Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Expansion of Odisha Waste Management Project at Kanchichuan (V), Sukinda (T), Jajpur (D), Odisha

Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Expansion of Odisha Waste Management Project at Kanchichuan (V), Sukinda (T), Jajpur (D), Odisha

Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Expansion of Odisha Waste Management Project at Kanchichuan (V), Sukinda (T), Jajpur (D), Odisha (Final Report) Submitted by Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) Consultant Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited January 2019 Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Expansion of Odisha Waste Management Project at Kanchichuan (V), Sukinda (T), Jajpur (D), Odisha Final Report Submitted To Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi - 110003 Submitted by Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) Plot No: 420/648/1, Kanchichuan Village, Jajpur District, Odisha. Consultant Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited Ramky Grandiose, Gachibowli, Hyderabad (NABET Certificate No: NABET/EIA/1518/SA 061) January 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS EIA of Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) at Sukinda, Jajpur District, Odisha Table of Contents QCI/NABET Certificate Declaration of Experts Terms of Reference (TOR) TOR Compliance Chapter No. Title Page No. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 Purpose of Report 1.2 1.3 Identification of Project and Project Proponent 1.3 1.3.1 Project 1.3 1.3.2 Project Proponent 1.4 1.3.3 Ramky Group Waste Management Division 1.4 1.4 Brief description of nature, size, location of the project and its importance 1.6 to the country and region 1.4.1 Importance of the Project 1.8 1.5 Scope of the Study 1.11 1.5.1 EIA Report 1.15 Chapter 2 Project Description 2.1 Type of the project 2.1 2.2 Need for the Project 2.2 2.2.1 Justification of the Project 2.3 2.3 Location of the Project 2.3 2.3.1 Capacities of the proposed project 2.8 2.4 Size of Operation and its Associated Activities 2.9 2.4.1 Required Manpower 2.10 2.4.2 Water Requirement 2.10 2.4.3 Power and Fuel Requirement 2.11 2.5 Process Description of Hazardous Wastes 2.11 2.5.1 Laboratory Facilities 2.14 2.5.2 Collection and Transportation 2.14 Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited, Hyderabad Page i EIA of Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) at Sukinda, Jajpur District, Odisha 2.5.3 Storages 2.15 2.5.4 Waste Disposal Operations 2.16 2.5.5 Incinerator 2.23 2.6 Bio Medical Waste 2.25 2.6.1 Categoroes of Bio Medical Waste as per BMW rules 2.26 2.6.2 Collection and Transportation 2.31 2.6.3 Disinfection and Destruction 2.31 2.6.4 Incinerator 2.31 2.6.5 Autoclave 2.31 2.6.6 Other Infrastructure 2.33 2.7 E waste Handling 2.33 2.7.1 Methodology 2.34 2.7.2 Process Description 2.34 2.8 Recycling Facilities 2.37 2.8.1 Spent Solvent Recycling 2.37 2.8.2 Used Oil Recycling 2.39 2.8.3 Alternative Fuel and Raw Material Facility 2.40 2.8.4 Used Lead Acid Battery Recycling 2.42 2.8.5 Waste Plastic Reccycling 2.44 2.8.6 Waste Paper Recycling 2.45 Chapter 3 Description of Environment 3.1 Introduction 3.1 3.2 Micrometeorology 3.2 3.3 Ambient Air Quality 3.5 3.3.1 Air Quality Scenario in the Study Area 3.9 3.4 Water Quality 3.13 3.4.1 Water Quality Assessment 3.13 3.4.2 Regional Scenario 