r. 16 • 2007 ---RRRRRREEEEEEFFFFFFEEEEEERRRRRREEEEEENNNNNNCCCCCCEEEEEESSSSSS--- GHEORGHE VLĂDU łESCUł (Romanian Academy), ALEXANDRU BOBOC (Romanian Academy), FLORIN CONSTANTINIU (Romanian Academy), CRISTIAN PREDA (University of Bucharest), LAURENTIU VLAD (University of Bucharest), VLADIMIR OSIAC (University of Craiova), CĂTĂLIN BORDEIANU („Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi) ---------IIIIIIIIINNNNNNTTTTTTEEEEEERRRRRRNNNNNNAAAAAATTTTTTIIIIIIIIIOOOOOONNNNNNAAAAAALLLLLL AAAAAADDDDDDVVVVVVIIIIIIIIISSSSSSOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYY BBOOAARRDD--------- MIHAI CIMPO I President o f the Academ y of the Rep ublic of Moldavia MICHAEL R ADU, Senior Fellow , Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, USA Co-Chairman , FPRI’s Center on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security, Philadelphia, USA YOHANAN MANOR, Professor , University de Jerusalem, Israel President , Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace (CMIP) JOZE PIRJEVE C, Professor , University of Trieste, Italy PATRIC IA GONZALEZ-A LDEA Professor , University Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain OLIVER F RIGGIE RI, Professor , University of Malta CRISTINA BE JAN, Wadham College, Oxford, Great Britain SLAVCO ALMĂ JAN, Professor , University of Novi Sad, Serbia President , „Argos” Center for Open Dialogue, Novi Sad, Serbia NICU C IOBANU President, „Libertatea”Publishing House, Novi Sad, Serbia ---------EEEEEEDDDDDDIIIIIIIIITTTTTTOOOOOORRRRRRIIIIIIIIIAAAAAALLLLLL BBBBBBOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRDDDDDD--------- Editor in chief: AUREL PIłURCĂC Deputy editor in chief: ION DEACONESCU Editorial board: CEZAR AVRAM, VLADIMIR OSIAC, MIHAI COSTESCU, ANCA PARMENA OLIMID, COSMIN LUCIAN GHERGHE, CĂTĂLIN STĂNCIULESCU, CĂTĂLINA GEORGESCU, TITELA VÎLCEANU, MIHAI GHIŢULESCU NNNNNNOOOOOOTTTTTTEEEEEE oooooofffffffff ttttttttthhhhhheeeeeeeee EEEEEEDDDDDDIIIIIIIIITTTTTTOOOOOORRRRRRIIIIIIIIIAAAAAALLLLLL BBBBBBOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRDDDDDD Revista de Stiinte Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques was evaluated and authorized by the National Council of Scientific Research in Superior Education (CNCSIS) in the C category – periodical publications of national interest (May 16 t h , 2005) AAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDRRRRRREEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS University of Craiova, 13 A. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, 200585, Dolj, Romania, Tel/Fax: +40251418515. © 2007- Editura Universitaria All rights reserved. All partial or total reproduction without the author’s written agreement is strictly forbidden. ISSN: 1584-224X http://cis01.central.ucv.ro/revistadestiintepolitice/ University of Craiova • Faculty of History, Philosophy, Geography• Political Science Department CUPRINS PPOOLLIIITTIIICCĂĂ IIINNTTEERRNNAAŢŢIIIOONNAALLĂĂ CEZAR AVRAM , ION -VIOREL MATEI , Regional Integration vs. Global 7 Integration AUREL PIŢURCĂ, Uniunea Europeană de la idee la realitate 17 CĂTĂLINA M ARIA GEORGESCU , The impact of EU competences over Human Rights Matters on the Implementation of Anti-Discrimination Legislation in the 25 Member States ANCA PARMENA OLIMID , US Geo-Political Hegemony in the Era of the ew 30 Imperialism YOHANAN MANOR , Chinese versus Palestinians? 35 MIHAI -ALEXANDRU COSTESCU , MIHAI -RADU COSTESCU , Diverse aspecte ale 46 globalizării şi integrării digitale ERMELINDA DURMISHI , Interesele Rusiei şi statutul Kosovo 51 GABRIELA MOTOI , Consecinţe social-politice ale procesului de globalizare. 57 Globalizarea şi noua ordine mondială PPOOLLIIITTIIICCĂĂ III DDRREEPPTT ICOLAE GRĂDINARU , Rolul controlului de constituţionalitate în statul de drept 62 GHEORGHE COSTACHE , Sesizarea și modul de lucru al Curții Europene a 66 Drepturilor Omului RADU R IZA , CRISTINA OTOVESCU , The Administrative Contract Using 70 Contractual Method by the Public Administration PPOOLLIIITTIIICCĂĂ RROOMMÂÂNNEEAASSCCĂĂ LIVIU MARIUS ILIE , Politică și diplomație la sfârșitul secolului al XVI-lea și începutul secolului al XVII-lea 73 COSMIN LUCIAN GHERGHE , Regimul juridic al funcționării și organizării 81 partidelor politice în România 5 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice . R evue des Sciences Politiques • Nr. 16 • 2007 University of Craiova • Faculty of History, Philosophy, Geography• Political Science Department ADRIAN OTOVESCU , Influența contextului socio-economic și politic asupra 89 emigrației din România TTEEOORRIIIEE PPOOLLIIITTIIICCĂĂ ȘȘIII CCOOMMUUNNIIICCAARREE CĂLIN SINESCU , Comunicarea electorală și modalitățile sale de exprimare 94 CĂTĂLIN STĂNCIULESCU , Pluralismul valorilor și terapia filosofică 107 CĂLIN SINESCU , Viața politică instituțională și comunicarea politică 113 MIHAI GHIŢULESCU , Despre diversitatea populismelor 127 EVEIMET 2007 144 6 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice . R evue des Sciences Politiques • Nr. 16 • 2007 POLITICĂ I NTERNAłIONALĂ Regional Integration vs. Global Integration CEZAR A VRAM , I O -VIOREL MATEI Résumé : La transition du monde vers un nouveau stade, fondé sur l’emploi massif de l’information comme un facteur determinant de la croissance, a géneré un échange de ses traits principaux, impliquant la conversion vers un nouveau système économique mondial, dans lequel la globalisation et la transnationalisation – complémentaire et symbiotique à la regionalisation – devinrent les mots-clef des process et les phénomènes économiques, politiques, sociaux et militaires envisages pour assurer le développement et la croissance économique et pour résoudre les nouveaux problèmes globaux avec lesquels se confronte l’humanité aujourd’hui . Mots clés : économie, integration, regional, global . ur short presentation of different way conversion to a new order of world economy, of defining regional economical in which globalisation and transnationality O integration permits us to conclude – complementary and symbiotical to that it represents, on the contrary, a regionalisation – became the key-words of complex process and a state of fact, ca describing the formative phenomena and qualitative and quantitative transformation processes from economical level, political, of some economical structure, at the social and military destined to assure a beginning definite as limits of the national economical developing and growing of the space in a new background, offered by the whole, to solve new specific or global space of integration. It is, without no problems of the world at this end of the doubt, the origin of developing of some millennium. structure which are gong to expansion at The common fundamental characteristics, the global level, but also the incubator in proper to evolutive tendencies at the global which the world, reduced as regional space, level of economy after world-wars, is that try to reconfigured on other coordinates they represents in different degree and than that of national space, in order to magnitude forms of economical integrity. maintain the territorial suzerainty and the integrity of the members. 1. Regional Integration The becoming of the world economy The symbiosis of globalisation, regional to a new phase, based on the using of integration had become one of the multiple informational determinant factor of growing characteristics of political environment, which generated the modifying of its economical, social and military after fundamental characteristics, involving the world-wars. Unlike globalisation, of which 7 Revista de Ştiinţe Politice . R evue des Sciences Politiques • Nr. 16 • 2007 POLITICĂ INTERNAŢIONALĂ Cezar Avram, Ion-Viorel Matei causes, evolution and forms of manifestation From a economical point of view, and effects are determined by non-formal regionalisation describe the existence of and non-institutional economical factors some autonomic economical processes which (without subestimating until negation the lead to the rises of some strong inter- political and security influences), the dependencies, of economical nature, in a regionalisation must be analysed by taking geographical space and between this into consideration the high degree of inter- geographical space and the rest of the dependency between political factors, world. economical, cultural, historical, and security Taking into consideration the intensity factors which influenced it and their of the processes through which are effects that are generated. Because of its proceeding and the complexity of the multidimensional character is very difficult interdependencies that it determinates, to identify a clear demarcation between economical regionalisation can be as an economical regionalisation and political informal regional cooperation realised through regionalisation, in condition that in every autonomic economical processes which lead regional group there is a economical to the growth of the interdependency in a component, usually as a fundamental one, specific geographical region comparative around which is developing social, political to the rest of the world, respective the form and security components. of regional cooperation realised through Generally, the regionalisation describes regional organisation created for this the growing of social integration in a purpose. Informal regional cooperation is specific region and undirectional process realised fundamentally at the micro- by economical and social interactions establish economical level, by creating common fluxes between states or regions situated in the of factors and goods based on decisions same geographical space. Although, that and politics adopted in common by firms geographical proximity is less important, it from the same region, depending by the is generally used to delimitate regionalisation needs of the markets, but being under the from other form of organisation “to an influence of the
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