^(,^13 S^cparfwcnf of ihe ^nieviov U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. Serial Number 44 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM No. 33. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 0C124 /../^' ^) WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1889. ADVERTISEMENT. This work (Bulletin No. 33) is the forty-fourth of a series of papers intended to illustrate the collections of natural history and ethnology belonging to the United States, and constituting the National Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution was placed in charge by the act of Congress of August 10, 1846. It has been i^repared at the request of the Institution, and printed by authority of the honorable Secretary of the Interior. The publications of the National Museum consists of two series—the Bulletins, of which this is No. 33, in continuous series, and the Proceed- ings, of which the tenth volume is now in press. The volumes of Proceedings are printed, signature by signature, each issue having its own date, and a small edition of each signature is dis- tributed to libraries promptly after its publication. From time to time the publications of the Museum which have been issued separately are combined together and issued as volumes of the Miscellaneous Collections. These are struck off from the stereotype plates from which the first edition was printed, and in this form are distributed by the Smithsonian Institution to libraries and scientific societies throughout the world. Volume 13 of these collections includes. Bulletins 1 to 10 inclusive ; volume 19, volumes 1 and 2 of the Proceed- ings; volume 22, volumes 3 and 4 of the Proceedings; and volume 23, Bulletins 11 to 15 inclusive. Full lists of the publications of the Museum may be found in the cur- rent catalogues of the publications of the Smithsonian Institution. Papers intended for publication in the Proceedings and Bulletins of the National Museum are referred to the Committee on Publications, composed as follows : T. H. Bean, A. Howard Clark (editor), Otis T. Mason, Leonhard Stejneger, Frederick W. True, and Lester F. Ward. SPENCER F. BAIRD, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, January 7, 1887. CATALOGUE OF MINERALS AND SYNONYMS, T. EGLESTON, Ph. D. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1887. : PREFACE. This catalogue was commenced in the year 1867 for use in arranging the collections of the School of Mines of Columbia College, but after many mouths' labor, when the work was nearly completed up to that date, it was abandoned on account of the press of other duties. The collections have since that time increased to such an extent that the necessity of a Museum catalogue has impressed itself upon me many times, but other duties prevented my taking it up. In the last year, however, having occasion to make some investigations and finding it almost impossible to get at the different synonyms of the various min- erals on account of the imperfections of the indices of the various works, the work was taken up again and finished. It was found that the progress of the science since 1867 had been so great that the work previously done had to be altogether abandoned, so that all that is left of it is the general plan. It is hardly to be hoped that this catalogue is without errors, or that every name which has been published has been found. There are, however, several thousand more names contained in it than in any other published index. In doing the work there have been consulted first of all the collections of the School of Mines, and also the following works (1) Dana's System of Mineralogy. New York, 1885. (2) Dana's first, second, and third Supplements. New York, 1885. (3) American Journal of Science, 1880 to 1885. (4) Elemente der Mineralogie. Naumann. Tenth edition. Leipsic. 1877. (5) Cours de Mineralogie. Delafosse. 3 vols. Paris, 1862. (6) Traits de Mineralogie. Dufrenoy. 5 vols. Second edition. 1859. (7) Websky die Minerale Species. Breslan, 1868. (8) Readwin's Index Mineralogy. London, 1867. (9) Bristow's Glossary Mineralogy. London, 1861. (10) Plattner's Blowpipe Analysis. New York, 1873. (11) Cleaveland's Mineralogy. Second edition. 1822. (12) The Bulletin de la Society Min6ralogique de France. (13) Zeitschrift fur Krystallographio und Mineralogie. 1877 to 1886. (14) Mohs's Grundriss der Mineralogie. Dresden, 1822. (15) Haidinger's Translation of Mohs. Edinburgh, 1825. (16) Mineralogical Magazine. London, 1877 to 1884. Kone of these have been found, after careful observation, to have had a complete index. The need of such a collection of synonyms has been such a necessity in the management of the collection of the School of Mines that it is hoped it will be found to be useful in other museums. The names of the species have been printed in capitals, those of doubtful species in italics, and those of synonyms in ordinary type. As 5 6 BULLETIN 33, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. far as possible the uame of the authority for the species has been given in italics. Tlie sjuonyms under each species have been divided into classes where that is necessary, and then arranged alphabetically for convenience in referring to them. The symbols representing t. e com- position of the minerals have been given according to the new system, as that seems mostly to accord with the modern progress. It would not have been possible for me, with all my other duties, to have done this work without the very careful and zealous assistance '-f Mr. A. J. Moses, instructor in mineralogy of the School of V jd the active co-operation of my assistant, Mr. Struthers, and to tu^se gen- tlemen I gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness. THOS. EGLESTOK School of Mines, Columbia College, New Yoric, December 1, 1886. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Well-authenticated species are printed in LARGE CAPITALS and doubtful species in italics. The synonyms follow in alphabetical order, and under species important varieties are printed in small capitals, with their synonyms. No attempt has been made to prove that the names in italics, which follow the various synonyms, are those of the original users of such synonyms. The following abbreviations are used: Abild. {Jbildg.), Peter C. Abildgaard. Dioscor. (Diosc), Pedauius Dioscorides. Jgric, Georgius Agricola. Dolom., D. de Dolomieu. Alb. Mayn., Albertus Magnus. Domey., I. Domeyko. Jlchem., Alchemists. Dufr. {Duf., Dufren.), A. Dnfr^noy. Aldrov., Ulyssus Aldrovandus. El-eh., A. G. Ekeberg. Alg., F. Alger. Emm., E. Emmous. Ariat., Aristotle. Emmerh, L. A. Einmerliag. if.. H.J.Brooke. Engl., English. Bergm. (Berg.), Tobernus Bergmann. Erdm., A. Erdmann. Bernh., J. J. Beruhardi. Esvi., M. Esmark. Berth., P. Bertbier. Forchh., Johan Georg Forchhammer. Ba-z., J. J. Berzelius. ForsL, J. R. Forster. Bend., F. S. Beudant. Fr., French. Blooi., C. W. Blomstraud. Freies., J. C. Freiesleben. Blumen. (.Blum.), J. F. Blumenbach. Gerh., C. A. Gerhard. Botw., B. Bonvoisin. Germ., German. Boulang., C. Boulanger. Gesn., Cimrat'.i Gesner. Bourn., Couite do Bournou. Clock., E. F. Glocker. Bous. (Boussitig.), J. B. J. D. Boussingault. Gmel., J. F. Gnieliu. Breit. (Brelth.), A. Breithaupt. Grev., Charles Greville. Brewst., Sir David Brewster. H., L'Abbd Hauy. Broch., A. J. M. Brocbaute de Villiera. Hagem., G. Hagemann. Brong., A. Brouguiart. Haid., Wm. Haidiuger. Brilok., Urban F. B. Briickmanu. Harlm., C. F. A. Hartmann. Chap., E. J. Chapmau. Haua. {Eauam.), J. F. L. Hausmann. Clear., Parker Cloavelaiid. Hebr., Hebrew. Cov., Niccola Covelli. Henck., J. Fr. Henckel. Croer., Croerning. Herm., Rudolph Herrmann. Croust., Axel vou Cronstedt. Herod., Herodotus. D'Andra., Jose Bonifacio D'Audrada e Herrg., Christiano Herrgen. Silva. Hessenb., Fr. Hesseuberg. D'Argen., A. J. Desalliers D'Argenville. Hining., W. Hisiuger. Daub., Auguste Daiibree. Hofin., C. A. S. Hofman. Dela. (Delameth.), J. C. Delam^tberie. Jlolmb., H. J. Holniberg. Des Cloiz. (Desc), A. Des Cloizeaux, Humb., F. W. H. A. von Humboldt. Qa 6& BULLETIN 33, UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. Huys., August Hnyssen. Raahl., Phillip Rashleigh. Igela., L. J. Igelstrom. Razou., Gr6goire de Razoumovski. Itah, Italian. Reich., Reicheustein. Jack., C. T. Jackson. Retz., A. J. Retzius. James. (Jam. ), R. Jameson. Roche., Rochefoucauld. Johusl., J. F. W. Johnston. Romano., A. Romanovski. Jord., J. L. Jordan. Salv., G. Salvetat. Earst., D. L. G. Karsten. Sandb., Fridolin Sandberger. Keying., G. A. Kenngott. i>aus., H. B. Saussure. Kerst., Kersten. C. Scac, A. Sacchi. Kirw., R. Kirwan. Schafh., Carl E. Schafhautl. KJapr., M. Klaproth. H. Scheer., Th. Scheerer. Koksch. (Koks.), N. von Kokscharof. Schnei., R. Schneider. Lamp., W. A. Lampadius Schonb-, Chris. Friedrich Schonbein. Lat., Latin. Schum., H. C. Schumacher. Leonh., C. C. Leonhard. Severg., Basil Severgiu. Leymer., Alexandre Leymerie. Seyb., Henry Seybert. Libav., Andr. Libavius. 5Aep.,C. U. Shepard. Lind. (Lindstr.), G. Lindstrom. Span., Spanish. Linn., C. Liuuieus. Strom., Fr. Stromeyer. M.,W.H. Miller. Svan., Lars Fredrik Svanberg. Macgr., W. Macgregor. Tesch., J. E. Teschemacher. Macq., L. C. H. Macqaart. Theoph., Eresius TheophrastuB. Mask., N. S. Maskelyne. Men., G. Meueghini. Tho7n., T.Thomson. Mex., Mexican. Tromm., Johann Bart Tromraedorf. Mitch., James Mitchell. Tscher., Giistav von Tschermak. Mong., J'Andr6 Mongez. Ull., J. C. Ullmanu. Mont., Teodoro Monticelli. Vauq., Louis Nicholas Vauquelin. Nap., Charles A. G. Napione. Vitruv., Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. Natim., C. F. Nauman. Von Bonsd., P. A. von Bonsdorff. Nea., Julius Nessler. Von Kob., Fr. von Kobell. Non., Nonnull. Von Walters, (von Walt.), W. Sartoriup Nord. (Xordeyisk.), N. A. E. Nordenskiold. von Waltershausen. Nutt., Thomas Nuttall. Von Zeph., Victor von Zepharovitch. Pell., Bertrand Pelletier. Wacht., T. Wachtmeister. Pers., Persian. Wall; J. G. Wallerius. Petr., Pietro Petrini. Wahn., E. Walmstedt. Pharm., Pharmacopoeia. Weib., Paul Chr. Weibye. Phil, W. Phillips. Wtis., A. Weisbach. Plat., C. F. Plattner. Wern., A. G.Werner. Plin., C. Pliny. Wollast., William Hyde WoUaston. Bado., Octave Rodoszkovski. Woodw., J. Woodward. Ramm., C. F. Rammelsberg. Zinki, J.
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