See Page -8 for ME UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION via the Susiness CMELLm'S WET NO. 78 Affairs and Audit Committee. September 1, 1994 TO MEMBERS OF THE BUSINESS AFFAIRS AND AUDIT COMMITTEE: Tom Loeffler. Chairman Robert J. Crui kshank Hartha E. Smiley The Docket for The University of Texas System Administration and the Dockets recommended by the Chi ef Admi nistrati ve Offi cers concerned and prepared by the component institutions listed be1 ow are herewith submitted for ratification or approval, as appropriate. at the meeting of the U. T. System Hoard af Regents on October 7, 1994. The appropriate Executive Vice Chancellors and I concur in these recamendat ions. lnsti utions - Pases The University of Tex-n C-1 through C-17 The University of Texas at Arl ington AR-1 through AR-62 The University of Texas at Austin A- 1 through A-33 The University of Texas at Brownsvi 1 1e 0-1 through 8-7 The University of Texas at Dallas 0-1 through 0-9 The University of Texas at El Paso EP-1 through EP-11 The University of Texas - Pan American PA-1 through PA-8 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin PB-1 through PB -4 The University of Texas at San Antonio SA-1 through SA-12 The University of Texas at Tyler TA-1 through TA-5 The University of Texas Southwestern Med~cal Center at Dallas HD-1 through HD-14 The ~niversityof Texas Medical Branch at Galveston G-1 through G-15 The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston HH-1 through HH-8 The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio HS - 1 through HS - 13 The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center CC-1 through LC-9 The University of Texas Health 5zTy2/& 5zTy2/& HT-1 through HT-4 William H. Cunning Chancel 1or WHC :sh xc: TomHicks Bernard Rapoport Zan W. Holmes, Jr. El 1en C . Temp1 e Lowel 1 H. Lebermann, Jr. James P. Duncan Mario E. Ramirez, M.D. Charles 0. Mullins, M.0. THE WIYEEIM OF TEXAS SYSJEH ADnINZSTRATION U. T. BWUI OF REGEKTS' HEETIHG OCTOBER 7, 1994 Paqe Business Contracts for Services . C- 3 Land Matters. incl udi ng Standard Easements. Surface Leases Permits and Water Contracts . C- 5 Other Fiscal Items . C-15 Land and Investment Report . C-17 (See attachment L & 1 1-943 THE UNIVERSITY Of TEXAS SYSTEM AIHlINISTRATION OCTOBER 7. 1994 BUSINESS CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES The following contracts have been awarded. have been administratively approved. and are recommended for ratification by the U. T. Board of Regents: (MNDMENT TO FUNDS COMING IN) Agency : Texas National Research Laboratory Commission Funds : Reduce $1,969,454 to $1,304,599 Period: Effective July 25, 1994 JitlelDescription: Amendment to subcontract docketed August. 1994. U. T. System through U. T. Austin shall furnlsh the necessary personnel , mater i a1 s, servi ces . faci 1 iti es and equipment for the Phase II SSC Project Assets Utilization Project Definition Study HUB : No (FUNDS GOING W) 2. Agency: Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Funds : $11,800 Period: September 1, 1994 - August 31, 1995 Titl e/Descri pti on: Conduct research on ecological rehabi 1 i tat ion of caliche pits on University Lands HUB : No 3. Agency: NationsSanc Capital Markets, Inc. Funds : N/A Period: N/A Title/Descrl pti on : Master repurchase agreement for poss ibl e investment s for various port fol i0s. HUB : NO 4. Agency: Carroll McEntee & McGinl ey Incorporated Funds : N/A Titl elDescr ipt i on : Master repurchase agreement for possi ble investments for various portfolios. HU8 : No 5. Agency: Nomura Securities International , Inc. Funds : N/A Period: N/A Ti tle/Descri pti on : Master repurchase agreement for possi ble investments for various portfolios. HUR : No 6. Agency: J. P. Morgan Securities. Inc. Funds : NI A Period: N /A Titl e/Description : Master repurchase agreement for possible i nvestments for various portfol i 0s. HUB : No ME UNIYERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM ADHINISTRATIUN U. T. BOARD OF REGEKE' MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1994 BUSINESS CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES (Conti nued) (FUNDS GOING OUT) 7. Agency: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Funds : 7.5 basis per annum Period: Effective August 15. 1994 TitJe/Description: Provide Remarketing Services in connection with the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System Permanent University Fund Variable Rate Notes, Series A. HUB : No 8. Agency: Bankers Trust Company Funds : $1,200 Annual 1y Per iod : Effective August 23. 