€ /a M 8.1 Cash drain: drain: Cash 58 500 t/a 500 Carbon emissions: emissions: Carbon www.biomasseverband.at tripled over the last ten years. ten last the over tripled heat. of tion accounted for by the agricultural and the waste sectors. waste the and agricultural the by for accounted bioenergy. for January 2020, Graz, Austria Graz, 2020, January The production of district heating based on biomass has more than than more has biomass on based heating district of production The genera- the for used is bioenergy Austria’s of percent 80 than More More than half of the future development potential of biomass is is biomass of potential development future the of half than More supplier raw-material important most Austria’s currently are Forests Biomass Conference Biomass MIT UNTERSTÜTZUNG VOM UNTERSTÜTZUNG MIT European Central compiled with utmost care, however we can assume no liability for its accuracy, integrity and up-to-dateness. up-to-dateness. and integrity accuracy, its for liability no assume can we however care, utmost with compiled Date of publication: publication: of Date 6/2018. The content of this folder has been been has folder this of content The 6/2018. Ossiach; Ausbildungsstätte Forstliche Bergmann, Bernhard Hartberg, Region Model Energy and Climate GmbH, enbach Visit us at the next the at us Visit Photographs: Photographs: Drawings: Bernhard Bergmann (cover), picture library of ÖBMV, ClipDealer, Österreichischer Österreichischer ClipDealer, ÖBMV, of library picture (cover), Bergmann Bernhard Weinknecht; Martin Liptay; Peter - Unterweiß Biowärme achelofenverband, K Editorial staff: staff: Editorial owner: and Publisher Design: Design: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Pfemeter, Forstassessor Peter Liptay; Liptay; Peter Forstassessor Pfemeter, Christoph Dipl.-Ing. Wien; A-1010 13, Josefs-Kai Franz Association, Biomass Austrian olfgang Krasny, Krasny, olfgang W Legal notice Legal make a substantial contribution to covering energy consumption. energy covering to contribution substantial a make the domestic energy demand. demand. energy domestic the as wind power and four times more than photovoltaic. than more times four and power wind as latter biofuels could gain in importance mostly in the field of aviation. of field the in mostly importance in gain could biofuels latter Until now, among renewable energies only bioenergy and hydro and bioenergy only energies renewable among now, Until wer wer po the EU, is achieved, the bioenergy sector could cover about a third of of third a about cover could sector bioenergy the achieved, is EU, the Biomass covers 6.4 percent of electricity generation, almost as much much as almost generation, electricity of percent 6.4 covers Biomass industrial heat generation and in the transport sector. Regarding the the Regarding sector. transport the in and generation heat industrial to the forestry sector. If a reduction of energy use, as aimed for by by for aimed as use, energy of reduction a If sector. forestry the to in the fields of electricity generation, high-temperature processes in in processes high-temperature generation, electricity of fields the in Source: Statistics Austria, Energy balance 2016 2016 balance Energy Austria, Statistics Source: energy associations energy the agricultural and the waste sector; the remaining share is related related is share remaining the sector; waste the and agricultural the 2030 2015 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 1975 1970 2016 Future prospects by the year 2050 envision increased use of biomass biomass of use increased envision 2050 year the by prospects Future Forest and climate protection climate and Forest according to renewable renewable to according The Power of wood – cascade use cascade – wood of Power The region the to value adds wood with Heating Imports 9.9 % % 9.9 potential of renewable energy energy renewable of potential More than half of this potential for development is associated with with associated is development for potential this of half than More Waste, non-renewable Waste, 1.3 % % 1.3 Coal 0 Outlook Energy balances 1970–2016, 1970–2016, balances Energy Oil 1.4 % % 1.4 Source: Statistics Austria, Austria, Statistics Source: Imports of biomass could increase by a further 39 percent by the year 2030. 2030. year the by percent 39 further a by increase could biomass of Bioenergy clips Bioenergy Coal 5.5 % % 5.5 Gas PV Gas 1.9 % % 1.9 1 Bioenergy www.youtube.com/user/waermeausholz sectors. If its potential is consistently made available, Austria’s use use Austria’s available, made consistently is potential its If sectors. 