ಋᖚ he Hong Kong Arts Festival is a prominent ࠗຝ̯ܰ Tarts event in the cultural calendar of Hong Δʥԓʪਂ Kong and the Asia Pacific region. Proudly ؿʼʝଞ stepping into its 33rd year, the Festival ಳም continues its vigorous pursuit of innovativeסԑe ɃɍɊɍ՚ development; the presentation of new works αc˚ፒዀ and the provision of quality arts. ٻ࿚ᆅʘুұณcɺᒾ˞၀ ࠷ؿຝ͌ȹณᜮଠϦ͌e In terms of the number and diversity of programmes, the 2005 Festival is one of the ʌαᖚຝʑࢀҡᔔఒΛۜcஃ largest festivals to date, offering a wide variety ᅡɾɣዃαӢӮcݯࣵʑ̔Ρ of inspiring art, music and cultural ԞਝΊࡼၤ̯Δ၀ߜᐰϳᖚ programmes by prestigious international ࠭Ͳؿ൚ɓˮcผ˥ࠗಋ artists and leading local talents. I am sure that ਝʼʝผࠛቤɈe the Festival will further enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international cultural metropolis. ΈϽᖚࡼၤܰωଞٴᔑϊᚭ d I extend our warmest welcome to allผcԎूࣵʑ̔ᜮଠʶ̈́ သጙϤᓊe participating artists and wish all local and overseas members of the audience a most enjoyable time. ւٽܧϷਂܧࠗಋऋПϷ TUNG Chee Hwa Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ˚ᘆᖽ Message from the Chairman .ၤɍɊɍ։ࠗಋᖚ warmly welcome you to the 33rd Arts Festivalٴ ᚭ ຝcܰࠗಋʼʝވʥԓʪΔ IAs a premier event in the Hong Kong cultural ؿࠇ߬ʼʝଞԑcමၙਝԓʪ calendar as well as the Asia Pacific region, theਂ ᖚ၀ߜc˞ʥ̯Δ෮ݗึؿᖚ Festival presents the finest international andਂ ɮАّe regional artists in an intense series of concerts and performances, as well as showcases the creativity ̯Ɂটʶᑢ༦ᅥʥʼʝԑ৻ອ of artistic talent in Hong Kong. c˞ʥࠗಋᑩ֚ܧ༅Х҈ࠨؿࠗಋ ԭɣ˚߬༅Хዀ࿚c Appreciation and thanks are due to our mainټপਥڌผ෯ഁ ˢࠨΛαԞྦྷࠗಋᖚຝؿྐྵషʻ subventing organisations – the Hong Kong ܛc҈ࠨ૯ߎᑢ҃e Government, through the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Hong Kong Jockey ϊ̔cࠗಋᖚຝྦྷֺτᖳХዀ࿚d Club Charities Trust. Their long and continued ᖚ྆˞ʥɁ༅Хc͛ߎ˞টʶ patronage are what make these cultural ᑢ෮e presentations possible. