BarCharts, Inc.® WORLD’S #1 ACADEMIC OUTLINE FOUNDATION OF THE HUMAN BODY equi- equality, equal equilibrium MEDICAL WORDS eti/o cause etiology A. Development fil/i, fil/o thread filopressure A. Structure Cells - tissues - organs - systems - organism -form specified shape, multiform Most medical words are composed of two or more 1.Cells: Major Components form a. Cell membrane terms. To define a medical word: -genesis production, neogenesis b. Cytoplasm • divide the word into its terms formation • analyze the terms c. Nucleus 2.Tissues: Primary Types ger/o, geront/o aged, old age geriatrics • define the word gymn/o naked gymnophobia Examples: a. Connective -hexia condition cachexia Pericarditis b. Epithelium hist/o tissue histoclastic peri = around; card = heart; itis = inflammation c. Muscle hydr/o water, hydrogen hydrolysis Inflammation around the heart d.Nervous Oncology 3.Organs iatr/o treatment, physician iatrogenic onco = tumor, mass; logy = study of a. Composed of two or more different tissues -ician specialist clinician Study of tumors b. Have specific functions ion/o ion ionogram 4.Systems: Related organs with common functions kary/o nucleus karyorrhexis B. Terms 5.Organism: A living person kel/o tumor, fibrous keloid growth Term + Term (.....+.....) = medical word B. Cavities There are five categories of terms: -labile unstable, perishable frigolabile A space containing organs later/o side bilateral 1.Prefix - beginning of a word 1.Dorsal (ex., pre____; post_____) -logist specialist neurologist a. Cranial -logy study of cardiology Designated by a “____” after the term. b. Vertebral (spinal) 2.Suffix - ending of a word -lucent light-admitting radiolucent 2.Ventral lumin/o light luminescence (ex., _____stomy; _____itis) a. Abdominal Designated by a “____” before the term. ly/o dissolve, loosen lyophilic b. Pelvic medi/o middle medial 3.Root - foundation/base of a word (ex., hepat; c. Thoracic gastr) medic/o heal, healing medical 4.Combining vowel - vowel (usually “o”) added to a C. Planes mer/o part meromicrosomia root (ex., gastro). An imaginary flat surface meso- middle mesoderm Use a combining vowel when joining: 1.Frontal – anterior/posterior morph/o shape, form dolichomorphic a. Root to another root (ex., gastrohepatitis) 2.Sagittal – right/left nom/o custom, law nomotopic b. Root to a suffix beginning with a consonant (ex., 3.Transverse – upper/lower nomen- name nomenclature cardiomegaly) nos/o disease nosology 5.Combining form - root + vowel (ex., hepat/o; D. Positions nucle/o nucleus nucleoplasm gastr/o) A reference point for location or direction. nutri/o to nourish nutrition Designated by a “/” between the root and the vowel 1.Anterior/Ventral – front of the body -oma tumor, mass histocytoma Examples: Posterior/Dorsal – back of the body onc/o tumor, mass oncogenesis Hyperleukocytosis 2.Deep – away from the surface organ/o organ organomegaly hyper (prefix) = excessive Superficial – on the surface path/o disease pathogenic leuko (combining form) = white 3.Inferior – situated below pharmac/o drugs pharmacology cyt (root) = cell Superior – situated above physi/o nature physiologist osis (suffix) = condition of 4.Lateral – pertaining to the side -plasm formation, growth neoplasm Definition: condition of excessive white blood cells 5.Medial – pertaining to the middle -poiesis formation cytopoiesis (leukocytes) 6.Prone – lying face down prote/o protein proteolysis Hematotoxic Supine – lying face up psamm/o sand, sand-like psammoma hemato (combining form) = blood TERMS DEFINITIONS WORDS material tox (root) = poison -puncture to pierce a surface venipuncture ic (suffix) = pertaining to acu- needle acupuncture Definition: pertaining to blood poisoning -algia pain cephalalgia pyr/o fire, fever, heat pyrogen anomal/o irregular anomaly pyret/o fever pyretogenic anthrop/o man, human being anthroposo- sanit/a health sanitarian TIPS: matology scirrh/o hard scirrhoma 1.Some terms have more than one definition. To antr/o antrum antrotomy somat/o body somatoscopy determine the correct definition in a particular aque/o water aqueous medical word, analyze the other terms in the word. -some body chromosome axi/o axis axial Example: spectr/o image, spectrum spectrocolorimeter Poliomyelitis bar/o weight, pressure barotaxis system/o system systematic polio = gray (matter) bio-, bi/o life, living biogenesis techn/o art, skill technology myel = spinal cord, bone marrow blast/o, -blast early embryonic blastocyte temp/o, time, the temples tempostabile itis = inflammation stage, immature tempor/o Definition: Inflammation of the gray matter of the calor/i heat calorimetry the/o a god theotherapy spinal cord. The bone marrow does not have gray matter. carcin/o cancer carcinoma -therapy, treatment therapeutics 2.Some terms may function as a root/combining