Fellowship of Makers and Researchers of Historical Instruments FoMRHI Quarterly Permuted Index II 1975 - 1998 Mietke to Zinken 1975-i i> tl ft) 1975-1998 Permuted Index A signed Mietke harpsichord. Kilstrom C-1057 Sweden (in/ Plans: the 1710 Michael Mietke single harpsichord in Hudiksval Bul-90 An exceptional G-sharp in Milan. Lindley C-684 Chiesa Milanese keyboard makers - 16th century C-1231 di Musica, no. 17, April 1989, Commune de Milano /I Quaderni della Civico Scuola C-989 Violin makers in Milano 17th-18th century. Chiesa C-1202 Diderot, viols and false tables. Miller C-214 Making lute pegs. Miller C-140 Restoration of a recorder edge. Miller C-353 theorbo from Musick's Monument, 1676. Miller Mace's C-154 musical instruments in the Dayton C. Miller collection. Cousen /Seyfritt: C-463 conversion of cents to Hertz. Goodwin Mills Computer programs for the C-791 sources of instrument-making timber. Mills Two possible C-433 Pepys's minikin. Downing C-1567 /Campbell: A check-list of the free reed, miscellaneous and ancillary instruments/ C-447 Miscellaneous comments. Cronin C-533 century in Lanciano (Abruzzo, Italy). Miscia, Tiella /making of the 19th C-1608 (record). Montagu Review: Rans, Misschaert: Die nachtegael int wilde C-284 (record). Yakeley Review: Rans, Misschaert: Die nachtegael int wilde C-285 A=415.3 and all that. Mobbs C-851 Magnano, Italy 21-23 September 1995. Mobbs /clavichord symposium, C-1478 'sunburst' for a cabinet piano. Mobbs, Mobbs Making a silk C-1473 Dr Robert Smith's 1748 keyboard tunings. Mobbs, Mackenzie of Ord C-1583 a silk 'sunburst' for a cabinet piano. Mobbs, Mobbs Making C-1473 drills, van Leeuwen Modification and sharpening of twist C-"?07 Jones On the reviewing and modification of musical instruments C-1018 Deutsche/ Review: Moeck (ed): Fiinf Jahrhunderte C-883 Moire contours. McLennan C-744 Willetts Moisture blocking of fipple flutes C-470 symbolism in the mural/ Falcon M0ller. Music aloft - musical C-1449 - with gratitude to Christopher Monk. Montagu /Snakes are Beautiful C-1061 The construction of a monochord. Montagu C-21 Mersenne's monochord. Napier-Hemy C-1054 Review: van Ree Bernard: The keyed monochord; rediscovery of a forgotten/ C-1240 and renaissance music./ Review: Monroe. Adding percussion to medieval C-1451 & Fortepiano magazine, October 1986. Montagu Review: Harpsichord C-895 & Raymond Parks, Trumpets and Trombones. Montagu /Vol 2;H;iii, Arnold Myers C-1211 (April 1997) & no.20, Sept 1997. Montagu /a vent. VII special C-1547 (Exhibition catalogue Frankfurt 1991). Montagu /from all over the world, C-1024 (Floten; Drehleier & Dudelsack). Montagu /Two catalogues of exhibitions C-424 (collection Haags Gemeente Museum). Montagu /recorders of the 18th century C-1058 (on C-1082, C-1077, C-1078 and C-1081). Montagu Various comments C-1084 (small and large mouthpieces for brass, Montagu /collection, vol 2-H iv&v C-1447 - Mikko Korhonen plays instant music. Montagu Review: Swedish clavichords C-1535 - des facteurs d'instruments de musique. Montagu /Un musee aujourd'hui C-693 - further to C-203, C-411 and C-659. Montagu Memlinc revisited C-1188 FOMRHI Quarterly page 2-81 99/03/28 rel 11.2 1975-1998 Permuted Index - the Galpin Society's 40th anniversary. Montagu Made for music C-752 - with gratitude to Christopher Monk. Montagu Review: Snakes are Beautiful