o, ^c /^ $zMbr^ ^of-C y^ears To COIA^ X hop-* yoU Mak-e 000a (/S-e of T6-* T&/\/ blackboards <?/fO. EJ fate (lUf) -Ajootl huh nt>^ I^IM. qAflsp /) Lot <£ cjfywrtfiA AIOM] iec~TcfLu^K — i~,-if Published by the Journalism Dept. West High School 179 So. Powell Ave. Columbus 4, Ohio Editor-in-Chief Florerta Armstrong Wkat Was Vcm/ E<w&umdi I hardly suppose I know anybody who wouldn't rather be a success than a failure; Just as I suppose every piece of crabgrass in the garden would much rather be an azalea. And in celestial circles all the run-of-the-mill angels would rather be archangels or at least cherubim and seraphim, And in the legal world all the little process-servers hope to grow up into great l)ig bailiffim and sheriffim. Indeed, everybody wants to be a wow. But not everybody knows exactly how. Some people think they will eventually wear diamonds instead of rhinestones Only by everlastingly keeping their noses to their grhinestones. And other people think they will be able to put in more time at Palm Beach and the Ritz. By not paying too much attention to attendance at the office but rather in being brilliant by starts and fits. Some people after a full day's work sit up all night getting a college education by correspondence, While others seem to think they'll get just as far by devoting their evenings to the study of the difference in temperament between brunettance and blondance. Some stake their all on luck, And others put their faith in their ability to pass the buck. In short, the world is filled with people trying to achieve success. And half of them think they'll get it by saying No and half of them by saying Yes, And if all the ones who say No said Yes, and vice versa, such is the fate of humanity that ninety-nine per cent of them still wouldn't be any better off than they were before, Which perhaps is just as well because if everybody was a success nobody could be con­ temptuous of anybody else and everybody would start in all over again trying to be a bigger success than everybody else so they would have somebody to be contemptuous of and so on forevermore. Because when people start hitching their wagons to a star, That's the way they are. J Cowfefcft Administration 7 Seniors 14 Sports 55 Merits 69 Activities 81 Music 99 Registration 111 Ads 125 t t to/"61 • • • famjuuolGk^ Associate Editor Ad. & Merits Editor Penny Rice Carol Rinehart Activities Editor Music Editor Sharon Delon Yvonne Veeley <L \ :'-\ Your faith and help in whatever we attempt. Your encouragement with each and every step. Always smiling, always gay Every hour of every day, Whenever we needed help or advice We knew we wouldn't have to ask you twice. You taught us English and taught it well. We dedicate this annual to you. Mr. Kittel. flhwOu /Uafet/ £ W *T fftCH Aw\« ^r, % 4 § /13 TtfwaWIS**^ CON -j -">*' ^>t<- .•.. i.«. J J 3 w i' nr -•- n — -| - A^tWlottOttO*!/ Men view the sun in many a distant land His face still westward in the sky; Though we should go as far we'll love West High, West High, West High. And 'til the sun forgets his ancient goal And seeks a new path through the sky, Our loyal hearts beat for you, West High, West High, West High. Ruth Allen Samuel Floyd Angus Stephen Blazina 7th grade self- Biology Industrial Arts contained 2'/2 YTs. at West 6 yrs. at West 3 yrs. at West 1 yr. at West Ohio State University Ohio State University Ohio State University B.S.—Ohio State University of W. Va B.S.—Ohio State B.S., M.A. Education M.A.—Ohio State O.S.U. B.S. in Science Assistant Basketball F. E. Bonar Clarence W. Bower James W Branson American History, Biological Sciences P.E. and Clothing Biology History 8 yrs. at West 2 yrs. at West Ohio State University O.S.U. B.S in Math M.A.—Ohio U. Ohio University—B.S. Capital University G.A.A. Advisor B.S.—Wilmington College Advisor—Jan. Sr. Class Council I. H. Camraarn Leota W. Clark* Frances C. Davis Late Dodds Business Education Instrumental Music English Geometry—G Math Math 12 yrs. at West 8 yrs. at West 1 yr. at West Capital University Kent State University O.S.U. Schillinger Nebraska University Ohio State University B.A.—Ohio Wesleyan Springfield College B.S.