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Index Note: page numbers in italics denote tables, maps, or illustrations Abdera 74 Cleomenes 237 ; coins 159, 276 , Abu Simbel 297 277, 279 ; food production 121, 268, Abydos 286 272 ; imports 268 ; Kleoitas 109 ; Achaea/Achaeans: Aigialos 213 ; Naucratis 269–271 ; pottery 191 ; basileus 128, 129, 134 ; Sparta 285 ; trade 268, 272 colonization 100, 104, 105, 107–108, Aegium 88, 91, 108 115, 121 ; democracy 204 ; Aelian 4, 186, 188 dialect 44 ; ethnos 91 ; Aeneas 109, 129 Herodotus 91 ; heroes 73, 108 ; Aeolians 45 , 96–97, 122, 292, 307 ; Homer 52, 172, 197, 215 ; dialect group 44, 45, 46 Ionians 50 ; migration 44, 45 , 50, Aeschines 86, 91, 313, 314–315 96 ; pottery 119 ; as province 68 ; Aeschylus: Persians 287, 308 ; Seven relocation 48 ; warrior tombs 49 Against Thebes 162 ; Suppliant Achilles 128, 129, 132, 137, 172, 181, Maidens 204 216 ; shield of 24, 73, 76, 138–139 Aetolia/Aetolians 20 ; dialect 299 ; Acrae 38 , 103, 110 Erxadieis 285 ; ethnos 91, 92 ; Acraephnium 279 poleis 93 ; pottery 50 ; West Acragas 38 , 47 ; democracy 204 ; Locris 20 foundation COPYRIGHTED 104, 197 ; Phalaris 144 ; Aëtos MATERIAL 62 Theron 149, 289 ; tyranny 150 Africanus, Sextus Julius 31 Adrastus 162 Agamemnon: Aeolians 97 ; anax 129 ; Aegimius 50, 51 Argos 182 ; armor 173 ; Aegina 3 ; Argos 3, 5 ; Athens 183, basileus 128, 129 ; scepter 133 ; 286, 287 ; captured 155 ; Schliemann 41 ; Thersites 206 A History of the Archaic Greek World: ca. 1200–479 BCE, Second Edition. Jonathan M. Hall. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. INDEX 343 Agariste 149, 154, 159, 315, 316 Phoenician 57, 58 ; regional agathoi 136, 137, 145, 178, 202, 211, varieties 27, 290–291, 299 218 Alyattes 149, 304 agelai 198 Amarynthos 1, 89 Agesilaus II 228–229 Amasis 149, 268, 271, 272 Agia Irini 62 Ambracia 74, 204 Agia Pelagia 198 Amisos 104, 120 Agiadai 135–136 Amnisos 196 Agios Andreas 74, 75 Amorgos 74, 86 Agis IV 229–230 Amphictyony: Delphic 20, 86 , 92, 307, agora: Alcaeus 214 ; Athens 79, 80, 84, 312–313, 317 ; Pylaean 20, 313 109, 143, 235, 252, 310 ; Chalcis 2, 5, Amphidamas 2, 4, 6, 7 19–20, 83 ; commercial activity 85 ; Amphiktyon 20, 127 Megara Hyblaea 112–113; amphorai 63, 170, 203, 251, 272 ; as origins 82–84 ; Scheria 72 grave markers 191 ; agriculture 84, 262 ; cash crops 266 ; Nikosthenic 102, 258, 274–275 ; climate 217 ; colonial Panathenaic 254 ; Tyrrhenian foundations 103, 120–121; extensive/ 258 intensive 263, 265–267, 273; mixed Amyclae 61, 78, 89, 119 farming 264 ; Solon 193 ; surplus/ Anacreon 22, 149, 201, 273, 297 subsistence 217, 262–268, 273, 319; Anavysos kouros 179, 180 , 181, 248 trade 123, 266, 267 Anaxandridas 213 Ahhiyawa 52 Anaxilas 149, 150, 151, 288, 289 Aigialeis 213 Anaximander 21, 205 Aigikoreis 51, 211 Anaximenes 205 Aineia 109 Andania 186 Ainesidemos of Rhodes 151 andreion 198 Aithiaieis 186 Andromache 181, 222, 301 Aktaios 127 Andromadas 138 Al Mina 57, 100–102, 103, 115, 293 Andros 74, 79, 81, 100, 279 Alalia 104 Ankhimolios 236 Alcaeus 2 ; armor 175 ; Ano Mazaraki-Rakita 88, 93 autobiographical 318 ; elitist Antenor 223, 235 ideology 137, 201 ; Pittacus 143, Anthela 313, 316 145 ; polis 72 ; rustics 214 Antigone 222 Alcibiades 299 Antinous 129 Alcinous 71, 129, 