THE NEW PENGUIN BOOK OF Romantic Poetry Edited by Jonathan and Jessica Wordsworth PENGUIN BOOKS CONTENTS PREFACE xxiii INTRODUCTION: THE ROMANTIC PERIOD xxvii 1. Origins xxvii (i) Revolution and Romantic Vision xxvii (ii) A New Style and a New Spirit xxx (iii) 'And All Things In Himself: Romantic Platonism xxxii 2. The Romantic Poets In Context xxxv (i) The First Generation xxxv (ii) A Gap xxxix (iii) The Second Generation xli (iv) The Sense of an Ending xlvii THE POETRY /. Romantic Hallmarks 3 1. CHARLOTTE SMITH: To the South Downs (Elegiac Sonnets 1784) 4 2. ROBERT BURNS: To a Mountain Daisy (1786) 5 3. MARY ROBINSON: A London Summer Morning (1794; publ. 1804) 7 4. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE: Kubla Khan (Nov. 1797; publ. 1816) 8 5. CHARLES LAMB: Old Familiar Faces (1798) 10 6. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: Lucy Poems (winter 1798-9; publ. Lyrical Ballads 1800) (i) Lucy Gray (c. Nov.) 11 (ii) Strange Fits of Passion I Have Known (c. Dec.) 13 (iii) She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways (c. Dec.) 14 (iv) A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal (c. Dec.) 14 (v) Three Years She Grew (Feb.) 15 7. THOMAS CAMPBELL: Hohenliuden (1801; publ. 1809) 16 8. ROBERT SOUTHEY: The Inchcape Rock (1803) 17 9. WILLIAM BLAKE: And Did Those Feet (1802-4; engraved Milton c. 1808) 19 10. WALTER SCOTT: Lochinvar (Marmion 1808) 20 11. THOMAS MOORE: Oh! Blame Not the Bard (1810) 21 12. LORD BYRON: 'Revelry by Night' (Gkilde Harold III, stanzas 16-18, 21-8) April 1816; publ. Dec. 22 13. JOHN KEATS: To Autumn (Sept. 1819; publ. 1820) 25 CONTENTS 14. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY: To a Skylark (1820) 26 15. JAMES HOGG: When the Kye Comes Hame (1823) 29 16. JOHN CLARE: The Shepherd's Calendar (July, 90-131) c. 1824; publ. 1827 31 17. THOMAS HOOD: I Remember, I Remember (1826) 32 18. FELICIA HEMANS: Casabianca (1824; publ. 1826) 33 19. LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON: Lines of Life (1829) 35 20. CAROLINE NORTON: My Arab Steed (1830) 38 21. JAMES LEIGH HUNT: Abou Ben Adhem (1834) 39 //. Narratives of Love 40 1. MARY ROBINSON: from Sappho andPhaon (1796) 41 2. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: The Ruined Cottage (1797-8; Excursion 1814 from MS 1968) 52 3. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE: Love (Nov. 1799; publ. 1817) 64 4. WILLIAM BLAKE: (i) The Crystal Cabinet (c. 1803; from MS 1905) 67 (ii) The Mental Traveller (c. 1803; from MS 1905) 68 5. MARY TIGHE: 'A Glimpse of Love' (Psyche I, stanzas 16-32) 1802-3; publ. 1805 71 6. THOMAS CAMPBELL: Gertrude of Wyoming II (1809) 76 7. LORD BYRON: The Bride of Abydos (stanzas 22-7) 1814 82 8. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY: Alastor (lines 140-222) 1816 87 9. JAMES LEIGH HUNT: Paulo and Francesca (Rimini III, lines 482- 564) 1816 89 jio. THOMAS MOORE: The Fire-Worshippers (from Lalla Rookh III, lines 201-453)1817 92 11. JOHN KEATS: The Eve of St Agnes (Jan.