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the ,ȹΣ˞֡cࠗಋᖚຝ༦˸ძነ́ generous support of many corporate sponsors .ʭαɾʤི߮cߎɈ arts institutions and individualsڇయ˞ʥ རነ́ʥαႦᜮଠઅᘩΈᗘᖚe ɐ߸ི߮ΛαԞᏵଠΛዀ࿚ʥɁ༅ The Festival has always made our programmes Хcɻነʥɣነነ́ɖʦᎶᆅईe accessible to students and young audiences through half-price student tickets and our Young 2005αࠗಋᖚຝຝ͌ᔔఒd˳ᖓ Friends Scheme. These schemes are funded by the ɺᜮଠؿ௩ΡʥɟՈc generous donations from numerous corporateٴຒτc .փe and individual donorsڻϢ̢ c౨શၤ੬Ε The 2005 Festival offers a rich and stimulatingܛωᑢჇɎؿʻʹ 2005αࠗಋᖚຝɻӮࠍe programme, with a variety of captivating performances and choices, presenting a diverse range of tastes with artistic excellence. We hope to offer something enjoyable and of interest to everyone. Above all, I would like to thank you, our patrons, for your support and participation in the 2005 Festival. ңพᄤ Charles Lee :ࠗಋᖚຝؿ༅ХԞϬ The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of Ϸܧᐢဟᘆᖽ Message from the Executive Director 005αࠗಋᖚຝؿຝ͌˞ he starting point for the programming of this 2005 ݯ˚ᕀeु T Festival was the idea of contrasting opposites – ‘sacredڙ˖2ुັၤ ԭඖʏॖcܰΈိ and profane’. Both of these elements are rich sources ofڙ˖dັ ᖚѼβؿӮᕀҥၤݖ creative impulses for the performing arts in most cultures cʌ։ຝ͌గऋПॶਪʦܮ and this thematic link is evident in much of our ᗐ programming. We hope these connections and contrastsޚܫ෮֨e҈ࠨѴશԭඖ Ɍྦྷ͓ؿʏॖcॶݯɣࡼొԜҡ will make your Festival experience more engaging and .৽Ɂdҡᗒѿؿᜮሌe memorable ࿘۾ȿࣵ̔ᖚɮАّc҈ࠨ Alongside all of our international artists, we are proud to ॶᑼᇼ̯Δᖚ၀ߜcΣࠗಋ֗ present many outstanding Hong Kong artists. For example, ဳ֞ᅥ྆dࠗಋჱ྆d̯Δ ˮαႦ፡ೄۗࡼਜ਼ᆼdࠓ the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Ⴛဳʄࠇۗᘆᖚeԯˢၤˮ Kong Repertory Theatre, as well