Official Publication of the American Choral Directors Association 'SEPTEMBER 1995 " ".:' '-:--" i . • MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS. MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS' MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS' MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS' SHOWSTOPPERS NATIONAL MEN OF SONG SHOWCA9EAT SHOW CHOIR INVITATIONAL WALT DISNEY WORLD®RESORT Chicago, Illinois lake Buena Vi$ta, Florida March 14-17 Apri125~28 .... SHOWSTOPPERS INTERNATIONAL AMERICA SINGS! INVITATIONAL AT Da Ilas,T~xa~ WALT DISNEY "'ORLD®RESORT April 26-27 La.~e Buena Vista, Florida St. louis, Missouri March 21-24 May 3-4 Washington, D.L ···········AfuB~TACHORAL FESTIVAL May 10-11 ·Atlanta,Georgi a i. J\0t" £"e" .............. March21-24 CHILDREN IN HARMONY { CHORAL FESTIVAL COLLEGIATE SHOWCASE .. lake Buena Vista, Florida INVITATIONAL AT . May 23-26 WALT DISNEY WORLD®RESORT J\0". £I'ell { lake Buena Vista, Florida CHILDREN'S CELEBRATION March28~31 CHORAL FESTIVAL .Anaheim, California CHICAGO CHORAL FESTIVAL July 4-7 Chicagq,i Illinois April.18-21 i CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY . CHORAL FESTIVAL SHOWSTOPPERS INTERNATIONAL Lake Buena Vista, Florida INVITATIONAL AT DISNEYLAND® PARK . December.S-8 Anaheim, California . April 18-21 ·C()NCERT TOURS . Domestic 8. International MANHATTAN CHORAL FESTIVAL All year New York, New York April 25-28 =- .::::::;~-=q~ I -~~~-- KEYNOTE ARTS ASSOCIATES : '" Keynote Arts Associates.lnc.>< ...•....... Main Office / 1637 E. Robinson St. / Orlando, FL 32803 / T 407-897-8181 / F 407-897 -8184 Michigan Office / 5072 "T. Main St. / Kalanlazoo, MI 49009 / T 616 -344-9883 / F616-382-1322 1-800-522-2213 • MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS. MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS' MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS' MUSICIANS WORKING FOR MUSICIANS· ---- Official Publication of the American Choral Directors Association Volume Thirty-six Number Two SEPTEMBER 1995 CHORALJO John Silantien Barton L.Tyner Jr. EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR COLUMNS ARTICLES From the Executive Director ....... 2 Carmina Burana: The Poetry of From the President ...................... 3 Wandering Scholars and Wayward Clerics ................. 9 From the Editor .......................... 4 by R. Gordon Goodrum Hallelujah! ................................ 55 Timothy W. Sharp, editor Pronunciation of the Middle High German Sections of Carl Orff's Compact Disc Reviews .............. 61 Richard J. Bloesch, editor Carmina Burana ....................... 15 by John Austin Book Reviews ............................ 67 Stephen Town, editor Choral Reviews ......................... 71 Music to Sing and Play: The Choral Corydon J. Carlson, editor Works of Paul Hindemith ........ 21 by William Braun ACDA State Presidents ............. 49 Paul Hindemith's Six chansons: Repertoire and Standards Committee Reports ................... 51 Genesis and Analysis ................ 35 by Chester L. Alwes ACDA Endowment Trust ......... 52 Advertisers Index ....................... 88 ACDA Conventions: Cover art, tided "Influences of [he Planer Venus (from Stuck in High Gear? ................ 41 a Swi~s or German block-book. ca. 1475)," appears in Tbe Goliard Poets: Medieval Latin Song; find Satires and is llsed by by Sandi K Peaslee permission of New Directions Publishing Corpor.niao. New York. New York. Colorization is by Ann Pressly. Photos of Paul Hinclemirh and [he Chanson Valaisannc appear in Pilld Hindemith: Zeugnis ;11 Bildem. copyright © by Schott & Co. Ltd., 1955; copy tight © tenewed. All tights teserved. Photo­ A Walk Among the Giants: graphs used by kind permission of European American Music Distributors Corporation, sole U.S. and Canadian agent for Schott & Co. Ltd. Photo of the Washington National Cathe­ ACDJ}'s Convention Heritage .... 47 dral counesy of the \Vashington. D.C.• Convention and Visitors Association, 1991. by Colleen J Kirk SEPTEMB ER 1995 PAGE 1 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS INDIANA N 1987, Raymond W. Brock began working as ACDA's Director of Develop­ CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION ment and Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director, serving in those President - Patricia Wiehe positions until his death from cancer in 1991. During those years Raymond 2435 Glenhill Drive I Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 organized and developed the ACDA Endowment Program. Little did we know that Treasurer - Paula]. Alles one of the major contributions to the Endowment would be named in his honor. 1471 Altmeyer Road When Raymond's doctor informed him that he had only two months to live, it was Jasper, Indiana 47546 Raymond's wish that any memorials to him be given to the ACDA Endowment and IOWA CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION the interest earned from those contributions used to commission great composers to President - Janiece R. Bergland write choral music for our members. Raymond hoped that a few hundred dollars 2534 155rh Street would be given, but I assured him that it would probably be several thousand dollars. Floyd, Iowa 50435 Secretary/Treasurer - Bruce A. Norris He said he would be honored if that happened. 