【海外來鴻】〈憶故人〉 道不盡的思念 Endless Thoughts 沴 by Lily Chang Angel Teng 南非 張莉華 撰文 鄧凱倢 英譯 編按雁本文為凱鴻之母親寫於凱鴻歸空三週年紀念日阻中文稿已刊登於2隹钃期阻歡 迎讀者前賢參閱阻今特刊登英文版(分兩次關以服務廣大英文讀者群阡 馞鶉上期馥馞To be continued 馥 Yuang Chia, as well as uncles and aun- ties from Buddha's Light Association 溫馨盛情的送別 heard of your accident, they have all The Sweet Farewell rushed their way to come pay their When we have finally found you homage to you. You were so fortunate after your accident, the Tzu Chi mem- that Venerable Hui Li had conducted bers have first volunteered to arrange the memorial service for you. Venerable your shrine at our house. They have Hui Li, is the South Africa Buddha's brought fresh flowers, fruits and things Light Association's first abbot (Fo for the setup. Later many more friends Guang Shan, Nan Hua Temple), he has from Tzu Chi, Buddha's Light dedicated his life to toil in propagating Association and I-Kuan Tao had came Buddhism in Africa, highly respected as to recite the holy scriptures for you. a Buddhism Venerable and loved by When Venerable Hui Fang, Venerable Africa people. 38 基礎雜誌胡臑9期 In order to recite “ The True Sutra in Taiwan. Transmit teachers, temple of Mi-Lei Buddha” perfectly in your owners, as well as Tao members from funeral, the I-Kuan Tao members had groups of Chi-Chu, Fa-Yi, Bao-kuang, countless rehearsals before the memori- Tian-Jen, and family friends have come al service. The youth Tao members, from all corners of Taiwan (Taipei, whom were responsible to guard your Taichung, Chiayi & Kaohsiung), they coffin on your day of service, had prac- have waited for your arrival at the ticed through out the nights too. The Taoyuan International Airport. Later, South Africa Toa Association counselor they have all accompany you to the – transmit teacher Ling, as well as all Congenital Ashes Pagoda (where Temple owners and other Tao members Danny's ashes was going to be placed) from all Tao groups, had all put aside at the Zhong Shu Temple. It was the their personal affairs and came to assist temporary placement date for your ash in the preparation of your service. Your urn. According to Chinese tradition, God-brother George had asked for a your official placement date was long personal leave, your God-sister arranged later on February 9th. Even Jenny had come back all the way from though the official day was cold and America and your dearest sister was raining, the same groups of Tao mem- there to escort the entire service. The bers and friends have all come again for senior transmit teacher Chen, transmit the actual ceremony. My family is truly teacher Yang, Temple owner – Uncle grateful to them, for the love and sup- Yeh, Temple owner – Aunty Yin, ports that they have given! Lecture Yin, sister Mei-Miao and sister 蒙母無上恩典 Ling have all come from Taiwan. They The Holy Grace of God have all wanted to be with you on your last stage of your life. Danny, you were such a crying January 31st: Our flight from boy before the age of three. However, South Africa was delayed when arriving during your Tao receiving ceremony 胡荎荎腴年舛月 39 (similar as baptism in Christianity) at Dharma and to guard the Tao society in age of one, you were full of happy this way. On the day of your actual smiles. Many elders were amazed and ashes placement, I have dreamed of you believed that you must be someone very waving good-bye at me with your smil- special from God…(you have always ing face before dawn. Few days later, loved to sit with your legs crossed馗 your holy revelation of peaceful scent in Just like Buddha does). When we had the ashes pagoda, had made me wonder decided to immigrate to South Africa, if I should stay in Taiwan so that I could you were very young at that time but be with you. But once again, you spoke you were worried what would happen to to me through Aunty Yu, expressing the Buddha status that we worship at that you had wanted me to return to home. What a special boy you were! South Africa. I have made my promise Now, even after passing away, you were to you that I would return as you smart in finding ways to speak to us wished, then Aunty Yu said your spirit through your Aunt (whom can sense the had left smilingly (Aunty Yu could spirit), so to let us know that your will sense the spirit too, but we didn't know was to rest in the Congenital Ashes her before). Pagoda. At first, I didn't think it was The most outstanding Introducer: suitable for your ashes to be placed in Mr. R-N Chen (he is a temple