135, 137–138, 181 Antiochus of Syracuse 106, 107–108, Alcmaeon 181, 313, 315 109, 184, 186 ; Taras 116–118, 120, Alcmaeonids 145, 315 ; exiled 236– 122 237, 242, 248 ; Herodotus 21 ; and Antiokhidai 131–132 Philaidai 159 ; property 181, 241, Antiope 251, 252 248, 250 ; Pythian priestess 28, 236 ; Antipatros of Magnesia 313 Thucydides 21 ; tyranny 236, 309 Antiphemos cult 109 Alcman 22, 222, 231, 306 antiquarians 16 Alexander I 287 Antissa 75 Alkamenes 184 Aphaea, sanctuary of 109, 275 Alopeke 250 Aphrati 196 alphabet; Greek 57, 58, 299 ; Aphrodite 170, 268, 269, 271, 297 introduction of 57–58 ; apoikia 97, 103, 105, 292 344 INDEX Apollo: Archegetes 296 ; Heraion 31, 62, 86, 89, 109, 141, Daphnephoros 58, 87, 252 ; 278 ; hoplite shield 168 ; Delphinios 86, 140, 198 ; inscription 109, 141 ; kinship Hyacinthius 89 ; Maleatas 62 ; groups 131 ; Melantas 128 ; Naucratis 268, 269 ; Ptoieus 180 ; Messenian War 185 ; Pythaeus 161 ; Pythios 21, 214, 313, metalworkers 84, 162 ; Nauplia 160 ; 317 ; Thermon 91 ; see also Delphic Odeion 134–135 ; Peloponnese 161– Oracle 162 ; Persians 308, 312 ; Apollodorus of Athens 50 Pheidon 144, 145, 146, 154–164 ; Apollonia 104, 120 pottery 50, 115, 162, 291; settlement Aramaeans 101 ; languages 293 pattern 85, 190 ; Spartans 3, 155, Arcadia/Arcadians: Azania 93 ; 157–158, 162, 182–183, 197 ; dialect 44, 99 ; ethnos 91 ; federal stability 132 ; territories 155, 162, league 92, 279 ; Messenian War 185 ; 182, 256 ; warrior grave 134–135, Olympia 302 ; Praxiteles 151 169–170 Arcado-Cypriot dialects 44, 46 Ariadne 222 archaeology: Dark Age 60–66; dating Arion of Methymna 149 methods 7, 33–39 ; Dorian Aristagoras 283–284 migration 48–50 ; evidence 6–7, Aristides 285 28–29, 190, 318 ; public buildings 81– Aristion of Paros 149, 223, 224 84 ; trade 272–273 ; see also burials Aristis 163 Archidamus II 12 aristocracy: armor 171 ; basileus 134 ; Archidamus III 118 dêmos 204, 242, 256, 310 ; elegiac Archilochus of Paros 22, 107 poetry 201–203 ; emergence 134– autobiographical 6, 23 ; dates for 4, 138, 319 ; governance 201, 205 ; 6 ; fi ghting 1, 3, 6 ; symposium 221 ; Greek/non-Greek 303 ; hoplite Thasos 100, 106 ; tyranny 146 ; combat 168, 171, 178–179 ; wine 273 symposium 202, 203–204, 223, 273 ; architectural styles 37, 292 Theognis 22, 136–137, 143 ; archons 29, 31, 109, 141–142, 143, tyrants 145, 146–147, 152, 236, 319 ; 144, 147 see also elites Areopagus 204, 206, 242 Aristogiton 235–236 Arete 222 Aristophanes 12, 175, 308 Arethousa spring 4, 116, 158 Aristotle: Callisthenes 30, 313, 315 ; Argadeis 51, 211 Cleisthenes 240, 249 ; coinage 276 ; Argive plain 53, 89, 160, 161, 182, 291 date for 4 ; Euboea 1, 6 ; fi ghting 6, Argolid 44, 47, 49, 74, 91, 183, 22; 168, 179; kingship 127, 168 ; pottery 291 land 229 ; Lycurgus 209, 210, 229 ; Argos/Argives: Aegina 3, 5 ; agora 81, middle social class 168, 202 ; 84, 162 ; Asine 160, 161 ; ostracism 243 ; Pheidon 154, 155; basileus 128, 135 ; Cleisthenes 160, Pisistratus 254 ; Pittacus 147 ; 183 ; Cleomenes 183, 322 ; Plutarch on 19–20, 208 ; polis 69–70, conquests 89, 160, 213, 249, 322; 79, 90 ; Politics 70, 138, 146 ; Solonian Dark Age 49, 64, 73 ; Delphic council 206 ; Sparta 19, 208, 210, Oracle 158, 162, 175 ; 215 ; Taras 118 ; tyranny 146–149, democracy 204, 