mn urn i^icom lAtiu^kmnicm wnm EAHBAHA htm HAWK, kS^lS. in H.K. A THESIS in chmmm mn tEXTiLss $\tls>]^ttad to tha araduata FaouXty of faxaa TaahnoXogioaX CoXXaga in rartiaX ruXfiXXi»ant of tha Raqttirawanta for tlia Pagraa of Approvad 'Cliiiir»an of feha Co^lttaa Aeoaptad t^an of iba SraduaJbTa !l6hooI AurnUJat, X966/ ({^Cfi'OTi^.B so u T3 o c - >'>u ACKMO^LKDCIfm^TS t aa daapXy indabtad to &r« Qeni^ ShaXdan for har diraeticm of tuia tiiaais and to V^T* Ann 0untin, who ^9r^%^ mi my eo»^ittaa« Othars irhoaa haXp «raa eaaantiaX to tha sueeaaa of this study arat tiart^ara SoomiarviXXa, Sxaautiva Diraator of CSuadaXupa Contort Connia WiXXiama, instructor at llot>art ^anaa SahooXi Juanita HaXXbarg, iaatruotor at laliaXX PowaXX Univaraity of Baautys Hisa LoXa Draw and har advanead aquipmant atudants, Sua HoXXingaworth and Karon Totsfhordof and othar ooXXaga atudanta, CaroXyn Andraa, Janat Haupin, and ICathy MaCarty, My appraeiation is aatandad to lira* Auhray EoaaaXX, Diatriot 5uparviaor, Cooparativa Extanaion Sarvica in Taxaai eXothing spaaiaX-- ista of tha FadaraX Extanaion Sarvioa, Taxas; and other atata Extanaion ^arviaoa. ii TABLE 0? conum'^s Faro ACKHOtfLEmiMBNtS »*•.*•»««»#.••«•.•« ii U5T OF TASJU^ • * • • • « V Chaptor I. intmmGfxon • • • « ••••••• x Soopa of FroOXaai ••••••»•«•»•• 5 C^Jaotivaa •••••••••••••«•• 6 l^finition of f9vm» •••••*•«••»• 7 Limitations and Conditions of itudy • « • « 8 XI. i^nE« OF Lit^mwm . • • * » • 9 JUatiii«»Aiaarioan CuXtura ••«••••••• 9 HiatorieaX ^aoligroitnd of l^tin Anariaana In tha Unitad Stataa • • • • • XO tatin«»AaariaaA FopuXation ••••••• X7 Eduaation •»•••••••••»••• X9 Inooi«» ••«•••••••«••*••• 20 OanaraX Oharaotariatiea •••»»*•• 2X Th9 OuXtura of Fovarty «••»• 2C lilhat la Fovarty • •••••• 26 tfhara Ara tha Foor •«• •• 29 Charaotariatios of Low Ineo»a FaopXa 30 iii iv Faga FayehoXogy of Draaa and Appaaranea * • • 35 of Color •*••*•• 4X Fashion fharapy • ••*•••• 42 Eduoatio«iaX Frograsia ^3 duadaXupa Cantar *3 Exparianaaa in Clothing and taxtiXaa Frograna for tha Maadvantagad « • IsipXi oat ions Drawn from titaratura • 50 52 III* FMOOSI^imE «««»a«>«*««M>**»« FXIIDIII03 •**•»•»•«*«••#•• 58 conawBiom Am mcmnmmtxmB • * • * OonaXualona • « # • • • • • • • 96 EaooitiNiindationa »*•«••••••• XOX LIST OF HIFEBEIfCEa »••»•*•••«•••• X03 AFrl»lfPlA «*«*»«»tt»»w •«•••••« • « X08 LIST OF TA0IJ3 TabXa Faga X« FaraonaX Information Ooneaming B^y^nt^mn Latin**Anarloan Wostan and Thair FamiXias, Uibbook, t^xaa **«••••*•••••••, 39 2* iiouaing and FaraonaX Foasasaiona of a Group of Latin Aiaariaan FaasiXiaa 62 3* Haaraatien of Savantaan Latin^A^oriaan Woasan, LtibtMotolc, Taxaa ••*••••••«••• 68 %• Laundry Fraatioas of Savantaen Latin«» AsM^riear! ytmmn •••*•«•••«•*••*• 7X 5# Attltudaa about CXothingj in a Qrour of Latin-Amarioan Woa#n •••••«••••••• 73 6* Attandanaa at CXaasas for Latin«»Amariean l^oi^an «•••••»••*•••«••••••• 80 7, Laaaona **Hoat Bn$oy0^ and •Moat UaafuX* Aa SaXaetad by a c^roup of Latin«-AiiMiriaan Mmmn ••••••«•••«*••«•••••• 84 i« Diaouaaion of Laaaona by Class Hatibara with Othar Individuals or Sroupa • • • 90 9* Statad Intaraat in Laaaon fopiaa by a C3roup of Latin«-A2^riawFi Wotaan 93 CHAFTKH I <3ivt sm your tlrad, your poor, tour huddXad inasaaa yaaming to braatha fraa, tha wratahad refuaa of yoiir taaiain^ ahora, $%n4 thaaa, tha homaXass, tai^aat«»toaaad| to isat I lift fiiy iaap baaida tha goXdan door* Ci3 Tha appXioation of this inaeription on tha 3tatua of Liberty, Mmw fork Harbor, eouXd parhaps nswe as a 6ataXyat<*««i!iixad with Urban EanaifaX Frograma, tha War on Fovarty, and othar prograsia for tha sooiaXXy diaadvan- tagad««»to atiauXata individual and group intaraat and aation tonard aaaapting raaponaibiXlty in tha probXom of povarty* In his addraas to Congraas, Maroh X7, X964, Fresi- dant Lyndon B* Johnson apoka of tha *^ar on Fovarty.** Ha atatad that our national goal is to ^provide avary aitix«n irith opportunity to advanea his waXfar^ to tha limit of hia oapabiXitiaa*** Ha ohaXXangad oosaaunitiaa to mobiXisa thair raaouraaa to co:a{?at povarty through coaiaunity action pro^raas £2}* A groat daaX of a^phaais is baing pXaoad on this "I'ar on Fovarty* by suiny profassions and ornanisations. It is a aubjaot disouaaad daily in navspapars, ma^aainss, radio «md taXaviaion; thus it ia baforo tha pubXle eenstantXy* f9^ dany tha datri«^ntaX affaats of povarty, but a«iiy quastion how boat to appi'oaoh tha probXam* Hany p99pX0 who ara baing puahad into Xeadarahip roXaa ara finding thai^aaXvaa with no baaleground knowXadi^a of how or who ra to bai^in* In urban davaXopmant programa, taarin^ down slums has prormn to ba inauffioiant in oonquaring tha poverty probXam* DuhX and Chayaa ahaXXangas This baaioaXXy is what tha war against povarty ia aXX about«*«*a daaiai<m to in vast in tha oonaorvation, raeXamation and davaXopstant of huaian rasouroas* For thia, tha buXXdoaar la not anou#i. iaeauaa what ia invoivad in tha aost baaio sanaa, ia a ayatem of GOBW i»unieati<m* ^tciXXa nuat ba impartad, motivation inatiXXad and naada Bat* But for thia to happan, a moda of diaoouraa wiXX have to b9 aatabXiahad in whioh both tha poor and tha Xargar aooiaty ean par^ tiaipata ootafortabXy and sM»aningfuXXy* If wa ara to aommuniaata with tha poor, wa ahaXX hava to Xaam and raapaot thair Xanguaga* CJ] 'rha following quotations asiphaaixa tha important aapacta of povarty in tha 0nitad Stataa today* CarX Faisa, FXanning Bn^ lli^an HanawaX Consultant, Waahin^tton, 0* C*, atataat fundamantaX probXa® wa aXl faca is how, in our form of da»oaraay, wa aan satisfy human naada and prova to tha world at Xarf® that wa are abXa to pro« vida a way of Xifa that ia battar than that whioh oan ua providad by any othar aooiaX atruatura—not simply aa a »attar of parsonaX prl6.9 on our part but aisipXy baaauaa wa baXiowa aa human bainfs that hunan bainga ara tha moat inportant aXa»ant in tha world* Ct] daorija Samard Shaw fRada tha foXXowlni: rassartta in X928i Hodarn povarty is not tha povort^r that was blast in tha Salmon on tha Kountt tha objaction to it ia not that it siakaa paopXo unhappy, but that it dagradaa tha»| and tha fast that thay ean he quits aa happy in thair daisradation aa thair batters ara in thair axaX* tation makas it woraa* £5] Mr* Shaw*a atatamanta ara parhapa ao^awhat atrong, but thair aiaasaso oartainXy warrants mora than paaainf, thought* Farhapa rathar than aims, what tha poor noad laost ia aduoation to davaXop now attitudaa, vaXuaa, and skiXXs to iatprova thair Xot in Xifa* la mmj araaa tha prokXitm of povarty ia im^0 mora aauta or aoi^Xax by a largo nuaibar of forai^ bom and