Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85021-6 - Morality and Behaviour in Democratic Athens: A Social History Gabriel Herman Index More information Index Abderites 109 Agamemnon 262 abstractions, deified 337–9 Agathe Tyche 338 see also, Demokratia; Eirene; Agathe Tyche; agencies, coercive see state Peitho; Ploutos; Eros; Nemesis; Themis; aggression Pheme; Zeus Philios affective 179 Achilles 186, 262, 265, 268, 281 product of natural selection 163 Acropolis 40(Fig. 2.1), 47, 53, 226, 253, 330 instrumental 179 (Fig. 9.10), 332(Fig. 9.11), 339 displacement of 369 actions 193, 265 learned 160 as evidence 106, 119–20 natural 7 collective 392–402 see also, blood-feud; cruelty; hurt; and co-operation and/or conflict 119 provocation; violence; state and ideas forming a unity 16, 107, 133 agon 90 ideas translated into 367 agora 54(Fig. 2.6), 55, 58, 59(Fig. 2.7), 68, 70, oriented to the transcendental 313(Fig. 9.1) 174, 244, 253, 256, 384(Fig. 10.2), 386 and moral norms 101 plan of 45(Fig. 2.2b), 59(Fig. 2.7) and motives 103 honest dealing in 270, 386, 388(Fig. 10.3), and words 12–15 387–8 objective, digital and unique 98–9 see also, weights and measures Acton, Lord 92 of Hippodamus 253, 256 Adams, John 87 statue of tyrannicides in 333 Adkins, A. W. H. 94, 121, 126, 183, see also, Harmodius and Aristogeiton 333 archers stationed on 231(Fig. 7.5) adultery 9, 176, 177, 179 agoranomoi 387 adynatoi, see disabled Agraulus, Herse, Pandrosus 329–31, 332 Aegisthus 263 (Fig. 9.11) Aelianus, Claudius 285 aidesis 295 Aeschines 145 as Tit for two tats in IPD 404–5 and Demosthenes 141, 251(Fig. 7.8) aidos 102, 163, 165 Against Ctesiphon 333 see also, shame Against Timarchus 282(Fig. 8.5), 385 Albania, see society, Albanian On the Embassy 144, 250, 293, 319 Alcibiades 66, 226, 254, 343, 354 (Fig. 9.5) Alcidamas 58 Aeschylus 81, 128, 266 Allen, D. S. 238 Libation-Bearers 128 allotment machine 64, 138(Fig. 4.1) Oresteia 127, 128, 197 see also bribery; lots, selection by Tit for two tats in IPD 405 altruism 11–12, 29, 34, 36 Persae 370 at Athens 395 Suppliant Maidens 218 cultural explanation of 355–9 Aesop 186 definition of 348 Aetolians 109 genetic explanation of 355 454 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85021-6 - Morality and Behaviour in Democratic Athens: A Social History Gabriel Herman Index More information Index 455 see also, Darwin, Charles; help; Tit for two on the sea 41 tats; patriotism; reciprocity; saints on lending to friends 36 altruistic behaviour/help, see altruism on people ‘differing in kind’ 29 amnesty (of 403) 92, 214, 276, 396–8 on the state as arena of conflicts 29 as Tit for two tats in IPD 403–4 on law, written and unwritten 18 see also, Athenian Constitution; democrats; on katharsis 289 dikasts; Plato; provocation on hoplites and democracy 245–6 amulets 307(Fig. 8.10), 308 on Cleisthenic ‘tribes’ 336 see also, curse tablets on political organisation 391 Anaxagoras of Clazomenae 59(Fig. 2.7), 174, 311 on revenge 131–2, 198 Anaximander 186 on escalation of conflicts 212–13 Andocides 18, 253, 254, 255–6, 397–8 on sovereignty 217–18, 219 On the Mysteries 253 Solon 136 Antinous 262 on the ‘outstandingly powerful’ 226 Antipater (Macedonian regent) 52 