220, 322 ; 154, 169 ; see also Athenian Constitution dialect 47, 290 ; exploitation 188, Arkhelaos 136 263 ; fortifi cations 74 ; graves 61, 77 , armor 52, 89, 167, 171–173, 176, 273; 79, 135, 190, 214, 278, 291 ; see also hoplites, panoply INDEX 345 Arrian 174 coins 275, 277, 278, 279 ; Artaphernes 284 confl ict 217 ; Delian League 309, Artemis: Amarynthos 1, 89; 321 ; Delion 167, 178; Brauron 240, 253 ; Delos 222–223 ; democracy 200, 204, 205, 238, 241 ; Ephesus 275, 278 ; Orthia 179, Eleusinion 253 ; elite families 242 ; 231–232, 233, 297 expedition to Sicily 296 ; fi nes 278 ; Artemisium 286 , 287 fortifi cations 74 ; grain 123 ; aryballos 37, 38, 113, 115 , 171, 273 graves 76, 77 , 79, 101, 190–191, 200 ; Ascra 76, 80, 122, 215 Herodotus 322 ; Ionia 5, 44, 50, Ashkelon, sacking of 37 100, 283–284 ; kingship 127, 145 ; Asine 74, 91, 160, 161, 186 ; Marathon 167, 214, 284–285 ; pottery 201 Megara 246, 247, 257 ; Assarlik 99 metalworkers 84, 190 ; months 30 ; Assiros 66, 75 as norm 227 ; Parthenon 220, 254 ; Assyria/Assyrians 37, 39, 170, 197, 283 Persians 38, 254, 287; phylai 211, Astarte 170 238, 239 ; prosperity 168, 190, 256; asteios/agroikos 214 rural settlements 243, 247–249, 257 ; astoi 214, 247, 249 sacked by Persians 287; settlement astu 70, 71 pattern 73, 79, 85, 134, 190, 256 ; Atene deme 267 Sigeum 104 ; stability 132 ; Athena 115 ; Alea 85 ; Itonia 92 ; Themistoclean Walls 39 ; Koukounaries 81 ; Polias 86, 119, tyranny 145, 150, 152, 235–236; vase 141, 148, 253 ; Polioukhos 86 ; painters 262 ; Zeus Polieus 86 ; see Pronaia 313, 315; Zagora 79 also Cleisthenes Athenaeus 228 Attica 192 ; agrarian unrest 217–219, Athenian Constitution (Aristotelian) 70 ; 266 ; burials 190, 194, 242, 291, 293; archons 128, 141–142 ; census civic rights 243–244 ; dialect 290, classes 175–176 ; Cleisthenes 237, 299 ; graves 62, 180, 190, 200, 248; 239, 240 ; Damasias 147 ; Homer 245 ; internal peasants 267 ; phylai 211, 240, 247 ; colonization 245, 258 ; Panathenaea, Pisistratus 146, 250, 252, 256 ; Great 235 ; pottery 58, 63, 100, 102, poor 217 ; regional factions 250 ; 109, 115, 170, 193, 257, 291 ; Solon 22, 155, 175–176, 206, 217, sanctuaries 191, 193, 194 ; script 59, 218, 220 116, 290–201 ; settlements 91, 190, Athenian Treasury, Delphi 250 243 ; seventh-century gap 190–194, Athens/Athenians: acropolis 38, 39, 79, 256 ; Theseus 78, 244–245 ; 86, 148, 191, 222, 223 , 236, 237, 249, unifi cation 78–79, 243–251, 252, 258 250, 253, 254, 309 ; Aegina 3, 183, Attic–Ionic dialects 44, 45, 46 286, 287 ; agora 79, 80, 84, 109, 143, autarkeia 70 235, 252, 310 ; Altar of the Twelve authority: achieved 142 ; ascribed 134, Gods 21, 84, 252 ; Archaios 142 ; see also basileus ; kingship Neos 253–255, 258 ; archons 29, 31, Auxesia statue 183, 268 109, 128, 141–142, 144, 147, 103, Azania 93 236 ; Athena Polias 86 ; Bluebeard Azoria 198 Temple 254–255 ; Brea 105 ; Chalcis 91, 184, 254 ; chattel Babylon 24, 197, 283 slavery 267, 293; citizenship Bacchiadae 143, 145, 188, 201 rights 214, 215, 219 ; Bacchylides 108 Cleomenes 236, 237, 241 ; Bachofen, Johann Jakob 228 346 INDEX barbaroi 293, 297–298, 308 Pithecusae 103 ; see also cremations; Barka 104 graves basileus 127, 147, 206, 213 ; Burn, A.

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