owner). Taiwan. But since there is no I-Kuan Your uncle Chen, is Teng family's Tao Ashes Pagoda in South Africa, I introducer for three generations. When then have agreed with your choice after you first left Taiwan, you were only careful consideration. It is Holy Grace 120cm tall. But few years later, when from God that you would be able to rest you saw uncle Chen again in South in his arms, embraced by the mercy of Africa you had said to him, “ Uncle, our Senior Patriarch, and lighten upon you have gotten shorter!” I said to you by the great virtues of Patriarch Zhang laughingly, “ No my son, it is you that and Matriarch Sun. You are truly fortu- got much taller!” You know what? nate to continue your learning of When you translated for your uncle 40 基礎雜誌胡臑9期 while he presents his Tao lectures, did solemn memorial service like the one you know how proud he was of you? Danny had today……” It was truly hon- After your sudden passing, your uncle orable to have friends from five major had wanted to comfort me not to grief religions and different nationalities at too much. But he himself was actually your service. Danny, you should know crying helplessly! Your uncle Chen was that you had everyone's love. The Teng someone that has seen you grown since family would like to take this opportu- you were a baby. We have even made nity to express our deepest gratitude to an agreement with him before, that he everyone whom had loved and cared for would be your children's introducer one Danny! day……but now it is not possible any- 震撼超然的生命 more! Ambassador Du and Section Chief A life of Taipe Liaison Office in the RSA, as Oh, Danny! You have proven that, well as RSA Parliament Member – Ms. “ The value of life is not the length of Chen and the heads of Chinese its time, but is the meaning of its exis- Associations, many friends and family tence for others.” In a Tao seminar held members have devoted their heart and in 2004, Chi-Kung Living Buddha mer- soul for your memorial service. cifully made a holy revelation (channel- Especially your Uncle Lo, there isn't ing through media), telling us the shock enough word to express our apprecia- brought by Danny's death was part of tion for him. Without his supports, our his plan to fulfill his holy vow for the family wouldn't be at where we are last salvation, for all sentient beings that today! He had stretchted out his hand in have affinity with Buddha, Danny want- everyway he could to help our family; it ed to manifest that "Tao is true, the Way even included your memorial service. is true, and the Heavenly Decree is After your funeral, he had said in sor- true”. After conveying this message, row, “ When I die one day, I don't know now he returns to heaven in a natural if I would have the honor to have such and carefree manner. He has not only 胡荎荎腴年舛月 41 successfully fulfilled his holy mission, its life position through editing Danny's but also reached his ultimate enlighten- memorial articles. Suddenly, the holy ment in heaven. In that seminar, Chi- obligation that I felt before were awak- Kung Living Buddha also urged me to ened! Real life does not have a script turn my sorrow into a driving force, and it has no rehearsals too. Moreover, making the most of my limited lifetime there is no chance to start over. All you and put in my utmost effort in Tao culti- could do is making the most of what vation, so as to help to build a pure land you have right now, and put your heart of Mi-Lei. For this divine cause, I now into actions. Even if the ending is not have no right to withdraw, but to move perfect, at least you have devoted on bravely. everything you could, that way life I have made a promise to Chi- would have no regrets! Kung Buddha back in the Tao seminar I would like to dedicate this piece that was held in 2000. I have promised to all whom may be suffering spiritually him I would never let him down. Later at this moment. May you find freedom, in the 2004 Tao Seminar, Chi-Kung comfort and be reunited with your fami- Buddha had encouraged me by saying ly. he needs my assistant in propagating This writing is to be mailed for Tao in South Africa……how merciful is my dearest son far in heaven! Chi-Kung Buddha! How fortunate I am Thinking of you, to be loved and expected greatly by the Love Mommy Holy Teacher! Now looking back on my (at my 50th Birthday) 2006 life, I have reached my fifty.
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