cata- down, downward catabiotic therapeut/o form in one word and a suffix in another word. caud/o tail caudal therm/o heat thermometer Classification depends upon the specific medical chem/o chemical, chemosurgery -tumescence, swelling detumescence word. chemistry tumesc/o Examples: chron/o time, timing chronobiology -type, typ/o class, representative somatotype Cytology -coma deep sleep semicoma form cyto (combining form) = cell corpor/o body corporeal ventr/o belly, front of ventrolateral logy (suffix) = study of cry/o cold cryotherapy the body Definition: Study of cells cyt/o, -cyte cell cytology -verse turn transverse Erythrocyte dors/o back dorsoventral vir/o virus virologist erythro (combining form) = red duct/o to lead conduction viscer/o internal organs visceromegaly cyte (suffix) = cell dynam/o power, strength dynamogenesis vit/o life vitamin Definition: Red blood cell -dynia pain gastrodynia zyg/o union, junction zygogenesis 1 TERMINOLOGY SETS seven hepta- TERMS DEFINITIONS WORDS sept- ankyl/o stiff, crooked, bent ankylosis A. DIRECTIONAL TERMS septi- arthr/o joint arthrodysplasia ab- away from eight octa- articul/o joint articulation ad- toward, near octi- brachi/o arm brachiocephalic ambi- around, on both sides nine noni- burs/o bursa bursolith amphi- around, on both sides ten (101) deca- calcane/o heel calcaneodynia ana- upward, backward hundred (102) hecto- carp/o wrist carpoptosis ante- before, forward centr/o center centrosclerosis thousand (103) kilo- anter/o front cephal/o head cephaledema million (106) mega- anti- against cervic/o neck, cervix cervicofacial 9 apo- away, separation billion (10 ) giga- chir/o, cheir/o hand chiropodalgia 12 cata- down, downward trillion (10 ) tera- chondr/o cartilage chondrodystrophy circum- around quadrillion (1015) peta- cleid/o clavicle cleidorrhexis contra- against, opposite quintillion (1018) exa- coccyg/o coccyx coccygodynia dextr/o right one tenth (10-1) deci- cost/o rib costosternal dia- through, apart one hundredth (10-2) centi- cox/o hip coxarthrosis dis- apart, to separate one thousandth (10-3) milli- crani/o skull cranioclast ec-, ecto- outside, out one millionth (10-6) micro- cubit/o elbow, forearm genucubital en-, endo- inside, within one billionth (10-9) nano- dactyl/o digit (finger or toe) dactylospasm epi- above, over, upon one trillionth (10-12) pico- eury- wide, broad eurycephalic faci/o face facioplasty eso- within one quadrillionth (10-15)femto- femor/o femur ischiofemoral ex- out, away from one quintillionth (10-18) atto- exo- outside of, outward fibul/o fibula fibulocalcaneal geni/o chin genioplasty extra- outside D. SURGICAL PROCEDURES fore- before, in front of gnath/o jaw gnathoschisis -centesis surgical puncture of a cavity hyper- above, excessive, beyond gnos/o knowledge acrognosis -desis surgical fixation, fusion hypo- under, deficient, below goni/o angle goniometer -ectomy surgical removal infra- below, beneath gyr/o circle, spiral gyrospasm holo- entire, complete holoarthritis inter- between -pexy fixation humer/o humerus humeroradial intra- within -plasty surgical correction/repair hypsi- high hypsicephaly juxta- near -rrhaphy suture ili/o ilium iliolumbar later/o side -sect to cut ischi/o ischium ischiodynia levo- left -stomy surgical opening ithy- erect, straight ithylordosis -tomy surgical incision medi/o middle kyph/o humpback kyphoscoliosis -tripsy to crush, break meso- middle lamin/o lamina laminectomy para- alongside, near, beyond, abnormal lip/o fat lipochondroma per- through, throughout E. PATHOGENS -listhesis slipping spondylolisthesis peri- around, surrounding acar/o mites lord/o curvature, bending lordoscoliosis post- after, behind arachn/o spider lox/o oblique, slanting loxarthron poster/o behind, towards the back bacteri/o bacteria lumb/o loin lumbodynia pre- before, in front of -coccus berry-shaped bacterium maxill/o maxilla maxillotomy pro- before fung/i fungus, mushroom mega-, megalo- large megalopodia proxim/o near helminth/o, worm -megaly enlargement dactylomegaly retro- behind, backward -helminth mel/o limb, limbs melalgia sinistr/o left hirud/i, hirudin/i leech om/o shoulder omodynia sub- under, beneath opisth/o backward, behind opisthognathism ixod/i ticks super- above, beyond oste/o bone osteochondroma myc/o fungus supra- above, beyond pan- all panarthritis parasit/o parasite tel/e distant, end patell/o patella patellofemoral trans- across pedicul/o louse ped/o foot, child pedal scolec/o worm pelv/i pelvis pelvimeter B. FIVE rrh’s verm/i worm perone/o fibula peroneotibial -rrhagia, -rrhage excessive flow vir/o virus petr/o stone, petrous region petromastoid -rrhaphy suture of temporal bone -rrhea flow, discharge SKELETAL SYSTEM phalang/o phalanges phalangitis -rrhexis rupture A. Bones
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