300 Other solid biomass solid Other 0.2 % % 0.2 based Renewable waste Renewable 0.4 % % 0.4 mass volume; the rest came from the agricultural and the waste waste the and agricultural the from came rest the volume; mass Hydropower base load accommodation. accommodation. load base 261 PJ 261 Wood- Biogas 0.9 % % 0.9 Wind Total - bio Austria’s of percent 79 provided they 2016, In forests. our are the-clock and thus to make an important contribution to electricity electricity to contribution important an make to thus and the-clock liquor Black liquor Black 1.9 % % 1.9 Wind energy Wind 600 www.cebc.at information: More Wood-based 3.0 % % 3.0 Black Black The most important source of raw material for the biomass sector sector biomass the for material raw of source important most The heat and power plants are capable of generating electricity around- electricity generating of capable are plants power and heat Photovoltaic heat pump heat Graz in January 2020. 2020. January in Graz and Geothermal % 0.1 < ficiency regarding small-scale power generation. Biomass combined combined Biomass generation. power small-scale regarding ficiency Hydropower Forests: main source of raw material material raw of source main Forests: Solar heat heat Solar Photovoltaic 1.5 % % 1.5 900 Wind 7.2 % % 7.2 - ef high for allows It Germany. in as well as Austria in rise the on is 6 the at you welcoming to forward looking are GmbH 2020+ Bioenergy in in Conference Biomass European Central Ambient heat Ambient Other renewables Other 15.1 % % 15.1 th that of photovoltaic by four times. Wood cogeneration technology technology cogeneration Wood times. four by photovoltaic of that Hydropower % 55,0 The organisers, the Austrian Biomass Association, the Styrian Chamber for Agriculture and Forestry and the the and Forestry and Agriculture for Chamber Styrian the Association, Biomass Austrian the organisers, The 1,200 Fossil fuels fuels Fossil The contribution of biomass to the generation of electricity exceeds exceeds electricity of generation the to biomass of contribution The nuclear power and fossil fuels is not feasible. not is fuels fossil and power nuclear Electricity generation, 2016 generation, Electricity Total Green power, whatever the weather weather the whatever power, Green at most. It is therefore obvious that without bioenergy the exit from from exit the bioenergy without that obvious therefore is It most. at 1,500 place simultaneously with the home builder trade fair for 40 for fair trade builder home the with simultaneously place visitors with a focus on energy technologies. technologies. energy on focus a with visitors 000 covers more than 5 percent of the total consumption. consumption. total the of percent 5 than more covers Without bioenergy however, it would drop down to about 15 percent percent 15 about to down drop would it however, bioenergy Without referring to scenario WAM plus, Environment Agency Austria Austria Agency Environment plus, WAM scenario to referring PJ Matchmaking Event and B2B meetings make the conference an excellent platform for networking. The CEBC takes takes CEBC The networking. for platform excellent an conference the make meetings B2B and Event Matchmaking Reduction of gross domestic consumption 2030 2030 consumption domestic gross of Reduction For transportation it is most difficult to replace fossil fuels – biomass biomass – fuels fossil replace to difficult most is it transportation For mix by the year 2020. The current share amounts to 33.5 percent. percent. 33.5 to amounts share current The 2020. year the by mix combustion of fossil fuels. fossil of combustion 1970 to 2016 and potential for 2030 for potential and 2016 to 1970 Excursions to biomass projects and the industry forum bridge the gap between theory and practice. Workshops, the the Workshops, practice. and theory between gap the bridge forum industry the and projects biomass to Excursions tain a share of 34 percent of renewable energy in its total energy energy total its in energy renewable of percent 34 of share a tain fuel consumption are vital to contain carbon emission levels from the the from levels emission carbon contain to vital are consumption fuel Source: Statistics Austria, Energy balance 2016, Useful energy analysis 2016 2016 analysis energy Useful 2016, balance Energy Austria, Statistics Source: Development of gross domestic energy consumption consumption energy domestic gross of Development - at to bound is Austria requirements, Union European to According an overview of the political, economic and technological developments in the field of bioenergy use in Europe. Europe. in use bioenergy of field the in developments technological and economic political, the of overview an liquid gases liquid fostering the public transport sector as well as systems with reduced reduced with systems as well as sector transport public the fostering and Natural % 3.5 important bioenergy event in Central Europe. The conference, which takes place every three years in Graz, provides provides Graz, in years three every place takes which conference, The Europe. Central in event bioenergy important development of renewable energy sources, new mobility concepts concepts mobility new sources, energy renewable of development Elektric energy energy Elektric % 2.7 amounts to more than 2.5 times the volume of the year 1990. 1990. year the of volume the times 2.5 than more to amounts only 10 to 13 percent of the total energy consumption for years.
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