C-1061 ...', an obituary for Michael Morrow. Montagu 'Let us now praise famous men C-1272 12, 1985. Montagu C-691 /3, 1987. Montagu C-782 17 (August 1995 & 18 (February 1996). Montagu Review: Larigot C-1448 2 (the descriptive fascicles, 44 pp). Montagu /illustrations, 168 pp) and C-l 133 2500 historical woodwind instruments. Montagu Review: Young: C-806 2;E;ii, William Waterhouse, Bassoons. Montagu /Instruments, catalogue Vol C-1211 4, Plucked stringed-instruments. Montagu /College, Tokio: Catalogue C-645 A flying visit to Italy. Montagu C-658 A hypothesis on the symphony. Montagu C-96 A musical Directory for the year 1794. Montagu Review: Joseph Doane: C-l207 A rejoinder to a response to C-l 157. Montagu C-l 177 A return visit to Venice. Montagu C-673 A survey of musical instruments. Montagu Review: Marcuse: C-20 A word of two on the flute (1826). Montagu Review: James: C-427 ACB, Anthony Baines, 1912-1997. Montagu C-1502 Abstracts, vol. 28, no. 3, 237 pp. Montagu /Art & Archeology Technical C-l 107 Age. 386pp, CD + photo CD. 130 Dfl. Montagu /Music & Painting in the Golden C-1310 Ages; studies on text and performance. Montagu /and instruments of the Middle C-l565 An acoustical problem. Montagu C-221 As like as two peas. Montagu C-1588 Ashmolean museum, CD or cassette. Montagu /the 1772 Kirckman harpsichord C-l071 Auckland Institute & Museum, 1989. Montagu /Moyle: the Sound of Oceania, C-921 Augusteum: Jahresschrift 22 1976. Montagu /Salzburger Museum Carolino C-149 Bagpipe Society, vol.1, part 2, '86/'87. Montagu /Chanter, the journal of the C-783 Beethoven and the early music industry. Montagu More on C-l 157 Being fair to evidence in scholarship. Montagu C-1582 Biber: 16 Rosenkrantzsonaten (record). Montagu Review: C-603 Biblical instruments - further to C-672. Montagu C-721 C-900 on conservation and accreditation. Montagu A response to Cary's C-906 Catalogue 3, Bowed stringed-instruments. Montagu /Kunitachi College, Tokio: C-645 Catalogue of old brasswind instruments. Montagu Bingham C-481 Citt/Gitt (cittern and gittern) again. Montagu C-1530 Citt/Gitt. Montagu C-1514 College, Tokio, 2 vols, rev edition. Montagu /musical instruments, Kunitachi C-1475 College, Tokio: Catalogue 5, Harp; Lyre. Montagu Review: Kunitachi C-645 College, Tokio: Catalogue 8, bagpipes. Montagu Review: Kunitachi C-920 College, Tokio: Catalogue 9, Flute. Montagu Review: Gunji, Kunitachi C-988 Comments on C-448. Montagu C-473 Commonwealth Institute London (concert). Montagu /musicians of Jajouka at the C-316 Conservation, archaeology & museums. Montagu /UK Institute for Conservation: C-384 Cow bells, a request. Montagu C-l 156 Crafts Council Conservation Sourcebook. Montagu Review: C-242 Crumhorns - a letter from Hanchet to Montagu C-241 FOMRHI Quarterly page 2-82 99/03/28 rel 11.2 1975-1998 Permuted Index Dawnym Instrumentarium, 1998; 184 pp. Montagu Review: Golos: Przewodnik Po C-l 114 Deutsche Musikinstrumentenbau. Montagu /(ed): Fiinf Jahrhunderte C-883 Die Romische Orgel von Aquincum. Montagu Review: Kaba: C-l49 Die nachtegael int wilde (record). Montagu Review: Rans, Misschaert: C-284 Don't go overboard about ivory. Montagu C-941 Ellis: Hanes y delyn yng Nghymru. Montagu Review: C-283 Ellis: The story of the harp in Wales. Montagu Review: C-283 Ensemble, the last of the troubadours. Montagu Review: Martin Best