3.19 3.5 Noise Environment 3.20 3.5.1 Source of Noise 3.21 3.5.2 Noise Levels in the Study Area 3.21 3.6 Traffic Study 3.26 Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited, Hyderabad Page ii EIA of Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) at Sukinda, Jajpur District, Odisha 3.7 Soil Quality 3.27 3.7.1 Criteria Adopted for Selection of Sampling Locations 3.27 3.7.2 Soil Sampling Locations 3.28 3.7.3 Regional Scenerio 3.31 3.8 Biological Environment 3.33 3.8.1 Introduction 3.33 3.9 Land Use/ Land Cover Details 3.42 3.10 Demography and Socio-Economics (secondary data description) 3.47 3.10.1 Methodology Adopted for the Study 3.47 3.10.2 Demographic Aspects 3.48 3.10.3 Social Structure 3.49 3.10.4 Literacy Levels 3.50 3.10.5 Occupational Structure 3.50 3.10.6 Dependancy Ratio 3.52 3.10.7 Primary Observations in the core zone 3.52 Chapter 4 Anticipated Environemental Impacts and their Mitigation Measures 4.1 Identification of Impacts 4.1 4.2 Methodology 4.1 4.3 Potential Impacts 4.1 4.4 Impacts during Construction phase 4.2 4.4.1 Impact on Air Quality 4.3 4.4.2 Impact on Water Quality 4.4 4.4.3 Impact of Noise Levels 4.5 4.4.4 Impact Due to Solid Waste Generation 4.6 4.4.5 Impact on Land Environment 4.8 4.4.6 Socio-Economics 4.8 4.4.7 Ecology 4.9 4.5 Impacts during Operation Phase 4.9 4.5.1 Prediction of Impacts on the Air Environment 4.9 4.6 Impact on Water Quality 4.19 4.6.1 Leachate Collection/ Treatment and Disposal 4.20 4.6.2 Leachate Treatment Plant 4.21 Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited, Hyderabad Page iii EIA of Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) at Sukinda, Jajpur District, Odisha 4.6.3 Effluent Treatment Plant 4.22 4.6.4 Water Impacts Mitigation Measures 4.23 4.6.5 Rain Water Harvesting and Strom Water Management 4.23 4.7 Noise Environment 4.24 4.7.1 Noise mitigation measures 4.24 4.8 Prediction of Impacts on Land Environment 4.24 4.9 Predicted Impacts of the Landfill 4.25 4.10 Impacts on the Community 4.25 4.11 Impact on Ecology 4.26 4.12 Impact on Socio Economic 4.26 4.13 Odor Management 4.26 Chapter 5 Analysis of Alternative Site & Technology 5.1 Introduction 5.1 5.1.1 Site selection 5.1 5.2 Technological aspects 5.3 5.2.1 Waste minimization 5.3 5.2.2 Recycling wastes 5.4 5.2.3 Treatment of waste 5.5 5.2.4 Collection, transportation and disposal 5.7 5.3 Disposal of hazardous waste 5.8 5.3.1 Landfill disposal 5.8 5.3.2 Incineration 5.9 5.3.3 Underground disposal 5.10 5.4 No project option 5.11 Chapter 6 Environmental Monitoring Program 6.1 Environmental Monitoring Program 6.1 6.2 Construction Phase 6.1 6.3 Operation Phase 6.4 6.4 Post Operational Phase 6.6 6.5 Environmental Laboratory Equipment 6.7 6.5.1 Environmental Management Cell 6.8 6.6 Pollution Monitoring Facilities 6.9 Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited, Hyderabad Page iv EIA of Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) at Sukinda, Jajpur District, Odisha 6.6.1 Reporting Schedules of the Monitoring Data 6.9 6.6.2 Public Health Monitoring 6.9 6.6.3 Budgetary Provision for EMP 6.10 Chapter 7 Additional Studies 7.1 Risk Assessment & Disaster Management Plan 7.1 7.1.1 Risk Analysis 7.1 7.1.2 Evaluating Hazards 7.2 7.2 Identification of Major Hazard Installations 7.2 7.2.1 Identification of Toxic, Flammable, Explosive Chemicals 7.2 7.2.2 Applicability of Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous 