2658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. JULY 6,_ SENATE. REP-ORTS OF COMMITI'EES. Mr. WARREN. I run directed by the Committee on Appro­ THURSDAY, July 6, 1911,. priations, to which was referred the bill (H. R. 12109) to sup­ The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. ply a deficiency in the appTopriations for contingent expenses Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. of the House of Representati'ves for the fiscal year 1911, and The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday·s for other purposes, to report it with amendments, and I submit proceedings. a report (No. 93) thereon. I give notice that I shall call up Mr. SMOOT. I ask that the further reading of the Journal the bill for consideration later in the day or to-morrow. be dispensed with. · The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will be placed on the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Utah asks unani­ calendar. mous consent that the further reading of the Journal be dis­ Mr. WARREN, from the Committee on Appropriations, to pensed with. which was referred the amendment submitted by Mr. LoDGE on l\fr. BORAH. I suggest the absence of a quorum. .May 11, 1911, proposing to appropriate $46,491.95 in settlement The VIOEJ PRESIDENT. Is there any objection to dispensing of the accounts of Paymaster John W. Morse, United States with the reading of the Journal? No objection is heard. The Navy, etc., intended to be proposed to the general deficiency Journal, without objection, stands appro-ved. The Secretary appropriation bill, asked that the committee be discharged from will call the roll. its further consideration and that it be referred to the Com· The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ mittee on C1aims, which was agreed to. swered to their names : Mr. SHIVELY, from the Oon;imittee on the Census, to whicU'. Bacon Cullom Mccumber Shively was referred the bill (H. R. 2983) for the apportionment of Borah Cummins Martin, Va. Smith, S. <J. Representatives in Congress among the several States under the Brandegee Curtis Martine, N. J. Smoot Thirteenth Census, reported it without amendment and sub.. Briggs du Pont Nelson Stone mitted a report (No. 94) thereon. Bristow Gug~enheim Overman -Sutherland Brown Heyourn Owen Swanson Ur. LA. FOLLETTE. I ask unanimous consent to file the Bryan Hitchcock Page Warren views of the minority on the apportionment bill reported from Burnham Johnson, Me. Penrose Watson the Committee on the Census. I nm prepared to file the views Burton Johnston, A.la. Perkins Williams Chamberlain Jones Poindexter Works at this time, but some members of the committee whom I hope Clapp La Follette P0merene to haye join in the report are absent from the city, and there­ Culberson Lippitt Root fore I ask leave to file that report later. 1\fr. OVERMAN. The Senator from Louisiana [Mr. FosTER] The VICEl PRESIDENT. The Senator from Wisconsin asks is neces~arily absent from the Chamber this morning on impor­ permission to file at a later date the views of the minority upon tant business before the departments. the apportionment bill. Is there objection? The Ohair hears Mr. BURNHAM. The senior Senator from New Hampshire none, and the order is entered. [Mr. GALLINGER] is necessarily absent. Mr. DU PONT, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to Ml'.. SHIVELY. l\fr. colleague [Mr. KERN] is necessarily ab­ which was referred the bill (S. 2518) to provide for raising sent from the city on important business. the volunteer forces of the United States in time of actual oi: The VIG1U PRESIDE~~. Forty-six Senators have answered thra.n.tened war, reported it with an amendment and submitted: to the roll call. A quorum of the Senate is present. a report (No. 95) thereon. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. REPORT OF MOl\'"ETARY COMMISSION. The VICE PRESIDENT presented resolutions adopted by Mr. CUl\I.MIN"S. i\Ir. President, I think it is proper in thia the Central Conference of American Rabbis, at St. Paul, Minn., order of business to make an inquiry of the chairman of the favoring the abrogation of the tre::1.ty between the United States Finance Committee. In the early days of the session I introJ and Russia, which were referred to the Committee on Foreign duced a bill (S. 854) requiring the Monetary Commission to Relations. make a final report on or before the first day of the next ses­ He also presented a memorial of Local Chapter, American sion of Congress, and also providing for the discharge or disso­ Woman's League, of Iola, Kans., remonstrating against the lution of the commission the day after the meeting of Congress. action of the Post Office Department in authorizing the distribu­ I think it is universally felt throughout the country that a tion at public expense