11576 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 23, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FRANK J. LUCAS HONORED guiding principle has been that steady accustomed romantic beauty. (How spoiled employment with good pay and bene­ we New Yorkers a.re, but this is pa.rt of our dubious charm.) Downtown Brooklyn has no fits can only be realized when the em­ easy answer and is stlll fraughlt with real and HON. GLADYS NOON SPELLMAN ploying contractors are able to com­ continuing problems, but there 1s enough OF MARYLAND plete their contracts profitably, within visible accomplishment in terms o! design, specifications and in a timely manner. development and the creation a.nd reinforce­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Lucas has been married for 43 ment of comm.unity and e.menity for a dozen Wednesday, April 23, 1975 years. He and his wife, the beautiful other cities. Eleanora, have one son, Francis Michael, Brooklyn's lessons in architecture and ur­ Mrs. SPELLMAN. Mr. Speaker, it was banism-which largely involve informed ef­ my pleasure to attend a testimonial din­ and two daughters, Mary Louise and forts to turn around an area. decimated by a ner on April 12, 1975, given by the Steam­ Ellen Gertrude, and they are blessed residential and commercial flight to the sub­ fitters local 603 of the United Associa­ with five grandchildren. For all of his urbs of the 1950's and 1960's--are hearten­ tion of Journeymen and Apprentices of life, Mr. Lucas has lived in the Wash­ ing. And so are the role and achievements of the Plumbing and Pipefltting Industry ington area. As a young man he grew the city agency in charge, the Office of Down­ of the United States and Canada in up in the shadow of this Capitol build­ town Brooklyn Development, now under the honor of Mr. Frank J. Lucas who has re­ ing, playing baseball for the Warrick direct-ion of Richard M. Rosan, working in Athletic Club, playing the trumpet in collaboration with exceptionally strong and cently retired from his position as direc­ dedicated local groups. This is one of those tor of trade jurisdiction of the union Merton Collins Washingtonian Band and on-the-spot Mayor's planning offices that after nearly a half century of work, be­ riding around town in his 1930 Reo. The have done more for New York in terms of ginning as a steamfitter helper. In 1933, Lucas family is a union family. His fath­ posttive development policy than any single Mr. Lucas was awarded his journeyman er was president of local 602 for 25 idea or action initiated by city government card, serving as a teacher of the ·trade years and his son, Mickey, is assistant in the last decade. And at the moment, when and setting the example as a hard-work­ business manager of local 602. His the more glamorous planning offices are in a ing and dedicated craftsman. From 1939 brothers, Albert, Bernie and Everett bind or a stalemate, Brooklyn is paying off. (deceased) became journeymen steam­ You don't have to be a. closet Brooklynite to 1945, he served as a member of the to know about Brooklyn's brownstone re­ examining board and executive board fitters. vival, but the first thing that strikes the until, ait the age of 36, he was elected His thoughtfulness and concern for visitor ls the startling dimensions of the resi­ business manager of local 603. Under the welfare of his fell ow workers acting dential renaissance. These neighborhoods go his good direction, local 603 doubled its in a spirit of true brotherhood has been on literally for miles, ringing downtown membership and improved medical and recognized by all of his associates. This, Brooklyn. They have an incredible popula­ pension programs. the welfare plan, the together with his cooperative spirit, has tion of 275,000-at lea.st as big as three me­ helper program, the apprenticeship pro­ served to elevate him to the responsible dium-size cities. Beginning with Brooklyn positions that he has filled so superbly Heights, the revival moved to Cobble Hill, gram-all having evidence of his skillful Boerum Hill and Park Slope-four areas tha.t hand branded upon them. over the years. It was a heartwarming have been declrared historic distriots. Still Back in February 1955, the president experience ·to join with the approxi­ another, Fort Greene, is in the process of of the United Association, Martin Durk­ mately 700 labor leaders and representa­ designation. in asked Mr. Lucas to join his staff as a tives of government and industry who Almost all of these seemingly endless, su­ sp~cial representative. His first assign­ gathered to pay homage to this fine perb streets of 19th-century row houses were ment was to serve the States of Virginia gentleman. Mr. Speaker, I salute Mr. once slated for the bulldozer brand of ur­ Frank Lucas