MONOGRApH NO.2. CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 MONOGRAPH SERIES VOLUME I PART IV Field Investigation and draft S. N. SRIVASTAVA P.N.LAL Research design super'lJision B. K. ROY BURMAN, anJ':e4iting M.Sc.,D. Phil. FiYreword A. CHANDRASEKHAlR 315.478 1961 PON Mon 26642 OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, INDIA MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NEW DELHI-II lKNOWLEDGEWN'rS H.O. PANDE. S. N. SRIVASTAVA. S. K. PILLAI. P. K. PATNAIK. Office of the Municipality, PONDA. Cover Page S. K. PILLAI. K.K. KALRA. Tabulation O. G. JADIIA V. K. K. OHAWLA. S. P. JAIN. GIAN CHAND. Central Tabulation Unit. Dictation & Typing H. N. MANCHANDA. S. S. KAREER. S. N. KAPOOR. H. R. KAPOOR. G. L. BAWEJA. Typing B. N. KAPOOR. Proof Reading RATTAN SINGH. DHARAl\l PAL. CONTENTS (J1IAPTER PAGES List of Tables iii-v List of Appendices Vll-VIll List of Maps ix List of Sketches ix List of Plates x List of Annexures Xl FOREWORD 1-3 PREFACE • • • 5 I Introduction 7-22 II History of Growth of the Town 23-28 III Amenities and Services-hi::;tory of growth and the present position 29-51 IV Economic Life , 55-89 V Ethnic and Demographic characteristics of the population 90-LOO VI Migration and settlement of families in the Town 101-108 VII Family life in the Town • 109-113 VIII Neighbourhood pattern 114-122 IX Organisation of Power and Prci'ltige 123-130 X Leisure, Recreation, Religion and Crime 13]-118 XI Hinterland of Ponda . 149-152 XII Conclusion 153-155 Plates ]57-180 Appendices I-XXIX • !' 181-242 Annexure I-XV • 243-276 Glossary • • • 277-278 Tndex. • • • • 279-284 (i)-(ij) 1,lST OF T'A1U';ES .P:AGE'fl '1. Variation in maximum and minimum temperature monthwise:_1pondu. Town . '9 2. Variation in monthly rainfall for Ponda Town 10 3. Caste and community wise breakup for Bhailo :Bazar "ard 20 4. Caste and com.munitywise breakup for Dungabhat ward 20 5. Caste and communitywise breakup for Santa Oruz ward 20 '6. Caste and comrnunitywise breakup fOl 'Badar w>,trd 21 7. Caste and Coromunitywlse breakup for Khadpabandh • 2] 8. Cast" and communitywise breakup for Val'cornen ward 21 9. Income of Ponda Municipality from major sources 30 10. Expenditure of Ponda Municipality on,mQjor ,items . 31 J l. Monthly consumption of electricity by 'Ponda Municipality' fl9tm~66) 31 12. Journals and their particulars received by Municipal Library, l'onda , 32-33 18. Classification of books in Municipal Library, ,Ponda 38 14. Annual number of births and deaths, year bY'year recorded by iRegistmi&n'~. 36 15. Annual number of marriages, year by'year recorded 'by Registration. Office • S6 16. Monthly consumption of water by category and number of corummers in Ponda Town 37 17. Monthly consumption of electricity by categ.()~)" of consumptionin,Ponda Town in,Kwts . 38 18. Category and type of com,umers. in Ponda Town 39 19. Number of new connections given during 1965·66 by category of consumers 'iruiiae ana outside the Town 39 20. Incidence of death by oause in urban area {Ponda .!!'0'Wll) 43 gl. Oonsolidated statement of students by class on ro11s1n d:ti'£erent schools :of P6nd6 town as on 1"8-1966 ~ 22. (a) Rent charges fo~ different categories of rooms in Gitashram Hotel . 50 (b) Particulars of different categories of employees in Gitasmam Rotel. 50 2B. Distribution of population and wo:t'Joors .by t6Xffor Ponda l'.rown' (196Q'~enau~) 55 24. Distribution of population mId WOMre.:'S 'by 'se:x ,for various clttegories df :puptd4tion in Ponda concelho and'Goa dilitrict'(!l960rOensus) . 25. Industrial classification of population ib.to va:dous catego~ies of wotIrers 'Yo.. Fonda 'aba. Goa (Total, rural and urban) 3.1:- per 1960 Census 26. Relation of wo:clrers in St.condal'Y ~ecto.r to tertiary sector in different 8rl;las of Ponda ,and Goa (Total, rural and urban) as per 1960 Census '08 27. Workers and non-workers in sample h.ouseholds by age-group,aJld 86K • 59 28. Workers and non-wo; kel'S 'in '8amJ.lle hou~\.;hdIas 'by 'lHligion, 'OO6te rand" 60 29. Non-workers in sample householils"bY'Mture of-MtiVity, age 'group imd'l'eHgion 01 30. Dishibution of the sample households with rafereIlce to t'he number 61 pritna;ry occupa- tion.., for vari(}us members of the households by re1igion . • . 31. Distribution of houl:.ehold" by association of the subsidiary occupations w~th Iprimary occupations '(iii) (iv) PAGES 3~. Distribution of homeholds by association of primary occupation with sub'!idiary occupa· tim .. 63 33. Number of household, and number of BU bsidiary oecu pations returned hy religion 63 34. Number of hours of work as found to be in different occ11pations . 64 35. S<..xwise division of labour in differeat agricultural operatio.l~ 66 36. Sexwise wage rat." by ca.tegory of agricultural opGrations . 