as the fine young Hong ຣჱΊД Kong musicians, pianist Rachel Cheung and the Fresh Airܢ˳ؿ̯Δᖚ၀ߜ ுʥң᎘d7AऒᎻჱୂdɻߜ Brass Quintet. Other important Hong Kong artists taking ɩմdࠗಋ part include Cantonese opera stars Mui Suet-see and Leeټܖჱ྆d89268d ϐcᑹτɈݵႇ Lung; Class 7A Drama Group; Chung Ying Theatre; Groupܬᇁၦࡼฦ лؿྡྷɈݢୂ ңᔪ 89268; the Material Girls; choreographer Daniel Yeungؒ ,ݘdષഥࠦdңɻͲʥ֍e and the remarkable combined talents of Lee Chun-chow Faye Leong, Gabriel Lee and Chong Mui-ngam in The ᖚຝᘗᙩዶรկ̯Δၤࣵ̔ French Kiss. ܢ˳ˮϳؿАɁc̯։ณА In addition, our commitment to commissioning new work קdէᚗdʌէၦރು ਝ࠭ᅥdཫ҈ from Hong Kong and around the world continues, withټܖd̡ dؒлd pieces such as Amber, The Nightingale, All That Shanghai̟ےᅚؿȹ ˚τ௩ʥɩ˔ɥనʊতe Jazz, Material Girls, i-City, The French Kiss, Come Out & Play and Little Prince Hamlet. 2005αࠗಋᖚຝݯᜮଠᘆɐȹ ྆ٲϛɀɊ̒ˮcၤ The 2005 Festival will offer a total of 124 performances ༠̒Ɋɀ˳ܢɍɊɀࣵ̔ with 42 performing groups (32 overseas and 10 local), two ʥɊ̯Δ྆cᑹτԭࢄ ,ᙴc˞ʥɺࢀ፟༦ؿᖚຝ˱ࢿ exhibitions and our Festival Plus programme of talks ຝ͌iᑟdᇹผʥᖚɁᇹe seminars and meet-the-artist sessions. ΛۜcࠓࣟΛʏ This is one of our largest Festivals to date, in terms of theٻ։ຝ͌Λ̯ ʝcܰࠗಋዃԞஃᅡɣd˥ number and the diversity of programmes. I am sure too, Ɂሌʶࢧ͌dԮઢೕֲؿᖚ that it will be one of our most enjoyable and inspiring. We .ၤe are delighted that you could join usيຝɾȹcᑢჇɎ ঢ়ᄨᓤ Douglas Gautier 10 Lila Downs 5 1ɩࣂ30ʗᘸcٽˮ ɺஉɻͤࢠ Running time: approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes with no interval ࠗಋɣผਦࠑᅥᜨ Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall 23 - 24.2.2005 ᗐઌʹdಲᇃཋʥඨՓዀؿᚊባکݯȿᜑɣࡼྦྷωˮजɎΡͿോcᇼʘতΕຝ͌ ສeผʑᇼʜኞϬᙘᄧd፣ࠑֶ፣ᄧc͛ɺ˿ඝࠕмํcΛᑢАk To make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, PLEASE switch off your ALARM WATCHES, MOBILE PHONES and PAGERS. Eating, drinking, smoking, unauthorised