-Feb. 1819; publ. 1820) 99 12. LORD BYRON: Juan and Haidee (from Don Juan II-IV) 1819-21 110 13. LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON: The Indian Bride (Improvisatrice 1823) 129 14. FELICIA HEMANS: Arabella Stuart (Records of Woman 1828) 131 15. CAROLINE NORTON: The Faithless Knight (1830) 138 ///. Romantic Solitude, Suffering and Endurance 140 1. WILLIAM COWPER: Crazy Kate (Task I, 534-56) 1785 141 2. JOANNA BAILLIE: The Storm-Beat Maid (1790) 142 3. CHARLOTTE SMITH: The Female Exile (Nov. 1792; publ. 1797) 147 4. WILLIAM BLAKE: Visions of the Daughters of Albion (1793) 148 5. ROBERT SOUTHEY: Mary the Maid of the Inn (1797) 154 6. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: Wordsworthian Solitaries (i) Old Man Travelling (May 1797; Lyrical Ballads 1798) 157 (ii) The Discharged Soldier (Feb. 1798; publ. 1850/from MS 1970) 157 CONTENTS (iii) The Mad Mother (Lyrical Ballads 1798) 162 (iv) Complaint of a Forsaken Indian Woman (Lyrical Ballads 1798) 164 (v) Michael (lines 217-490) Lyrical Ballads 1800 167 (vi) The Leech-Gatherer (spring 1802; publ. 1807) 173 (vii) The London Beggar (1805 Prelude VII, 594-622) publ. 1850/ from MS 1926 177 7. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE: 'Alone, Alone' (i) The Ancient Mariner (Lyrical Ballads 1798) 178 (ii) Pains of Sleep (Sept. 1803; publ. 1816) 197 8. THOMAS CAMPBELL: Lord Ullin's Daughter (1809) 199 9. MARY BRYAN: The Visit (lines 45-126) 1815 200 10. LORD BYRON: The Prisoner of Chillon (1816) 202 11. JOHN KEATS: Isabella, or The Pot of Basil (stanzas 32-63) April 1818; publ. 1820 212 12. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY: Final Moments (The CenciV, scenes iii-iv) 1819 220 13. LORD BYRON: The Shipwreck (from Don Juan II) 1819 228 14. THOMAS HOOD: The Dream of Eugene Aram (1826) 234 15. FELICIA HEMANS: Indian Woman's Death Song (Records of Woman 1828) 240 16. LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON: She Sat Alone Beside Her Hearth (c. 1835; publ. 1839) 242 IV. Ennobling Interchange: Man and Nature 246 1. ANNA LAETITIA BARBAULD: (i) The Mouse's Petition (1773) 248 (ii) from A Summer's Evening's Meditation (lines 17-98) 1773 250 2. WILLIAM COWPER: The Winter Evening (Task IV, 267-332) 1785 252 3. ROBERT BURNS: To a Mouse, On Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough, November 1785 (1786) 254 4. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE: Conversation Poems (i) The Eolian Harp (20 Aug. 1795; publ. 1796) 255 (ii) This Lime-Tree Bower, My Prison (July 1797; publ. 1800) 257 (iii) Frost at Midnight (Feb. 1798; publ. 1798) 259 (iv) The Nightingale (May 1798; publ. Lyrical Ballads) 261 5. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: 'Images of a Mighty Mind' (i) Tintern Abbey (13 July 1798; publ. Lyrical Ballads) 264 (ii) There Was a Boy (Oct. 1798; publ. Lyrical Ballads 1800) 268 (iii) The Two-Part Prelude (Oct. 1798-Dec. 1799; publ. 1850/from MS 1972) 269 (iv) Statue Horse (Feb. 1804; from MS 1969) 292 CONTENTS (v) Climbing of Snowdon (1805 Prelude XIII, 10-73) Feb. 1804; publ. 1850/from MS 1926 292 (vi) Crossing the Alps (1805 Prelude VI, 494-572) March 1804; publ. 1850/from MS 1926 294 6. WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES: from Coombe Ellen (1798) 296 7. CHARLOTTE SMITH: Beachy Head (lines 346-505) c. 1805; publ. 1807 297 8. AMELIA OPIE: Stanzas Written Under Aeolus' Harp (1808) 300 9. ISABELLA LICKBARROW: On Esthwaite Water (1814) 301 10. LORD BYRON: 'Concentred in a Life Intense' (i) Lake Leman (from Childe Harold III) June 1816; publ. Dec. 1817 303 (ii) Epistle to Augusta (July 1816; publ. 1830) 306 11. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY: 'The Secret Strength of Things' (i) Mont Blanc (July 1816; publ. 1817) 310 (ii) To Jane: The Invitation (2 Feb. 1822; publ. 1824) 313 (iii) To Jane: A Recollection (Feb. 1822; publ. 1824) 3*5 12. JOHN KEATS: 'A Sort of Oneness' (i) Endymion (I, 777-802) c. April 1817; publ. 1818 317 (ii) Epistle toj. H. Reynolds (lines 82-105) March 1818; publ. 1848 318 m 13. SAMUEL PALMER: Twilight Time (lines 1-24) c. 1827; fr° MS ^ 1942 319 14. JOHN CLARE: This Leaning Tree with Ivy Overhung (early 1830s; from MS 1979) 320 15. FELICIA HEMANS: Remembrance of Nature (1835; publ. 1838) 321 16. LETITIA ELIZABETH LANDON: (i) Scale Force, Cumberland (c. 1836; publ. 1839) 322 (ii) Fountains Abbey (c. 1836; publ. 1839) 323 V. Romantic Odes 324 1. ROBERT BURNS: Despondency, An Ode (1786) 325 2. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: The Immortality Ode (spring 1802/ Feb. 1804; publ. 1807) 327 3. SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE: Dejection: An Ode (summer 1802; publ. 4 Oct.) 332 4. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY: Hymn to Intellectual Beauty (July 1816; publ. Jan. 1817) 336 5. JOHN KEATS: Odes of Spring 1819 (publ. 1820) (i) Ode to Psyche (late April) 339 (ii) Ode to a Nightingale (early May) 341 (iii) Ode on a Grecian Urn (May) 343 (iv) Ode on Melancholy (May) 344 (v) Ode on Indolence (late May) 345 CONTENTS 6. PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY: Ode to the West Wind (Oct. 1819; publ. 1820) 347 VI. Romantic Lyric and Song 351 1. WILLIAM BLAKE: Song ('How sweet I roamed') Poetical Sketches 1783 354 2. ROBERT BURNS: SongS 1786-93 (i) It Was upon a Lammas Night (1786) 355 (ii) The Banks 0' Doon (March 1791; publ. 1808) 356 (iii) A Red Red Rose (collected 1793; publ. 1794) 357 3. WILLIAM BLAKE: from Songs of Innocence (1784-9; engraved 1789) (i) Introduction 358 (ii) The Shepherd 358 (iii) Infant Joy 359 (iv) The Echoing Green 359 (v) Laughing Song (May 1784) 360 (vi) Nurse's Song (c. 1784) 360 (vii) Holy Thursday (c. 1784) 361 (viii) The Lamb 361 (ix) The Chimney Sweeper 362 (x) The Divine Image 363 4. SUSANNA BLAMIRE: 363 (i) The Siller Croun (1790; publ. 1842) 363 (ii) Oh Bid Me Not to Wander (c. 1792; publ. 1842) 364 5. WILLIAM BLAKE: from Songs of Experience (1791-2; engraved 1794) (i) Introduction (c. 1794) 365 (ii) Earth's Answer (c. 1794) 365 (iii) My Pretty Rose Tree 366 (iv) The Clod and the Pebble 366 (v) The Garden of Love 367 (vi) A Poison Tree 367 (vii) Infant Sorrow 368 (viii) London 368 (ix) Nurse's Song 369 (x) The Tyger 369 (xi) The Human Abstract 370 (xii) The Sick Rose 371 (xiii) The Chimney Sweeper 371 (xiv) Holy Thursday 371 (xv) The Fly 372 (xvi) Ah! Sun-Flower (written c. 1794) 373 6. ANN BATTEN CRISTALL: Through Springtime Walks (1795) 373 7. MARY ROBINSON: A Thousand Torments (1797) 374 CONTENTS 8. THOMAS CAMPBELL: Written on Visiting a Scene in Argyllshire (c. 1798; publ. 1800) 375 9. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH: I. Alfoxden Lyric (1798; publ. Lyrical Ballads) Lines Written in Early Spring 376 II. Goslar Lyrics ^1798-9; publ.
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