National Institute of Nutrition under ICMR. Salt (ortified according to the new formula bas Thursday, April 18, 1985/Chaitra 28. to be tested. 1907 (SaJ...a) An appropriate view would be laken after tbe details of tbe test! are avaiJable. The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: According to a report in tbe Patriot of 27th [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] Marcb, 1985, tbere is a difference of opinion between the Director-General of leMR and [English] tbe Additional Director of Healtb Services on the efficacy of the ICMR formula "0 MR. SPEAKER: Professor. wbere bad you been '1 MR. SPEAKER : Is it not tbe beauty of PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: I was a democratic set-up? absent due to you, Sir. You accepted the cesignation of Mr. Sharad Pawar. That is SHRIMATI GESTA MUKHERJEE: wby I had to go for election compaign. Really it is a beauty. Sir. PROF. N.G. RANGA I He has lost his Since both goitre and anaemia are caus- voice. ing great. barm to public health and since the lCMR formula " {or the cute of both MR. SPEAKER: He has been using it the diseases by double fortification, "11m tbe beyond limits, all tbe time. Government take a third expert opinioD before arriving at an appropriate view 1 [TranslatIon] ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SMT. MOHSINA KIOWAI : Mr. Spea- [ F:.nglish] ker, Sir. in tbe conditions prevailing in the country we find tbat anaemia is found in Fortification of Salt to Cure Goitre almost every ale group and is causiDg great and Anaemia barm to public health, people are getting weaker day by day. It bas been noticed *486. SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHER· from the available figures that 40 to 60 per JEE: Will the Minister of HEALTH AND cent pre-school children are sufferiDg from FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: anaemia aDd 25 to 30 per cent women in (a) wbether it il a fact tbat the pro- tbere reprgducted age group suffer from posal suggested by the ICMR to double for- ancamia. About 50 per cent of tbe people tification of salt to cure goitre and anaemia of this counfry are suffring from anaemia. is nearin, finaJisation ; and Iron is necessary for treatment of anaemia and similarly goitre can be cured witb iodine. (b) if 10. the detail. tbereof and Now we are gOiDI to formulate a scheme of Go~rnment'8 reaction tbereto '1 fortification of salt witb iron. We are taki~ iodised salt daily. It is tbe cheapest salt. THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRIMATI MOH- In other slatcs. iroD is mixc<i in tbe flo.. SINA KIDWAJ) : (a) and (b) A formula for and bread produced from sucb flour is caleD 3 Oral Answers APRIL 18, 1985 Oral AnslI'ers 4 by all. but there is nothing of type in OUf any inquiry into Ihe question of the presence couufry in which we could mix this iron, of' hynr0;:::f"n ::-~!,r_·x;d~ !~ .A.mul mdk and if At preseot we are giving iron tablets to pre .. they did HOl. will they conduct an ir,quiry goant mothers. But jf iron is mixed in salt, into (his whether Amul and such other pro- a small quantity of it could be taken by the ducts which are used very widely contaio people, wbicb would be ab1e to cure: anaemia. hydrogen peroxide which is injurious to Tbat is wby studies in this respect were h~~ltb .., made in Hyderabad and Calcutta etc. In Sa,1grul area of \\lest Bengal~ which Smt. [Trar.tlof d)"J Gccta Mukherjee is representing heJe, it was found th<.tt after eating such salt. (he women SMT. MOHSINA KIOWAI; Just now suffering from anaemia gaumed by lhrt'~ gm!'. G~~t.2j: m~~:iGr:ed .. bout adding :-,ydiogeD This shows that we Cd.O do this work. But pel'oxide to milk. J would like to rell her heron: we lakeD such a decision, we have to that according to (he Act, such add ilion is examine al1 the aspects and tbat is why we prohibited. )t canno1 be added even to have undertaken studl~s. I tbink it Amul milk. (lnrerru ption,). would take some lime. We bave already foclification of salt before taking a decision, She also mentioned about goitre. It is which would take some time. connect that there are many highly eodemic areas where goitre ts prevalent. Iodised salt So far as iodine is concerned, our is required to cure this disease, Iodised Government have decided to iodise the entire salt 1nstead of Common salt is being uliljsed edible salt by 1990 A.D. (/merJ'!'ptions) in the areas which have been declared hlgbly endemic areas. (l",u!'rup'ion~) We have started this work after obtaining experts opinioD and there is D..> difference of op:;:}:on .at all b~~we~n !.C. M, Q., <'nd n:n:ctor General in this respect. SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: This is not Jod ine. [English] SHRIMATI MOHSINA KIOWAI ; You SHRIMATI GEETA MUKHERJEE: II are asking about tbe presence of bydrolen was reported in tbe Press.
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