of copies of Senators' speeches attacking commission which was organized more than three years ago the American Woman's League, which was referred to the Com­ for the purpose of presenting a measure to avert financial panics mittee on Post Offices and Post Roads. in the future should make a report, so that we may be provided Mr. BRISTOW presented a memorial of sundry citizens of with the material which will enable us to act speedily at the Kansas, remonstrating against the proposed reciprocal trade next session of Congress upon this very important subject. agreement between the United States and Canada, which was I ask the chairman of the Finance Committee when, in hiS ordered to lie on the table. opinion, we may expect a report upon the bill I so introduced. Mr. WORKS presented memorials of sundry citizens of Eu­ Mr. PENROSE. Mr. President, there is no disposition on the reka, Cal, remonstrating against the passage of the so-called part of the Finance Committee not to give consideration to the Johnston Sunday rest bill, which were ordered to lie on the bill inh·oduced by the Senator frDm Iowa. It would only seem table. natural to confer with the chairman of the .Monetary Commis­ Mr. BURNHAM presented a memorial of Local Grange, Pa­ sion. 'rhere is indirect information that he will be prepared trons of Husbandry, of Bow, N. H., and a memorial of Loudon to report in any eyent next December. My information has Center Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Pittsfield, N. H., been that he is expected almost any day in Washington. I remonstrating against the proposed reciprocal trade agreement will make a further effort to communicate with Mr. Aldrich, between the United States and Canada, which were ordered to and I assure the Senator from Iowa that I will call a meeting lie on the table. qf the committee next week and then take the matter up for Mr. PERKINS presented a memorial of the board of directors consideration. There is no disposition whatever to delay it. of the 1\ferchants' Exchange of San Francisco~ Cal., relative to l\fr. CUMMINS. I am very glad to have this assurance from the fixing at an early date of tolls to be charged for passage the chairman, because there is no reason for delay. It is a very: through the Panama Canal, which was refen-ed to the Com­ plain matter, and it is highly necessary not only that we act upon mittee on Interoceanic Canals. the subject at the next session, but it is equally necessary that 1'Ir. BilAl'\DEGEE presented a memorial of the Ancient Order we relieve the Treasury of the United States from the burden· of Hibernians of Southington, Conn., remonstrating against. the of this commission. ratification of the proposed treaty of arbitration between the IlILLS INTRODUCED. United States and Great Britain, which was referred to the Com­ Bills were introduced, read the first time, and, by unanimous mittee on Foreign Relations. consent, the second time, and referred as follows : )Ir. RAYNER presented a memorial of Elizabeth Grange, No. By Mr. WORKS: 135, Patrons of Husbandry, of Cortner, Md., and a memorial of A bill (S. 2949) to establish a hydrographic station at Los Local Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of .Medford, Md., remon­ Angeles, Cal.; to the Committee <>n Na-rnl Affairs. strating agfilnst the proposed reciprocal trade agreement be­ A bill (S. 2950) grunting an increase of pension to Charles IJ~ tween the United States and Canada, which were ordered to Hubbs (with accompanying papers); to the Committee on lie on the table. Pensions. i\Ir. BOURNE presented a memorial of Cedar Grove Grange, By l\1r. BURNHAM: No. 320, Patrons of Husbandry, of Columbia County, Oreg., A bill (S. 2951) granting an increase of pension to Joshua; remonstrating against the proposed reciprocal trade agreement Pinkham ; and between the United States and Canada, which was ordered to A bill (S. 2952) granting an increase of pension to Jolm :a\ lie on the table. Doeg; to the Committee on Pensions. / '1911.- CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-SEN.ATE. 2659 By Mr. PENROSE: Mr. BACON. Mr. President, it is utterly impossible for us to A bill (S. 2953) to grant an honorable discharge to George P. gather what is going on. The Chair asked if there was objec­ ()handler; to the Committee on Military Affairs. tion, but we do not know what the request is. A bill ( S. 2954) granting an increase of pension to Sarah The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Idaho asked Belcher; to the Committee on Pensions. unanimous consent to recommit to the Committee on the Philip­ By Mr. RAYNER: pines Senate bill 2761, which has heretofore been reported and A bill (S. 2955) granting an increase of pension to Barbara is now upon the calendar.
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