1994 TitlelDescription: Provide Paying Agent/Registrar Services in connection with the Regents of The University of Texas System Permanent University Fund Var iabl e Rate Notes. Series A. HUB : No With the approval of the Attorney General, Vice Chancellor and General Counsel Farabee has executed *Outside Counsel Agreements" for Fiscal Year 1993-1994 with the firms 1isted below. These agreements specify the maximum amount to be paid and the legal services to be rendered. Davi s & Wi1 kerson. Austin, Texas Dies & Hlle, L.L.P., Austin, Texas Ful bright & Jaworski , Houston. Texas Gardere & Wynne, Dall as, Texas Hoffman, Sutterfield. Ensenat & Bankston, Baton Rouge, Loui siana Kelly. Hart & Hallman, Austin, Texas Lannen & Oliver, Dallas, Texas (HUB) Lewis & Williams. Galveston, Texas Little, Pedersen , F ankhauser & Cox, Dal 1 as, Texas McGi nni s . tochr idge & Ki1 gore, San Antonio, Texas Rafael 4ui ntani1 1 a. Austin, Texas (HUB) Walker & Satterthwaite, Austin, Texas (HUB) Yava Scott, Houston, Texas (HUB) (BUSINESS CmSUPPLEMEHTAL INFOR)(ATIONI Total Number of Contracts: Total Number Awarded to HUBS: % of Total Number of Contracts Awarded to HUBS: Total Funds: Total Funds Awarded to HUBS: % of Total Funds Awarded to HUBS: THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM AOMINISTRATION U. T. BOARD OF REGEWSm NEnING (XPTrnER 7, 1994 LAND HATERS. INCLUDING STANDARD EASEMENTS, SURFACE LEASES, PERMITS AND WATER CONTRACTS lAND HATIERS Easement and Surface lease Nos. 869B· 8743, Amended Surface lease No. 6496. Assignment of lease Nos. 6337. 6384. 6463. 6597. 6606. 7271. 7500, 7501. 7502. 7503. 7605. 7606, 7607. 7958, 8141 &8206, 8505. Water Contract No. 216W &Water Exploration Permit #2, Salt Water Disposal Contract Nos. 121D·1220 and Geophyslcal Permit Nos. 4360· 4364. ··It is recommended by the Executive Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs that the following applications for easements and surface leases, amended surface lease. assignment of leases. water contracts. water exploration permit. salt ~ater disposal contracts and geophysical permits be ratified and the appropriate filing fees be accepted. All have been approved as to content by the appropriate officials. Payment for each has been received unless otherwise lndicated. and each document is on the University's standard form when applicable and is at the standard rate effecti~e February 1. 1986. unless otherw1se indicated. Easements and Surface Leases Nos. 8698 . 8743 No. Company Type County Block I Distance Period Consideration Pipe Line Reagan 9 & 58 900.72 rods of 7/1194 $8.935.78 n. Gas 12 3/B- 1ine. 6/3012004 0'1 354.61 rods of 10 3/8" line & 330.08 rods of 6 5/B" line 8699 Northern Natural Gas Company Pipe line Ward 18 247.45 rods of 811/94 1.113.52 (Renewa1 of #6079) Gas 4 112"' line 7/31/2004 8700 Warren Petroleum Company Pipe line Crane 30 1.633.00 rods of 911/94 7.34B.50 (Renewal of 16234) Gas 10 6/8" line 6/3112004 8701 Southland Royalty Company Power Line Crane 30 &31 151.01 rods of 7/1/94 400.00 Distribution single line 6/30/2004 (Hi n. ) B702 West Texas Utilities Company Power line Crockett 46 42.42 rods of 711/94 400.00 Distribution single line 6/30/2004 (Min.> ~ No. Company Type County Block. Distance Period Consideration 8742 Texas Utilities Electric Power line Andrews 13. 9.*3 2.041. 87 rods of 11/1194 52.858.61 (Renewal of #6271) Distribution &11 single line 10/31/2004 8743 Unelco Inc .. dba Surface lease Reagan 11 3 acres 9/1/94 1.200.00 Underwood Electric Office, Truck approximately 8/31/1995 (Renewal of #6694) &Electric Yard Amended Surface lease No. 6496 No. Company Type cyunt y Block I Distance Period Consideration L 2.16 acres 611/94 $600.00 approximately 10/31/95 Assignment of leases Nos. 6337. 6384. 6463. 6597. 6606. 7271. 7500. 7501. 7502, 7503. 7605, 7606. 7607. 7958. B141. 8206 &8505 No. Assignor Assignee Type Permit County Consideration 6337 Texaco Exploration &Production. 01 sen Energy. Inc, Pipel ine Ward $400,00 Inc. 6384 Western Gas Resources. Inc. Delhl Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipeline Ward 400.00 6463 R.S. Meroney Jimmy l. Brown Surface lease Reagan 400.00 No. ASS iqnor Assi qnee Tme Permit Countv Consideration 6597 Western Gas Resources. Inc. Delhi Gas Pipeline Corp. Surface Lease Ward $400.00 Texaco Exploration 4 Production. Ol sen Energy. Inc. Powrl ine Ward 400.00 Inc. Exxon Pipel ine Conpany Texh Cmrcial Company Pipeline Crocke t i kitern Gas Resources. Inc. Delhi Gas Pipel ine Carp. Pipe?i ne Ward Western Gas Resources. inc. Delhi Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipel i ne Ward Western Gas Resources, I nc . Oel hi Gas Pipel ine Corp. Pipel ine Ward Western Gas Resources. Inc. De3 hi Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipel ine Ward Western Gas Resources. Inc. Delhi Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipe1 ine Ward Western Gas Resources. Inc. klhi Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipe? ine Ward Western Gas Resources. Inc. De?hi Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipel ine Ward Western Gas Resources. Inc. Delhi Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipeline Hard Western Gas Resources. Inc. Delhi Gas Pipeline Corp. Pipel ine Ward Engineered Pipel ine Systems. I nc . Coda Energy Inc.
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