NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE A Weekly Paper for Naval Stores Producers, Factors, Exporters, Dealers, and Manufacturers of Soaps, Varnishes, Paper, Printing Inks, Etc. VOL. XXIV, No. 23. SAVANNAH, GA., Saturday, September 5, 1914. Price, $5.00 Per Annum W. D. KRENSON. H. D. WEED : J. A. Gd. CARSON, President. J. D. WEED & CO.. H.L.KAYTON, 1st Vice-President. J. A. G. CARSON, Jr., 2nd Vice=President W. L. McDOWELL, 3d Vice-President H. F. E. SCHUSTER, Secretary Savannah, Georgia. W. A. CHRISTIAN, Treasurer. Wholesale Hardware Cason Naval Stores Railroad Spikes. Bar Band and Hoop Iron, ...Factors and Wholesale Grocers... Turpentine Tools, Ete. ORGANIZED IN 1879. OLDEST HOUSE IN THE BUSINESS. Principal Office, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, National Bank Building. OHHH MA Branch Office, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, OHO a Atlantic National Bank Building. NIV £1) OHHH 1 With an organization unsurpassed and ample means at our 0) 301340 command, our facilities for handling your business are HHH TTVAVN ALS second to none. SONINNAC ‘dL .... WE INVITE YOUR CORRESPONDENCE.... HH “ J pure ‘V100VSNId CHE terrier trstropesbotentestesbstrrteofesetente frosted |B INEST OH UOIISBISIIBS ‘V1 ‘XQ TYAUN 1U6PISOIJ-00TA CHESNUTT & O'NEILL, 0) ITVSITOHM SSIPUBYDIII Ino HH NAVAL STORES FACTORS, A HoNvao HOH S3HOLS -00T HH SUPPLIES. daddies Suosjed 20140 HO UI ‘NOXIAT'V'H SIH0LS JUOPISOIJ sjuawilsedsap Ship your naval stores to mus at MIN OHH Savannah, the Leading Market of the Yjoq World, and thus aid in keeping up HHH SHIOOYUD ‘DM Competition and maintaining High HH [BARN deeds Prices. ‘SNVITHO £3,008 HHO PUB V1 HOH ‘HEHLVE $31031S * Send Us Your Orders at Savannah, Georgia. CH SHOLOVd ANVAINOD SBA, CH deeded A dedededfe Sereerrdeteoterirsfrofeofeofroesfeofeotest hedfscfedfruidfe dois dedfeddfedddddds dee R (0 7 SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE ROE RRR EE ROR EERE ERE RISER RRR FERRER S38 238 3BIABOEHEBIITBEAIBIR LBA RS & © 1 WILLIAM GARRARD, President H. JENSEN, Vice-President and General Manager Lhd Naval Stores Co. EXPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN’ re oh a el "ROSIN AND TURPENTINE oD ae re =H eet) Prices cheerfully made delivered at any point in the United States or Canada, or c.i.f. any port in the world Head Office: SAVANNAH, GA. Branches: PENSAGOLA, FLA, NEW ORLEANS, LA, Western Sales Ofiice: 180 North Dearborn St, CHICAGO, ILL. Codes: Al, A BC, 4th and 5th Editions; Western Union--Universal Edition; Hamilton’s Code Condenser; Private Codes. Cable Address: “Lonsavan’ Savannah 333 EE EEE RE EE EE RE BR EER RIERA ERA R83 BE O. TT. MCINTOSH, President D. T. FURSE, Vice-President —— DIRECTORS — : HOWARD ASHBURN, Moultrie, Ga. N. EMANUEL, Brunswick, Ga. W. R. Bowen, Fitzgerald, Ga. D. T. Fursg, Savannah, Ga. J. J. DorMINY, Broxton, Ga. R. G KIRKLAND, Nichols, Ga. O. T. McINTOSH, Savannah, Ga. SOUTHERN STATES NAVAL STORES 0. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA { FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS EY DEALERS IN GENERAL SUPPLIES EIEN IRN Wesell Rosin and Turpentine and make quick returns of all consignments HEX We pay drafts of responsible parties against bill lading: EEE When shippers desire to hold Rosin or Turpentine we will hold it for EKX them and make liberal advances against it XXX ACCOUNTS SOLICITED CORRESPOND WITH US EEE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE 3 MAY SELL ALL NAVAL STORES spirits as accumulated, even at some trade and who are the best acquainted sacrifice of values. Some of them have with its ins and outs here and in foreign THROUGH A COMMITTEE also contracts for their rosins with lands. NS western soap manufacturers, or users N in other lines. This complicates the Two more cargoes are en route for Seek To Bring Gulf and Atlantic situation a little but it is believed these London. Their arrival will give that Sections Together matters can all be properly arranged so ERLE market 3,300 more casks of spirits of as to include every independent produ- turpentine. These are the Iris from cer in the proposed selling arrangement Step Regarded As Necessary For Savannah, with 1,575 casks and the and speedily cut off demoralization Unganda from Pensacola with 1,780. EERE Further Protection of The Industry from any source. The industry must Under Conditions Existing—Fur= In addition there is afloat to that port be protected from ruin. That is the 3,360 casks on the Brika which cleared ther Developments of The animating motive of those now at work. Present Week on the 18th of August. The Brika also There is no doubt that theindependent carries 1,600 casks for Hull. Further et 8 mers, rr producers will appreciate this. shipments to ports in the United King- HEE Office of dom are looked for during the current WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW, Speaking of conditions in the Gulf month. That is about the only section of Europe, though, to which shipments EEE Savannah, Ga., Sept. 5, 1914 territory, the New Orleans Lumber Trade Journal says:— are apt to be made. The inaugurating of steps toward the ‘At the recent conferences of naval EER formation of a joint marketing com- stores operators in territory along the The present week brought no new mittee, embracing the entire factorage Gulf coast, it has been decided to in- market developments. The domestic interests of the South, and including definitely curtail production about 25 BEER as well the independent producers of trade has not got over its usual summer R to 33% per cent. wherever possible. dullness, combined with the accentua- ° the Southwest, was the main develop- Few more trees are to be chipped this ment in the naval stores trade this ted dullness of wartimes. There is year except in cases where the operator some trade, of course, but it is not of a RRR week. Today an important meeting of has, under his contract, but a limited satisfying nature. The movement of all interests will be held at Montgomery. time to turpentine the tract. This cur- The committee appointed at the meet- feed stuffs has not yet begun to brace tailment has already begun. At these the West up to a larger buying capacity ing on last Saturday has advised the conferences it was also, in view of the Savannah factors that it has a plan and disposition, and as for the Southern nominal market, decided to reduce the section of the United States the con- ready to submit at today’s meeting. wages of the chippers and dippers about This plan will be considered by each sumption here of articles into which } 20 per cent. In view of this reduction naval stores enters will be held down to ~ factorage house, with the aid of its many of the employes have already attorneys, and another meeting will be the lowest proportions possible for some held at which there will be thorough | quit, and as a result the curtailment time, the high cost of living and the + may exceed the proportion originally low prices of southern products being consideration of the plan, and the { expecred. objections and suggestions evoked by an effectual curtailer for paints, var- a ic. ‘““The operators in this territory report nishes and other articles into which Once the plan is in a shape that is a fair interior trade, but the export naval stores enter. satisfactory to all it will be submitted business is almost at a standstill, only the Department of Justice at Washing- a few small shipments having gone ton, is being the desire and intention forward during the last two weeks.” Operators of Alabama To Meet ¥ to have whatever plan is adopted ap- | proved by the government before it is At Montgomery September 12 put into working order. The inability to handle anything To do all this will require probably but sight drafts naturally adds to the i. Chelsea Ala., Sept. 1, 1914 the remainder of the month. By Octo- difficulties of doing foreign business. NAVAL STORES REVIEW, ber 1, though, it is hoped and expected Owing to the disturbed conditions Savannah, Ga. : to have all the naval stores of the South throughout Europe the old 30 or 60 day Dear Sirs:—Owing to the serious ‘being sold through a general marketing drafts are not negotiable, and it is stage of the turpentine industry a good many others and myself have decided committee. The independent produ- doubtful that exporters would be willing ~ cers will, if the plan goes through, ship to do business on such a basis even to call on the operators of Alabama for their output to Mobile or New Orleans. though they were. The element of a meeting in Montgomery, Alabama, Up to the present time, the factorage risk is not absent now even with sight Saturday, September 12th, at the Ex- and producing interests of the eastern drafts. HExporters are not slow to admit change Hotel, at 12 o’clock noon. ~ section have been carrying the bag and that they do not look for this condition This meeting is for the purpose of ~ sustaining the situation without the to change for many months to come. regulating prices in operating and get- co-operation of many in the south- The overthrow of credit has been so ting soinething definite in a policy that western section of the belt. It has great, and the paralysis to finance and willenable the producers to pull through been brought to the latter’s attention, trade in general so widespread, that the the present calamity. though, that their own protection from most extreme caution will be observed There has long been a demand for ~ now on depends on their making com- even for months after peace comes, more unity among the operators. This ~ mon cause with the eastern or Atlantic whenever that day may be.
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