420 Maple Srreet We did not realize then that the amount would exceed $100,000. Indeed, the Mondamin, Iowa 51557 Brock Endowment now has a principal amount of $133,000, and from all indications MINNESOTA it will soon surpass $200,000. A challenge gift of $35,000 was made to the Brock CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION Endowment by three of the Endowment Trustees. I am pleased to report that ACDA President - Allan Hawkins 500 Sourh Jefferson Street members have exceeded that challenge, pledging more than $48,000. Donors to the New Ulm, Minnesota 56073 ACDA Endowment Trust now number more than 650 (see page 52 of this issue). Treasurer - Richard F. Edstrom 2305 Winfield Avenue, North To date, four compositions have been commissioned through the Brock Endow­ Golden Valley. Minnesora 55422 ment and premiered at ACDA division and national conventions. They are 0 for a MONTANA Thousand Tongues to Sing arranged by Theron Kirk; A Time to Dance (Reflections on CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION Mortality) by Carlisle Floyd (also performed at the Spoleto Festival, Charleston, South President - Peggy Leonardi Carolina, in 1993, and at the University of Houston in 1995); Sing a Mighty Song by 161 Eastside Highway Hamilton. Montana 59840 Daniel Gawthrop (also sung by the 1995 South Carolina All-State Choir); and Treasurer - John Haughey Alleluia for the mzters by Daniel Pinkham. James Mulholland has been commissioned 2126 Northridge Circle to write a piece to be premiered at each of the 1996 ACDA division conventions. Billings. Montana 59102 ACDA members can be proud that the quality of compositions being commissioned NEBRASKA through the Brock Endowment is of the highest caliber, thus making significant CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION President - David H. Moore contributions to the choral repertoire. 12740 Deauville Drive Raymond's mission when he came to ACDA was to build a great endowment for' Omaha. Nebraska 68137 the choral directors of America. Though his work was cut short, its legacy continues to Treasurer - Clark Roush York College live and grow, thanks to his many friends in ACDA. May we all continue to carry out P.O. Box 438 Raymond's vision for both present and future generations. York, Nebraska 68467 OHIO Gene Brooks CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION President - Peter G. Jarjisian School of Music. Ohio University Arhens. Ohio 45701 Treasurer - Mark Munson STATEMENT OF MEMBERSHIP College of Musical Arts, Bowling Green State University The American Choral Directors Association is a nonprofit professional organization of choral directors from Bowling Green. Ohio 43403 schools, colleges, and universities; community, church, and professional choral ensembles; and industry and instttutional organizations, Choral Journal circulation: 18,000, Annual dues (includes subscription to the TEXAS Choral Journal): Active $45, Industry $100, Institutional $75, Retired $25, and Student $20. One-year CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION membership begins on date of dues acceptance, Ubrary annual subscription rates: U.S. $25; Canada $35; President - Randy Talley Foreign Surface $38; Foreign Air $75. Single Copy $3; Back Issues $4, 3654 Lorna Drive ACDA is a founding member of the Intemational Federation for Choral Music. Odessa. Texas 79462 ACDA supports and endorses the goals and purposes of CHORUS AMERICA Secretary/Treasurer - Cheryl Wilson in promoting the excellence of choral music throughout the world. 9393 Skillman. #122 ACDA reserves the right to approve any applications for appearance and to edit all materials proposed for distribution. Dallas, Texas 75243 Permission is granted to all ACDA members to reproduce articles from the Choral Journal for noncommercial, educational purposes only. Nonmembers wishing to reproduce articles may request permission by writing to ACDA. WISCONSIN The Choral Journal is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION Recognizing its position of leadership, ACDA complies with the copyright laws of the United States. Compliance with these laws is President - Kevin Meidl a condition of participation by clinicians and performing groups at ACDA meetings and conventions. 916 Sourh ParkAvenue Neenah. Wisconsin 54956 © 1995 by the American Choral Directors Association, 502 SW Thirty-eighth Street, Lawton, Oklahoma 73505. Telephone: 405/355-8161. AJI rights reserved. The Choral Joumal (US ISSN 0009-5028) is issued monthly, except for June and July. Printed in SecretarylTreasurer - William H. Ross the United States of America. 814 West Larabee
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