d ^ H. .0,' ­i L^i^ Translation froa the f'trrk by "optain Lareh^r^ Frtticl1 Translation from the French by Captain 7*.y.« Banite^t vR -OLlEGJi, WOV'-offilS 1925. .' D^ L:, OJt^Di-: Gi),;;ilH£H, Vol. - 5*1 ;./V/ J V Z UVTRQJU^TIQN. 1. The Gallipoli i«ninsula« 1 2, The Coast of Anatolia* 5 S« the Defensive Grgani«atiomof the straight and their Reinforcement. 5 4, The Allied Pleat /attempt© to Form the Straight. 8 1* The Destruction of the Fortifications at the Entrance of the atraight* (Peb« 19 and 26, 1915). 9 2. Bombardment of the Inner Mefenecs ana the Clsaring of the ISin*! Fields. (?efc, 26«.^r^ 17)* 11 3. The naval Action of &irch XSth* 12 4. Results. 14 5* Oosments on the Subject Matter of i-art I- 14 i-ART 11. 1. The Attack on th© Dardanelles by Land, (Defensive i-reparations ^arch 19-April 25« 17 2. Landing tlans and i-reparations by the allies* 19 3. The landing (April 25# 19.15)• 21 4« The /*ri Bournou C-oabats. 23 5. First Battle of Krifchia* /Lpril 28. 25 6« rUf;;ht attacks on the 3eddul l&hr Pront. (M^ht i*ay 1-2 and "Say 3—4,? • 26 7* Second Battle of Krithia, u.y 6f ? and @« 28 8. The Ari Bournou Combats fey 10, 29 9. Third Battle of Xrithla, Jt»n« 4-6. 31 lOrCombat of Hill 839 Jtine 21-22 33 11,Combat of Zighin were, June 28-July 5* 34 12. Combat of K#revez L»ere, -.jxily 12-13. 30 13.0oiata«nte on the subject ^iurt of Part 11. SS (A.llieo Operationu}* 14. strategic situation of the defenders. 42 1* The straight of Dardanelles and the Oallipnli . eninsula. 2 2. The iedaul Bohr Region. 3 3# fhe Ari-Bournou-.'i-nafarta Ke^ion* 4 4. The Dardanelles defenses at th« period of Mobilixation. 6 5« The Dar<Jan«lle8 defenses on February 19, 1915. 10 6« The situation on April 25f 1915. 20 7. The >ituatiou on July 14, 1915. 38 fi W THE DARDaHBLLBS CAMPAIGN. The Straight of the Dardanelles, called Hellespont in ancient times, tenda to the South »eat from Tchardack-Gallipoli to Koum Kale-Seddul Bahr, and i» about $3 kilometers (34 nautical miles) long. Its width varies from 7800 to 1400 meter»• The Gallipoli peninsula extends from the isthmus of Boulair to Cape Flailes, ia about 90 kilometers long, and has a width of five and one-half kilometers at the isthmus of Boulair, which is its narrowest place. From the isthmus on, it gradually widens, attaining a width of 20 kilometers between AkBach and Euijuck Guecdkli, then it becoraes narrow again, and ends at Cape Helles. The isthmus of Boulair, between K'avack «3ouyou and the Sea of &armora, is formed by a chain of mountains which extond from the northeast, gradually sloping down to the isthmus, and th@n rising again to the South ,v*st terminate at Kdj© Limaury. Another line of elevations extends to the Waot of Anaforta, ending at Cape Helles. There are aever?il small beaches along the steep and precipitous coast at the foot of the Northenn range, between the bay of Kainardja and the bav of 5?dje I,i8aury» ^ ie Coastal rcsgicm l^stween the bay of Kttlnardja and Cape Iridje is not so mountainous* The country at the sourc© of th© Kavak Souyon is Eiarehy, Th© territory near Cape Guemilik is not v&ry hilly, but many difficult and narrow valleys a»r:y b® found on the West aide of the Southern range. The "Touzlu Guel" and the southern part of the peninsula is, ^n the ether hand, flat and sandy* Further to the South, tonr&rds the bay of fepe between (iaba T H R ACE 0 Bairamitch Kwjja Tchesmi^ Memlahalar^-^ ^-~ fTHdje {jo** ^v a S]ava tenk i Kei^ /ios 1 8aie (fe f s\ 1 JM^J 0BoulaIr ^ ISTHME OC j^^ OespotUmaai^ o G^'ri / MARMARA Koyoun limawv-^^/ >.-r f EdjeUmanW^ / ^I^U > § ^Tcha^Jak 4^ 1 —7 A v ^*La0aekie Kutchuk Gueraikli \^«£i&rta^ ° ^r> f '.•••' I ft WoTalva / o' men Arif O £<?/£ fI fr Koum T. j / KaWP^W ^ i / ^ J » iTchanakKale Koum Kale/^ OrMianie £ ^ Yeni Keuy/ ouY. Chehir/ P^Bechika/ ^/^ / Grande Bs/e y • (fe 8ec/>ifo f Q (0 1 20 \0 <>0 so Km. !.,..! THE STRAIGHT OF DARDjJli: _THL_uALLiPOLl /rant Wtghts eo /fit tout 191S. (a/ovte i iiirg <b r+tw&rnMnt) Note <fu Tncko£tur Soim'ttr MIS tiGiatm/trqiroos employees par /as Angtoia -4­ Tepe and Kouia Dereai, the terrain becomes very abrupt. There are not great rivers in the interior of the peninsula, although there are ravinsswhich are their dry in i\* majority. TjilC COAST OF ANATOLIA. The region from Koum Kale towards the South is, in general, flat or a little hilly. The ttenderes rune from South to North, to the Saat of this region, and flows into the Straight to the East of Koum Kale. To the West of this river, on the