— Kent State School in Boston Advisor—F.T.A. Wayne University B.S. Education B.A., B.S. Kathryn I. Dull Frances Evans Howard W. Ferguson H C. Glass Larry Gray Evelyn A. Hall English Latin Physical Education Biological Science Math and P.E. Radio, Dramatics, 8 yrs, at West 8 yrs. at West and Health Ed. 18 yrs. at West 1''2 yrs. at West Stage Craft University of Pittsbu rgh Mt. St. Joseph. 2 yrs. at West University of Illinois Wittenberg B.S 19 yrs. at West B.E.—Pittsburgh Ohio Univ. Asbury College and and Miami Univ. Education Colorado College of B.A, in Ed. M.A. University of Ky. B.S., M A. Reserve Football and Education Latin Club Advisor B.A., M.A. Coach of Track and Jr. High Baseball Bachelors and Masters Cross Country Margaret Harold Fred Heischman Spanish, French Algebra, Math 13 yrs. at West IS yrs. at West Oberlin Capital University A.B. Oberlin B.S. Capital Advisor—Spanish Club Varsity Basketball Coach Adolph Kittel Delane Kittel Marjorie Lazor O. D. Lehman Kenneth Love Foods. Clothing English Bus. Eng.; Contempo- French. World History Distributive Education Mathematics 25 yrs. at West 1 VT. at West 19 yrs. at West 18 yrs. at West Capital—A.B. 211/2 yrs. at West Ohio State University Ohio State B.S., M.A., Ohio Untversit O.S.U.—M.A. Ohio State University B.S. Education Grad. Work - Columbia B S.; Master's Equiv. Advisor French Club University of California Advisor—DEC.A. Club 10 Helen Lumley Irrna Mason Helen McCormick Librarian Physical Education, History 22 yrs. at West Health 32 yrs. at West 21 yrs. at West Ohio State. Carnegie 1 yr. at West Ohio State University Columbia Univers Tech Wilmington, B.S. B.S.; Master and Muskingum B.S.; M.A.— O.S.U. Education Advisor—Nurses Club B.S.L.—C.I.T. G.A.A. Advisor Advisor—Student Library Staff Mary Murphy G. F. Ocock Grace Roblson Ronald Rousculp William Schmitter Herbert Schneider World History and Physics Clerk-Stenographer History and Geography Science; Biology History Am. History 5 yrs. at West 12 yrs. at WeBt 2 yrs. at West 71/2 yis. at West 8 yrs. at West 15 yrs. at West Valparaiso University— O.S.U. B S. in O.S.U.—B.S. Ohio State University Ohio State University A.B. Education Football, Basketball B.A.; B.S.:.M.A. B.E. Education. University of Illinois— Advisor^F.T.A. M.A. Education M.S. t / / :yi Y-Teens Advisor Advisor—Science Club Audio-visual Dept. /&6LZuj*. 1 Ak Myron T. Seifert Thomas Starkey E. T. Stone Richard E. Teichert Jane Thomas John H. Thompson Sales; English Music Chemistry Fine Arts Cont. Lit. and Eng. Lit. English 24 yrs. at West 1 yr. at West 19 yrs. at West Ohio State University 22 VTS. at West 21 yrs. at West Ohio State Unive sity Wittenberg Muskingum B.S. B.S.; M.A.—OS.U. O.S.U., B.S. in Ed. O.S.U., M.A. B.S. Music Ed. Advisor—Rope Advisor—Art Club Sr. Class Sponsor Twirlers 11 Mozelle Warren Edith "White Robert A. Wilcox George Williams Howard Wilson Business Education Vocal Music Journalism; History American History Business Law 11 yrs. at West 14 yrs. at West 3 yrs. at West 27 yrs. at West 2V2 yrs. at West Muskingum; O.S.U. Muskingum Ohio State University Ohio State University O.S.U. and Franklin B.A.—Muskingum B.S. with Music B.S.- -Ohio State B S. Univ. M.A.—Ohio State Supervision Advisor-Annual Faculty Mgr. of B.S. in Ed.. B. A. Politi­ Advisor Y-Teens Occident Athletics cal Science Public Relations LLB Director Teacher Coordinator of Student Activities. Student Court €*^> Helen M. Workman Girls' Attendance— Typing 32 yrs. at West Miami. Ohio State B.S.; M.A. Teachers Not Pictured: Mary Dugan Otto France Florence Gardner Frances Hannon Margaret Henry Mary Mock Elwood Murphy Barbara Sapio Pamela Spears JIM September 7, 1960 is a day we won't forget— For the thrill of becoming 12 A's lingers with I We had our own special lunchroom where nc And we talked with much excitement while v We had already chosen our i And they had plans to help us have a real swell time that fall. Our class picnic the summer before had started things off right. We all had a wonderful time and we were all full of delight. We needed funds like all classes do, you know, So we had our class movie at the drive-in-show. Our senior mixer, "Hoot'n Holler Hoedown," was one of our biggest times. We had all kinds of dancing including a boys' hula line! n Our senior banguet was another gay affair— Our class advisors, Mr. Darrow and Miss Brown were there. The prophecy, read in a most original way. Made every class member feel very happy and gay.
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