Medieval C-l071 Fairly, Flutes, flautists and makers. Montagu Review: C-445 Flote, Frankreich 1832-1932, 270 pp., Montagu /Das goldene Zeitalter der C-l239 FoMRHI book news. Montagu C-148 FoMRHI book news. Montagu C-56 Ford: Making musical instruments. Montagu Review: C-l88a Further to Cary's C-655. Montagu C-677 General: Music and book reviews. Montagu Bul-54 Getutscht, (tr Beth Bullard), 275 pp. Montagu Review: Virdung: Musica C-1241 Gunji, Kunitachi College, Tokio: lute. Montagu Review: C-949 Herre. Museum Musicum Leipzig. Montagu Review: Schrammek, C-416 Hertz to cents and vice versa. Montagu Converting C-732 Hope: Italian baroque guitar (record). Montagu Review: C-299 Intervals, scales and temperaments. Montagu Review: Boyle: C-191 Jansen: The bassoon, part I (plates). Montagu Review: C-l90 Jansen: The bassoon, part VIII & IX. Montagu Review: C-350 Journal XIII, 1987, October 1986. Montagu /Musical Instrument Society C-895 Karp: Basic keyboard tuning techniques. Montagu Review: C-l06 Katalog der Streichinstrumente Berlin. Montagu Review: C-90 Klemt og Klang; Ringve Museum. Montagu Review: Kjeldsberg: C-l 10a Landesmuseum, Linz. Montagu /in the Oberosterreichisches C-l534 Larigot, no. 2, May 1988, October 1986. Montagu Review: C-895 Larigot; annual subscription to ACIMV. Montagu Review: C-l210 Laying & decorating harpsichord papers. Montagu Review: Mactaggart: C-399 Leipzig band 5 Horner und Zinken. Montagu /Musikinstrumenten Museum C-498 Lindley: Lutes, viols & temperaments. Montagu Review: C-555 Lost traditions - or are they? Montagu C-468 Making a spinet by traditional methods. Montagu Review: Barnes: C-601 Mandolins of the 18th century, 154 pp. Montagu Review: Stephen Morey: C-l269 March for two pairs of kettledrums. Montagu Review: Philidor: C-785 Metal-covered threads before 1600. Montagu C-139 More on Longman, Lukey & Broderip. Montagu C-751 Museum - part 2 (further to C-l297). Montagu /Wien, Kunsthistorisches C-l312 Museum Leipzig band 1 Floten. Montagu /Heyde: Musikinstrumenten C-l93 Museum Leipzig band 2 Kielinstrumente. Montagu /Henkel: Musikinstrumenten C-348 Museum Leipzig band 4 Clavichorde. Montagu /Henkel: Musikinstrumenten C-498 Museum, vol 1, keyed brass instruments. Montagu /Stewart: The Shrine to Music C-365 Museum: Exhibition catalogue 1987. Montagu Review: Ringve C-784 Music, November 1988, October 1986. Montagu Review: Early C-895 FOMRHI Quarterly page 2-83 99/03/28 rel 11.2 1975-1998 Permuted Index Musica Maximiliana, Ekkehart Stegmiller. Montagu Review: Henning: C-805 Musical Instruments], 1991; 209 pp. Montagu /Polish terminology of Historic C-l 114 Musical instruments of the West. Montagu Review: Remnant: C-149 Musical instruments of the world. Montagu Review: Diagram_group: C-73 Musical instruments through the ages. Montagu Review: Hamber, Stanners: C-689 Musikhistoriska museets skrifter. Montagu /Musicae Popularis, C-l 11 Musikinstrumente des Altertums. Montagu /Vorreiter: Die schonsten C-480 Musikinstrumenter ved Ringve Museum. Montagu Review: Kjeldsberg: C-l 10 Musikinstrumenter ved Ringve Museum. Montagu Review: Kjeldsberg: C-429 Myers: The Glen account book 1838-1853. Montagu Review: C-669 National Museum, 1989, 415 pp. Montagu /Musikinstrumente, Germanisches .... C-1069 Notes on the Horniman Museum Handbook.
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