and wish him well in his ban renewal. That figured, of course, since and West Virginia. Working hard to gain the easiest thing to demolish is a treasury of the respect of the members throughout deserved retirement. intimately sea.led, rich a.rchLtectura.l styles of his district, he learned quickly the laws exceptional craftsmanship and quality. The that were directed toward the unions revival that took place instead was a. spon­ during the mid-fifties. In 1956, President THE BLOOMING OF BROOKLYN taneous, snowballing, bootstrap operation of Peter Schoemann assigned Mr. Lucas to individual. ,and collective gut faith, born of a the industrial heart of mid-America, the dedication to the principle that New York ts livable and made by a young, committed, ur­ States of Indiana and Illinois. For 11 HON. FREDERICK W. RICHMOND ban middle class. years, he provided the United Associa­ OF NEW YOBK If you want to know the extent of such tion with leadership necessary to conduct IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fa.1th, it :1s worth noting that wi·th the excep­ the mission. No other period of time saw tion of a few local Brooklyn institutions, New such economic growth, technology Wednesday, April 23, 1975 York banks would give no loans or mortgages change or tightening of laws which gov­ Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I on s.ny of these houses in any of these areas. ern labor unions, and because of his would like to submit this article to the Has anyone ever estimiated the disastrous impact of such "sound banking policy" on unique leadership qualities, he gained CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: cities, even when street wisdom was in the the respect of all locals and the United THE BLOOMING OF BROOKLYN act of proving the bankers wrong? They have Association. This is the year of Brooklyn, but you'd a lot to answer for. (They'll handle the build­ In 1967, the home office called Mr. never know it in New York. The season's top ings now, at quintuple markups in sound, Lucas to the headquarters to work on theatrical event--the visit of England Royal marketable neighborhoods.) problems of trade jurisdiction. Two years Shakespeare Company-took place in Brook­ This charm, comfort and beauty, from tree­ later he was named director of that de­ lyn, at the handsomely restored Brooklyn lined streets and blooming back yards to partment by President Peter Schoe­ Academy of Music. Genera.lly, it ts easier to Eastlake parlors and sun-filled kitchens, is get New Yorkers to cross the Atlantic to Lon- within a stone's or a subway's throw of the mann. Those years of hard work and don than to cross the East River. · big apple. Transportation facilities are ex­ loyalty to the organization proved his Politically, as well as culturally, it ls the cellent, although they need upgrading like ability to serve the area with knowledge year of Brooklyn, with a Brooklyn ma.n in the rest of New York's mass transit. Every­ and integrity-needed commodities in City Ha.11 and a Brooklyn man in the State thing converges on downtown Brooklyn. And an experienced arbitrator. He served as Capitol at Albany, which gives Brooklyn both if the natives don't want to cross the river. chairman of the carpenter committee clout and ca.ob.et, And with Manhattan mark­ they have an overwhelming concentration or from 1964 to 1974. ing time in an atmosphere of recession and their own cultural and educational institu­ in gloom, most of what 1s happening in New tions. During his entire career the union, York 1s going on quietly across the river. Again, if one stops to think about it, the Mr. Lucas has adhered to the policy Actually, the blooming of doWilltown score is stupefying. There are at least a that the well-being of his union breth­ Brooklyn should not really take New Yorkers dozen educational institutions, with 45,000 ren :.s paramount and that all gains so very much by surprise. It wouldn't if they students enrolled in them, a.s compared to achieved in improved working conditions, didn't keep looking the other way. A walk 26,288 students in Cambridge, Mass. Baruch hours and pay scales are directly related a.cross the Brooklyn Bridge on a magical early College is now moving toward realization on to the success of their employers. I:is spring day or evening reveals more than its 13 acres of the Atlantic Terminal renewal April 23, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 11577 site after 10 years of backing and filling. We have saved the best till last. Downtown There is a small, steady, loyal stream to the Brooklyn not only has an unparalleled View LEE HAMILTON'S WASHINGTON dance programs (outstanding) and exhibi­ of Manhattan, it has a wonderful waterfront.
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