coaet of Y#ni Chehir towards th© South, there are roar shoe, unpaasable without bridges and which are never dry, not oven in autumn. The bushy range Of Nal Buyan stands further to the South. The right shore is very bushy and lacking in roads. S 0KQANIMT10HS OF THK STRAIGHT, ANiJ THj$R JIB At the beginning of the mobilization (a), the existing fortifications for the defense of the Straight were very deficient. In general, tho intrenchraents 7/ere of earth and masonry, most of the guns were of obsolete models, of slow rate of fire and short ranges, and the ammuni­ tion supply was limited. The batteries at the entrance ot the straight w@re ©quipped with twenty guns, varying in calibre (15-28), Only four of those pieces w©rs in condition waa te fire. Their r-aximum rangeM4,800 Dieters, that of the others was 7.500 meters. The batteries of the inner defenses w&r& ©quipped with 78 guno of various calibres (15-35.5). Of this number, only 5 guns calibre* 35 and 3 of 34, were in condition to fir© at lonr ranges. Their maximum ranges were 16,900 und 14,800 meters respectively. The naxiioura rang© of the gun© under 22 centimeters Was 7,500 meters. From the entrance of the Straight to the heights of Dardanos, (x) NOTE - Prior to August 1914. War was declared on Nov. 2, 1914. .5. Batteries et torpilleurs KedatA&s et ezews t* serrfct *t> debut dt h mobilisitJoa Redoytes et catwnsufs ta 'service^ cotrv b mebijGitfOB et Is dec/sraOon <fe guerry 0}/s en service entre U de 13/S Projecteurs et mines Cn sernee amantis moiiJisstiae ­c Mis eop/ice eotre li motifisjt/on et la declaration dem/erre ^ B Hit to pi ice eotne Is declarities de yverre et le 1$ f~evrrer. frvjectci/rs et twrtges de <»ines mis etptacv apris k i$ /emer Den bitrages de mifitt Legendc (tea s»grvea fetlertf a lir ap/Jt y de 8iUarie itir rtpide T SoUen'e de csnons K/vpp onfioabxs \ UrO'JMne } \mqfrj>ue. ytessct/s d I is *** O£ KARAMIYK thLLer/cs BiUcnes mob/fes f Batteries cwtrtsrio fo PrcjccUuri 'jm le caltbre est wdigoe #D dcssous el fc/rombrc de pieces J cvte i. tetfifae up cspon <?£* n ec fmyncur u> CJfibres THE DARDANELLES ^oS S AT TilS PERIOD OF MOBILIZATION. -6­ there were only 7 guns of balibres anywhere from IS to 7.5 centimeters. Six months had elapsed from the arrival of the English Fleet (August 9, 1914) to the beginning of the attempt to force the Straight, (Feb. 20, 1915). During this tin*©, the straight hud been fortified in the following manner: It was recognized that the enemy fleet couldi take poeition out of range and silence the batteries at the entrance of the Straight, oven though the latter had been reinforced. Consequently, it was decided, to strengthen the fortifications in the interior zone of the Straight, in order to stop the enemy fleet at the narrowest part of the Dardanelles, The supplementary defense was, therefore, carried out in accordance vrith this plan, %nd was as follows: 1. If the enemy fleet entered the Straight after hairing destroyed the batteries at the entrance, the interior defenses equipped with short range guns, would certainly be destroyed at long ranges, without even having had a chance to open fire. For this reason, 8 alow-rate.of-fire howitzers (10,8 calibres) were emplaeed on both ahores of Karalynk Bay, 2. Lines of Submarine mines.- Utilising all available materiel, nine liftoe ef submarine mines srere gradually planted in the narrowest part ofthe straight and a torpedo tube was placed on the coast of Namazguiah, 3. Rapid Fire Batteries,- Groups of Rapid fir© batteries equipped with rapid fire guns taken from naval gunboats, and other guns typ^s fv'.untelli ami Krupp fouad in the Dardanelles, were ©mplaced 00 as to protect the mine fields against eneisy mine sweepers . Wo at of tn©so guns mr& «upl>ieed in the vicinity Of Kephez, Soughlanly ma Houzlar, 4. Searchlights: Bright search] i^hts wore added to the two searchlights already in service, for the purpose of Illuminating the nins fields. -7­ 5, Bttmay Batteries: Batteries equipped with guns, type Krupp, were enpl&ced in different places, to eorobat enemy airplanes and also to fill the role of dujnmy batteries. Siamltaneously, while these defensive steps were being taken against a naval attack at the Straight and foreseeing an eaaay landing, six infantry battalions were detached from the 7th and 9th divisions, to guard and defend the eeast from the Gulf of S&ros to Cape Sakl I&tasboul, in front of Tenedos Island.
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