67 37. Variation in wage index for different agricultural operations in Ponda 67 38. Variation in annual output of producti:)ll of Matches Goa Private, Limited 70 39. Variation in staff position b) category of work~rs for Matches Goa Privnt", Limited 71 40. Wage rateJor differ~nt categories of worvers for Matches Goa Private, Limited 7] 41. Variation in numbar of tyrell retreaded armually for Tyresoles Goa Private, Limited 72 42. Volume of "Work month by motlth in 1965 for Tyresoles Goa Private, Limited • . 72 43. Annual Money value of output and net profit earned by Tyresoles Goa Private, Limited 73 44. Staff pOl'tition of workers year by year for Tyresoles Goa Private, Limited 73 45. Gategory of names of shop'! surveyed . 75 46. Time of establishment of shops with reference to commoditLs dealt with 75 47. Particulars of shopow.lers by religion and caste with reference to type of shops 76 48. Educ9tional backgrou,ld~ of the owners of different. types of shops 77 49. Particulars of shop workers, analysed with reference to rt'lationship "ith the oW'ners. 78 50. Area of origin of shopwarkers working as paid emplo) I;;ltS •• 78 51. Mothartollgu j of shopwarkers Vl-orv-in~ as paia emnloyees in dif'ttlrent tyoes of shops 79 52. Religion of shop"'orkers working as paid employees ill different typ{S of shops . 79 53. Caste of shop Vl-orkers worving as paid emploj ees ir difterent types of shops 79 54. Relation between commul'it) of th) \\orkers and community of thr enmlo}ers . 80 55. Description 01 the buildings "herf t.h.· shops are housed and natnre of other tstl1blishments in the same buildings . 81 56. Types of furnitUfe in different types of shops 82 57. Display of goods in different types of shops . 83 58. Other amenities available in ditrerent types of shops. 84 59. Ownership of rented buildings in which different types of shops are situated 81- 60. Monthly rents paid by different types of shops. 85 61. Comparison of the rent actually paid and the estimated rental value of the shops In May, 1966 .......••.. 86 62. Places of residence of the shopkeepers and ownership of the residential houses 87 63. Sexwise distribution of population in sample households 90 64. Sexwis e distribution of population by age and marital status . 91 65. Sexwise distribution of population by religion, caste and marital status. 92-93 66. Sexwise distribution of population by age at marriage and time of marriage . 94 67. Sexwise d\."tribution of population by number of households, religion and caste . 95 68. Sexwise distribution of population by religion, caste, time of marriage and average age at marriage ... • . • 96 69. Distribution of households by religion, caste and marriage payment received during the marriage of boys and girls. .•....... 96 70. Gotras found among the dHlerent castes . ... 97 71. Distribution of the sample population by age, sex and educational status 98 72. Distribution of population by religion, caste, sex and education 99 73. Distribution of population by mother tongue, religion and caste . 100 74. Place of birth of individuals by religion and caste .... 101 75. Characteristics of the places from where migration took place in sample households 102 76. Reasons for settlement in the town. • . 104 77. Nature of first migration in sample households . 104 78. Property in the places of origin in sample households . 104 79. Frequency of visiting close relations in the sample households. • 107 (v) PAGES 80. Frequency of being visited by close relations living in the places of origin 108 81. Composition of households by number of ITl0mbers . 109 82. Distribution of households by age and sex of members 109 83. Nature of composition of households with reference to relation with head of respective households 110 84. Close kins who are staying outside the Town by category of relations 110 85. Presont addr~ss of the kins living outside and the purpose for living outside 111 86. Remittances recci\'(}(} or sent to close kins staying outside III 87. Frequency of home coming by the close kins staying outside 112 88. Frequency of vif.lit to rural areas by member:; of the households during one year with referenca to distanco of place visited. 112 89. Prestige score based on opinion of heads of households and their particulars 123 90. Prestige scoro based on opinion ofknowledgecble persons and their particulars 124 91. Influence score, based on opinion of hel',ds of households and their particulars. 126 92. Influence score based on opinion of knowledgeable persons and their p.uticulars 126 93. Religious groups, caste and occupations dominant in (I ifferent localities 127 94. Concentration of leadership role inside the town held by different persons and their particulars.
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