deus caritas magazine est Brothers of Charity | Broeders van Liefde | Frères de la Charité Vol. 14 | #1 | jan 2014 focus: EXHUMATION P.J. TRIEST editorial deus Wake up the world! Schud de wereld wakker! 03 caritas Réveillez le monde ! magazine india Rich and poor, the land of extremes, est yet all are religious 09 Rijk en arm, het land van de extremen, Vol. 14 | #1 | jan 2014 maar allen religieus Riches et pauvres, le pays d’extrêmes, mais tous marqués de religiosité india World Mental Health Day 14 Werelddag van de Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg Journée Mondiale des Soins de Santé Mentale india Strong coffee at Simalia 20 Straffe koffie in Simalia Café serré à Simalia belgium Father P.J. Triest reburied Vader Triest herbegraven 24 Réinhumation du Père Triest 2 Exhumation P.J. Triest kenya “HIV-positive and still positive” “HIV-positief en toch positief” 31 “Séropositifs mais néanmoins positivés” rwanda Light shines in the darkness Het licht schijnt in de duisternis 35 La lumière luit dans les ténèbres burundi Burundi on the rise colophon Burundi in opmars 38 Le Burundi en progrès Fratelli della Carità Via Giambattista Pagano nr. 35 i-00167 Roma News from the general administration 00-39-06-66.04.901 Nieuws uit het generaal bestuur 00-39-06-663.14.66 41 Nouvelles de l’administration générale www.brothersofcharity.org [email protected] Associate members — Editor Aangesloten leden 42 Bro. Dr. René Stockman, Membres associés Superior General — Lay-out Filip Erkens In memoriam 43 deus caritas est editorial 03 wake up the world! 09 n 29 November 2013, the end of the kingdom of God without compromise! interpret our charism and keep it full of General Assembly of the Union of We will have to prove our genuineness as energy. Of course, we need to be very me- OSuperiors General in Rome, the prophets, for it is the devil’s work to give ticulous about this and not just stick to a members were received in the Paul VI Au- false inspiration and to present ourselves few changes in style; it should be about dience Hall by Pope Francis. I was not able as fake prophets. Prophets make noise the mentality that it embodies. Incultura- to attend the meeting due to illness. What when they need to, but it will always be tion of charism is therefore something fun- was meant to be a brief gathering turned about the proclamation and the continu- damental and will never be reduced to a 14 into a 3-hour open conversation with the ation of the kingdom of God. relative concept, quite the contrary. With Pope. The secretary sent me the report, Important in this is that we continue to an on-going process of internationalisa- and I would like to share a few ideas with make a clear distinction between the es- tion, we will need to pay attention to a sol- you. sence of our institute and our apostolic id selection of candidates, interreligious The theme of the meeting was ‘Wake up works. Everything should come from our dialogue, and a sound representation of 20 the world!’, a rather big challenge for the charism, and it will make us more creative the different cultures in the executive bod- orders and congregations. Religious, as ies of the Congregation. well as all members of the Church, should The brother vocation was discussed as a be appealing to others by their example. special vocation within religious life, and It is a theme that the Pope has used re- the necessity to create more clarity on the peatedly. His starting point is always the matter. A document is being drafted and 24 position that we must all confess that the Pope specifically asked the Congrega- we are sinners. However, this should not tion for Institutes of Consecrated Life and keep us from being true witnesses, and as Societies of Apostolic Life to look into the 3 a result we will appeal to others. It is the matter. According to the Pope, the fact is way in which we are witnesses, prophets that the decrease in the number of brother in this world. That is why we must be on vocations by no means can be considered 31 the periphery, away from our central, se- as this form of consecrated life nearing its cure, and peaceful places, for only on the end. “Rather, let us understand what God periphery, close to the people, we will get wants to say to us”, was the Pope’s reac- to know reality. The true analysis of this tion. reality does not take place behind a desk It was repeated that we should pay a great or somewhere far removed from the peo- deal of attention to formation and training. 35 ple who are concerned. A Jesuit, he likes Formation as part of religious life should to refer to the former Superior General of always rely on four pillars: spiritual, intel- the Society of Jesus, Fr. Pedro Arrupe, who lectual, community, and apostolic. These at a certain time made an appeal to really and guide us along new roads. This char- four elements should always be developed go to the poor and be affected by the raw ism can never be constricted to the works simultaneously. As I was reading this re- situation, so to speak. If we do not, we run that we traditionally perform, and even port, our own formation plan sprung to 38 the risk of becoming abstract ideologists less so to the institutions that we have mind seeing that it clearly has all of these or fundamentalists, which is not healthy, built. As religious, we must dare to tran- elements. The Pope attaches great impor- neither for ourselves nor for the world scend these institutions. tance to the sincerity with which and to- around us. As a specific example, he cited The Pope was clear about this charism, wards which young people are instructed the pastoral care of youth: we will have to certainly in light of the growing interna- in order to prevent them from rigidly stay- develop a new language for them, a new tionalisation, which many orders and ing in line during formation and then dis- 41 way of introducing things. In the end, it congregations are experiencing today, as regard what they were taught during their is always about this special task that the well as the distinct shift to Africa and Asia. formation once it is finished. This is pure Lord gave to us all: “Go out to the whole He used a colourful image: charism must hypocrisy, and we must beware of it. It is world; proclaim the gospel to all creation” never be like a bottle of distilled water. We as though they are counting the days to 42 (Mk 16:15). It just means following Jesus should always look for ways to incultur- finally take off the uniform they put on. himself; he also went to see everyone, ate this charism, it needs to be lived and Another danger is clericalism, the fact without exception, and particularly to experienced in line with the location, the that some think that they are better than those on the fringes of society. time, and the people. That is why we must other Christians. It is an old sore that has 43 What should our proclamation be? The be willing to take the risk to culturally re- not been eradicated and that is still lurk- magazine | 2014 # 01 ing and taking new shapes. This remains a Christians but where we do need to preach times very far removed from this message. real danger in the young churches. Forma- the Gospel. We are particularly talking We must have special concern for children tion needs to be clear about to whom one about people living on the fringes of soci- of divorced parents and children who are is going to be sent, so actual contact with ety, people who are abandoned, and this growing up in very special circumstances. God’s people remains vital, also during can be very taxing for those who are sent Finally, the Pope announced that 2015 the period of formation. We are not train- to these places. “The first criterion should will be the year of consecrated life. With ing administrators or managers but broth- be that the best are sent to these places and words of gratitude, he said goodbye to the ers who are to become fellow travellers of that they are well prepared. Good judgment superiors. “Thank you for what you do, for the poor. is required as well as an equally sound your spirit of faith, and for fulfilling your The Pope is rather critical about accepting prayer life. Superiors are asked to be very mission. Thank you in particular for your candidates who were turned away else- close to these brothers.” witness, for the martyrs who you continue where. “We are to grant sinners forgive- In addition, cultural life and education to give to the Church, and for the humilia- ness, for we are all sinners, but we need to remain very important to religious. Educa- tions that you often suffer: it is the way of be careful when it comes to those who are tors should always be aware of the fact that the Cross.” ¶ ‘corrupt’”, and here he refers to the guide- they are preaching the Lord Jesus Christ, lines that were issued for cases of abuse. in a climate and to a generation that is at Bro. René Stockman The next topic that was addressed, was community life.
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