7.4 Chemicals Rules 7.2.3 Storage facilities of hazardous chemicals 7.5 7.2.4 Nature of Possible Hazards 7.5 7.2.5 Maximum credible accident analysis for diesel storage area 7.5 7.3 On-Site Emergency Plan 7.12 7.3.1 Elements of Planning 7.12 7.4 Off-site Emergency Plan 7.13 7.5 Infrastructure 7.16 7.6 Operational Systems During Emergency 7.17 7.6.1 Communication System 7.17 7.6.2 Warning System & Control 7.17 7.6.3 Mutual Aid 7.18 7.7 Disaster Management Plan 7.18 7.7.1 Cyclone leading to land fill flood 7.20 7.7.2 Major explosion of chemicals / fire and toxic gas release in landfill or 7.21 Stores 7.7.3 Contamination of soil and water sources due to leakage of 7.25 contaminants 7.7.4 Release of toxic gases from incinerator 7.26 7.8 Hazard control measures 7.27 7.8.1 Fire 7.27 7.8.2 Natural disasters 7.28 7.8.3 Electrical accidents 7.30 Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited, Hyderabad Page v EIA of Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) at Sukinda, Jajpur District, Odisha 7.9 Full Mock Drill Monitoring 7.34 7.9.1 Steps of Mock Drills 7.34 7.10 Natural Disasters 7.35 7.11 Occupational Health and Safety Program for the Project 7.36 7.12 Geo-Hydrological Studies 7.37 Chapter 8 Project Benefits 8.1 Introduction 8.1 8.2 Benefits of hazardous waste management 8.1 8.3 Benefits of e waste recycling 8.2 8.3.1 Materials recovered from e waste 8.2 8.4 Benefits from bio medical waste treatment facility 8.3 8.5 Benefits of landfill 8.3 8.6 Benefits from recycling facilities 8.3 8.6.1 Lead recycling 8.3 8.6.2 Used oil recycling 8.4 8.6.3 Spent solvent recycling 8.5 8.6.4 Benefits of alternate fuel raw material facility 8.5 8.6.5 Waste plastic recycling 8.6 8.6.6 Waste paper recycling 8.6 8.7 Improvements in the physical infrastructure 8.7 8.8 Improvements in the social infrastructure 8.7 8.9 Employment potential 8.8 8.10 Other tangible benefits 8.8 8.11 SWOT Analysis 8.9 8.11.1 Materials and methods 8.10 8.11.2 Landfill site condition 8.11 8.11.3 Strategies derived from the SWOT profile of the landfill 8.12 8.12 Conclusion 8.12 Chapter 9 Environmental Management Plan 9.1 Introduction 9.1 9.2 Environmental Management during Construction 9.1 9.2.1 Air Quality Mitigation Measure 9.1 Ramky Enviro Services Private Limited, Hyderabad Page vi EIA of Odisha Waste Management Project (OWMP) at Sukinda, Jajpur District, Odisha 9.2.2 Water Quality Mitigation Measure 9.2 9.2.3 Noise Mitigation Measures 9.3 9.2.4 Solid Waste Mitigation Measures 9.3 9.2.5 Ecological Aspects 9.4 9.2.6 Site Security 9.5 9.3 Management during Operation Stage 9.6 9.3.1 Air Quality Management 9.7 9.3.2 Odor Control 9.7 9.3.3 Gas Management 9.8 9.3.4 Water Quality Mitigation Measures 9.8 9.3.5 Noise Mitigation Measures 9.9 9.3.6 Solid Waste Mitigation Measures 9.10 9.4 Post Operation of Landfill 9.12 9.5 Socio Economic Development Activities under CEP 9.12 9.6 Occupational Health Management 9.15 9.7 Fire Protection System 9.15 9.8 Environmental Management Cell 9.15 9.8.1 Record Keeping and Reporting 9.16 9.9 E-Waste Management and Handling Rules 2016 9.17 9.10 Action Plan for Complying Performance Evaluation & Monitoring of TSDF 9.18 9.11 Compliance of Hazardous Waste Rules 2016 9.19 Chapter 10 Summary and Conclusion 10.1 Introduction 10.1 10.2 Project Capacity Details 10.1 10.3 Project Importance

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