Nicomachean Ethics 131, 132 Antiphon (Sophist) 17, 370 Poetics 289 Antiphon (speechwriter) 226 Politics 54(Fig. 2.6), 68, 82, 213, 217, 219, On the Murder of Herodes 73, 214 226 apagoge 235 Rhetoric 95, 131 Apollodorus, see conflicts see also, polis; state apparatus, coercive, see state power Aristotle, pseudo- 145–6 Aquinas, Thomas 187 Rhetoric to Alexander 146 archegetai, see heroes, tutelary Oikonomika 382 archers, Scythian 229, 230(Fig. 7.4), 231(Fig. 7.5), Problems 36 232, 234, 243, 257 arms architecture, domestic, see houses bearing of 24, 208–12, 258, 304(Fig. 8.8), 413 archons (archontes) 229, 230(Fig. 7.4), 234, 238, access to 239–40 243, 247, 336 in Homeric society 261 archonship, see archons Thucydides on 133–4, 209, 210, 211, 245, Areopagus 258 Council 54(Fig. 2.6), 55, 62, 136, 140, 141, 165 see also, hopla hill 231(Fig. 7.5) Artemidorus Ares 327(Fig. 9.9) Oneirokritica 319(Fig. 9.5) arete, see virtue asebeia 297 Arginusae, battle of 92, 232 assassinations, political 206, 207 Aristeides 116, 225(Fig. 7.3), 226, 360, 412 Assembly 52, 53, 54(Fig.2.6), 55, 56, 64, 65, 66, see also, conflict; Themistocles 115, 134, 141, 226, 257, 270 aristocracy 55, 58, 63, 74, 343 attendance of meetings of 44(Fig. 2.2) diminished power of 52 majority vote 61 and the oligarchs 74 essential features of 53 and Solon’s timocracy 246 change of minds 23–4, 232 aristocratic, see aristocracy sovereignty of 79, 82, 87, 219 aristocrats, see aristocracy Thucydides on 23 Aristogeiton, see Harmodius and Aristogeiton Atene (deme) 249 Ariston, see conflicts see also, Lohmann, Hans Aristophanes 81, 84, 250 Athena (goddess) 40(Fig. 2.1), 46, 250, 262, 263, obscenities in 145 317 Birds 380(Fig. 10.1) issuing from the head of Zeus 316(Fig. 9.4) Knights 41 wins the contest 328–9 Wasps 137 birthday festivities of 341(Fig. 9.14) Aristotle 81, 130, 142, 218, 266 metamorphoses herself 316(Fig. 9.4) on democracy 82 mourns 329, 330(Fig. 9.10) on ‘man of great soul’ 93 Areia 332(Fig. 9.11) a metic 67 backs Heracles 327(Fig. 9.9) on slaves 68, 69 priestess of 341(Fig. 9.14) © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85021-6 - Morality and Behaviour in Democratic Athens: A Social History Gabriel Herman Index More information 456 Index Athena (goddess) (cont.) Blundell, Mary 94–5 symbols of 316 Boardman, J. 340 as portrayed by Graves 328–9 Boas, Franz 104 Tit for two tats in IPD 405 Bodin, Jean 216 and the Parthenon 339 Boehm, C. 211 Athenaeus 214 Boeotians 109 Athenagoras 393 Boeotus, see conflicts Athenian(s), see society, Athenian Boule, see Council (of Five Hundred) Athenian Constitution [Aristotle] 133, 139(Fig. boxing 287, 288(Fig. 8.7), 289 4.2), 243, 244, 296, 336, 391, 397 Braudel, Fernand 33, 96, 381–2, 383, 389 right to prosecute 137 on town life 267 ‘Athena’ and Peisistratus 317 bribery 31, 33, 64, 86, 91, 297 Aristeides’ advice 116 and the allotment machine 64 people power 136, 218–19, 220 accusations of 226 selection of dikasts 138(Fig. 4.1) see also, allotment machine payment to dikasts 384(Fig. 10.2) bribes, see bribery psephophoria 139(Fig. 4.2) brigands, see robbers oath of office 320(Fig. 9.6) Burckhardt, Jakob 90, 115 out of public funds 248, 382 bureaucracies 53 honest dealing 387 Burke, Edmund 