thair offspring* this ia trua in tha Southwoat whara thara is a Xarga nxmb^r of Latin Aaarioans with low inaoi»aa* Low inooaa Latin Ameriaana not only poaaasa »any of tha aharaatariatica of tha "ouXtura of povarty," but aXao ara pv<^4ue%B of tha llispanie culture which is quite diffarant from that of tha Anglo-'^axons* In X929, Varda iXlaabeth lilaton wrotat fha ^axioan pr<^Xa«s on tha Bouth FXains Is a Xiva and growing probXan that tha paopXa of tha 3outh FXains of faxaa ara going to ba foroad to faca in tha naar futura m^ tha soonar aXX ara swara of thia px^bXai^ and stops ara takan to eopa with tha situa* tion tha mora quiakXy thia partiauXar phaaa of tha raoa probXais wiXX ba aatiafaetorlXy sattXad for both tha aitieana that ara of tha Latin raoa in Maxiao and our 0mi pro dominant Xy AfigXo«»3axon race* [u] AXthoui;:h ^Uas Hint on inoorraatXy aXaaaaa tna Latins aa a raoa apart, har statanant is as raXavant today aa it was whan aha wrota it* The Latin«-A«arioan population is rapidly incraasing in thia araa, aXonc! with tha prob- Xais it broads* Dua to tha ineraaaad oaphaaia pXaaad on tha "¥ar againat Fovarty," tha author has found that har dutias as a hmm <9aonoRsist for tha Cooparativa Extension Sarviea inaXudad work with tha "undan rlvlXotad" or aociaXXy dis"* advantagad* Baoauaa of p9r9imitLX intarast mi6 Xaok of imowXadga and exp^ri^nm in worRinE- with Xow Incosia Latin- A»ariaan woman, tha author ohoaa a i>robXam whlah would hmlp to inoraaaa har aoa^atanaa in aueh woHt* The prob- Xaia was to davaXop furtliar undaratanding of motivational prooadur^a to h% uaad with Xow inaorm Latin<*Amariean famiXiaa, to identify probXams and ni&9iSi& of Xow inoosi^a Latin«*Aaiarioan fa»dXiaa which eouXd be allaviatad to aofsa axtant by an aduoationaX program in tha fiaXd of aXothiner and taxtiXaa, and to ^^'9iil^p a plan to atiaiuXata thair intaraat in is^roving thair appaaranaa and oXothing situations* In ordar for a horn© aeonomist to provlda frduoa«* tionaX programa for Latln-Asiaric&n woeian of Xow inoona situations, baokf^^romd infcrfaation is n9%d9iSLm Haadinta in anthropoXoiy, soeioXogy, and psyGhoXof;y provi^sa a aar- tain amount of undaratandini: or probXama invoXvad in planning aUueationaX prograas for thasa wowan and rlva sosta inaight into thair attitudaa, ouXturaX ha'Jita, and atandarda of living* No afiiount of raading, howavar, aan Bubstituta for aetuaX axparlanco in working with aotuaX paopXa and visiting In thair howaa* Ho amount of raadinfr aan oraata for ona trua paraaption of how tha Xow inooma Latin Amarioana Xiva, thair attitudaa toward thair sltua** tions, and thair hopas and daapaira* An important quaa- tion l»-^ean ona who has boon bom ^nd raarad in a iiiiddXa*«cXaas Anglo euXturo m'^^t' truly understand tha auXtura of povartyt fi?m baaleground for davaXopint this probXam inoXudad raadln^a inj (X) tha ouXtura of povarty, <2) tha Latin«-A]jiariaan ouXtura, (3) tha payohoXogioaX affeeta of aXothing and paraonaX appaaranaa and thair poaaibXa tharapautle values• Scopa of FrobXaai Aftar a survey of the abova ritantiiMnad Xitaratura, tha author aontactad tha diraator of CluadaXupa llaiifhbor- hood Cmntmr (Lubbooic, Taxas) r-ftardlng tha ponsibtXlty of workini?; with a group of woflsan thara.
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