photography and audio or video recording are forbidden in the auditorium. Thank you for your cooperation. ႇАʥˮ Credit List 7 ᅥʹ Musicians Vocals ୧ּgࡌ Lila Downs ࠑᅥᐢဟþ፡ೄþ Music Director / Piano / ωɻࠑᔁКဳþ௰ᓫဳ Tenor Saxophone / Clarinet ᖓgޫ࢟ Paul Cohenړ ሉೄþɩొೄþʒᔶ֞ˢ Harp / Violin / Jarana ဍॖgҧ̿ແ Celso Duarte ˢ Guitar ʼgͤʣဍ Marvin J Sewell Гࠑɣొೄ Bass Booker King ټКg̠ རþᎾ Drums / Percussion ԓᖓgॖဍ˺ Yayo Serka ɮАɁࡗ Production Team Ҍ Front of House Engineer̎ک Λgጻࣟ Fernando Noguezڲဍ ፣ཫþͮ Video / Lighting ᇘg֔Λ Elena Pardo͠ ࠑᚊҌþԀিଉ Monitor Engineer / Road Manager ᖓ׆྇g˺ʱ̛ᖓ Roberto Caballero ᗫཽৈ֙ᖳХᅥඅιࡗɾϾ਼ Accommodation for the artists is sponsored by ̯ຝ͌ࠑᚊኂҥͅСೄϷᖳХ The audio equipment is sponsored by ๑ː Photographs © Elena Pardo ऋᆨ Feature 11 ՜୧ּgࡌ́ Ϊձနᗫgࡥʼ ޚɯكɺဳܰΕቮϹࡐܺৈб།ɍᅕ cқֶࠍྦྷᅕɝΊᜮଠc୧ּgࡌၙ Ґრ؇Ƀᐰɻc˞ԅ༎൙ɍ ീɻؿȹכޮپɄ۹ؿර ԑc̨৽ȿᚹّc֢ܨκɁʶ֞ؿ ȿᚹଠeר ϽᘒቮϹࡐͿΪʹc ɤֲɈ൴dӸͫႏܢ˳ؿ˚ᕀ ਐᕀd́Ϣञϋeࣂc ˥cΕذగᛰιֺؿɁ ༠ˢࠨؿʶٲɻٲɁҶሶؿ ᐰe ήּᄨཊɬਂؿࡌ႓i҈cɁࠨᘨc҈ᆢྡྷѴશιݯ˺ۄԞϬቮϹࡐ̿ ࢠeڌၤ༦˾ɖၤଊΕτᗐؿܫఌʍcܺိၤПɺؿࠑᅥɁcඨ༠ܺိိܺ ςؿ၀ुeྦྷԅכࣂcࠇ߬ؿܰѧͲ֦ٲ႓i҈ܰԅိҙɃؿʹe҈ ҄ᅥeڈ༠ؿੱ˥ˢࠨٲԒɺ˾ʗ҈ؿɁԞ႓cˢࠨ৽ࡖȿcࠑᅥ ؿീɻҕᄘӸͫႏؿਐᕀhԒςcτؿܰϹऒˑႍcτؿܰቮϹࡐͿ ΪʿӰɻؿϝ࣮КႍᔁؐऋКႍeˎጱܰᘒᘣࣟᙬᙘᄧೋࡼc̴ጱܰ ఖҒϬӸӸͫؿ෮ຮe͉עͿΪϝ࣮Кʹeိ϶ඨcԚҡ cȹ܃Ε߇הcɌҐඣቡҢιᘕɥcרԞcɐ̎ܰޮቮϹࡐͿΪඨٶ ۄ̿כԑcቱဳࡌ́מؿʝїܰාϳၝeಳϤc߬ఖΑϬɯؿ࣓ɖɺܰȹᅝ ᘣ༠ήұነcʭɤࣂˤܰၤˎጱΕԅ㛾۹༦ؿe̛עΕਝڳήc˺ ቡcԎু፭ټ౦ȹ۹িᑷϬɯؿ϶Ӹͫcඣቡܷι܃Ɋʒัࣂˎጱ˖cɾ ΣಯeΣʌcࠇณኟ܈࢟ؿϋّᅥඅcਇɒˠഷ৵ሒࠖཚc˥̴ጱʶ ᘣ༠ήؿቮϹࡐͿΪඨАࡼ൰cϤԭΔ̛עϬɯؿ϶ඨcҐג ʿɖᅥ෮Ґι̯ΔɁe ౨cؿࠑᅥࠓࣟٶΨቮϹࡐͿΪඨeܓΕξ౨ؿਿፎɻcᘨϬɯτຮ৻ ȹࣟcՇԷ།АؿଠΛᏲɡᅥʹᄧᚊ ˢࠨɰΕؿࠑᅥɻजɎͿדᛰɺ তe ऋᆨ Feature 13 ωΕࠗಋᖚຝɻᘆؿςcɣͫԞϬณઐˮؿːȹ϶eЂۗܰ τቮϹࡐþʱּΖɩొೄʹሉೄʹॖဍgҧ̿ແhౣСþ̀ʱརʹԓᖓgॖဍّ cτࣵΔˑൕذcˢܰඨթֲɁټhԞϬख़ؿ൰ɠᏲɡᅥГࠑɣొೄʹ̠Кg˺ ࡐؿᔂሁᅥʼgͤʣဍhᑹτԞϬณዉϹήؿᔁКဳۗࡼ˱߇ౡhԞϬ٠˱ ᖓgޫ࢟cˢܰࡌؿɏʩАᏌc౦༦ɩɸࡗeړ ࡌֺՇؿ̳ᐰᅥফᆻcȹΣԅ˥ɁᗒѿؿੜईੱcӮᇽΕΈࠑᅥผɻؿˮ ΕΕΔݠΕɎcԎҐࣂԳᛰྡྷྡྷڌޚଊeΕ҈ࠨ̯ΔɁؿɁ́ࡑነɻc҈ࠨٲϳ ༠ؿeٲ˾ཹ҈ܰڏԅcڦί՜ɻᗸൔؿ ดeΕɐ˖ȾɊαˤ̱cҕαႦɁݯȿ൬ɃਝϤ൞ɬࣹ۾ؿς cϋΕ፮࢈ؿ༏பɐeࡌȿԒαႦɁؿˎ̴ˢࠨؿభඬcɖȿˢࠨˋ ۾ɺ֗c۾ᅚϋ˾ؿe҈༜ࣩΡc˿˞൙༦ቮϹࡐᖾྊeЎ܉ɥܰۦ༞Ϭɯؿك ऋࣦؿϽສeΐڈȹכΛϝ࣮КɁɺॶཫ҈ᅚԞԞ˾˾e҈ೕଊϬɯ୮ ϊc҈ཹ˨ͫС͂ᒨcཹ˾ᘷcཹཫȹᓺᘭࡼԅᅚcသ˿ॶҐɺؿ ᐰࠑඨ༠ˮԞcҐܨԑᑟˮԞe ӵஔ܃ιܰໃޜΈိ՞τᜮ֨cҐቮϹࡐɁכیؒޜᘨȹঁਝɁྦྷቮϹࡐɁؿ ؿʿؒeވ˖ޜؿcϤɺ˾ᄗ഼ˢࠨዃؿԞ᎘˾ॵdˢࠨᔔఒؿ၀ु́ݠˢࠨᜮ ԑe҈ႏݯܨ༞ؿكԑcΐݯܰȹԒɁࠨɺᗙܨؿڷభڈดڈࠇޜ༖҈ ࠇ߬cɖܰቮϹࡐʼʝؿȹͫeྦྷϋəؿฑdྦྷ́՜ؿ۾഼ᒨ̳ ȹိ̡ܛฑcܰ҈ࠨˀ́ݠؿȹͫe҈ɺᜑ̚ЭӀ҈c҈ᐢܰཹΈ՜ɻၐ eذ̳ࠍؿԑڈԷ̳Εˮଊؿޜጫc҈ɖ ݘכүೕࢄeଊΕc፼፼ޮૄ܃ቮϹࡐৈఢcಳכࡌؿᖚ́cն ܨᅩݘe2002αؿཋᄧ೫ࡱПᛞԚᐰΊᚘcཋᄧͅଡ଼နgѴඏ˚cᑟ߸ɰ ԑeཋᄧైςBurn it BlueᏵొΊᘏෙܨᖚࡼɤֲ˚ຮ৫ཫ١ई༠g˺ያؿ ཫᆉཕᆉᓤɐؿᘆټ˺cঢ়ȹςʷeΕෙޚڋcࡌҡΕཋᄧɻᅗ˺ eٻcᓳᅨɍˀcသଊࠓ ܨᜮଠ˿˞ȿɻڏ˞ʌωܰࡌࠖωಋeੀΕၦ̎ɐ႓ᘆؿςc รτመcԝΣᓺԈթg̿ڳΛςؿ˚ᕀรᗲആcЎܰ̊ȹԒ۾ԑeᒖಳ ࠷ؿLa Bambaȹςe ؿԅٖɈ൴ᘆe҈ࠨॶਪልʀ҈܃Εȹ϶ਜ਼ːɻc҈ݯɤֲɈ൴߇ ࠨɥࡾɻؿྡྷ˞́՜c̯ӸగܰɁֲeܰட҈ࠨؿϹeᅚc҈ɖ߬ ༠҈ࠨɾංќؿଔeٲ௩ෲؿȹԒςcԞڈ༦҈ȹ́ɻ 14 ऋᆨ Feature A Clear Identity from a Mix of Cultures Annemarie Evans Whether it’s in a Mexican bar with a few of her friends or to an audience of thousands, Lila Downs pours her soul into her songs, captivating listeners, sweeping them away with a voice that spans three octaves and with stories of the individuals that populate her lyrics. The Indian Mexican/American sings of the strength of women, the issue of identity, death and the cycle of life and as she sings she takes on the characters of those people to get their message across in a mesmerizing performance. “I guess what people are sensing is that I truly hope to be a kind of conduit, one other musical being that is delivering a message that has something to do with the past and the present as well,” said Downs, from the Sierra Madre Mountains of her native Mexican state of Oaxaca. “I kind of lose myself. When I perform it’s very important to me to be completely honest with the spirit of the song. For some people who don’t analyse me they’re swept away by their feelings and are crying and are very happy about what they’re feeling from the music.” ऋᆨ Feature 15 The issue of identity pervades her lyrics, sung in Spanish and the Mexican Indian languages of Mixtec and Zapotec.
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