15 coup of 411 242 Burnett, Anne Pippin 95 restoration of democracy 111, 218 the amnesty 397 Callias 378 Diphilus 248 Campbell, J. K. 172 Athenian empire, see empire, Athenian capitalism 4, 390, 391 Athens, see society, Athenian capitalistic, see economy Attic Orators 141, 150, 151, 196, 204, 206, 354, Cartledge, Paul 79, 364 377, 410 Castiglione 210 Attica, evacuation of 23, 47–9, 357 cavalry 246, 247, 248, 353(Fig. 9.16) attitudes 12, 13, 130 cavalrymen (hippeis), see cavalry see also, controversies Cecrops and Erechtheus 329 autochthones 329, 357 see also, myths Autolycus 268 Chabrias 352 Axelrod, Robert 399–401, 402, 407, 409 Chaereas, see conflicts Chaeronea, battle of 77, 331 Bagehot, Walter 6–7 Chalcis 363 banishments 223, 226, 396 Charon 315(Fig. 9.3) banking 381, 385, 386 chora 180(Fig. 5.1), 377 ‘barbarians’ 108, 110 see also, society, Athenian basanistes 302 choregia, see liturgies bastards 51 chrestoi 114 Bedouin society, see society, Bedouin see also, aristocrats; poneroi behaviour, see code of behaviour Christ, Matthew 95 behavioural sciences/scientists 16, 30, 354, 369 Christianity 8, 11, 13, 342, 410 benevolence 11, 102, 375 ‘turning the other cheek’ 10 Berlin, Isaiah 98 Churchill, Winston 83 Blackstone, William 216 Cialdini, R. B. 33 Bloch, Marc 187 Cicero 365 blood-feud Cimon 225(Fig. 7.3), 226 Homeric 262 civil strife, see war, civil Athenian 162, 197, 295 Cleisthenes 62, 66, 79 in ‘feuding societies’ 160, 185, 204, 214, 413 creation of democracy by 52 see also, aggression; violence; state; societies, ten ‘tribes’ of 44(Fig. 2.2), 335–6, 337(Fig. feuding 9.13) blood-price (poine) 262 town and country 45 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85021-6 - Morality and Behaviour in Democratic Athens: A Social History Gabriel Herman Index More information Index 457 Cleomenes (Spartan king) 240 Ali Chadra – Hussein 162, 186 Cleon 226, 347, 360, 367, 372, 373 Ariston – Conon 123–4, 132, 156–9, 166, 199, see also, Thucydides 213, 283–5, 286 clepshydra, see water clocks as Tit for two tats in IPD 402 cock-fights 282(Fig. 8.5), 283, 284–5 Aristeides – Themistocles 278–9 code of behaviour 101, 106, 131, 145, 147, as Tit for two tats in IPD 403 395 Chaereas – soldiers 112–13 definition of 15–22 as no tits for tat in IPD 404 designed to appraise 118 Demosthenes – Meidias 167–73, 237, 295, 298 culturally determined 159, 163 as Tit for two tats in IPD 403 encompasses all sorts of reciprocity 37 Diodorus – Timocrates 191–2 and behavioural patterns 25 Euphiletus – Eratosthenes 175–83, 209, 286, and the poor majority 74 406 and communal payoffs 117 as Tit for two tats in IPD 402–3 and oligarchs – democrats 74–5 see also, Lysias and etiquette 30 Euaeon – Boeotus 169–70 basis of morality 23 as Tit for two tats in IPD 403 and de-individuation 27–8 see also, Demosthenes four properties of 21–2 Euthynus – Sophilus 169, 170 and affluence 375, 389 as Tit for two tats in IPD 402–3 and trust 387 see also, Demosthenes and exchange theory 31, 37 Euthycrates – Thydippus 161 and opinions 147 see also, conflicts, intra-familial runs counter expectations 204 Nicostratus – Apollodorus 275–6 Mediterranean 95–7, 268, 269(Fig.
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